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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

05-27-2012 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Event 1 is today
True, but it is the Casino Employees. First "open" event tomorrow.

Obviously this is complete speculation as there has been no confirmation on a deal even being in the works from neither the DOJ nor PS...BUT...

...In my view, from a purely PR perspective, if you were PS and going to make an announcement soon regarding a completed deal, tomorrow would be a great choice:

-Let the spotlight from SCOOP run its course a week after completing the largest online tournament series in history
-Don't interfere with your Sunday before WSOP, probably one of their bigger Sundays before a drought now that no one can play on there from WSOP
-Maximize word of mouth potential via the live scene on the "first" (open) WSOP event stage to carry publicity through towards Fall state legalization in Nevada and a handful of other states to follow to put pressure on legislators to let you back in as you have proven how committed you are to doing right by your American base.

Obviously the ROW implications are there as well, but that deal already makes sense and I have omitted it as it really needs no explanation why creating brand-loyalty with the second-largest customer base in your industry is a lucrative long-term idea. (I don't know when to use hyphens properly, just throw 'em out there and see what sticks)

Then again what YOU want as a company settling indictments with the DOJ may not be highest on the DOJ's list of priorities.

Does anyone know the numbers on Memorial Day in casinos regarding poker? I was shocked how many people would be there on say an Easter weekend, wonder if its a big day for them or a really low day because people all want to BBQ outside.

Also can't imagine anyone would take offense to a company announcing on Memorial Day that they are repaying Americans ~$150 million dollars. Not exactly the equivalent of raising the hammer and sickle.
05-27-2012 , 12:14 PM
meh, anyone who is getting their hopes up with more than likely have their heart crushed.

been there done that.
05-27-2012 , 12:14 PM
anytime there is a question mark in a headline, you can pretty much call it bull****
05-27-2012 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Sicarius
Where did you find pokernewsboy saying this=
05-27-2012 , 12:20 PM
i somewhat have a good feeling that tomorrow we gonna party hard
05-27-2012 , 12:20 PM
I've learned to take everything I read or hear on this topic with a grain of salt. So until I see a rep from Stars or the DOJ standing in front of a TV Camera making an announcement that the deal is done, I will continue to do so.
Problem is you get a bit of info and every writer puts their own twist on it.
Just like a rumor that starts and by the time is has gotten around it's completely different than what was originally said.

It would be great if the deal was done. Everyone could put this episode behind them and move on.
05-27-2012 , 12:23 PM
Wow, China got the worst beat ever! Who would have thought that the .01% would hit? With those kinds of odds he was right to go all in with his dead mother's grave and everything else he could scrounge up. You guys are just stuck in results-oriented thinking. When someone gives you 10,000 to 1 on ANYTHING, you take it!
05-27-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
anytime there is a question mark in a headline, you can pretty much call it bull****
did ya find the Avator Take Down Troll?
05-27-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by squeebo
Wow, China got the worst beat ever! Who would have thought that the .01% would hit? With those kinds of odds he was right to go all in with his dead mother's grave and everything else he could scrounge up. You guys are just stuck in results-oriented thinking. When someone gives you 10,000 to 1 on ANYTHING, you take it!
05-27-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by irockhoess

Obviously the ROW implications are there as well, but that deal already makes sense and I have omitted it as it really needs no explanation why creating brand-loyalty with the second-largest customer base in your industry is a lucrative long-term idea. (I don't know when to use hyphens properly, just throw 'em out there and see what sticks)
Definitely don't hyphenate brand loyalty. Brand is an adjective modifying loyalty. Good job with long-term. When long-term is an adjective in of itself it can/should be hyphenated so as to make clear 'long-term' is a package deal modifying 'idea' in this case. Otherwise long would be an adverb modifying the adjective term that modifies the noun idea and we can all agree that is just silly and borderline ridiculous!

anyways I hope you are right Scott
05-27-2012 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
Are you ****ing kidding me?

Originally Posted by basement_
pokernewsboy stating rumor mill says done deal
Youre doing a good job of taking one sentence out of context.
05-27-2012 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by squeebo
Wow, China got the worst beat ever! Who would have thought that the .01% would hit? With those kinds of odds he was right to go all in with his dead mother's grave and everything else he could scrounge up. You guys are just stuck in results-oriented thinking. When someone gives you 10,000 to 1 on ANYTHING, you take it!
he just needed a 72 hr ryder

Originally Posted by PJo336

Youre doing a good job of taking one sentence out of context.
well we havent had any rumors here of a done deal with the DOJ
and they seem to have more than 1 in the "all" comment
just trying to read between the lines...

Last edited by SGT RJ; 05-27-2012 at 12:32 PM.
05-27-2012 , 12:33 PM
The IGaming Post "article" combines rumor with Diamond Flush's report from several weeks ago.
05-27-2012 , 12:35 PM
Now that all the excitement from our favorite inside information provider has died down, let's go back to that thing where we don't insult each other and if you don't like someone you just ignore them, with or without the ignore list.

In other words, the constant little barbs and whining about posters you don't like is going to be scrutinized much more closely. Again. Because every time you guys get a little slack, you immediately start with the bull****. Again.
05-27-2012 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by foldacedeuce
Hi Guys and Gals

Just read something nice if it is true says announcement from PS will be Monday 28th, interestingly the day of the WSOP and to make the biggest splash ever over the WSOP.
http://www.ididntwritethisstoryhonestpleasegivemepageview splease
Originally Posted by caseycjc
How reliable is this source, any idea?
This just looks like foldacedeuce is deliberately spamming his own website, since every other account from the same location as him also spammed this drivel website before we banned it, entirely for page views and should be considered unreliable on that basis. And also what KevMath says above.

Last edited by D.S.; 05-27-2012 at 12:43 PM. Reason: Slow Pony
05-27-2012 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
The IGaming Post "article" combines rumor with Diamond Flush's report from several weeks ago.
Well there goes that hope.
05-27-2012 , 12:52 PM
lots green takin care of us today.. ty feeling the
05-27-2012 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
The IGaming Post "article" combines rumor with Diamond Flush's report from several weeks ago.
what was D_F report a few weeks ago?
05-27-2012 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
ur talking about the GBT deal, i thought u were saying about the stars-doj deal
05-27-2012 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by D.S.
This just looks like foldacedeuce is deliberately spamming his own website, since every other account from the same location as him also spammed this drivel website before we banned it, entirely for page views and should be considered unreliable on that basis. And also what KevMath says above.
You are like the IP investigation wizard.
05-27-2012 , 01:24 PM
What's the thought on that article from Igamingpost kevmath?? Think it's realistic?
05-27-2012 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
UH well Tapie Announced when his deal for FTP went bust, remember??

Maybe PS will announce also if their deal goes bust, ya know for PR reasons ya think?

Now if the Deals go thru then I seriously think some announcement by all parties is likely, ya think? Since no deal has yet been made there are no previous announcements except of course when PS Announced that they would pay all their USA customers their balances. That worked out.
Do you have some alternative view on how things might progress?? Hell , pal, this is NVG, Rave on!
Tapie was not under criminal indictment and facing a massive civil suit. Even if the deal is off the table it is unlikely that Stars has the option of writing a press release about it.

Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Originally Posted by China maniac

99.9 leaves the possibility of failure or delays

As far as people getting annoyed at me they can go shove a stick up their asses, all I am doing is passing on things I hear.

Until Stars gives an official announcement nothing is set in stone

This is chinas response to all of us on that welfare version forum.
China said the likely hood of the deal happening was 99%
And this is why so many people hate this guy for this latest **** he pulled. This is his attitude. That .01% is actually very likely in his head.

Which is funny because for people who make deals 99.99% means a signed, ironclad deal in possession of both parties. The .01% chance leaves an opening that both contracts spontaneously combust in flame.

The reality is people experienced in negotiations would never say something like 99.99% done deal. That was a big tell his source was not anyone with actual inside knowledge. Deals and negotiations can fall apart and change on the smallest things.

Here are the two acceptable categories of a deal: "not done", "done".

Percentages play no part in making a deal or negotiations. It is entirely binary.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 05-27-2012 at 02:00 PM.
05-27-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
UH well Tapie Announced when his deal for FTP went bust, remember??

Maybe PS will announce also if their deal goes bust, ya know for PR reasons ya think?

Now if the Deals go thru then I seriously think some announcement by all parties is likely, ya think? Since no deal has yet been made there are no previous announcements except of course when PS Announced that they would pay all their USA customers their balances. That worked out.
Do you have some alternative view on how things might progress?? Hell , pal, this is NVG, Rave on!
wow you managed to put a different smiley behind every sentence you wrote..thats a sick accomplishment
05-27-2012 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by foldacedeuce View Post
Hi Guys and Gals

Just read something nice if it is true says announcement from PS will be Monday 28th, interestingly the day of the WSOP and to make the biggest splash ever over the WSOP.
Quote from article
however the remaining 5.1% where most of the money is owed to large players would of been paid back within one year, that was the business plan by GBT.
Instatntly lost credibility.

Last edited by TBadr; 05-27-2012 at 01:59 PM.
