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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-16-2011 , 03:41 PM
I think Poker Players (alliance) should open a nonprofitable online poker room, rake free, where taxes would be paid by profitable players only on an annual basis in their respective countries instead of the rakes. Site can be maintained by adds and stuff like that and everybody's happy...
04-16-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by tom_dwonk
my player funds are not assets owned by PS and FT can people stop saying this. They can not use player funds to settle debts(as they are NOT assets), they do not own player funds, they can settle debts with retained earnings via rake selling owned property etc. I am not living or operating out of the US, the US government cannot take my moneys. End of thread.


The DOJ wants everything including all past earnings from these sites to the tunes of $3birrion plus huge fines and 30+ years of jail time for Isai/Bitar. If the DOJ gets its ways, Stars/Tilt will have absolutely nothing left except for a couple of broom handles to play with.
04-16-2011 , 03:42 PM

check it out!!!!!
04-16-2011 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Interesting thing is apparently stars makes about 500M profit a year. The numbers that the DOJ are talking about could really cripple stars. Interesting to see how these sites will be able to sustain themselves between the money seized, the fines, the loss of customer base, etc...
It could be similar to the Lehman Brothers free fall. The US is about 50% of the on-line market. Part of the DOJ's plan, is that customers will lose faith and demand to withdraw their money. The DOJ has enormous power. I don't like PS, FT, and UB's chances....I hate to say....
04-16-2011 , 03:46 PM
I have a check from FTP that was processed, approved, and sent on April 7th. It should arrive any day. Do you guys think I should try to cash it? If so would it be smarter to take it to one of those check cashing places that charge a fee as opposed to my bank? Or should I just hold on to it and wait and see what happens?

Any advice is appreciated, thanks.
04-16-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by CharlesBronson

The DOJ wants everything including all past earnings from these sites to the tunes of $3birrion plus huge fines and 30+ years of jail time for Isai/Bitar. If the DOJ gets its ways, Stars/Tilt will have absolutely nothing left except for a couple of broom handles to play with.
How can you pay fines with money that is not yours, nor is an investment(involving risk such as this)/asset in your company. Players funds are definitely a separate pool to ensure if things like this happen everything will be ok. You are thinking that by putting money on a poker site you are a stakeholder, you are not, your funds are not entitled to be used to settle debts lol Im not sure why this is so hard to understand. Your funds might be in jeporady if you are a US resident, if you are not their is no way the can take your funds or PS/FT can payout your funds to settle a debt.
04-16-2011 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by MorseStreet
I have a check from FTP that was processed, approved, and sent on April 7th. It should arrive any day. Do you guys think I should try to cash it? If so would it be smarter to take it to one of those check cashing places that charge a fee as opposed to my bank? Or should I just hold on to it and wait and see what happens?

Any advice is appreciated, thanks.
I would deposit it ASAP. Seriously!
04-16-2011 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky7777
I'm a US player in Calif, and I was able to get to the cashier by uninstalling my Pokerstars software and downloading the software from that site. After installing it, I could access my cashier and I was able to transfer money into my checking account here. I received the confirmation email a couple hours later than usual, probably due to all the requests.
REally?? Premium Bank wire?
04-16-2011 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by tom_dwonk
my player funds are not assets owned by PS and FT can people stop saying this. They can not use player funds to settle debts(as they are NOT assets), they do not own player funds, they can settle debts with retained earnings via rake selling owned property etc. I am not living or operating out of the US, the US government cannot take my moneys. End of thread.
Omg thank you. It is really starting to piss me off all of the people that don't know ****ing anything just being like ZOMG AMERICA IS TAKING ALL THE MONEYZ END OF STORY.

Our money is safe (MAYBE unless you are a US-player). The united states can not charge a world-wide corporation from across seas and take millions of non-US players money that are in banks across seas. The sites have the money in something called like the isle of man or some **** like that, its like an online gambling regulated and 100% legal set up for storing players money. People who say the US government is just going to seize all the funds are 100% wrong and just speculating. Sure some of it was fraudulently put into those bank accounts, but if your not a US citizen that has absoulutly nothing to do with them. The problem would arise if all the other countries starting following suite, but not all countries have the same laws, so they didn't put the money into the accounts fraudulently. If you are really concerned, look up your countries gaming laws before you decide to cash out or not.
04-16-2011 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by britesorb
I am still able to play as well. I have been logged in since before Midnight (Friday). I will keep playing until they do a server restart. The down side is I can't access the promotions website or the cashier page. I would need the new update in order to access the cashier. Doesn't matter to me though since I will be not be withdrawing at this point. Personally, I think the money is safer on site than in processor "black hole".
I'm a US player in Calif, and I was able to get to the cashier by uninstalling my Pokerstars software and downloading the software from that site. After installing it, I could access my cashier and I was able to transfer money into my checking account here. I received the confirmation email a couple hours later than usual, probably due to all the requests.
04-16-2011 , 03:50 PM
My big issue is that ftp and stars have millions of dollars of lawyers working for them right now. We have none. You are trippin on some serious cocaine if you think ftp and stars will just give us players back the hundreds of millions of dollars that are currently locked on our accounts without a fight. It is nothing personal, its just good business. I am calling my lawyer on monday to see what I can do. I suggest you all do the same.
04-16-2011 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by 4CardGrind
any thoughts on hiring legal help as a group to advise on this answer questions etc. as things develop?
If it happens, I'm in. People would rather keep ranting though.
04-16-2011 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by beloved_ltd
FT and PS's assets don't include the player accounts and they aren't part of the general funds - apart from that I think you're right.
When you buy chips at Bellaggio you think they set up a separate account for you? Why do you think buying chips at FT is any different? Take a look at the balance sheet for any casino, you will see chips sold are listed as liabilities and the placement of that money is listed as an asset. It's all part of the general funds of the operation. That said, I feel FT & PS have the financial ability and legal arguments to prevail and pay off players eventually. Only time will tell.
04-16-2011 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by tom_dwonk
How can you pay fines with money that is not yours, nor is an investment/stakeholder in your company. Players funds are definitely a separate pool to ensure if things like this happen everything will be ok. You are thinking that by putting money on a poker site you are a stakeholder, you are not, your funds are not entitled to be used to settle debts lol Im not sure why this is so hard to understand. Your funds might be in jeporady if you are a US resident, if you are not their is no way the can take for funds or PS/FT can payout your funds to settle a debt.
I think any legit business logic should be thrown out, considering the fact that the companies in question were clearly breaking fraud laws left and right. Unless you are the accountant for tilt /or stars, I'm thinking its safe to say that you have no idea how their books look. I would assume that the way that all of this is being kept track of may be just as shady as the way they were processing payments.

I know I will get flamed for this, and I strongly believe that they did what they had to do given the circumstances, but the simple matter here is they were committing fraud so we in the US (a huge share of the market) could deposit and cash out. A company who on a cash out relatively recently mis-represented themselves as a flower delivery service, or an ipod sales team...
04-16-2011 , 03:52 PM
If u look at the poker stocks that trade in London, u can see that some people knew this was coming for a week +. Now extrapolate that to who else might have had a clue.
04-16-2011 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by theprophe
Ummm, Norway is not in the EU
I live in Slovakia and here it's legal to play poker online but you have to pay a 20% tax of all your wins to the government and I believe it's the same in every country in the Eu.
04-16-2011 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by JimbozGrapes
Omg thank you. It is really starting to piss me off all of the people that don't know ****ing anything just being like ZOMG AMERICA IS TAKING ALL THE MONEYZ END OF STORY.

Our money is safe (MAYBE unless you are a US-player). The united states can not charge a world-wide corporation from across seas and take millions of non-US players money that are in banks across seas. The sites have the money in something called like the isle of man or some **** like that, its like an online gambling regulated and 100% legal set up for storing players money. People who say the US government is just going to seize all the funds are 100% wrong and just speculating. Sure some of it was fraudulently put into those bank accounts, but if your not a US citizen that has absoulutly nothing to do with them. The problem would arise if all the other countries starting following suite, but not all countries have the same laws, so they didn't put the money into the accounts fraudulently. If you are really concerned, look up your countries gaming laws before you decide to cash out or not.

While you are correct, a loss of lawsuit of these sites to the US gvt will likely cost them billions of dollars and could lead to bankruptcy indirectly screwing everyone who isn't US out of their money.
04-16-2011 , 03:54 PM
What is the general consensus of the reaction of non-US players so far? It's hard to tell I think, theres 216k playing on Stars as of now, but many posters have talked about withdrawing?

Im in the UK and was just about to deposit, and am uncertain where to now? Part of me agrees with the camp that are saying the US can't touch my money, and to believe PS that funds are safe, but the more logical part is thinking I may as well deposit on a Euro site till more is known, but can't be bothered sifting through all the new bonus offers etc and testing what sites/software I like..anyone else in the same boat?
04-16-2011 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Yowserrrs
If u look at the poker stocks that trade in London, u can see that some people knew this was coming for a week +. Now extrapolate that to who else might have had a clue.

This....Partygaming tanked a week ago losing 33% or so over a course of a coiple days..while it was gaining a little momentum yesterday the fact that people had inside knowledge of this that long ago is more alarming then anything.
04-16-2011 , 03:55 PM
anyone know if quick tender is affected?
04-16-2011 , 03:55 PM
I just read on FTP's website that they have an eGaming license issued by the Alderney Gambling Control Commission. At the AGCC's site they have a FAQ with some info that can be relevant to us:

"Is my deposit safe?
AGCC licensees’ “suitability” is a matter of careful investigation and the jurisdiction prides itself on the exclusion of criminal influence. However casino players’ money may also be at risk from business failure. AGCC requires its licensees to advise players, clearly, of the separate protection status of the player fund deposits in the casino, within three categories:
“Not segregated” – this means that the operator has not segregated player funds from the company’s own funds. Player funds are therefore at risk in the event of a business failure.
“Segregated” – this means that the player funds are held in one or more accounts separate from the business’s own funds and that the interest of the players in the account/s is noted in the title of the account. This may provide protection in the event of a business failure.
“Segregated and protected” – this means that the player funds have been segregated and the Commission has been given reasonable assurance that the segregation is likely to be effective in protecting the player funds in the event of a business failure.
The player is able to see the relevant status on each casino licensed in Alderney. "

So where can we find out what category FTP is in?
04-16-2011 , 03:55 PM
I have decent money on FTP but I dont see what the big worry is. We all knew what the sites were doing, and if we knew there were risks involved, they knew it too. I'm sure they have a great legal team and have had a contingency plan in place for this scenario long before it happened.

I'm just pissed I have to go play live, but at least I know when poker comes out of this recession there will be more fish than ever.
04-16-2011 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by King Niche
This makes me sad and very and bob wire had a nest egg on FT and now howards gone and got arrested for fraud..everyone shooulda known he was the nitty backseat criminal type..who remembers that clip of howard kicking it with danny negreanu at the buffet? daniel had a crazy centre partin and howard was sneakin the sandwich in his pocket.
this was way before daniel called his sister a slore.

I feel sorry for anyone who has a decent grip stuck in the elevator. Im very upset about this and im mad as rabid cat right players dont deserve this crap. we should be prized above farmers and nurses. they stack up blankets. we stack chips. They drive trolleys we drive whips and ships if you fly like ivey.

keep grind on the mind guys. they cant hold us down under our own jurisdiction we gotta fight back somehow. we need someone like doyle to help us. hes been in the game for 300 odd years knew bill hickock and he should be the face of our campaign. no **** my fat girlfriend looks like his son todd.

keep grind on the mind.

04-16-2011 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Petulkos96
I live in Slovakia and here it's legal to play poker online but you have to pay a 20% tax of all your wins to the government and I believe it's the same in every country in the Eu.
04-16-2011 , 03:55 PM
Its about time you americans starts to wake up!

Your country is NOT the land of freedom!

If you want freedom you must start fighting for it!!!!!
