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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

08-07-2014 , 01:36 PM
Do NOT send credentials or personal information to ANYONE in this thread. This is the NVG. It is filled with some of the lowest of the low gambling degenerates. You'd be a fool to send someone personal info here. It's the reason that people have asked that others don't post their real names in this thread, and just look what happened to Mike when he sent some personal information. You have to expect that if someone receives your personal information, they will do something unscrupulous with it such as contact your University to complain about you.
08-07-2014 , 01:56 PM
I would buy the book and pay $11 to see the movie. That's just me, doesn't mean it would be the next Hunger Games.
08-07-2014 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
Do NOT send credentials or personal information to ANYONE in this thread. This is the NVG. It is filled with some of the lowest of the low gambling degenerates. You'd be a fool to send someone personal info here. It's the reason that people have asked that others don't post their real names in this thread, and just look what happened to Mike when he sent some personal information. You have to expect that if someone receives your personal information, they will do something unscrupulous with it such as contact your University to complain about you.

The main thing that "happened to Mike" was that this thread was created. Instead of being "some random guy", the 6/22 airport scammer had provided a readily verifiable identity.

To quote Teddy Lewis (Mickey Rourke in Body Heat) on committing a crime:

"No, that's not all there is to it. You've got to get in,you've got to get out, you've got to pick the right time..... and you've got to try not to get famous while you're in the act. "
08-07-2014 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
Does Yapping Yoda have any life whatsoever outside of harassing PSUmike?
No, I've decided to dedicate my life to annoying the crap out Mike. Yesterday, I quit my job so I can spend my time on my new hobby. If I need money for food or bills, I can just head down to the airport and make a few hundred bucks, Mike style.
08-07-2014 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by YappingYoda
No, I've decided to dedicate my life to annoying the crap out Mike. Yesterday, I quit my job so I can spend my time on my new hobby. If I need money for food or bills, I can just head down to the airport and make a few hundred bucks, Mike style.
Ok...No problem...But just stay away from the airport from 4PM to 8PM when I am working.....Ooops....I mean when Mike is working.
08-07-2014 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by William Murderface
Problem is all of these so called lawyers and prosecutors in this thread apparently don't know how things work in the real world.
Jman220, even with all his expertise and experience, didn't even know that defrauding an innkeeper is a crime. He also didn't believe Mike would catch a burglary charge related to the check fraud. (I'll give you a hint. It was probably a plea bargain to a lesser charge. Something that happens numerous times every day, in just about every court). Yet he somehow insists that some prosecutor is going to search the internet for victims of this guys petty scams. It should be clear enough that with Mike's 20+ misdemeanor trespasses, that no prosecutor gives 2 ****s about tracking this guy down and trying to get a judge to throw the book at him regarding these relatively minor crimes.

Mike will go away for a long time when he pulls off something major. He'll never do more than 6 months-1 year unless he gets caught doing a single fraud worth thousands, a violent felony, a major casino cheating scam, etc. Nobody is locking him up and throwing away the key for trespassing, or his $200 airport sob stories, regardless of what the law school students or proteges in this thread would like you to believe.

And for the record, I hate Mike for all the bull**** he's put his victims through, for what he's put innocent dealers through, for his scummy attitude, etc. But let's get back to reality. His airport crimes are nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Good post.

In defense of said lawyers/prosecutors, I was one of the people who simply asked about the criminalities (if that's a word) of Mike's scams. Jman answered my question fairly and accurately, in my opinion. However, it's worth noting that our legal experts have pretty much voiced what Mike could and should be charged with, but not so much that he would or will. I doubt Jman or Gzesh would take bets that Mike does any prison time in the next few years, even if they think he should. (Again, I still keep thinking bentaylor1988 will visit this thread to give/take action on this.)

I like the analogy that another poster made to speeding. I've been cited for this twice in my life. There were additional instances where I could have gotten a few tickets but I either talked my way out of them, and/or the officer decided to let me off with a warning. And yet I still rarely keep the needle under the limit when I drive. I'm typically in the low-70s in a 65 zone, around 80 in a 70 zone, etc. Not exactly maniacal, but still technically speeding.

So what if we consult our lawyers and prosecutors? Am I breaking the law when I do that? Yes. Does admitting here constitute some sort of legal admission of my wrongdoing? Perhaps (I would assume so). Could my repeated heavy foot eventually lead to some sort of felony conviction? Sure, if I was dinged for as many moving violations as Mike has for trespassing. By the letter of the law, I probably should be on the hook. But realistically, I never fear the day the CHP comes knocking on my door.

My point to this TLDR post is that the lawyers and prosecutors in this thread are certainly not wrong in their interpretations of Mike's activity — they're the experts when it comes to criminal law. But yeah, realistically (and perhaps unfortunately) Mike is about as unlikely to face serious criminal action as I am of getting a visit from Ponch and Jon.
08-07-2014 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Slam254
I would buy the book and pay $11 to see the movie. That's just me, doesn't mean it would be the next Hunger Games.
I'm somewhere in between. I don't need the book because this thread already serves that purpose. As for a movie, I'm sure I'd see it out of some morbid curiosity, then I'd exit the theater in a life-tilted rage because the Hollywood treatment would likely make Mike out to be some sympathetic hero.

Originally Posted by YappingYoda
No, I've decided to dedicate my life to annoying the crap out Mike. Yesterday, I quit my job so I can spend my time on my new hobby. If I need money for food or bills, I can just head down to the airport and make a few hundred bucks, Mike style.
Originally Posted by mchine
Ok...No problem...But just stay away from the airport from 4PM to 8PM when I am working.....Ooops....I mean when Mike is working.
08-07-2014 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
Yes I had a few interactions with that poster. If what he stated was true (and I'm not saying it is or isn't) then why hasn't Mike been prosecuted? Do you really think that he has never been brought to the attention of LE before?

See the thing is you have to prove his intent which is pretty much impossible to do. Sure we all know he probably never intended to pay anything back but he has already paid some people back and you actually have to be able to prove he didn't intend to pay them back. The legal system works by proof not speculation.

He's not offering people services or return on their money which is what makes this pretty much legal. He promises (by word of mouth, no legal contract) to pay people back and then doesn't. A promise by word of mouth is not a legal binding contract. Considering he is still living then he can say he still has the intentions of paying people back and you can't prove other wise. By not having a legal written contract the specifies when this money should be paid back then you can't really say he hasn't paid it back yet because their is no set date.

Just because I have a different opinion than you or someone else doesn't mean I'm sticking up for Mike. I think I've called him a scumbag numerous times in fact. I just don't think what he did is all that terrible.

So what kind of person am I since you know me so well?
Ok. Can't take it anymore. A verbal agreement is legally binding. Quit with your bull****. If you don't know what you are talking about then don't post. Doesn't matter what your OPINION is, matters what the actual LAW is.
08-07-2014 , 05:36 PM
Wilbury, the speeding analogy is ridiculous.
Going 80 in a 70 is breaking the law, granted. A vast majority of drivers do the same and those who go to prison for it have normally combined it with something else like actually driving into something or someone.

Scamming $200 from people is different. It's not as if everyone does it, sometimes by mistake, as the safe scamming limit is $150. Scamming has an effect on the victim.
08-07-2014 , 05:52 PM
Mods, readers & trolls:

With no disrespect to anyones taste or opinions; please stop giving Michael false hope about selling his story to a production company to write or his own ability to write and sell this story to publishers/producers.

Michael in my estimation has a sickness that includes delusions of grander, while appreciate everyone has their own taste, if you really support him you won't pump him up.

I've seen post where people claimed to show his story to colleagues and they said they would buy his material.

I showed his story to 3 exec producers who make multiple feature films a year and they all gave it quick "No Ways". One called buying the rights to this "career suicide."

I'm not posting this to be offense or to flame Michael. I want everyone, including him to understand first hand that outside of self-publishing that his story is not-sellable to Hollywood and will not be a viable income option.

Michael and everyone else need to move on from this idea and work on more realistic ways to support him on getting the actual help he could need to live a healthy second half of his life.

My statement isn't up for opinionated discussion, it's just the facts of reality. I'm sorry if anyone including mike are personally offended but it was unfair to continue to watch people try to encourage a fantastical revenue stream by making him believe this story will come close to selling or ever even after that miracle would be published or produced.
08-07-2014 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
Wilbury, the speeding analogy is ridiculous.
Going 80 in a 70 is breaking the law, granted. A vast majority of drivers do the same and those who go to prison for it have normally combined it with something else like actually driving into something or someone.

Scamming $200 from people is different. It's not as if everyone does it, sometimes by mistake, as the safe scamming limit is $150. Scamming has an effect on the victim.
Scamming does have an effect on the victim, but sometimes it is a positive. Most of these people feel good about helping someone. In June, I was waiting for the Harrah's shuttle that goes to the Rio to play a WSOP event. Some guy sat down next to me and offered to sell me a phone charger for 5 bucks. I told him I didn't need a phone charger. He sat there for a while longer and then asked if I could just give him some money to eat with. He said he hadn't eaten in two days and that I could go with him to watch him eat. I asked him how much he would need to get something to eat. He said no one had ever asked him that before and he didn't know how to answer. Anyway, I gave him ten bucks because I felt sorry for him and thought that by doing something nice for a stranger that I might get good luck in the tournament. Well, the good luck part didn't work, but I still felt good about helping the guy.
08-07-2014 , 06:06 PM
maybe the book/movie would have more umph if it tied into land-based casinos and how Adelson has helped facilitate this poor lost souls indesretions...
08-07-2014 , 06:10 PM
I felt sorry for him and thought that by doing something nice for a stranger that I might get good luck in the tournament. Well, the good luck part didn't work, but I still felt good about helping the guy.
It was actually negative luck by giving someone else's money to the guy to get food.
08-07-2014 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
Scamming does have an effect on the victim, but sometimes it is a positive. Most of these people feel good about helping someone. In June, I was waiting for the Harrah's shuttle that goes to the Rio to play a WSOP event. Some guy sat down next to me and offered to sell me a phone charger for 5 bucks. I told him I didn't need a phone charger. He sat there for a while longer and then asked if I could just give him some money to eat with. He said he hadn't eaten in two days and that I could go with him to watch him eat. I asked him how much he would need to get something to eat. He said no one had ever asked him that before and he didn't know how to answer. Anyway, I gave him ten bucks because I felt sorry for him and thought that by doing something nice for a stranger that I might get good luck in the tournament. Well, the good luck part didn't work, but I still felt good about helping the guy.
Michael Borovetz is only 50% of the problem. The other 50% of the problem is YOU. You are an ENABLER. If people like you didn't exist, then beggars wouldn't exist either. In the future, anyone that is ever waiting for the Harrah's shuttle can thank you for helping to lower their quality of life.
08-07-2014 , 06:18 PM
Did someone order the dum dum sauce with their fish taco?
08-07-2014 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
Ok...No problem...But just stay away from the airport from 4PM to 8PM when I am working.....Ooops....I mean when Mike is working.
I wouldn't worry about it, it looks like you travel a lot, so I doubt we'll be at the same airport at the same time. However, if I happen to run into you, can you give me some PaiGow lessons, since you seem to be really good at it?
08-07-2014 , 06:24 PM
A guy once asked me for money so he could eat. I told him no, but I do have some sandwiches in my bag that he could have. He just walked away.
08-07-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Mods, readers & trolls:

With no disrespect to anyones taste or opinions; please stop giving Michael false hope about selling his story to a production company to write or his own ability to write and sell this story to publishers/producers.

Michael in my estimation has a sickness that includes delusions of grander, while appreciate everyone has their own taste, if you really support him you won't pump him up.

I've seen post where people claimed to show his story to colleagues and they said they would buy his material.

I showed his story to 3 exec producers who make multiple feature films a year and they all gave it quick "No Ways". One called buying the rights to this "career suicide."

I'm not posting this to be offense or to flame Michael. I want everyone, including him to understand first hand that outside of self-publishing that his story is not-sellable to Hollywood and will not be a viable income option.

Michael and everyone else need to move on from this idea and work on more realistic ways to support him on getting the actual help he could need to live a healthy second half of his life.

My statement isn't up for opinionated discussion, it's just the facts of reality. I'm sorry if anyone including mike are personally offended but it was unfair to continue to watch people try to encourage a fantastical revenue stream by making him believe this story will come close to selling or ever even after that miracle would be published or produced.
Finally somebody tells the truth on his life story. Nobody would touch this beyond doing an indie doc type thing and the odds of that going big are slim to none....
08-07-2014 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
Wilbury, the speeding analogy is ridiculous.
Going 80 in a 70 is breaking the law, granted. A vast majority of drivers do the same and those who go to prison for it have normally combined it with something else like actually driving into something or someone.

Scamming $200 from people is different. It's not as if everyone does it, sometimes by mistake, as the safe scamming limit is $150. Scamming has an effect on the victim.
To be clear, in NO WAY did I say nor imply that speeding and scamming are of equal severity. You're absolutely right, what Mike has done is worse than speeding (mostly because speed limits are arbitrary numbers that are set much lower than they safely need to be). He had a victim every time. Can't argue with that.

I simply used it as an example of an activity wherein if I asked a legal expert the three questions I posed in that post (1. did I break the law, 2. did I just admit to doing it and 3. could I face harsher penalties than a mere citation for repeated infractions), I would likely get three "yes" answers and yet would never realistically fear harsher penalties.

Mike is in a similar boat for (again, yes) a much more severe offense. Is his con illegal? Did he admit to it? Could he face harsher penalties than his trespass citations if it continues? Yes, yes and yes, according to our legal experts. But that doesn't mean he realistically will ever face harsher penalties.

Anyway, that's where the comparison was. Not in the direct comparison between speeding vs. scamming, but rather the lawyers/prosecutors' opinions as to what could happen to Mike. Apologies for not being more clear.

Edit: also, to be clear, I'm of the camp that would like to see Mike face the music for what he's done. (So no, I'm not another Mike account.) I've been saying all along, my only wish in this pathetic saga is that the scamming stops. I just don't think it ever will happen, for reasons that have already been discussed in this thread.
08-07-2014 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
So then every homeless person, by your theory, is also a thief and steals money. Do you really think they always buy food with the money just because their sign says they are hungry?

I understand you have a personal vendetta against Mike but you can't make arguments based off of personal vendettas.

While I don't think what he did/does is right I don't think it is stealing. Like I have said previously the people that gave him money could most likely afford it and wanted to do it to help someone. Look at the picture that was posted in this thread.....does he really look like some businessman that is stuck in the airport? No he looks like a scumbag that I wouldn't give $3.50.

Yes he cashed some fake checks and that is stealing although I wouldn't say that makes him a thief. I don't remember the details of that story but I'm pretty sure he was just a pawn in some other peoples scheme and didn't go out actively looking to steal from people.

The hotel...sure but again I don't think he was actively looking to steal. Didn't he go busto then wasn't able to pay his bill?

To compare him to bank robbers is lol. This is a pretty good example of a victimless crime...sure some of you will laugh or think it's absurd but really who is the victim? He didn't forcefully take anything or take anything that people couldn't do with out. If someone was at the airport and able to give him $200 cash I would be willing to bet that the $200 wasn't the last $200 that person had.

If the FBI went after people like him it would be a waste of valuable time and resources. The easiest way to stop people like Mike is to not be a dumbass and don't believe his stupid little story. Sure when he started doing this 10 years ago it was reasonable that he might actually be stuck in an airport but if you actually believe it now you are probably just a fool and you know what they say about fools......."A fool and his money are soon parted"

I'm not trying to stick up for Mike but some of you are making him out to be the next Madoff. I really don't see how he is any different than a bum. They both have addictions and they both lie to get money.....Mike is just smart enough to go for a few $100 at a time.
lol sums it pretty much up. dont think he really traumatized anybody with his scam... Of course it's bad and he should stop, but the way I see it this is a very very unhappy man with an horrible addiction, a miserable life and possible some kind of mental issue.
08-07-2014 , 06:33 PM
Let's all help Mikie, poor soul, he has a disease-an addiction that he can't control. It's not really his fault. Blah, you are what your actions say you are, excuses don't matter.

I am willing to help poor Mikie though. I'll pitch in 10 bucks on a lobotomy.
08-07-2014 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
Let's all help Mikie, poor soul, he has a disease-an addiction that he can't control. It's not really his fault. Blah, you are what your actions say you are, excuses don't matter.

I am willing to help poor Mikie though. I'll pitch in 10 bucks on a lobotomy.
I'll double that, I'll add $20 to the pool
08-07-2014 , 07:32 PM
I can't believe I've actually gotten bored of this thread, since with "Mike" gone, it's basically turned into people arguing about if Mike's con is criminal enough to put him back in jail or not. I know this will fall on deaf ears, but I'll say it anyways. Mike, just stop it already. Stop using people. Stop lying to people. Stop living your life as a con. Call your parents, and see if you haven't totally burned that bridge, and go home. Start over, go back to college, get a masters, or major in something totally different. Try to become a productive member of society in some way. I don't really care what you do, just stop what you're doing, stop using, manipulating, and lying to people.
08-07-2014 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
Michael Borovetz is only 50% of the problem. The other 50% of the problem is YOU. You are an ENABLER. If people like you didn't exist, then beggars wouldn't exist either. In the future, anyone that is ever waiting for the Harrah's shuttle can thank you for helping to lower their quality of life.
No. Beggars would exist even if there were no scammers. People fall on hard times. It happens. But the difference is they would get more help and probably quicker. Right now when someone comes up to you you have to judge whether it is a scam. That cost plus the money for most people ends up being greater than the good feeling of helping. People like Mike drive that cost higher hurting the people that need it. He is screwing someone who legitimately is stranded or homeless or whatever.
08-07-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
Michael Borovetz is only 50% of the problem. The other 50% of the problem is YOU. You are an ENABLER. If people like you didn't exist, then beggars wouldn't exist either. In the future, anyone that is ever waiting for the Harrah's shuttle can thank you for helping to lower their quality of life.
Lol, do you actually believe this?? Wow just wow

Dont know how old you are and what you have seen from the world (not much since you signed looking at your number of posts , but i can tell you you are one ignorant ****
