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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

08-18-2014 , 04:22 PM
It's worth trying.
08-18-2014 , 04:26 PM
This thread is still going...jebus
08-18-2014 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
wait. Did you just find the cure for Mike? no sex for 15 and a gambling addict? Maybe instead of arresting him they should send him to the closest brothel and make him eat lots of chocolate

I'd have suggested some push ups or jogging too, but him he seems less likely to do a push than quit gambling
You made me spit my drink.
08-18-2014 , 04:32 PM
god I hope that's not a chargeable offensive in New York
08-18-2014 , 04:36 PM
just checked Hendon, no new results for psuMike...getting impatient for the next Borovetz tourney cash that we can discuss. got me thinking about what Mike's reaction is going to be if a 2plus2er gives him a little ribbing at the table. in this forum he has gone ballistic at the "haters". i wonder if live it will be even worse
08-18-2014 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by tenderloinig
It's relative. Nobody is doing any great suffering because a cold man steals a jacket from Macys. In fact Macys factors theft into their prices long before any crimes actually occur.
Cool. Thanks for letting me know that.

Does same go for a hot man stealing a swimsuit so he can go swimming?

What about a groom that cannot afford a tuxedo for the wedding for the love of his life?

I guess this is all factored in as well.
08-18-2014 , 05:43 PM
Just read the whole story from Mike. Reading OP I was thinking this guys is a huge scumbag, but now I have a LITTLE sympathy. I have addiction issues of my own that people can't even begin to understand - so I respect the fact that I can't wrap my brain around this addiction. "After I lose a tourney I have to hit the pits to win it back!" Oh really Mike? why exactly? Because of how well it worked out for you the last 100,000 times?

That said, it seems to me we all know the solution - 100% done with gambling and no matter how big of an edge your play will grant you, POKER IS STILL GAMBLING. Mike says at one point in his story that he did best with an ankle bracelet on. Thus SERIOUS help with constant monitoring is the only thing that could work. I'm not sure how to recreate that but it needs to be done if you want a shot at a non-degen life.

I have very little hope for Mike to turn this all around. It appears to me he lies to himself constantly even in this honest confession of his. He keeps saying he is too late – man, if life ended at 39 we wouldn’t have this whole Social Security issue.

“I paid most of the people I borrowed from back.” How can this be even close to true? You stated ‘borrowing’ money from people in Vegas was your only income for over a year in 2001-2002. You might pay back larger sums to known poker players, but I don’t think you are paying back the vast majority of your victims.

You keep talking about wanting to hit one big score to fix everything. But from reading your story you did that, twice, once for 100K and once for 150K. Both times you pissed it all away ASAP. Many people have pointed this out on the thread.
The real solution to your problem is quite simple for me to write out in 3 steps. Pulling it off, however, may be impossible. Best of luck to you.

1 – Quit all forms of gambling including Pit, Poker, Sports, Scratch offs, - ALL GAMBLING done.

2 – Go out and EARN some money with some good old fashion hard work. Feel good about earning – not winning.

3 – Congratulate yourself every single day for completing steps 1 and 2. No matter how lame or weird you feel take the moment to acknowledge privately to yourself that you have accomplished something on this month/week/day/hour that you had thought was impossible. And feel good about it.
08-18-2014 , 09:39 PM
let's not confuse Mike's gambling addiction and his scamming. I could feel sympathy for and support a gambling addict. Scamming on the other hand is unforgivable and makes Mike pure scum forever.
08-18-2014 , 11:08 PM
Didn't Mike have court today?
08-18-2014 , 11:13 PM
08-18-2014 , 11:18 PM
Did anyone write a letter to the judge?

If anyone can find me the judge's name and e-mail I would send a short letter with a link to this thread.

I suck at the Google. Could not find anything.
08-19-2014 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Irarelypost
Did anyone write a letter to the judge?

If anyone can find me the judge's name and e-mail I would send a short letter with a link to this thread.

I suck at the Google. Could not find anything.
Not cool.
08-19-2014 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by mchine
Just a hypothetical question for the legal eagles.(gresh .jman,other guy) Let's say Mike asked someone for $200 to stay at the Ramada and the guy gives him $200. Mike goes to stay at the Ramada. Is any crime committed in this instance?
what if he tells 10 people that and then uses 200 for the hotel and 1500 for the monster stack?
08-19-2014 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Those are the only signs of physical addiction? Gambling, winning or losing, releases chemicals into your brain. Dopamine being the big one I believe. Over time your brain changes and needs these chemicals because it gets used to them but at them same time becomes "numb" to what triggers the release. Its why some gamblers go up and up in stakes over time. Their brain becomes dependent on the chemical release but betting $5 stops working, so they bet bet $20, until that stops working and they bet $100

Not sure what physical signs of withdrawl a gambling addict would have if he stops cold turkey. Either someone more informed or a five minute google search would have to clear that up for you. Tons of uppers work though by increasing dopamine levels in your brain. Coke and amphetamines being the two i think of the top of my head
That's pretty much the definition of psychological addiction. Not that it matters very much if an addiction has a physical element to it or not, it can be just as severe and devastating either way.
08-19-2014 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by tenderloinig
Basically mike is scamming and stealing from individuals which is the worst form of the offense as it is the most damaging unlike shoplifting from a department store which hurts nobody.
Can't let you get away with that one.

Who do you imagine absorbs the costs of shoplifting?

I'll tell you - all the honest shoppers, but especially the poor honest shoppers and those seeking jobs in retail.

Stores factor in the cost of shoplifting into their overhead like any other cost. That overhead partly determines the price at which goods will be sold. The increase in the price of goods due to shoplifting affects the poor disproportionately since the price hike represents a greater proportion of their available cash.

Staff get paid less and there are fewer of them, again the poorest suffer with lower wages and fewer jobs.

To give you an example the cost of shoplifting/shrinkage at one airport shop I ran would have paid for an extra 3 full-time employees.
08-19-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
To give you an example the cost of shoplifting/shrinkage at one airport shop I ran would have paid for an extra 3 full-time employees.
Did you ever manage to catch anybody? I ask because I'm curious about what kind of person spends a stinkload of money on a vacation, and then jeopardizes it by going shoplifting at the airport?

Stupid people, I guess. But if they were that stupid, you'd think it'd be easier to stop them/catch them?
08-19-2014 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by joe_seboks_luck
Did you ever manage to catch anybody? I ask because I'm curious about what kind of person spends a stinkload of money on a vacation, and then jeopardizes it by going shoplifting at the airport?

Stupid people, I guess. But if they were that stupid, you'd think it'd be easier to stop them/catch them?
mildy amusing that a question was asked about who would commit pity crimes in an airport?

Last edited by ZOMG_RIGGED!; 08-19-2014 at 12:56 PM. Reason: unless the was your point to begin with
08-19-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by joe_seboks_luck
Did you ever manage to catch anybody? I ask because I'm curious about what kind of person spends a stinkload of money on a vacation, and then jeopardizes it by going shoplifting at the airport?

Stupid people, I guess. But if they were that stupid, you'd think it'd be easier to stop them/catch them?
Besides somebody with a mental ilness, it would be somebody like Borevitz or professional shoplifters. Granted airports are usually in the middle of nowhere but in Toronto the airport is 20 minutes by public transit away from ghetto fringes of the city and I could see people doing this if they were desperate for money.
08-19-2014 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by lefty rosen
Besides somebody with a mental ilness, it would be somebody like Borevitz or professional shoplifters. Granted airports are usually in the middle of nowhere but in Toronto the airport is 20 minutes by public transit away from ghetto fringes of the city and I could see people doing this if they were desperate for money.
Aren't most shops these days past the security checkpoints? Wouldn't you need a ticket?
08-19-2014 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Aren't most shops these days past the security checkpoints? Wouldn't you need a ticket?
This was certainly the case with the shop that I am talking about. Most of the problem was caused by gangs, some from Eastern Europe, who would take a cheap return flight solely for the purpose of shoplifting. They get caught, they probably just get a fine and deported.

Airports are easy targets - usually busy, piles of drink / perfume / electronics on display, often understaffed by high street standards.
08-19-2014 , 09:44 PM
What it’s like to beg in Las Vegas

Maybe PSUMike1999 can do the same, $25/h seems about right.
08-19-2014 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Aren't most shops these days past the security checkpoints? Wouldn't you need a ticket?
If you steal enough, a cheap ticket is just a business expense. Maybe it's refundable if you "miss" your flight.
08-19-2014 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by iRaiseProffs
What it’s like to beg in Las Vegas

Maybe PSUMike1999 can do the same, $25/h seems about right.
It seems like PSU either was coached in county jail or has been through the system enough that he knows that he will never do more than a day or two in jail and pay a minimal fine. If this guy never has to do any real time then PSU probably won't either unless he scams the wrong person. This looks like what PSU wants for a future if he even lives this long....
08-19-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Irarelypost
Did anyone write a letter to the judge?

If anyone can find me the judge's name and e-mail I would send a short letter with a link to this thread.

I suck at the Google. Could not find anything.
This is a legit idea. If it's no big deal then the judge won't care...
08-20-2014 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Irarelypost
Did anyone write a letter to the judge?

If anyone can find me the judge's name and e-mail I would send a short letter with a link to this thread.

I suck at the Google. Could not find anything.
Cmon man, this is just straight up stalking. It's not your business or duty to ruin Mike's life any more than it already has been.
