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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-16-2011 , 05:31 PM
i like how all of those not in the US are talken **** on us. Like what you guys gunna do now, labling us the americans and we are sol.. etc. Just not the right thing to do. Money is serious, a lot of people are in a tangle right now and I wouldnt wish it on anyone.
04-16-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gunner171
Now maybe we will see if these online "superstars" can play real poker. Ante up suckers! about 18 hours ago via web

He seemed so much nicer when he could use us to build his fortune. The chump couldn't beat 2/4 online. What a ****ing bitter prick
[x] Dolly and company brought poker back from the grave
[x] Dolly got passed up in the game by young, often cocky, always confident 'kids'
[x] Dolly going to lose large revenue stream/s also
[x] Dolly trying to make light of a 'tragic' event
[ ] Dolly has been secretly harboring an evil side in attempts to lure online poker players to his website, and now he is going to unleash his vitriolic contempt for us all and this is just the beginning of a trash talking, cocky, strutting-his-stuff Dolly.
04-16-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by AppleZauc3
So if this is all going on for US players, where does that put all the pros that play on the US!?!? I'm not talking about semi talking about nosebleed stakes like ivey and durrrr....are they going to play on euro sites now???
Prob play Live short term, long term probably move to Canada/w.e. and open an account there
04-16-2011 , 05:32 PM
If there's any kind of "battle" that's going to happen with "seizures" of any funds, eqipment, software, etc, I bet the WORLD COURT will step in "against" the USA. I don't believe all the foreign countries are just going to "fold" & let the US take whatever they want or ruin the poker economy of their countries. I wouldn't be a bit suprised to see them (the WC) step into the fray, before any seizures happen & they could probably file some suits AGAINST the US for infringing on the their citizens' rights. If the DOJ isn't careful, they just might find themselves in a quagmire that could cost us untold millions of dollars & other blows they might not ever recover from. BE CAREFULLY US GOVERNMENT You want to take, but you might not be able to. You talk, but sometimes talk is very cheap.
04-16-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Free Huggs
So do you believe that an immigrant worker earning say $1500/month that ships $10K a year back to their home country is economically advantageous? For whom? This might be an unintentional red herring, let me refocus my point;

non-pro poker players are using 'expendable income' for 'entertainment' on a non-taxed and non-regulated activity. Further, US dollars are flowing from a company, to an employee, being deposited on foreign websites, and (sometimes) being lost to foreign individuals that (often) have no intention of putting the money in to the US economy.

I fail to see how this exchange is favorable for the US as a whole. I think your argument is that the two parties are theoretically benefited by the exchange; I am speaking of the impact to the economy of a nation, and subsequently the impact on the citizens of the nation as a whole.

Thanks for your thoughts.
They send pieces of paper back to their country which represents a future claim on our goods and services. When trade is free and capital is allowed to flow economies are more efficient. Protecting a segment of workers in society does not make our economy better.
04-16-2011 , 05:32 PM
To be considered laundering the money has to be used in a crime... does playing online poker constitute a crime? and to commited of defrauding a bank the bank has to have lost something... I don't see how it can be proven the banks have made nothing but money off of them... Sorry still dont see it
04-16-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by whydowe_fall
Still on FT. Playing from Las Vegas.
Nice, lets ride the wave! Games are soft, MTTs smaller, still with the same GTD's it looks like. Never getting off!

US FTP Survivors FTW!
04-16-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by RUSH HUDSON
If there's any kind of "battle" that's going to happen with "seizures" of any funds, eqipment, software, etc, I bet the WORLD COURT will step in "against" the USA. I don't believe all the foreign countries are just going to "fold" & let the US take whatever they want or ruin the poker economy of their countries. I wouldn't be a bit suprised to see them (the WC) step into the fray, before any seizures happen & they could probably file some suits AGAINST the US for infringing on the their citizens' rights. If the DOJ isn't careful, they just might find themselves in a quagmire that could cost us untold millions of dollars & other blows they might not ever recover from. BE CAREFULLY US GOVERNMENT You want to take, but you might not be able to. You talk, but sometimes talk is very cheap.
will lay you 10:1 this doesnt happen any amount with escrow
04-16-2011 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by msusyr24
tyty, this is Carr? Love your blog.
04-16-2011 , 05:35 PM
Anyone else having problems with the quadjacks stream? Audio keeps cutting off.
04-16-2011 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by IamPro
Prob play Live short term, long term probably move to Canada/w.e. and open an account there
WTF lol....idk man....we might see Ivey wearing a patch that says "partypoker" lol and maybe durrr would go to everest. Any news about where the pros would go to?
04-16-2011 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by asthenic
for probably the 10th time in this thread let me reiterate

Bank fraud / wire fraud / money laundering is EXACTLY what is mentioned in the indictment. Sure there are some legal loopholes, but the emails and proof are extremely damaging.

This is akin to russian fraudsters who used to open up merchant / payment processing accounts in the names of real companies and then charge all sorts of fraudulent charges through them and then wire the money offshore. That was outright fraud, but the gambling transactions are essentially the same in the DOJ eyes.

Look i cannot sign up for and open up a payment processor for my websites... then use this processor on my Porn pay site, or gambling site. This is FRAUD. The specifics might make u guys get confused, but you just simply cannot do this to a bank and expect to get away with it on this scale. It is not "tricking" banks or "tricking" payments. They bribed and lied to payment processors and im sorry it is bank / wire fraud.

Btw my knowledge of fraud leads me to believe that you could have charged back ANY of the e-checks coming out of your account and never be held personally liable. So essentially you could deposit 700 or whatever you max is, lose it on a flip then call up the bank when it goes through and claim you never approved such a withdraw. As far as I can tell these fictious companies would be charged back the amount and nothing would happen
yea my brother basically bounced an e-check and nothing happened. had me thinking of a pretty sick freeroll...
04-16-2011 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
It is a little tricky to prosecute people based upon it being illegal and legalize it at the same time.
Not tricky, absolutely critical!

That's what's so damn stupid about this. It just passed in DC without congressional complaint. (you can go to to get the link - excerpt below). and it's been put on the table in 5 or 6 others and is back on the table on the federal level. We have to keep pressing. In fact if we cave and say oh well, it's over, it was fun while it lasted, we and they will be scrooed. We need to keep pressing on a legislative level to show just how ludicrous their actions are - number one. Number 2, right now there are only allegations and no proof that fraud was committed (and only the DOJ's definitions which are specious at best). The best way to show that no crime was committed is to get the laws on the books ASAP and grandfather in preexisting companies.

DC To Launch Online Gambling
Expected to start late this summer

Updated: Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011, 6:28 PM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011, 4:44 PM EDT

* Sherri Ly

Sherri Ly

By SHERRI LY/myfoxdc

WASHINGTON - Online gambling is coming to the District. The city is the first in the nation to do it. The measure was part of the D.C. budget, which just passed the 30-day congressional waiting period.

Read more:
04-16-2011 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by RUSH HUDSON
If there's any kind of "battle" that's going to happen with "seizures" of any funds, eqipment, software, etc, I bet the WORLD COURT will step in "against" the USA. I don't believe all the foreign countries are just going to "fold" & let the US take whatever they want or ruin the poker economy of their countries. I wouldn't be a bit suprised to see them (the WC) step into the fray, before any seizures happen & they could probably file some suits AGAINST the US for infringing on the their citizens' rights. If the DOJ isn't careful, they just might find themselves in a quagmire that could cost us untold millions of dollars & other blows they might not ever recover from. BE CAREFULLY US GOVERNMENT You want to take, but you might not be able to. You talk, but sometimes talk is very cheap.

like the UN is batting an eyelash right now.
04-16-2011 , 05:37 PM
this was really confusing for me, especially after:

Online Poker in Washington, D.C.
Could Washignton, D.C., become the first place in the U.S. to legalize intrastate online poker? According to The Wall Street Journal, the city council approved a budget last year that would allow the district's lottery to operate an online poker site. The site would only be accessible within the district boundaries.
The time frame for Congress to to raise objections to the law expired Thursday, meaning that Washington, D.C., could become the first "test case" for intrastate poker.
"I figured that online poker was already happening here, and we just want to capture some of those revenue dollars. Every little bit helps," Michael Brown, D.C. city councilman said.
While the Poker Players Alliance said that it doesn't believe the district is "big enough to create a viable business," John Pappas, the PPA's executive director, hopes that since it is in "Congress' backyard," it might help get federal online poker legislation passed.

Read more:
04-16-2011 , 05:37 PM
Hey guys. Is there anyway for me to get my money on stars? I read in some thread that if you move to canada and get residence there, then you can withdraw?

The reason why i ask this is because almost all of my money to my name is in my stars account. I regretted so much not withdrawing the last few months even after the blackout scare in December.

I don't mind moving to Canada and staying there for 1-2 months because that will probably cost me $4000 at the most for rent/food and i have a lot of money in my stars account.

I also don't care about being able to play anymore. I just need the money .

04-16-2011 , 05:37 PM
everyone who doesnt have a job right now should apply to your community college and fill out your fafsa. you can live off of student loans. then just do two years at community college, get good grades, then transfer to the best college in your area. joining the real world isnt as scary as you guys think it is.
04-16-2011 , 05:38 PM
04-16-2011 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by d0nk3y
Anyone else having problems with the quadjacks stream? Audio keeps cutting off.
04-16-2011 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by IamPro
tyty, this is Carr? Love your blog.
Yes, and ty.

So sick of refreshing this thread.
04-16-2011 , 05:39 PM
I wonder how much Obama has on his stars account.
04-16-2011 , 05:39 PM
Ive posted this before: but to US players: Has anyone else not been having their account debited the last four months anyway?

I owed FT $1500 in money they never collected, but let me free roll with. Cashed $1200 after ups and downs a few days ago (as in, its safe in my bank acct... for now?) so as much as I hate to say it, this could be a good thing for many people.
04-16-2011 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by msusyr24
Yes, and ty.

So sick of refreshing this thread.

me2 sir, good video and looks from a legal standpoint DOJ overstepped their powers
04-16-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Solid up arrow
everyone who doesnt have a job right now should apply to your community college and fill out your fafsa. you can live off of student loans. then just do two years at community college, get good grades, then transfer to the best college in your area. joining the real world isnt as scary as you guys think it is.
To a bunch of lazy degenerates, its like going to hell in the middle of the summer.

