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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-16-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by CHAx
Yah, except your money is held by a foreign banking institution, in your name, not under the jurisdiction of the US totalitarian government. As long as the foreign banking institution does not "give in" to US pressure we will all be fine.

The US government is in desperate times, its broke, and on the verge of a currency meltdown. They will leave no stone unturned, perceived threat or real, in its final death throws to save itself from insolvency.

Yeah. Just like UBS stood their ground when the US started squeezing them for account information on US citizens hiding money offshore. LOL.
04-16-2011 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by LoveDonkey
Should I cash out now if I am living in Canada?? anyone can answer me here??
there is no need man. Since you're from Canada your money is safe.
04-16-2011 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by DrewOnTilt
OK this has probably already been posted but this thread is moving a mile a minute.

I tried to log in to check my cashout status but I can't seem to download the new software update. Anyone else?

Originally Posted by dan12
You have to download the new version from
I had the same problem and then worked fine.
Originally Posted by nismo9
This is because the software needs the home site available to install updates and the FBI have confiscated that. But your best option is to uninstall your current FTP software and go to this site

download the software again and it will work. It did for me anyway
Thanks. I did that and was able to download the update, but now I can see only the play money games, and my Cashier is only showing play money chips. Is that intentional or am I just a moron? Probably the latter.

I really need to quit this thread and get busy filing my tax return so that I can pay the money that I owe to the same government that just froze a five figure sum of money that rightfully belongs to me.
04-16-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by mdm13
i just wanted to post that i just got a call from pokerstars that said the money is safe, the entire staff is working to figure out how to get people their money if they want, and that if you are relocating outside of the us, they can tell you how that works on their end. from the sound of it the call was being placed to pros/regular customers/people with lots of money in their account but i cant be sure. but just the fact that they have people manning the phone bank instead of packing up shop and fleeing the isle of man is a pretty good sign for us.
04-16-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by CerberusLA
This is very true. However, the founders were obviously forced into taking this route due to the UIGEA preventing them from conducting a perfectly legitimate business. This doesn't excuse any sort of fraud, but the UIGEA was put in place by those who have moral issues with playing poker. It is the same argument/counter-argument that takes place with issues such as abortion, prostitution, marijuana, gay marriage, etc. Some people believe morals trump freedoms.
Well, only if it's good ol Christian morals you're talking about.
04-16-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by HVEEPOKER
FTP ??? Window came up telling me to try again later. Update would not install.
See the posts that I quoted above. That might work for you since you are in Canada.
04-16-2011 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by gaiachaos
Looks like there was a federal informant within PS/FT after all. These poker corporations are stupid, they should never hire someone with a criminal background.
how in the hell are these two statements related?
04-16-2011 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Sick Laces
uk cashouts working?
FTP worked, PS kept crashing
04-16-2011 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by NickyC
The bickering in this thread is a waste of time, both political parties are one and the same, and both are equally to blame.

The United States of America is a quasi police state. As evidence, all one has to do is look at the figures. The most striking figure is that while we only have 5% of the world's population inside our borders, we account for over 25% of the incarcerated people in the world.

Both political parties we have in this country are hell bent on stealing your freedoms, your liberties, and essentially making you a wage slave. Sure they have different ideas on how to enslave you, but as time goes by and each side takes a bit here and there, we become more and more dependent on government.

All of this nonsense started with the Bush administration in regards to the moronic law, but Obama was complacent in the fact he could have stopped it being implemented. Obama has ruled more as a dictator these past two years, with a well proven track record of not enforcing laws he doesn't agree with (see his AG Eric Holder and all the times he hasn't enforced the law of the land). This is no different, and if Obama didn't want the FBI to go after these poker sites, all he'd have to do is wave a pen.

What's most distressing to me is that there are so many, for lack of a better word, zombies on both sides. I watched with amazement all the hope and change idiots in 2008, as if this untested, unknown community organizer Obama, from the most crooked political machine in the world would be their savior. Equally distressing were the other idiots, the teabaggers who really thought they could turn Washington around by voting in a crop of right wing nutjobs.

The corruption is too intense, the lobbying too powerful, the United States of America is dead as we know it. The corporations, Wall Street, and the elite run everything. The ongoing destruction of the middle class in this country only cements their power.

You morons on the left think more government is the answer, while you morons on the right hold on to this belief that rich people are wonderful and create jobs, at the same time you toil as a wage slave. Wasting more and more of your life at a crappy job, so a CEO can pump up his parachute, and more and more of your liberty is flushed down the toilet as you pay higher taxes. You spend less and less time with your family, and doing the things you love because you need to work more just to get by.

The USA is done as we know it, all you can hope to do is keep your own house in order and not depend on anyone else.
Not for nothing but isn't the EU pretty much the same nowadays. Except they allow online poker so they are better countries. People should have voted for Ron Paul but instead voted for the same people. People cant say we didn't have a choice when we did but they did vote for the real change.
04-16-2011 , 02:26 PM
IMO, the point isn't that they were circumnavigating US bank regulations to get their money, and to get the players their money. All of this has been a result of the UIGEA which was passed a few years back. The UIGEA was a rider, meaning it was stuffed in the middle of a bill that was sure to be passed. That was the initial atrocity committed by the US govt. Not a single american voter had the option of speaking for or against this, it was simply pushed through with the same "National Security" connotations that they used to strike fear into the hearts of the weak-minded citizens living comfortably in their bubbles. The US govt has made it very clear that regardless of who is elected into office, and regardless of what they say they will attempt to accomplish in said office, they have their own agenda. Consider the wars we are in at the moment. Almost completely without cause, but are Americans taking to the street fighting against this irresponsible waste of lives, money and our global reputation? No. The average American refuses to acknowledge these problems because of their comfy little bubble. That being said, we find ourselves in a similar situation involving online poker, yet with far less support on our side. We are a small community that gets no respect.

But I digress. I don't see how this kind of action by "defrauding" (aka outsmarting) the banks is any different than what these american banks do to the people on a regular basis. Only problem is the govt gains nothing from our online poker playing aside from those of us who pay taxes on our winnings. Remember Home Alone 2, where Marv wrapped his hand in double-sided tape so he could reach into the Salvation Army change buckets and walk away with a handful of money? That's exactly what's happening; another calculated power grab by the United States of Big Brother.
04-16-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by NickyC
The bickering in this thread is a waste of time, both political parties are one and the same, and both are equally to blame.

The United States of America is a quasi police state. As evidence, all one has to do is look at the figures. The most striking figure is that while we only have 5% of the world's population inside our borders, we account for over 25% of the incarcerated people in the world.

Both political parties we have in this country are hell bent on stealing your freedoms, your liberties, and essentially making you a wage slave. Sure they have different ideas on how to enslave you, but as time goes by and each side takes a bit here and there, we become more and more dependent on government.

All of this nonsense started with the Bush administration in regards to the moronic law, but Obama was complacent in the fact he could have stopped it being implemented. Obama has ruled more as a dictator these past two years, with a well proven track record of not enforcing laws he doesn't agree with (see his AG Eric Holder and all the times he hasn't enforced the law of the land). This is no different, and if Obama didn't want the FBI to go after these poker sites, all he'd have to do is wave a pen.

What's most distressing to me is that there are so many, for lack of a better word, zombies on both sides. I watched with amazement all the hope and change idiots in 2008, as if this untested, unknown community organizer Obama, from the most crooked political machine in the world would be their savior. Equally distressing were the other idiots, the teabaggers who really thought they could turn Washington around by voting in a crop of right wing nutjobs.

The corruption is too intense, the lobbying too powerful, the United States of America is dead as we know it. The corporations, Wall Street, and the elite run everything. The ongoing destruction of the middle class in this country only cements their power.

You morons on the left think more government is the answer, while you morons on the right hold on to this belief that rich people are wonderful and create jobs, at the same time you toil as a wage slave. Wasting more and more of your life at a crappy job, so a CEO can pump up his parachute, and more and more of your liberty is flushed down the toilet as you pay higher taxes. You spend less and less time with your family, and doing the things you love because you need to work more just to get by.

The USA is done as we know it, all you can hope to do is keep your own house in order and not depend on anyone else.

Its rare that I agree with every word said in this but in this case your spot on
04-16-2011 , 02:27 PM
who is the dumb wannabe tough guy on the live ustream cast?? the guy is just a loser trying to act tough but in reality moaning like a bitch
04-16-2011 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by KYLE_H
go to and download the exe. Run it and it will update your client and you can get in.
Thanks a lot !!! It works
04-16-2011 , 02:28 PM
200+ pages, doooh. Can anyone please post some cliffs ?

I just recognized the thread and am a little bit worried about my roll to say the least.

04-16-2011 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by timotheeeee
Seriously? You keep going on and on about how the government doesn't care about focusing attention on internet poker, but in the same breath you're admitting they care enough to expend the judicial and executive resources to go after internet poker providers. Hey guess what? With the money spent on going after fulltilt and pokerstars, we could've fed 100,000 starving children or spent a little more time on terrorist leads.
Maybe my point has gotten muddled but i'm saying that it's not like Obama ordered the New York US Attorney to take down online poker. This guy has been on a crusade against the sites for years.
04-16-2011 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by njligernj
If you went back and read this entire thread you'd notice two things:

1) You are completely insane for subjecting yourself to that.
Agreed. I'm almost through though!

I got nothing better to do, chores are finished, and I've never played online.
04-16-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by PokerZwerg
200+ pages, doooh. Can anyone please post some cliffs ?

I just recognized the thread and am a little bit worried about my roll to say the least.

**** you
no **** you
money is safe
LOL money is not safe
Where should we move to?
What poker site should i play on?
US is gunna take all players money
04-16-2011 , 02:30 PM
Just got back inside did anything change from 5 hours ago?
04-16-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by GOD UR UGLY
IMO, the point isn't that they were circumnavigating US bank regulations to get their money, and to get the players their money. All of this has been a result of the UIGEA which was passed a few years back. The UIGEA was a rider, meaning it was stuffed in the middle of a bill that was sure to be passed. That was the initial atrocity committed by the US govt. Not a single american voter had the option of speaking for or against this, it was simply pushed through with the same "National Security" connotations that they used to strike fear into the hearts of the weak-minded citizens living comfortably in their bubbles. The US govt has made it very clear that regardless of who is elected into office, and regardless of what they say they will attempt to accomplish in said office, they have their own agenda. Consider the wars we are in at the moment. Almost completely without cause, but are Americans taking to the street fighting against this irresponsible waste of lives, money and our global reputation? No. The average American refuses to acknowledge these problems because of their comfy little bubble. That being said, we find ourselves in a similar situation involving online poker, yet with far less support on our side. We are a small community that gets no respect.

But I digress. I don't see how this kind of action by "defrauding" (aka outsmarting) the banks is any different than what these american banks do to the people on a regular basis. Only problem is the govt gains nothing from our online poker playing aside from those of us who pay taxes on our winnings. Remember Home Alone 2, where Marv wrapped his hand in double-sided tape so he could reach into the Salvation Army change buckets and walk away with a handful of money? That's exactly what's happening; another calculated power grab by the United States of Big Brother.
Just NO.

This is an isolated case, its not even big enough news to probably waste more than 5 mins of obamas time during a day. Just get over yourselves all of you and realize this is simply 11 people and 4 shady sites being tried for crimes they obviously committed.

If they wanted money and regulation and power, they would have shut down ALL of US online gambling... everything sportsbooks ect in some huge "OPERATION CASINO JACK" or something dumb. This was 4 sites thinkign they are smarter then banks and govt rules and can just evade them. They couldnt and now some people are ****ed. This is not a referendum on **** all so shutup

04-16-2011 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by NickyC
The bickering in this thread is a waste of time, both political parties are one and the same, and both are equally to blame.

The United States of America is a quasi police state. As evidence, all one has to do is look at the figures. The most striking figure is that while we only have 5% of the world's population inside our borders, we account for over 25% of the incarcerated people in the world.

Both political parties we have in this country are hell bent on stealing your freedoms, your liberties, and essentially making you a wage slave. Sure they have different ideas on how to enslave you, but as time goes by and each side takes a bit here and there, we become more and more dependent on government.

All of this nonsense started with the Bush administration in regards to the moronic law, but Obama was complacent in the fact he could have stopped it being implemented. Obama has ruled more as a dictator these past two years, with a well proven track record of not enforcing laws he doesn't agree with (see his AG Eric Holder and all the times he hasn't enforced the law of the land). This is no different, and if Obama didn't want the FBI to go after these poker sites, all he'd have to do is wave a pen.

What's most distressing to me is that there are so many, for lack of a better word, zombies on both sides. I watched with amazement all the hope and change idiots in 2008, as if this untested, unknown community organizer Obama, from the most crooked political machine in the world would be their savior. Equally distressing were the other idiots, the teabaggers who really thought they could turn Washington around by voting in a crop of right wing nutjobs.

I hope you have at least listened to a few Ron Paul speeches before you say the teabaggers are nutjobs and that the country is hopeless.
04-16-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Flunkonmyduck
Just got back inside did anything change from 5 hours ago?
US Gov said "juuuust kidding"
04-16-2011 , 02:33 PM
Anyone who comes in this thread and asks why the sites wont update and why they cant cashout should be banned for stupidity. Seriously, there is way too much of this **** crowding the thread
04-16-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by claudiao
there is no need man. Since you're from Canada your money is safe.
then y there is a thread about cashing out outside US?? people are panicking??
04-16-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by asthenic
Just NO.

This is an isolated case, its not even big enough news to probably waste more than 5 mins of obamas time during a day. Just get over yourselves all of you and realize this is simply 11 people and 4 shady sites being tried for crimes they obviously committed.

If they wanted money and regulation and power, they would have shut down ALL of US online gambling... everything sportsbooks ect in some huge "OPERATION CASINO JACK" or something dumb. This was 4 sites thinkign they are smarter then banks and govt rules and can just evade them. They couldnt and now some people are ****ed. This is not a referendum on **** all so shutup

No victim, no crime. Boot licker.
04-16-2011 , 02:34 PM
traffic ~228k players online for PS right now and rising, not bad for a saturday night (in europe) imo. Sad i dont see any US players at the tables tho.
