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"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius "if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius

09-02-2015 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by vladoivanov
He had more than 2-3 accounts on full tilt?I know for his pro account and finddagrind.Any ideas why he(had) more accounts?This is big news if you are right becaouse this is important thing.
Just because you haven't heard something before doesn't make it big news lol.

I don't rmb all his accounts off hand but Luigi was another one.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by insyder19
There are a few things which I think I need to mention:

PA is as he said a feel player, therefore he prefers games without any data on which you can base your decisions. If you are an analyst, you will for sure prefer huds and its data to make proper decisions. It has nothing to do with being lazy but PA probably won't enjoy poker if he has to study numbers 6 hours/day and rather do something else.

To get more into detail about the HUD and whoever said a simple HUD won't make you a better player is clearly lying. Even the simple HUD shows positional stats, 3bet vs UTG/BTN/SB and with a meaninful samplesize you can exploit someones 30 VPIP UTG range. While against someone who only opens 23% from UTG you might 3bet less. I don't think you will see that difference as clearly without a HUD.

There are custom HUDS which provide unreal stats which include board textures, betsizes and so on. So you pretty much know in which spots which opponents never bluff or do it too often.

Moreover, what I think Patrik is mostly concerned about is real time software. If you think about how much money they are playing for it would be silly to think noone yet tried to hire a programmer to create something exclusively for a circle of people.
if you dont know what to do with the data/information (i.e. how to identify and exploit small or large leaks in your opponent's strategy), then no, simply having a HUD in and of itself will not make you a better poker player. a HUD doesnt tell you what to do, it's simply another set of eyes while you have 9 or 10 tables buried in the background, or are focusing on one table for an important hand. if you dont know how to set up an efficient layout or are clueless about how to play against a person with an 80% cbet compared to a person with a 60% cbet, then it's gonna be pretty much useless. the people who figure it out are the people who work the hardest, plain and simple. the people who cry about it have their own set of issues

Last edited by +rep_lol; 09-02-2015 at 11:05 AM.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 10:59 AM
The software comments aside, it's nice to see PA speaking so openly and he seems to be in a good place mentally. Hopefully he resumes crushing.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:02 AM
Just because you haven't heard something before doesn't make it big news lol.

I don't rmb all his accounts off hand but Luigi was another one.
Yeah, I didnt know that.However,why do you think the had more than 2 or 3 accounts?
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:03 AM
Not only his own accounts but even worse
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by smacc25
I don't think PA was saying that the software available to everyone was killing the game but the stuff that we don't get easy access to HAS killed the HSnl, HSplo.
Like the skier programs that everyone wants banned. lol
This is what Patrik is saying not bitching about HUDs and HHs.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:22 AM
if i remember correctly patrik clearly said in finnish interview that tracking softwares are killing games and he is not willing to learn to use said programs. He said that he played some omaha in stars and lost million straight and that now he is done with plo/nlh.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:43 AM
The truth is somewhere in between the extremes you guys are posting. No, you can't give someone software and make them a winner if they can't play poker and yes, you can win without software. The problem lies in the fact that super advanced software makes mediocre regs a lot stronger and/or able to play a lot more tables.

And then there's seating scripts and all other kinds of software that have little to do with the actual poker but just make it a pain in the ass to play.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by NLBiddy
CREV - $99
flopzilla - $35
HM2 - $100
Note Caddy - $90
Note Caddy Edge - $99
Table Ninja - $150
Pro Poker Tools - $89
Run It Once coaching - $100 /mo
Deposit - $500

You're now ready to play 10NL
GTO dream machine - priceless
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:01 PM
But dont you think that the people,playing poker with HUDs etc are not playing real poker-they are playing by statistics etc?Like a computer game or something.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by NLBiddy
CREV - $99
flopzilla - $35
HM2 - $100
Note Caddy - $90
Note Caddy Edge - $99
Table Ninja - $150
Pro Poker Tools - $89
Run It Once coaching - $100 /mo
Deposit - $500

You're now ready to play 10NL
so sad so true
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by DarkMattersMan
Lol. All those hudtards are utterly cringe worthy when they start with the 'it takes skill to use software, homework, bla bla bla'
You are not poker players. You are statistic anaylists maybe, but not players.
Your winrates would plummet if ya didnt have your tools. FACT.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:10 PM
for all the people saying this i would be willling to put any of the top online players in a live game with anotnius and xbook big. they wouldnt have any software there but they would still be better
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:43 PM
I like how there's a million people bashing a dude who has been crushing high stakes for like 10 years. He's known about trackers and huds for years now. These days there are some next level tools out there beyond huds and trackers that have been mentioned in this thread and apparently give people a sick edge. If a dude with this much experience and esteem at high stakes is saying there is BS in the high stakes games, it's time to shut up and listen imo.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by fatboi78
for all the people saying this i would be willling to put any of the top online players in a live game with anotnius and xbook big. they wouldnt have any software there but they would still be better
I really hope someone takes you up on this.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by MrSpew
americans sites are some of the softest in the world, i mean bovada is anonymous ffs.

what pa is saying is true, sure, however the average nvg reg needs to stop blaming software, you are clearly just not that good if you cant beat the softest online games in the world....

What American sites? Bovada is it. There isn't enough volume or game types for people to rise through the ranks. And you say anon like it helps a win rate? I assure you it does not. What other American site is there with any real volume? Not blackchip not wsop... What else?

There are long time pros who try to do $100 to $10k challenges on bovada and give up because it takes too long even on the softest site around.

I know people like you love to attack and belittle those who might imply the games aren't worth playing and poker more than ever is a pipe dream. Good for you if you're making a living at the game but I would bet my net worth you didn't do it post Black Friday on an American site. You can count on one hand how many have done that (if that because I don't know of one- plz enlighten us). It's no longer just about effort and intelligence. (And to be honest it wasn't before either, it was about unfair informational advantage from HUDS). I am a winning player in some formats but the ability to put enough volume in at micros and the declining win rates is severely hurting the poker dream.

Also regarding HUDS I guarantee win rates would go up if banned. People don't be short sighted. It's about the average skill of the population you are playing against. Stop HUDS and new comers learning curve will get much longer. You all say there were HUDS back in the day, true, but it wasn't PERVASIVE. Only the most serious players had them. Now anyone who plays knows about them and knows they are essential.

What I'm saying isn't popular .... But it's the reality.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:34 PM
you guys know that holdem manager has a window where you can select players and stats to display the exact same information that the HUD displays over the top of the table, right? like nobody could copy/paste the info to a new screen, or line them all up in a window for reference? are we gonna ban HEM, too?
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:40 PM
What they should do as a compromise is have stars allow all you software fanatics play together segregated where you can 6 bet fold eachother lite all day and float %s of flops and turns etc,
then have all non software players segregated on full tilt where we can actually enjoy the game and use our brains and poker instincts to play out in a real poker environment.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:42 PM
all you damn HUD players and your blind 6betting, i want a game where i can limp into pots at will and we can play REAL poker!
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by DarkMattersMan
What they should do as a compromise is have stars allow all you software fanatics play together segregated where you can 6 bet fold eachother lite all day and float %s of flops and turns etc,
then have all non software players segregated on full tilt where we can actually enjoy the game and use our brains and poker instincts to play out in a real poker environment.
I see posts like these and can't help but envision some wrinkly 90 year old man hunched over, angrily waving his cane in the air complaining about generations after him.

Must be miserable to be consumed with irrational negativity.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by agoo758
I see posts like these and can't help but envision some wrinkly 90 year old man hunched over, angrily waving his cane in the air complaining about generations after him.

Must be miserable to be consumed with irrational negativity.
I see immature reclusive awkward men in the late twenties and early thirties when I read the likes of yours and REP's post. You are like spoilt little children who stick their fingers in their ears shouting lalalala when mommy wants to take away their toys (Huds)

Those of you who have written the likes of myself and others off as losers at poker because we DONT use software are so stupid. You have clarified my own opinion and Patrick Antonious.... We cant win at poker UNLESS we use software in 2015. Thanks guys..
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:22 PM
it's your attitude that makes anybody with half a brain write you off as a loser in poker. and your words.

What they should do as a compromise is have stars allow all you software fanatics play together segregated where you can 6 bet fold eachother lite all day and float %s of flops and turns etc,
then have all non software players segregated on full tilt where we can actually enjoy the game and use our brains and poker instincts to play out in a real poker environment.
^nobody who authors such a ridiculous hawt take on the game of poker could ever be a decent winner in anything other than his home game or some microsteaks games online (and you're probably not even a winner there)
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
all you damn HUD players and your blind 6betting, i want a game where i can limp into pots at will and we can play REAL poker!
You sir, are a delusional person. You cant beat the game (If you do at all) unless you use your 3rd party software aids that dictate to you how to exploit each player.
You cant use your own brain to play. It gives a major unfair advantage over those who do not use them. This is factual. Not true? Why the hell do you and the rest of them pay money to acquire them? Why is it such a lucrative market for software developers? Why do you HUD pro's get so irate and defensive when this subject is brought up? Why did you and the software developers relentlessly tard up the 3rd party software stars thread in Internet poker?
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by twalf
Jmo confirmed on joeys podcast that many (most?) HSPLO players have real time software that tells them how to play their ranges.
This ^^.

Here is the link to the podcast with Jason Mo (relevant conversation starts at 1h26m12s):

No matter how good you are, it's gonna be pretty tough to beat the online high stakes games if everybody is basically doing what a pseudo-gto program tells them to do.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-02-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by DarkMattersMan
You sir, are a delusional person. You cant beat the game (If you do at all) unless you use your 3rd party software aids that dictate to you how to exploit each player.
You cant use your own brain to play. It gives a major unfair advantage over those who do not use them. This is factual. Not true? Why the hell do you and the rest of them pay money to acquire them? Why is it such a lucrative market for software developers? Why do you HUD pro's get so irate and defensive when this subject is brought up? Why did you and the software developers relentlessly tard up the 3rd party software stars thread in Internet poker?
because you're completely wrong about the way that HUDs work, and you sound like a complete ****ing idiot. if you want to play HU online sometime with no HUD, PM me, i'll play for any amount you can throw down, we can webcam it, and i'll wipe the floor with your dead carcass.

this will be the last time i click "show post" on you, because it's getting tiresome
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
