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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

08-16-2014 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by youshameusitalians
Michael obv has problems, but the more disturbing part of this thread is how much time you trolls are spending posting about him in this thread. All of your simple minded semantics are pathetic, and you posting in this thread ten times a day for weeks on end makes your life look sadder than his.

Mike is probably laughing at you all. You people that won't let this die come off as miserable human beings that are only posting here because his sad life makes you feel better about your miserable existence.

Just look in the mirror who is more pathetic mike because he scams to help his gambling problem, Or you a bunch of trolls that spend their entire day/weeks speculating on how scummy he is. You are seriously wasting your lives worse than he is, and you really should not feel superior to him because at this point you have lowered yourselves to a level sadder than his life could ever be.

We should start a thread on how pathetic you trolls are then your semantics could go on forever. Ignorant donkies to name a few Yappinyoda jman220(toolman220) and mchine and a bunch of others Get a life, or at least stop trying to live vicariously through mikes life.
Beleive me Bovrovetz is a pathetic human being. we laugh at him every day. If Mike laughs at us we just laugh. You are a pathetic human being for defending him. ha ha ha.

I wake up every day and say at least I'm not Borovetz.
08-16-2014 , 01:45 PM
Michael Borovetz arrest in Los Angeles on 05/29/2014

Booking No.: 3987141 Last Name: BOROVETZ First Name: MICHAEL Middle Name:

Sex: M Race: W Date Of Birth: 01/07/1975 Age: 39 Hair: BRO Eyes: BRO Height: 507 Weight: 200

Charge Level: M (Misdemeanor)

Arrest Date: 05/29/2014 Arrest Time: 1715 Arrest Agency: 1943 Agency Description: LOS ANGELES AIRPORT PD

Date Booked: 05/29/2014 Time Booked: 2138 Booking Location: 4214 Location Description: LAPD - PACIFIC

Total Bail Amount: 100.00 Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00 Grand Total: 100.00

Housing Location: -

Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 05/29/2014 Assigned Time: 2138 Visitor Status: N

Actual Release Date: 05/30/2014 Release Time: 0309
08-16-2014 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Michael Borovetz arrest in Los Angeles on 05/29/2014

Booking No.: 3987141 Last Name: BOROVETZ First Name: MICHAEL Middle Name:

Sex: M Race: W Date Of Birth: 01/07/1975 Age: 39 Hair: BRO Eyes: BRO Height: 507 Weight: 200

Charge Level: M (Misdemeanor)

Arrest Date: 05/29/2014 Arrest Time: 1715 Arrest Agency: 1943 Agency Description: LOS ANGELES AIRPORT PD

Date Booked: 05/29/2014 Time Booked: 2138 Booking Location: 4214 Location Description: LAPD - PACIFIC

Total Bail Amount: 100.00 Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00 Grand Total: 100.00

Housing Location: -

Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 05/29/2014 Assigned Time: 2138 Visitor Status: N

Actual Release Date: 05/30/2014 Release Time: 0309
shows how sick this guy is. can get arrested and get right back to the airport scam in a new city. I'm not for punishing petty crime. But if a guy gets arrested this many times on the same charge should not they do something to encourage him to stop??
08-16-2014 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Michael Borovetz arrest in Los Angeles on 05/29/2014

Booking No.: 3987141 Last Name: BOROVETZ First Name: MICHAEL Middle Name:

Sex: M Race: W Date Of Birth: 01/07/1975 Age: 39 Hair: BRO Eyes: BRO Height: 507 Weight: 200

Charge Level: M (Misdemeanor)

Arrest Date: 05/29/2014 Arrest Time: 1715 Arrest Agency: 1943 Agency Description: LOS ANGELES AIRPORT PD

Date Booked: 05/29/2014 Time Booked: 2138 Booking Location: 4214 Location Description: LAPD - PACIFIC

Total Bail Amount: 100.00 Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00 Grand Total: 100.00

Housing Location: -

Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 05/29/2014 Assigned Time: 2138 Visitor Status: N

Actual Release Date: 05/30/2014 Release Time: 0309
Waiting for all the Mike Shills/Gimmick Accounts to keep arguing that what he's doing is not a crime, and that he's never been arrested, and that he should stay strong.
08-16-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
OK....So we are finally in agreement....
1) Scamming...Bad
2) Degenerate Gambling....Bad
3) Bullying less fortunate people on the internet in a mean spirited way...Bad
Gimmick account here. Sorry to quote myself but I did not want to retype this.
What Mike is doing is clearly wrong. I want him to get fixed.
Bullying and trashing people in a mean spirited way is also wrong. It is actually worse than what Mike is doing, because he can't help himself. I can't understand grown men (some possibly lawyers or other types of professionals) continually trashing Mike. They should know better. The general poker lowlife with hoodie and headphones gets a pass on trashing Mike because not much is expected of them. Adults and professionals; not so much.
08-16-2014 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Waiting for all the Mike Shills/Gimmick Accounts to keep arguing that what he's doing is not a crime, and that he's never been arrested, and that he should stay strong.
A lot of the issue is Mike is not being charged with a crime for what he is doing..he is being charged for where he is standing. Trespassing with a $100 bail will not discourage anyone.

Stay Strong Mike….
08-16-2014 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
Gimmick account here. Sorry to quote myself but I did not want to retype this.
What Mike is doing is clearly wrong. I want him to get fixed.
Bullying and trashing people in a mean spirited way is also wrong. It is actually worse than what Mike is doing, because he can't help himself. I can't understand grown men (some possibly lawyers or other types of professionals) continually trashing Mike. They should know better. The general poker lowlife with hoodie and headphones gets a pass on trashing Mike because not much is expected of them. Adults and professionals; not so much.
so your saying no one is responsible for their actions. Criminals just need to get fixed??
08-16-2014 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by CanadaPete
so your saying no one is responsible for their actions. Criminals just need to get fixed??
This statement pretty much sums up the opinions of the Mike Fan Club. "It's not his fault, he has a disease" or "he just needs our help". It's pretty easy to pick out the enablers in 2+2, they're the ones supporting and coddling Mike.
08-16-2014 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
Gimmick account here. Sorry to quote myself but I did not want to retype this.
What Mike is doing is clearly wrong. I want him to get fixed.
Bullying and trashing people in a mean spirited way is also wrong. It is actually worse than what Mike is doing, because he can't help himself. I can't understand grown men (some possibly lawyers or other types of professionals) continually trashing Mike. They should know better. The general poker lowlife with hoodie and headphones gets a pass on trashing Mike because not much is expected of them. Adults and professionals; not so much.
I've skimmed through this thread every day with vague interest, but I feel the need to quote this (particularly the bolded part). People like you are everything that's wrong with society these days. The mollycoddling "oh but its not his fault be nice to him he has a disease" bull**** gets on my nerves no end. He's a grown man, he has been doing this for years, he is a scummy lowlife who has a wealth of opportunity at hand despite the life he has led, yet he STILL refuses to take advantage of them. He STILL chooses to go to airports, to manipulate the good nature of average Joes out there, and he STILL takes that money and spunks it up the wall.

There are children in Africa dying in a hut with no food, water or clothes that would give both their legs to have the opportunities that Mike currently has, and for people like you in this thread to actually stick up for this guy beggars belief.

Gtfo with your mollycoddling bull****.
08-16-2014 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
I've skimmed through this thread every day with vague interest, but I feel the need to quote this (particularly the bolded part). People like you are everything that's wrong with society these days. The mollycoddling "oh but its not his fault be nice to him he has a disease" bull**** gets on my nerves no end. He's a grown man, he has been doing this for years, he is a scummy lowlife who has a wealth of opportunity at hand despite the life he has led, yet he STILL refuses to take advantage of them. He STILL chooses to go to airports, to manipulate the good nature of average Joes out there, and he STILL takes that money and spunks it up the wall.

There are children in Africa dying in a hut with no food, water or clothes that would give both their legs to have the opportunities that Mike currently has, and for people like you in this thread to actually stick up for this guy beggars belief.

Gtfo with your mollycoddling bull****.
Nice post! I see that in the UK you guys get it
08-16-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by CanadaPete
shows how sick this guy is. can get arrested and get right back to the airport scam in a new city. I'm not for punishing petty crime. But if a guy gets arrested this many times on the same charge should not they do something to encourage him to stop??
Or does it not escalate to a higher charge? I think jman might have answered that a while ago, but I'm too lazy to go hunting for it.

Also, to GazzyB, "mollycoddling" may become my new favorite word.
08-16-2014 , 10:59 PM
We all fight demons everyday. I want to drink but I don't do it everyday. I want to eat super unhealthy everyday. But we try to fight those urges off. Obviously, some people have demons worse than others. But if you avoid them for a few days it gets easier. That's why I can't buy the mike is sick argument. Many poker players are obsessive compulsive but they learn to control themselves. Obviously, it's easier for some than others.

It's kind of sick that mike can spend those nites in jail and not be motivated to change.
08-17-2014 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Or does it not escalate to a higher charge? I think jman might have answered that a while ago, but I'm too lazy to go hunting for it.

Also, to GazzyB, "mollycoddling" may become my new favorite word.
Yes, in New York at least it escalates. Now that he's been presumably "trespassed" from the airports, if he comes back in and is caught committing a separate offense, in this case a larceny, he can be charged with burglary. It hasn't happenned yet but eventually the police/da's office is going to get sick of just charging him with trespass and they're going to stick him with a burglary which is a felony. Also because he's got a prior felony conviction, if convicted he will be classified as a "second felony offender," which means he'll face a mandatory minimum sentence that includes incarceration in state prison. If he's eventually charged with and convicted of a burglary third in New York, he'll face a mandatory minimum "indeterminate" sentence of 2-4 years in state prison, up to a maximum of 3.5-7 years in state prison. What that means is he'll be eligible for parole after the minimum term is complete, and then be on parole for the remainder of the prison sentence. He also won't be eligible for most programs that can shorten your prison sentence, because he burned that on his last conviction. It'll take a lot for police/da's office to charge him with this over an offense such as this, but considering how frequently he is doing it and getting arrested for it, eventually it's going to happen, because the police are just going to get sick of constantly arresting him.
08-17-2014 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by jman220
Yes, in New York at least it escalates. Now that he's been presumably "trespassed" from the airports, if he comes back in and is caught committing a separate offense, in this case a larceny, he can be charged with burglary. It hasn't happenned yet but eventually the police/da's office is going to get sick of just charging him with trespass and they're going to stick him with a burglary which is a felony. Also because he's got a prior felony conviction, if convicted he will be classified as a "second felony offender," which means he'll face a mandatory minimum sentence that includes incarceration in state prison. If he's eventually charged with and convicted of a burglary third in New York, he'll face a mandatory minimum "indeterminate" sentence of 2-4 years in state prison, up to a maximum of 3.5-7 years in state prison. What that means is he'll be eligible for parole after the minimum term is complete, and then be on parole for the remainder of the prison sentence. He also won't be eligible for most programs that can shorten your prison sentence, because he burned that on his last conviction. It'll take a lot for police/da's office to charge him with this over an offense such as this, but considering how frequently he is doing it and getting arrested for it, eventually it's going to happen, because the police are just going to get sick of constantly arresting him.
Interesting, thanks.

Since I posted that, I went looking up my own state's laws regarding petty vs. grand theft, burglary, etc. I'm not sure if it differs much from New York, but the threshold in California that separates petty vs. grand is $950 in value, or the stolen item is a firearm, or the property was taken directly from the victim.

From what I can gather from Penal Code 487, what Mike has done would qualify under that third definition, and would fall under theft by false pretense or theft by trick (I'm not sure which). The consent defense — that is, that the victim willingly handed Mike the money — would fall apart if the prosecutor can show that the money was used for something other than for what the consent was given. And, like you said about New York, the decision to charge a criminal with felony grand theft rather than misdemeanor grand theft can be based on the offender's criminal history.

I know this stuff is probably LDO to you, but it was enlightening for me to read.

So... new question: as you already know, each time Mike enters a particular building (e.g. LAX) with the intent to steal, he has committed a burglary. If he does this several times at the same building, even if his specific victim is different, can the multiple crimes be considered a "common scheme," thus allowing the total stolen to be lumped into a single, larger charge?

Truth be told, I have to agree with some of the other posters. This is probably a moot discussion since it seems unlikely that a prosecutor (especially in a major city) would go through any significant effort to take down Mike Borovetz.

Last edited by Wilbury Twist; 08-17-2014 at 02:42 AM. Reason: Reorganized a bit.
08-17-2014 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by jman220
Yes, in New York at least it escalates. Now that he's been presumably "trespassed" from the airports, if he comes back in and is caught committing a separate offense, in this case a larceny, he can be charged with burglary. It hasn't happenned yet but eventually the police/da's office is going to get sick of just charging him with trespass and they're going to stick him with a burglary which is a felony. Also because he's got a prior felony conviction, if convicted he will be classified as a "second felony offender," which means he'll face a mandatory minimum sentence that includes incarceration in state prison. If he's eventually charged with and convicted of a burglary third in New York, he'll face a mandatory minimum "indeterminate" sentence of 2-4 years in state prison, up to a maximum of 3.5-7 years in state prison. What that means is he'll be eligible for parole after the minimum term is complete, and then be on parole for the remainder of the prison sentence. He also won't be eligible for most programs that can shorten your prison sentence, because he burned that on his last conviction. It'll take a lot for police/da's office to charge him with this over an offense such as this, but considering how frequently he is doing it and getting arrested for it, eventually it's going to happen, because the police are just going to get sick of constantly arresting him.
Don't drop the soap Mike.
08-17-2014 , 07:31 PM
Is mollycoddling like regular coddling but with mdma?

We need more mollycoddling! The world would be a much happier place

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using 2+2 Forums
08-17-2014 , 08:36 PM
Stay strong Mike.
08-17-2014 , 08:57 PM
I like my Mike like I like my coffee.
08-17-2014 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by ChoakMyDee
Stay strong Mike.
I certainly hope he CAN be strong. Prison will be hard on a scared white boy.
08-17-2014 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
I like my Mike like I like my coffee.
Fat and pasty?
08-17-2014 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
I like my Mike like I like my coffee.
weak and banned?
08-17-2014 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Yes, in New York at least it escalates. Now that he's been presumably "trespassed" from the airports, if he comes back in and is caught committing a separate offense, in this case a larceny, he can be charged with burglary. It hasn't happenned yet but eventually the police/da's office is going to get sick of just charging him with trespass and they're going to stick him with a burglary which is a felony. Also because he's got a prior felony conviction, if convicted he will be classified as a "second felony offender," which means he'll face a mandatory minimum sentence that includes incarceration in state prison. If he's eventually charged with and convicted of a burglary third in New York, he'll face a mandatory minimum "indeterminate" sentence of 2-4 years in state prison, up to a maximum of 3.5-7 years in state prison. What that means is he'll be eligible for parole after the minimum term is complete, and then be on parole for the remainder of the prison sentence. He also won't be eligible for most programs that can shorten your prison sentence, because he burned that on his last conviction. It'll take a lot for police/da's office to charge him with this over an offense such as this, but considering how frequently he is doing it and getting arrested for it, eventually it's going to happen, because the police are just going to get sick of constantly arresting him.
Still stuck on larceny huh? We both know that would never stick because his intent can't be proven and if in some way it could be proven they would never waste the time or money because there are more important issues going on. Also remember he has paid some people back and extra on top so all he has to do is say he was going to pay them back.

This is why I hate DA's and prosecutors. You now want to charge him with burglary even though he isn't really burglarizing anything and you know it. Sure you can argue technicalities but we both know along with everyone else that he isn't a ****ing burglar. If you are a DA or whatever you claim I bet you've put many innocent people in prison or people that don't really belong there. Let me guess you think people should be put in prison for pot too? You're a bigger scumbag than Mike if you would charge him with burglary.

You can't get over the fact that he isn't really committing any crimes so instead you go look for loop holes and technicalities to trump up his charges. So now this panhandler "on steroids" (Mike) is looking at felony charges because you can't let go of personal issues.

I have yet to see anyone bring forth evidence of him actually being charged with anything related to his "scamming" other than trespassing.

I've said it before and I'll say it one last time.....if what he was doing was illegal and worth the time to prosecute it would have already been done. Being that he has been doing this for 14+ years proves that what he is doing isn't that bad or worth the time of rational prosecutors. I'm sure you've already called all your friends in other counties and states trying to get this "master criminal" brought down but they probably just laughed at you.

I'd also bet that if you are a DA, prosecutor, lawyer, etc that you are in some small boring ass town that doesn't have real issues. Hence the reason you want Mike to be arrested on burglary charges. DA's that have real crimes to solve know that Mike isn't worth the time or resources.

You mention constantly arresting him like he's arrested every week or something. LOL get real. I bet he probably hasn't even been arrested twice by the same agency so to say that they are getting sick of him is lol and just shows you are out of touch with reality and just letting your personal views get in the way of making a rational decision.

Also lol at having mandatory prison time because he has 2 felonies. We both know that's a lie.

What's next? The FBI? Interpool? LOLOLOLOL

Sorry to break it to all you haters but although Mike is a scumbag he's smart enough to not commit any serious crimes like larceny or burglary so he won't be seeing any jail time soon.

Some of you are pretty pathetic...**** 100 posts putting down someone you've never met. Don't you have anything better to do? Yes Yoda I'm talking to you.

Till the next time!!!!!
08-17-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
I bet he probably hasn't even been arrested twice by the same agency
Clark County Nevada:
Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 6

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 4

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 8

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 3

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 6

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 6

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 7

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 4

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 5

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 4

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 7

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 3

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 4

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 1

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 1

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 8

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 4

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 1

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 5

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 7

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 4

Borovetz, H Michael
JC Department 6

Borovetz, H Michael

JC Department 3
Trespass, not amounting to burglary [53166]

He may have already used his "Get out of jail free" card in Clark County.
08-17-2014 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Clark County Nevada:
This thread is ever discovered by prosecutor office will not bode well for Crazy Mike...

Last edited by Videopro; 08-18-2014 at 12:07 AM.
08-18-2014 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
Still stuck on larceny huh? We both know that would never stick because his intent can't be proven and if in some way it could be proven they would never waste the time or money because there are more important issues going on. Also remember he has paid some people back and extra on top so all he has to do is say he was going to pay them back.

This is why I hate DA's and prosecutors. You now want to charge him with burglary even though he isn't really burglarizing anything and you know it. Sure you can argue technicalities but we both know along with everyone else that he isn't a ****ing burglar. If you are a DA or whatever you claim I bet you've put many innocent people in prison or people that don't really belong there. Let me guess you think people should be put in prison for pot too? You're a bigger scumbag than Mike if you would charge him with burglary.

You can't get over the fact that he isn't really committing any crimes so instead you go look for loop holes and technicalities to trump up his charges. So now this panhandler "on steroids" (Mike) is looking at felony charges because you can't let go of personal issues.

I have yet to see anyone bring forth evidence of him actually being charged with anything related to his "scamming" other than trespassing.

I've said it before and I'll say it one last time.....if what he was doing was illegal and worth the time to prosecute it would have already been done. Being that he has been doing this for 14+ years proves that what he is doing isn't that bad or worth the time of rational prosecutors. I'm sure you've already called all your friends in other counties and states trying to get this "master criminal" brought down but they probably just laughed at you.

I'd also bet that if you are a DA, prosecutor, lawyer, etc that you are in some small boring ass town that doesn't have real issues. Hence the reason you want Mike to be arrested on burglary charges. DA's that have real crimes to solve know that Mike isn't worth the time or resources.

You mention constantly arresting him like he's arrested every week or something. LOL get real. I bet he probably hasn't even been arrested twice by the same agency so to say that they are getting sick of him is lol and just shows you are out of touch with reality and just letting your personal views get in the way of making a rational decision.

Also lol at having mandatory prison time because he has 2 felonies. We both know that's a lie.

What's next? The FBI? Interpool? LOLOLOLOL

Sorry to break it to all you haters but although Mike is a scumbag he's smart enough to not commit any serious crimes like larceny or burglary so he won't be seeing any jail time soon.

Some of you are pretty pathetic...**** 100 posts putting down someone you've never met. Don't you have anything better to do? Yes Yoda I'm talking to you.

Till the next time!!!!!
As much as I usually disagree with most of what you have to say, I do agree with one of your points. I have a lot more important things to do than continue to post on this thread, so I'm done with it. Mike, if you're still reading this, you're obviously a smart guy. If you want to get help and become a productive and contributing member of society, you can. You just have to decide that you do. Anyone can do it, including you. I just hope one day you decide you want it.
