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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-16-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
stars or tilt?
ftp. it seems like a lot of ppl that had pending ftp->moneybookers withdrawals just got declined about 20 minutes ago.
04-16-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by nuisance
I hate to break it to you guys but online poker in the US is done it will go back underground. You will only be able to play at legal casino's or underground clubs.

The DOJ did the same thing to the RAVE scene back in the late 90's early 2000's with the Rave act. Once promoters and club owners started getting in trouble (via crack house laws) for throwing raves in clubs and legally rented warehouses (with proper permits). People stopped going because they were all getting raided and people getting arrested. The rave scene is still around but it's about 1/10 the size. Not to mention the millions in tax evasion, so some of you guys better hurry up and amend your previous tax returns to add your onlinepoker winnings before PS gives them your info and winnings. Then you'll have the tax man on your asses.

I see the poker scene going the same way as the 90's rave scene. I know people will flame me (hahaha ravers and drugs but they are no different then any other music event) accuse me of being a troll and not knowing what I'm talking about but it's the same scenario. Rave goers and promoters protested and did everything poker players (maybe more) and it didn't change ****.

GL though I hope all you guys with big money on the sites get your money back but I wouldn't hold my breath. If the feds wanna take your money and end online poker they will and there's nothing anyone can do. Poker players voices aren't respected enough or big enough to make a difference.
And the rave scene could have generated upwards of $40 billion dollars over the next 10 years for the government?
04-16-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by 4k4sh777
can u do this from the US?????/ i tried and it didnt work.
sorry, but I guess you can't, I play from Europe
04-16-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by gimmieurchipies
has anyone actually tried to cash out from ftp? what is happening when you try
04-16-2011 , 02:15 PM
So, What's a poker player in the USA to do? What is whois? When you say check out whois, what is it? So my UB and Fulltilt are done? I can't play tonight.......I need my poker......
04-16-2011 , 02:15 PM
$0.02 from a US player now locked out and with $$ is stuck online:

This whole thing sucks the big one. No question about it. I am sad that we now can't play real money poker online, and that funds are in limbo, and very likely won't ever be seen again.

But looking at the situation and removing personal investment and emotion, it's pretty straightforward. These companies were breaking the law.

This indictment isn't about the legality of playing poker online per se. Whether the US condones poker online and calls it a game of skill is an argument that is ongoing. It's fine and well for the sites to state they believe online poker should be legal, or the PPA coming out and stating the same.

But at the moment, there is a law in place at the moment disallowing TRANSACTIONS for online gambling of any type from being allowed in the United States. It's not a law outlawing playing online, but of funding. And the bottom line is that according to the indictment, these sites were not only accepting transactions from the USA, but using ILLEGAL METHODS to keep the US market alive and running. I mean, come on, shell companies to purchase golf balls, etc?

It has to be accepted that the facts are, these sites were breaking the law here in the USA at this time. Frankly they were flouting the law, and we as a collective community continued to play despite this. We had to accept that there was a high risk that at some point the DOJ/US gov't was going to figure out the schemes they were using to continue to offer online deposits, and bring down the hammer. Now it's happened, and frankly we can't expect that our $$ is going to be coming back (again, for those of us with a decent amt there it really sucks).

Other sites like Party didn't want to take this risk or use illegal means to keep the transactions and money/rake flowing, and now are the better for it.

We'll see what happens. Perhaps all of the publicity over this will in fact spur federal discussion of the acceptance of online poker as a game of skill, and legislation to allow US-based sites to be created. If that happens, and it's gonna probably be quite some time before this does, then we will once again be hitting the online felt. Until then, I'll be reviewing my holdem manager database for leaks...


Last edited by CheapFlop; 04-16-2011 at 02:23 PM.
04-16-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Listening to that show is so tilting, they don't know **** about what is happening and are just being doom-thinkers.
yeah, but no one here knows either and yet everyone keeps posting...
04-16-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by tom_dwonk
+1 this is true, but than would you be entitled to how ever much you deposited lol? And not money earned?
Good question, I think it will all be decided by the ruling of this case. If the Courts decides the Government was right and that Full Tilt and other sites defrauded credit card companies by illegally defrauding me no one is getting all their money back. But if they are found guilty of something lesser I would think players would be entitled to what they have in their accounts, because the Gov didn't prove their case.

It if you are hoping in a week or so Full Tilt comes back online for US players and allows you to take out your money, keep dreaming. All those funds are frozen because they are part of the investigation! If Full Tilt was dumb enough to allow you to withdraw money, they would get into even more trouble! Even that is impossible because the government has taken control of the site!

Looks like we are in for a long wait on our money if you are in the US. I mean the Government almost shut down last week, you really think us US players getting their money back from online gambling is top priority?
04-16-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by nuisance
Not to mention the millions in tax evasion, so some of you guys better hurry up and amend your previous tax returns to add your onlinepoker winnings before PS gives them your info and winnings. Then you'll have the tax man on your asses.
This, +1,000.

They made UBS roll over and cough up tax info just recently. I'm guessing quite a few people will be getting audits real soon now.
04-16-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by 4k4sh777
+1 to not being able to download pissed i closed that **** sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
04-16-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by tom_dwonk
+1 this is true, but than would you be entitled to how ever much you deposited lol? And not money earned?
Good question, I think it will all be decided by the ruling of this case. If the Courts decides the Government was right and that Full Tilt and other sites defrauded credit card companies by illegally defrauding me no one is getting all their money back. But if they are found guilty of something lesser I would think players would be entitled to what they have in their accounts, because the Gov didn't prove their case.

It if you are hoping in a week or so Full Tilt comes back online for US players and allows you to take out your money, keep dreaming. All those funds are frozen because they are part of the investigation! If Full Tilt was dumb enough to allow you to withdraw money, they would get into even more trouble! Even that is impossible because the government has taken control of the site!
04-16-2011 , 02:18 PM
The bickering in this thread is a waste of time, both political parties are one and the same, and both are equally to blame.

The United States of America is a quasi police state. As evidence, all one has to do is look at the figures. The most striking figure is that while we only have 5% of the world's population inside our borders, we account for over 25% of the incarcerated people in the world.

Both political parties we have in this country are hell bent on stealing your freedoms, your liberties, and essentially making you a wage slave. Sure they have different ideas on how to enslave you, but as time goes by and each side takes a bit here and there, we become more and more dependent on government.

All of this nonsense started with the Bush administration in regards to the moronic law, but Obama was complacent in the fact he could have stopped it being implemented. Obama has ruled more as a dictator these past two years, with a well proven track record of not enforcing laws he doesn't agree with (see his AG Eric Holder and all the times he hasn't enforced the law of the land). This is no different, and if Obama didn't want the FBI to go after these poker sites, all he'd have to do is wave a pen.

What's most distressing to me is that there are so many, for lack of a better word, zombies on both sides. I watched with amazement all the hope and change idiots in 2008, as if this untested, unknown community organizer Obama, from the most crooked political machine in the world would be their savior. Equally distressing were the other idiots, the teabaggers who really thought they could turn Washington around by voting in a crop of right wing nutjobs.

The corruption is too intense, the lobbying too powerful, the United States of America is dead as we know it. The corporations, Wall Street, and the elite run everything. The ongoing destruction of the middle class in this country only cements their power.

You morons on the left think more government is the answer, while you morons on the right hold on to this belief that rich people are wonderful and create jobs, at the same time you toil as a wage slave. Wasting more and more of your life at a crappy job, so a CEO can pump up his parachute, and more and more of your liberty is flushed down the toilet as you pay higher taxes. You spend less and less time with your family, and doing the things you love because you need to work more just to get by.

The USA is done as we know it, all you can hope to do is keep your own house in order and not depend on anyone else.
04-16-2011 , 02:18 PM
Still listening to Quad jacks, (and playing) and they said some high stakes NL player just got off the phone with a Stars rep who said they will be informing players soon, and that their monies safe?
04-16-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by CerberusLA
This is very true. However, the founders were obviously forced into taking this route due to the UIGEA preventing them from conducting a perfectly legitimate business. This doesn't excuse any sort of fraud, but the UIGEA was put in place by those who have moral issues with playing poker. It is the same argument/counter-argument that takes place with issues such as abortion, prostitution, marijuana, gay marriage, etc. Some people believe morals trump freedoms.
They weren't forced, in the same way no-one is forced to smoke weed (barring extremely weird circumstances). If the law is passed, it isn't a legitimate business any more in the eyes of the state - which are the only eyes that matter legally. If you know that, and you still do it, you better not get caught.
04-16-2011 , 02:19 PM
uk cashouts working?
04-16-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by JMX
So as a US player, which sites would be recommended to play?
iPoker? Cake? Bodog?

Actually, anyone for that matter.
Bodog, Carbon, Doyles, Unabomber, poker4ever
04-16-2011 , 02:20 PM
i just wanted to post that i just got a call from pokerstars that said the money is safe, the entire staff is working to figure out how to get people their money if they want, and that if you are relocating outside of the us, they can tell you how that works on their end. from the sound of it the call was being placed to pros/regular customers/people with lots of money in their account but i cant be sure. but just the fact that they have people manning the phone bank instead of packing up shop and fleeing the isle of man is a pretty good sign for us.
04-16-2011 , 02:20 PM
Good Day Eh. I am from Canada.
Stars update was fine 1/2 hr ago.
Notice came up stating that real money play had been suspended in the US due to yesterday's actions.
US Players money is safe . It may be awhile if you will be able to get at it.
For the rest of the world it is Business as usual.
Gtd tournaments will be lower due to the absence of US players.

FTP ??? Window came up telling me to try again later. Update would not install.

I am sure it will not be long before all of the other countries follow suit .
For those of you who have posted comments about on line poker being legal. You are completely wrong.
In order to be legal you must have a license to operate a gaming operation in whatever country you are in . Stars , Tilt and UB did not have said license to operate anywhere in the US.
US Govt wants the almighty tax dollars and for whatever reason allowed these sights to continue operating for as long as they have.

Americans will eventually be able to play online in the future but it will be regulated. More than likely It will not be FTP, UB/AP or PStars.
I believe they are pretty much fubarred from ever getting a license to operate in the US. No B&M casino will enter into a partnership with any of these companies . Wynns already split from Stars according to a news release I saw last week.

Crap all over this post if you want but it is true.
Good luck...
04-16-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by avaholic
And the rave scene could have generated upwards of $40 billion dollars over the next 10 years for the government?
The pot industry can also but the US still hasn't legalized it yet. The point of my post was that if the Fed want something stopped it will be stopped no matter how legal it is or should be. The rave scene was/is no different then the rock scene. But they feds did a damn good job of putting it to a major hault. They still but parties on a regular basis just because it's weird electronic music and not rock or rap.
04-16-2011 , 02:20 PM
BREAKING NEWS: the iPhone ringtone Marimba is the official ringtone used by Jungleman12.
04-16-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
Still listening to Quad jacks, (and playing) and they said some high stakes NL player just got off the phone with a Stars rep who said they will be informing players soon, and that their monies safe?
Again, I will point out: No poker site, ever, in the history of the universe, has ever said anything other than "YOUR MONEY IS SAFE".

Of course they're going to say that.
04-16-2011 , 02:21 PM
this is the worst neews in the whole poker world
04-16-2011 , 02:21 PM
Should I cash out now if I am living in Canada?? anyone can answer me here??
04-16-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Dali25
You actually believe that politicians are telling the you truth yet you call other people morons?

Oh the irony:
how do i believe that politicans are telling the truth?

Im reading the indictment as well as the email evidence.... wtf?
