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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-16-2011 , 01:42 PM
This sucks. Bye bye $6.6k? Bad beat.
04-16-2011 , 01:42 PM

Still has content, including poker shop. Just no Stars stuff and they did dump some TV stuff, which is a bad sign.
04-16-2011 , 01:43 PM
Fulltilt out of usa for at least 2 years according to jungleman
04-16-2011 , 01:44 PM
Just keep in mind online poker is a multi billion dollar industry and there are political interests in the countries that license these businesses legally as well as political banking interests in Europe. If you think they are gonna drop their pants for DOJ without a fight and lose billions in local tax revenues, you are quite optimistic.
04-16-2011 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Always Rivers Me
Interesting point. Will this distinction be made? hope so, but it's the only glimmer of hope I see for the player money.

Will the player monies still be there by the time the case is over?
Legally speaking, why wouldnt it be?


Now, if the US wants to penalize the players further by confiscating funds...thats another issue entirely....

But the deposits cannot be used to subsidized a settlement to the Gov.
04-16-2011 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by As armas
This country is turning into a fundamentalist right wing christian theocracy. Its scary. I dont give a damn how these culturally conservative asshoels live out their life. All I ask is they return me the favor. Let me play my online poker you fuukking pieces of shiit. Its such arrogance that they wish to impose their behavioral world view on EVERYONE. The goal of the proponents of UIGEA was to make it near impossible to play. Now we are looking at the real possibility of their christian america becoming reality with online poker.

online poker? nope
weed? nope
evolution? nope
global warming? nope
condoms? nope
sex before marriage? nope
earth 4.5 billion years old? nope

gg and good luck everyone
04-16-2011 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by gimmieurchipies
Im from Canada and play at both sites, i have been able to download and install the updated uk client on each, I made a withdrawl off stars this morning and it seems to be processing fine, we'll see monday if I actually get it or now, I did however win a tourney at ftp last night and have a little bit of a bankroll that it seems I am not able to do anything with, even being from Canada. Any advice?
Wait? It's been 24hrs. And it's FTP, who are notoriously incompetent at some things.

Remember how last night the page was just a single image that served as a link to download the client? But now everything is mostly sorted on the site and it behaves normally like it used to. Just relax and give them more time to get everything sorted.
04-16-2011 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Doug_Funnie
yeah but when they go bankrupt, we get nothing.
Completely true but maybe the US GOV makes the sites payout all existing accounts and then seizes all the left over funds? I mean the US gov cant be complete Nazis even they too must understand that people need this money... I kno the canadian gov would but who knows with these americans
04-16-2011 , 01:46 PM
When the DOJ indicted Neteller and its founders, many folks posted about how that was the end of the money they had on Neteller. They were wrong, and the DOJ ultimately made sure that the player's money was eventually refunded.
04-16-2011 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by hard2tel
Obama and his administration has nothing to do with it.

Ok well in a sense maybe..since he could of legalized and regulated online poker..but he just might have more important things on his plate.
Ironic, considering how many people his administration just ****ed over.
04-16-2011 , 01:47 PM
hey guys i think the govt sucks and they are poor and thats why they go after 3 specific online pokers sites that were defrauding banks.

i heard that they run good on casino and sportsbooking online so they said i wanna take from ftp cause i hate black ppl like ivey and then ill use money to be on sportsbook cause i win there and lose to ivey cause its skill game.

me i think thats what happens.
04-16-2011 , 01:47 PM
Billion dollar industry that's been around for 10-12 years. Billions of American dollars moving from U.S. to off shore companies using fraudulent schemes, shell corporations, and outright disregard for U.S. law. Should have seen this coming....

However, good news is that U.S. will probably find a way to get it back up and running with money flowing into the right pockets. Hell we could probably fund a war or 2 with all that money.
04-16-2011 , 01:47 PM
Just a thought:

If sites like Merge/Bodog/Cake/etc are still providing service to US customers...isn't this kind of reassuring? I mean, if their processing system was anything remotely close to FT/PS/AP, wouldn't it be smartest for them to shut down in US and fix this immediately, before the DOJ gets to them? And given that they are saying business as usual, wouldn't this kind of lead us to believe that they are confident in their processing legitimacy?
04-16-2011 , 01:47 PM
I just tried downloading the FTP update but it won't work. Is FTP shut down???
04-16-2011 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by As armas
This country is turning into a fundamentalist right wing christian theocracy. Its scary. I dont give a damn how these culturally conservative asshoels live out their life. All I ask is they return me the favor. Let me play my online poker you fuukking pieces of shiit. Its such arrogance that they wish to impose their behavioral world view on EVERYONE. The goal of the proponents of UIGEA was to make it near impossible to play. Now we are looking at the real possibility of their christian america becoming reality with online poker.

online poker? nope
weed? nope
evolution? nope
global warming? nope
condoms? nope
sex before marriage? nope
earth 4.5 billion years old? nope

gg and good luck everyone

No fn **** f the religitards.. if it wernt for them online poker would probably be legal in the u.s by now.... The thought that their make believe childish, brain dead fantasies could effect my right to play poker puts me on hyper monkey tilt...
04-16-2011 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Aqalung...
In the first election Obama had the younger generation on his side. If this internet poker witch hunt continues I don't think he will get much support the second time around, IMO.
I'm pretty sure he already accomplished losing a big chunk of his younger/older/middle class (whatever that means anymore) support by other more important national interests then online poker. Sorry but online poker isn't that big of a deal nationally when we have how many different wars, a recession and so many other major problems.
04-16-2011 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by intheireye!
Might be time to tax millionaires and billionaires at historically avg rates then, other than the miniscule ones paid now by the rich.
Taxing the rich would be very bad for the economy .

We cant ever even consider that!!
04-16-2011 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by intheireye!
Legally speaking, why wouldnt it be?


Now, if the US wants to penalize the players further by confiscating funds...thats another issue entirely....

But the deposits cannot be used to subsidized a settlement to the Gov.
What would stop someone from simply taking the money and disappearing? How many times has poker sites had money stolen from them?

What will stop someone from looting the assets if that person knows the assets will seized by the DOJ, anyway?

You seem to be implying that there are legal safeguards in place to prevent this.

We are talking about companies on the verge of becoming U.S. government property, right?
04-16-2011 , 01:48 PM
so how do i get the ftp update so i can actually get to my money? im in the uk and i need an update to launch the client.
04-16-2011 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
This sucks. Bye bye $6.6k? Bad beat.
pretty much. or hope the govt gives it back in 2 years
04-16-2011 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by tom_dwonk
money in user accounts are NOT assets of UB/AP/PS/FT DUCY?
Someone doesn't really understand "seizure" very well.

We're talking about a country that's running an illegal prison in Cuba. What makes you think they give two ****s about the Isle of Man's trust rules?
04-16-2011 , 01:49 PM
Online casinos are now affected rejecting new casino players with one software provider Rival now out.

Awaiting if Real Time Gaming software will be next which is the casino provider for Bodog
04-16-2011 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by As armas
This country is turning into a fundamentalist right wing christian theocracy. Its scary. I dont give a damn how these culturally conservative asshoels live out their life. All I ask is they return me the favor. Let me play my online poker you fuukking pieces of shiit. Its such arrogance that they wish to impose their behavioral world view on EVERYONE. The goal of the proponents of UIGEA was to make it near impossible to play. Now we are looking at the real possibility of their christian america becoming reality with online poker.

online poker? nope
weed? nope
evolution? nope
global warming? nope
condoms? nope
sex before marriage? nope
earth 4.5 billion years old? nope

gg and good luck everyone
A product of big government education no doubt. The left/right paradigm is a false flag, so that big government can encroach on ALL civil liberties. It helps if you take your head out of your ass for 20 minutes a week and actually pay attention to politics so we don't all have to suffer from your ignorant voting.
04-16-2011 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by McVicker
No fn **** f the religitards.. if it wernt for them online poker would probably be legal in the u.s by now.... The thought that their make believe childish, brain dead fantasies could effect my right to play poker puts me on hyper monkey tilt...
i agree so much. They say it was pat robertson who sailed across the sea to the isle of man to cast a spell on pokerstars.

seriously though how dumb do you have to be to not realize that these 11 people and 4 sites were picked not because they play online poker, but because they were involved in large scale fraud.

Waiting for reasons why ALL online poker sites that take US players or ALL gambling that takes US players (sportsbook, casino, bingo) are not shut down.

Only dumb people post stuff like "religious/ obama/ republican plot to seize our freedoms"
04-16-2011 , 01:51 PM
if we moved out of the country, would we be able to get our money back from our US accounts? if we emailed ftp and verified it with ftp that we are living out of country?

