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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

05-29-2012 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think if you insult me "enough" that I can spill all kinds of secrets and show you the promised land?
I've already made very clear, negotiations are continuing, they are not yet complete, there is not a chosen date for an announcement, no announcement will be held up to coincide with anyone's predictions.

Want more than that, please feel free to take all your sweet talk to another forum. I'm sure there are plenty of other sites willing to accept your abuse in order to put their speculation out there. Good Luck.
I didn't insult you at all. The fact remains I have pointed out over and over you supposedly know everything going on yet you've
Yet to admit its stars negotiating. You have avoided this question like the plague. Why won't you say it's stars.
05-29-2012 , 12:43 AM
I gotta start trusting these small sites who come out with some exciting news daily
05-29-2012 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
I didn't insult you at all.
trollface jpeg.?
05-29-2012 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
I didn't insult you at all. The fact remains I have pointed out over and over you supposedly know everything going on yet you've
Yet to admit its stars negotiating. You have avoided this question like the plague. Why won't you say it's stars.

Diamond you do realize the only reason you have a job is because of guys like me and Joey. You sit there silent watching many many people go nuts over this situation...pure disgrace IMO

This is more then a news story Diamond, its peoples lives. I know its just another news story for you and u have 0 $ stuck at FT so when you go to sleep at night you really dont give a ****.

You know something and you hide it from us and you call yourself a journalist-Ha. This whole thing ruined a lot of people. Somebody needs to step up to the plate and give us some solid information. Maybe one of these low life journalists preying on people ups and downs will give us something soon. Gl to all
05-29-2012 , 02:11 AM
Misplaced blame ITT
05-29-2012 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
22 of Dec I probably give up b/c the zombie Apocalypse will be upon us
this acctually makes sense, no point in buying ftp if the world is going to end... smart business move to wait for the date to pass to have certainty there is a future for online poker (and humanity)...
05-29-2012 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by routine315

Diamond you do realize the only reason you have a job is because of guys like me and Joey. You sit there silent watching many many people go nuts over this situation...pure disgrace IMO

This is more then a news story Diamond, its peoples lives. I know its just another news story for you and u have 0 $ stuck at FT so when you go to sleep at night you really dont give a ****.

You know something and you hide it from us and you call yourself a journalist-Ha. This whole thing ruined a lot of people. Somebody needs to step up to the plate and give us some solid information. Maybe one of these low life journalists preying on people ups and downs will give us something soon. Gl to all
While I do wish Diamond gave us more info...

There are probably a lot of things that she knows, but can't be certain of. So for her to say: "negotiations are still on going, nothing is going to stop an announcement if the deal is closed" is as good as it gets imo. I mean what do you want from her? What can she possibly tell you that we don't already know? I do agree that she has been semi-dodging the whole "is it stars?" question. But other than that, she doesn't want to give info unless she's 100% on it, that way she doesn't look like a moron if that info turns out wrong.

just my 2 cents.
05-29-2012 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Q for the lawyers itt that seem to know how these things go:

Over a year on and none of the indicted are arrested. I haven't seen it posted that the seized/attached/claimed/frozen (w/e is the proper term) accounts are in the actual possession of the DOJ.

So what's the problem? 'Wheels of justice grind slowly', etc, etc, doesn't seem to cover it. Seized processor funds were gone in quick order and this case is, except for the occasional court appearance, moving at glacier speed.

Trouble w/ the case? Trouble w/ other jurisdictions? Not a front-burner issue?
The short answer is the fact that FTP turned out to be insolvent, so this went from victimless conspiracy to commit fraud against the U.S. financial system case to an international deposit fraud case with thousands of victims worldwide, which relegated much of the actual case to the back burner in order to focus on getting as much value for FTP's assets as possible for the victims.

Your first sentence is incorrect though, several of the indicted have already filed guilty pleads and are either serving time or awaiting sentencing, Scheinberg/Tate (PS) and Bitar/Burtnick (FT) remain outside U.S. jurisdiction (right to face accuser etc in criminal procedure).

CF/HL/RF only face civil charges for which they keep getting extensions as long as they are 'negotiating in good faith', but these negotiations wouldn't be occurring and therefore no extensions would have been granted if FTP was still a going concern.

On the seized funds issue, the reason for the process moving slower than other forfeitures is that in most cases no one even bothers to file a claim on 'dirty' money, but in this case everyone from the State of Kentucky to an individual player, a poker software provider, the indicted parties and the companies themselves made claims, plus the class action suits are all considered as claims.

So far the only dismissed claim was the one filed by a player, those filed by processors were dropped as part of their plead agreements, the class action suits wouldn't exist if FTP had repaid players and the claims from other jurisdictions could have simply been severed, so again the delay can all be traced back to FTP being insolvent.
05-29-2012 , 02:37 AM

Just wanted to say that you're doing an excellent job. Thank you.
05-29-2012 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by routine315

Diamond you do realize the only reason you have a job is because of guys like me and Joey. You sit there silent watching many many people go nuts over this situation...pure disgrace IMO

This is more then a news story Diamond, its peoples lives. I know its just another news story for you and u have 0 $ stuck at FT so when you go to sleep at night you really dont give a ****.

You know something and you hide it from us and you call yourself a journalist-Ha. This whole thing ruined a lot of people. Somebody needs to step up to the plate and give us some solid information. Maybe one of these low life journalists preying on people ups and downs will give us something soon. Gl to all
None of this post makes any sense.

Diamond does not "have a job in poker journalism" because of you. Since she's not employed you could hardly even call it a job, and even if you and Joey disappear tomorrow, she'll still be able to do the job just fine. You are of no consequence to her or her position.

Second, has it occured to you that perhaps she has already told us all that she can without speculating or breaking the trust of any of her sources?

You're basically asking her to trash her journalistic integrity and alienate all her sources so you can have a bit of a rumor fix.

You're also demanding more information than she likely actually has. There are tons of websites out there willing to spew bull**** for you if you want, one of the big reasons SP/DFP have the following they do is because they get all the facts before they release an article. Yes, that means they don't pump out articles as much as any of the trash sites dragged through here, but it also means that when an article is published, it's actually reliable.

Essentially, you've found someone and latched onto them because she's a reliable journalist, but you're demanding that she toss out all the things that make her a reliable journalist, so you won't be disappointed the next time you hit refresh in a random FTP **** thread.
05-29-2012 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
The short answer is the fact that FTP turned out to be insolvent, so this went from victimless conspiracy to commit fraud against the U.S. financial system case to an international deposit fraud case with thousands of victims worldwide, which relegated much of the actual case to the back burner in order to focus on getting as much value for FTP's assets as possible for the victims.

Your first sentence is incorrect though, several of the indicted have already filed guilty pleads and are either serving time or awaiting sentencing, Scheinberg/Tate (PS) and Bitar/Burtnick (FT) remain outside U.S. jurisdiction (right to face accuser etc in criminal procedure).

CF/HL/RF only face civil charges for which they keep getting extensions as long as they are 'negotiating in good faith', but these negotiations wouldn't be occurring and therefore no extensions would have been granted if FTP was still a going concern.

On the seized funds issue, the reason for the process moving slower than other forfeitures is that in most cases no one even bothers to file a claim on 'dirty' money, but in this case everyone from the State of Kentucky to an individual player, a poker software provider, the indicted parties and the companies themselves made claims, plus the class action suits are all considered as claims.

So far the only dismissed claim was the one filed by a player, those filed by processors were dropped as part of their plead agreements, the class action suits wouldn't exist if FTP had repaid players and the claims from other jurisdictions could have simply been severed, so again the delay can all be traced back to FTP being insolvent.

ETA: What is the reason that the other indicted ppl have been able to avoid extradition?
05-29-2012 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by duh
Misplaced blame ITT
Some really, really, really, really stupid people ITT.

I mean, good lord. The blame game on DF?

Just amazing.
05-29-2012 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Alex_Striker
Some really, really, really, really stupid people ITT.

I mean, good lord. The blame game on DF?

Just amazing.
Im not blaming her for anything to do with FTP. She has good information shes witholding. Just isnt right. Acts like shes a journalist when really she just trying to take advantage of a bad situation.

Also starving writer, you always try to critize my post. You another one with 0 dollars at FT. Lucky for this lil saga or you wouldnt even have a life right now. Now stop trolling my post.
05-29-2012 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by routine315
Im not blaming her for anything to do with FTP. She has good information shes witholding. Just isnt right. Acts like shes a journalist when really she just trying to take advantage of a bad situation.

Also starving writer, you always try to critize my post. You another one with 0 dollars at FT. Lucky for this lil saga or you wouldnt even have a life right now. Now stop trolling my post.
I'm curious as to how she's taking advantage of a bad situation?

Would you rather have the same crap we're getting from the iGaming Poker sites of the world who (likely) have 'sources' giving them info and then just run with it to make up any story they can to generate hits?
05-29-2012 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by routine315
Im not blaming her for anything to do with FTP. She has good information shes witholding. Just isnt right. Acts like shes a journalist when really she just trying to take advantage of a bad situation.

Also starving writer, you always try to critize my post. You another one with 0 dollars at FT. Lucky for this lil saga or you wouldnt even have a life right now. Now stop trolling my post.
To be honest I don't even know who you are, I just respond when I see someone being foolish. If its happened multiple times, well, that's saying something I guess.

Also, you have no idea who I am or anything about me, but if you'd looked into it even a tiny bit, you'd know I lost at least 5K (depending on if you want to count bonuses, unpaid RB, FTP points, etc. it would be even more) on FTP, which was 90% of my roll at the time, and I lost it literally within a week of quitting my job to play full time. So yeah... if you are assuming I have nothing invested in the FTP fiasco, you couldn't be more wrong.

The thing I recognize that you seem not to is that raging at DF does absolutely nothing to resolve that situation, and her choosing to share confidential information (or not) doesn't do anything to resolve the situation either.

You're behaving like an angry child who gets a bad grade on a test, and instead of studying harder, or asking the teacher about it, letting it go, or doing anything related to the situation whatsoever, you decide to run home and kick the neighbors dog, and then try to beat up your little sister until she explains why you got a bad grade.
05-29-2012 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by routine315
Im not blaming her for anything to do with FTP. She has good information shes witholding. Just isnt right. Acts like shes a journalist when really she just trying to take advantage of a bad situation.

Also starving writer, you always try to critize my post. You another one with 0 dollars at FT. Lucky for this lil saga or you wouldnt even have a life right now. Now stop trolling my post.
I have a ton of my life tied up in this crap. Your recent posts show remarkably poor character and awful reasoning. Stop embarrassing yourself.
05-29-2012 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Q for the lawyers itt that seem to know how these things go:

Over a year on and none of the indicted are arrested. I haven't seen it posted that the seized/attached/claimed/frozen (w/e is the proper term) accounts are in the actual possession of the DOJ.

So what's the problem? 'Wheels of justice grind slowly', etc, etc, doesn't seem to cover it. Seized processor funds were gone in quick order and this case is, except for the occasional court appearance, moving at glacier speed.

Trouble w/ the case? Trouble w/ other jurisdictions? Not a front-burner issue?
tamiller's response is highly plausible and well thought out. It should be read and considered. There are many other equally plausible answers and no one, not directly involved, knows which of them is what is actually happening.

This is a highly complicated matter involving many persons, organizations, jurisdictions and issues; it has civil and criminal aspects. All these things interact with one another and sometimes trying to get it all together is like solving a Rubik's Cube. While the people working on it may be diligently working to resolve the matter (though some may be motivated to slow roll it), the sheer number of problems may make it near impossible. Also, time alone may unwind a solution that worked months ago but won't work now and it has to be solved again. The court did not help by delaying the issuance of a scheduling order. With so many people involved personal issues arise that delay matters, serious illness, deaths in the family, etc. You quite likely have some people being asked to hand over a large amount of their personal wealth, agree to step down from positions they hold and go to jail or at least plead guilty to some charges; these aren't things people do without serious motivation and many will do anything to delay a bad result (and they don't care at all about players getting paid when they face these personal issues). All of which brings us back to the scheduling order which forces all the parties to "fish or cut bait." Its delay was probably the biggest error that has delayed this case. My experience is that parties in a case like this will negotiate forever if there are no deadlines. Without trial coming, there is no motivation to seriously negotiate.

Extradition is very complicated and depends on treaties and political influence. I am unfamiliar with the actual jurisdictional locations of the indicted but not served parties but if the governments where they are located do not recognize the crimes, the governments might not extradite them. Sheer speculation but a common problem.
05-29-2012 , 03:33 AM
So where's the announcement?
05-29-2012 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
I have a ton of my life tied up in this crap. Your recent posts show remarkably poor character and awful reasoning. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Stop trolling my posts. Im entitled to my opinion and I sure as hell aint gonna change it.
05-29-2012 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by routine315
Stop trolling my posts. Im entitled to my opinion and I sure as hell aint gonna change it.
Sharing your opinion in a public forum will generate responses. It's how forums work. If your opinion is poorly thought out or unreasonable, expect criticism.

If you want to write your opinions where no one will respond, get a blog.
05-29-2012 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale

ETA: What is the reason that the other indicted ppl have been able to avoid extradition?
I doubt the DOJ would even attempt extradition, the crime has to be punishable in both countries (though that issue is more complicated for those that are U.S. citizens), so 'UIGEA violations' wouldn't suffice, and the crime has to be a serious offense, so unless the money laundering could be tied to drugs/terrorism/organized crime etc it wouldn't give rise to extradition.

If they don't reach plead agreements though, anytime they travel outside their country of residence they are subject to being picked up as fugitives, so it's not like they don't have any incentive to deal with the charges.
05-29-2012 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by routine315
Stop trolling my posts. Im entitled to my opinion and I sure as hell aint gonna change it.
I'm entitled to my opinion about your mental ability as well. And I don't want your attention. I want you gone. This situation is bad enough without people like you. Of course you won't leave, and unfortunately, you won't be forced to either.
05-29-2012 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by routine315
Stop trolling my posts. Im entitled to my opinion and I sure as hell aint gonna change it.
You said she was trying to act like a journalist when she's really just taking advantage of a bad situation.

See the problem is, that's not only an opinion, it's an accusation. And it's an accusation against the one JOURNALIST who has given good information to this thread throughout this whole saga.

So of course you're entitled to your opinion and your free speech, just like every other idiot who has to claim that all the time, but you should understand that the people in this thread, for the most part, strongly disagree with you.
05-29-2012 , 04:17 AM
What was Subject Poker before BF?

Who was DF before BF?
05-29-2012 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
I'm entitled to my opinion about your mental ability as well. And I don't want your attention. I want you gone. This situation is bad enough without people like you. Of course you won't leave, and unfortunately, you won't be forced to either.
Man I just wish one time I could teleport cause I would shut ur mouth. I posted for one reason. To let DF know what i thought of her. Dont call yourslef a journalist and withhold information from people. Scummy journalism. Just my opinion. Now stop riding her vag and stop trolling my posts.
