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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-16-2011 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by CEID
Sorry if this has been asked/answered before but what do u think the impact on WSOP '11 from all this is going to be? Other than the less online pkgs to be won = less entrants ofc. Whats going to happen with the tv coverage of it? No beef turkeys? No jack beef wild card? No norman chad?
Same as always. Some luckbox with Cada his way through the tourny with pocket dueces and win it all.
04-16-2011 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by needdiaper$
If we ACTUALLY ORGANIZE in every single major city in the US, I guarantee they will have to listen. If they still don't listen because of the reason you mentioned, then we must be prepared to take it to the next step, and ORGANIZE on campaign finance reform. We bring media attention to the fact that the only reason online poker is attacked is NOT BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL OR IMMORAL, BUT BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE LOBBY MONEY LIKE ONLINE SPORTS BETTING, LIKE TOBACCO COMPANIES, LIKE THE BIG BANKS WHO JUST ROBBED US FOR BILLIONS AND HAD NOONE GO TO JAIL.....I, AND MANY LIKE ME ARE READY TO GO TO WAR.........
For now we focus purely on getting our funds back and legalizing online poker, but we must be prepared to continually up the stakes if our message is not heard.
Not a bad idea i only read the first few lines but i liked that part but uh ya this is 2+2 prob not going to happen ill go out there tho with a sign
04-16-2011 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by jmaddox55
Do you really think the IRS has the resources to go after 100,000+ people. Think about statements before you post them idiot. They are only going after the source (poker sites) because it is the most cost effective and it brings publicity.
Actually the IRS isn't going after the poker sites either. They haven't even entered the scene, and with the government diverting all its funds to DHS and Cruise Missiles, not exactly staffed to enter.
04-16-2011 , 09:30 PM
The District of Columbia City Council approved a budget in 2010 to allow its lottery system to offer Internet poker to its residents. According to the Wall Street Journal, the window for Congress to stop the bill has likely been closed.

Im curious, are there any us players there and can you still play??
04-16-2011 , 09:31 PM
System: $12,500 Guarantee ($50+$5 NL Hold'em with a $50,000 Guarantee) will be starting in 3 minutes.

woo full tilt
04-16-2011 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Flunkonmyduck
Not a bad idea i only read the first few lines but i liked that part but uh ya this is 2+2 prob not going to happen ill go out there tho with a sign
I hate picketing.. I just don't know how to show it.
04-16-2011 , 09:31 PM
The question I'm dying to see answered will this affect Ivey's website?!?
04-16-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
Actually the IRS isn't going after the poker sites either. They haven't even entered the scene, and with the government diverting all its funds to DHS and Cruise Missiles, not exactly staffed to enter.
I understand that the IRS is not yet involved. I was mocking the guy who posted it earlier. The only way that individuals playing poker in the US could get in trouble is not paying taxes (but the IRS is not going go back and look at everyone's record because they don't have the resources). This guy was basically implying that online poker is illegal in the US, which is 100% FALSE (except Washington state).
04-16-2011 , 09:32 PM
Wow, over a million views. Is that a record for 2p2? Please link other mil+ views threads.

04-16-2011 , 09:32 PM
when Black Friday comes ........
04-16-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by hitme1tim3
The District of Columbia City Council approved a budget in 2010 to allow its lottery system to offer Internet poker to its residents. According to the Wall Street Journal, the window for Congress to stop the bill has likely been closed.
I hear Eric Holder is buying in for 300 billion.
04-16-2011 , 09:33 PM
Hey guys, I'm still on page 246. Are VIP store purchases on Stars affected at all for US players if I were to do it now?
04-16-2011 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by One Voice
When you buy chips at Bellaggio you think they set up a separate account for you? Why do you think buying chips at FT is any different? Take a look at the balance sheet for any casino, you will see chips sold are listed as liabilities and the placement of that money is listed as an asset. It's all part of the general funds of the operation. That said, I feel FT & PS have the financial ability and legal arguments to prevail and pay off players eventually. Only time will tell.
Buying chips at Bellagio is not analogous to depositing at FT.

I have no idea whether casinos maintain accounts for high rollers. If they did, a deposit in such an account would be the proper analogy to deposting at FT. The proper analogy to buying chips at Bellagio is to sit or reload at a poker table at FT.

The jurisdictions in which PS and FT are licensed require that player deposits be segregated. There is no requirement of which I am aware in Vegas that proceeds from chip purchses be segregated.
04-16-2011 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by asthenic
despite the debatable facts and opinions someone please explain how this is the time to "rise up" with the PPA.

THere are thousands of new stories about these sites being involved in fraud, and money laundering...

They have been connected with other much more outright fraud schemes.

How is this the time to try and rise up and prove poker is legit? This has do with the fact that online poker is a bunch of offshore shady frauds who think they are ABOVE the law.

Somehow dont see a "legalize it" push being at all effective.
Agreed that these recent events have more to do with fraud/money laundering. But given the fact that our primary options for online poker (FT, PS, etc.) have been operated by alleged criminals, now WOULD be as good a time as any to push for legislation that allows legitimate companies to operate LEGAL online poker/gambling sites, and that push should start at a local/state level IMO.

Last edited by espm; 04-16-2011 at 09:39 PM.
04-16-2011 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Aceh0le
Hey guys, I'm still on page 246. Are VIP store purchases on Stars affected at all for US players if I were to do it now?
04-16-2011 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by fishtofinaltable
Wow, over a million views. Is that a record for 2p2? Please link other mil+ views threads.

04-16-2011 , 09:36 PM
Can we still play homegames?
04-16-2011 , 09:36 PM
psa: you can register for the $150 razz freeroll on ftp starting in 3 minutes!
04-16-2011 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by fishtofinaltable
Wow, over a million views. Is that a record for 2p2? Please link other mil+ views threads.

not even close, this one has 15 million views

i'm not going to bother to look but it's a record for fastest to 1 million views, i can't imagine a single story in online poker that ever deserved this much attention.
04-16-2011 , 09:37 PM
I was just able to login at PS and able to join a cash table? What Give? I'm in California...Then googled and found this. Is stars back for people with current accounts, but just not accepting new ones?

PokerStars Shuts Down – No More USA Players
April 16, 2011
If you are a USA player who had a PokerStars account, don’t worry. You will still be able to play online poker for real money. shows all the sites still accepting USA Players. Here you can also find deposit bonus information and reviews on all the sites that take USA players, as well as information on USA player deposit options.

04-16-2011 , 09:37 PM
Playing in 12,500 gtd on tilt!
04-16-2011 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Flunkonmyduck
Not a bad idea i only read the first few lines but i liked that part but uh ya this is 2+2 prob not going to happen ill go out there tho with a sign
right....when did Americans in the last 20 years fighted for their rights and demonstrated on the streets? I mean when did you become so lazy? Do something!!!
04-16-2011 , 09:39 PM
the UIGEA does not apply to poker. It didn't create any new law. It only refers back to the federal wire act which prohibits games of chance. Aside from the hypocrisy that America promotes all kinds of games of chance (lotteries for example) the fact remains that if you can prove that poker is predominately a game of skill, which it is, then by definition it is exempt from the UIGEA.
04-16-2011 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by espm
Agreed that these recent events have more to do with fraud/money laundering. But given the fact that our primary options for online poker (FT, PS, etc.) have been operated by alleged criminals, now WOULD be as good a time as any to push for legislation that allows legitimate companies to operate LEGAL online poker/gambling sites.
Alleged <> guilty.

Besides, they never cheated the players. The only cheat here is the US government.
04-16-2011 , 09:40 PM
is my FTP check gonna work in a few days?

*crosses fingers and holds breath*
