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Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs

10-04-2015 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
Most basic HUD stats don't really help that much against fish.
what do u mean, all of us HUD users would never be able to tell when a fish is playing 90/10, and we'd be oblivious about how to exploit that without a hud
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-04-2015 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by higher visions
O and btw he sells this HUD, so thats why he went about making all these stats... wouldnt you want to buy something with what seems like all the bells and whistles and secret sauce?

When really..... some of those situations..... require hundreds of thousands of hands to get a big enough sample.....

but... of course youll deflect and ignore this...
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-04-2015 , 10:58 PM
Time to get a real job, boys.

If you just want to buy and learn software to make money like a robot, look into day trading. That's basically what online poker has become anyways.

Limon says it best - poker doesn't owe you anything. You aren't entitled to make a living from poker just because you've reached a certain skill level.

The games are not there for you. They would be better if you left, in fact. No one shows up to the poker room (or logs on) to watch some cocky entitled nerd try to bleed them dry 1.5bb/100 at a time. You are not important to the games longevity.

You can either adapt or quit.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-04-2015 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by lauxen
Time to get a real job, boys.

If you just want to buy and learn software to make money like a robot, look into day trading. That's basically what online poker has become anyways.

Limon says it best - poker doesn't owe you anything. You aren't entitled to make a living from poker just because you've reached a certain skill level.

The games are not there for you. They would be better if you left, in fact. No one shows up to the poker room (or logs on) to watch some cocky entitled nerd try to bleed them dry 1.5bb/100 at a time. You are not important to the games longevity.

You can either adapt or quit.
Ok gramps, sounds like your clueless about daytrading and online poker, congrats on coming in here and making yourself look like an idiot.

Limon really does have the cranky old grandpas of poker population on the hook, well played I guess.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by higher visions
lol this statement alone shows how little you actually understand.

and no, just no richdog, you cant put unwritten hand histories into your database.... How exactly do you plan to do that????

you two clearly have no idea what a real sample size is for anything, or really what your talking about at all, but best wishes guys.
Is this a level? HHs are saved in a folder on your PC and uploaded into the HUD. All you need is a converter (I'm sure someone will develop one for all the lazy pros out there) so you can type the hands into it, convert them into a readable format for the HUD and then upload.

This argument about not being able to review hands etc etc is nonsense and just a diversion from the real issue which is you're upset you'll no longer be able to get live inplay assistance and you'll have to play poker at stakes where you're real skill level belongs.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 03:42 AM
i like how 250 posts in the title still hasnt been fixed and people still think hud's will be banned. party is trying to make some helpfull changes wrt to bumhunting and datamining. hopefully they hold up.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 03:46 AM
A step in the right direction, at least.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by richdog
You keep mentioning Notecaddy like it's the only thing out there. A very quick look in the marketplace brings me to which seems to offer much of the same. There are undoubtedly loads more of them out there.

Re: cheating, botting etc you have access to all your HHs. You're free to add them all into a HUD and analyse all your hands if you can be bothered but it seems like you're too lazy to do so.

You also keep mentioning these HUDs need tens of thousands of hands minimum but that's just garbage. The MTT player whose HUD was posted in the other thread will never reach a sample size like that so why did he bother to go to all that hassle?! He obviously think the assistance provided by the HUD is very valuable even with small sample sizes.
Originally Posted by richdog
Is this a level? HHs are saved in a folder on your PC and uploaded into the HUD. All you need is a converter (I'm sure someone will develop one for all the lazy pros out there) so you can type the hands into it, convert them into a readable format for the HUD and then upload.

This argument about not being able to review hands etc etc is nonsense and just a diversion from the real issue which is you're upset you'll no longer be able to get live inplay assistance and you'll have to play poker at stakes where you're real skill level belongs.
lol, i cant even....

gl at life man, you really just dont have a clue.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by richdog
The MTT player whose HUD was posted in the other thread will never reach a sample size like that so why did he bother to go to all that hassle?! He obviously think the assistance provided by the HUD is very valuable even with small sample sizes.
Because the MTT player is a ****** who thinks this HUD will give an Edge and he doesn't understand statistical variance. Same as all the other ******s who buy such HUD for money. Pretty clever marketing though. He would be a way better player working on his math skills.
Seriously that HUD is completely worthless without 100k+ hands and it is completely totally useless against fish, it will do way more harm than anything else. Have fun leveling yourself because the guy folded 5/7 times on texture "XY" ahaha omg
When was the last time you had a fish with 100k hands on?
As I said HUD is only useful Reg vs Reg. Noone but bad regulars care if you ban HUDs. My winrate against fish might drop 0.00002bb though without a HUD! Oh noes
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by coinflipper
i like how 250 posts in the title still hasnt been fixed and people still think hud's will be banned. party is trying to make some helpfull changes wrt to bumhunting and datamining. hopefully they hold up.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 07:44 AM
100 hands is way more information than zero hands if they are correctly understood.

As gamblers we only need small edges, and small samples are better estimates of means than no sample.

Simply finding some stats are non-zero in a small sample is valuable information if you know where to look and how to interpret it.

Some stats are quick interesting behavioural indicators of where more sparse stats are likely to end up - and that's an edge too.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 08:15 AM
If you cannot download your HH, what's the use in letting you access them?
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Zanardi
If you cannot download your HH, what's the use in letting you access them?
see last hand?
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 08:38 AM
You need a year's HH for one hand?
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
Do you agree that it follows that Stars should not ban HUDs, then?
If they are willing to email their recreational players with screenshots of HUDs being used against them then yes it follows, because continuing on the path of hoping that the "fish" don't find out about this is not appropriate for a company or industry desiring wider social and regulatory acceptance around the world.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
Do you agree that it follows that Stars should not ban HUDs, then?
If this thread has any effect at all on Stars' decision regarding HUDs then it really is being run by lower simians.

Stars will make their decision based on internal numbers to which no one in this thread is likely privy. The problem they will face is if they decide to run the experiment and ban HUDs, will their business be reduced overnight to dust and rubble? If it is, when they realize their error and correct course 5-10 days later, will that business be restored as it was?

I have ideas about the answers and I'm sure they do to. These are business men, not radical consumer advocates.

Last edited by JudgeHoldem1848; 10-05-2015 at 10:18 AM.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Alexdb
100 hands is way more information than zero hands if they are correctly understood.

As gamblers we only need small edges, and small samples are better estimates of means than no sample.

Simply finding some stats are zero in a small sample is valuable information if you know where to look and how to interpret it.

Some stats are quick interesting behavioural indicators of where more sparse stats are likely to end up - and that's an edge too.
Such details, you devil.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 11:25 AM
You can't really FYP that to zero. An event is proof its not zero, but no event isn't proof it is zero.

Of course, zero is still some indication.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 11:36 AM
Some of the players defending the use of HUD's are coming off really badly in this thread. The average person views these type of software programs as cheating. Take the basic HUD without even getting into seating scripts and other software options.

HEM or PT compile all the hands you have been involved in, then pop your statistics right next to your icon on your opponents computer screen for him to see! In realtime while he is playing against you! Pro online players have become so accustomed to this reality that they don't even see how ****ed up the use of HUDS really are.

When I first saw a HUD being used (probably 8 years ago , maybe more, who knows) I couldn't believe my eyes. It sure looked like cheating to me. Then as it became more commonplace I started using it myself since it didn't seem very frowned upon. It actually seemed necessary and I lost perspective myself of how insanely unfair the use of HUDS was.

Now after not playing online a few years I can see clearly once again with no vested interest whatsoever that HUDS should have no future in online poker. It might not be cheating but it's about as close as it gets.

A decent analogy would be steroids in baseball a 15 years ago. Players not juicing faced a tremendous disadvantage., much like players not using a HUD to let them know how their opponents play using a database they paid for.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by zrap
Some of the players defending the use of HUD's are coming off really badly in this thread. The average person views these type of software programs as cheating. Take the basic HUD without even getting into seating scripts and other software options.

HEM or PT compile all the hands you have been involved in, then pop your statistics right next to your icon on your opponents computer screen for him to see! In realtime while he is playing against you! Pro online players have become so accustomed to this reality that they don't even see how ****ed up the use of HUDS really are.

When I first saw a HUD being used (probably 8 years ago , maybe more, who knows) I couldn't believe my eyes. It sure looked like cheating to me. Then as it became more commonplace I started using it myself since it didn't seem very frowned upon. It actually seemed necessary and I lost perspective myself of how insanely unfair the use of HUDS was.

Now after not playing online a few years I can see clearly once again with no vested interest whatsoever that HUDS should have no future in online poker. It might not be cheating but it's about as close as it gets.

A decent analogy would be steroids in baseball a 15 years ago. Players not juicing faced a tremendous disadvantage., much like players not using a HUD to let them know how their opponents play using a database they paid for.
Yea, but if you can't hit, throw, and catch, roids won't help you play baseball better!
But it will make the game more interesting for good players who roid, when they play against each other!

Anyone who disagrees with me has no idea what roids do.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by TR7isBetterThanU
This must have been how Galileo Galilei felt
Its tough at the top.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 12:52 PM
The amount of arguing goin on about HUDs is killing me.

I dont know why people are defending them by saying they don't help. As a HUD user I can attest that they DO. But they don't do as much for you as the HUD haters will have you think and you can still be a good winner without them. All they really do is let you work more at the same level of performance.

Let me describe it this way:

In bodybuilding and sports conditioning, nutrition is important. Even more so on a high level. Without it, not only will an athlete not be able to perform as well but they wont improve physically as much either. Nutrition is to Sports/Fitness what Paying Attention is to Poker. If you don't pay attention to what's going on at the table, you will make more mistakes while doing less to correct them.

Good nutrition used to come mainly from a good diet. But now it also comes from supplements like multivitamins and protein isolate which provide everything and then some, helping you truly reap the full benefits of your workout & perform well. HUDS are basically like supplements because they provide extra attention (aka nutrients).

HUDs alone will not make you a winning player though. Just like taking protein alone will not magically make you stronger or perform better. You still need to work if you want to see results. The advantage mainly comes from being able to take on more tasks and improve more while sacrificing less performance.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by TR7isBetterThanU
Read this. Read it again. Read it once more.

Read above, you utter moron.

This must have been how Galileo Galilei felt
HAHA, oh my god, why did I miss this?
TR7, you have just placed yourself among some of the greatest in English literature.
Your poetry, elegant yet so eloquent.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by mystery_man
Yea, but if you can't hit, throw, and catch, roids won't help you play baseball better!
But it will make the game more interesting for good players who roid, when they play against each other!

Anyone who disagrees with me has no idea what roids do.
LOL How can anyone argue against that logic?
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-05-2015 , 09:45 PM

This "need thousands of hands" is such horse****. Any stats over 100 hands are worthwhile when making a decision. Obviously not absolute but they are still worthy of consideration therefore useful

Can accept however that HUDS make reg on reg wars fun so that's a negative, but high time the pros/high volume wannabe type players realised its not all about them
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
