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*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** *** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD ***
View Poll Results: Who will win the Durrrr Challenge II?
Tom "Durrrr" Dwan
1,577 41.89%
Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates
2,188 58.11%

08-30-2010 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by gaurangpatel
true fkn moron, if those morons were better than durrrr they would sit in with him , no other test tells who is better, sit in with durrrrr if your 25/50 donks want to show who is best
according to this logic if bill gates challenges durrrr to HUNL 1bil/2bil and durrrr declines then bill gates is the best poker player in the world.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 10:55 PM
Seriously Lucid I have no idea why you're arguing with these guys, they will never change their mind no matter how clearly you present your logic (which I agree with). It really is just wasted energy
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08-30-2010 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
according to this logic if bill gates challenges durrrr to HUNL 1bil/2bil and durrrr declines then bill gates is the best poker player in the world.
makes no sense, we are not betting 99% of our bank roll on the smalll blind
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by gaurangpatel
makes no sense, we are not betting 99% of our bank roll on the smalll blind
Still don't understand the point, huh.
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08-30-2010 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Joker88
Still don't understand the point, huh.
explain it to me like im a ******, being serious
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Foldemlow
That's exactly the kind of line of thinking Hellmuth takes when berating any player who stacks him.

People have been saying stuff like "raising 100% of hands from the button can't be a winning strategy, blah blah blah..." forever.

Truth is you have no idea whether this play is defendable or not, end of story.
Stop dropping statements with the assurance of one who has beaten the highest cash games for millions.

Funny thing is, I'm sure Ivey is not remotely close to your level of certainty in terms of whether this play can be profitable or not.

But you....that's another story, lol.
I am 100% sure defending J2o in a vacuum is not going to be profitable vs. someone of equal skill level. I don't care what you think Ivey thinks or what you think for that matter. Unless I start seeing poker in a radically different way my opinion won't change.
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08-30-2010 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
i'm sure a lot of them would play durrrr if he'd sit at 25/50 or even 5/100. But, moving up to play him at 8x or greater your usual stake is going to take you out of your comfort zone when you probably aren't rolled for it, and definitely not use to the $ amount.
I've seen him playing tyme2gamb0l111 HU at 50/100 about a week ago so he is willing to play there.
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08-30-2010 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by gaurangpatel
explain it to me like im a ******, being serious
The point is that most probably don't sit with him because they don't have the proper bankroll for it. Comparing Negreanu at 50/100 or 100/200 to Dwan at 200/400 or 500/1000 is very different to a 25/50 regular.

In the former case, they are sitting with a player they think they have a big edge on at only double or 4x their regular stake. In the latter case, they would be sitting with a player they think they have an edge on, but it would obviously be a much smaller 8x or 20x their regular stakes. Do I really have to explain further?
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08-30-2010 , 11:11 PM
I reckon if you beat Durrrr in a Durrrr challenge, you not only get the 3:1 action, but take Durrrr's spot on team Fulltilt and he gets booted out.
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08-30-2010 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Burcak
I am 100% sure defending J2o in a vacuum is not going to be profitable vs. someone of equal skill level. I don't care what you think Ivey thinks or what you think for that matter. Unless I start seeing poker in a radically different way my opinion won't change.
Nothing is more entertaining to me than watching people debate this. Clearly defending J2o is a huge mistake, if it weren't, one would basically be arguing that defending bottom 17th percentile hands is okay "from time to time just for deception purposes." Basically the only thing I've seen in this entire stream of hand histories that I've thought "whoa, that's clearly bad" is the J2o defense and then a winning poker player points out that this is clearly terrible and everybody goes crazy noting that durrrr is very good at poker. Yes, he is. And he has leaks. And J2o is one of them. It's really not more complicated than that.
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08-30-2010 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
Nothing is more entertaining to me than watching people debate this. Clearly defending J2o is a huge mistake, if it weren't, one would basically be arguing that defending bottom 17th percentile hands is okay "from time to time just for deception purposes." Basically the only thing I've seen in this entire stream of hand histories that I've thought "whoa, that's clearly bad" is the J2o defense and then a winning poker player points out that this is clearly terrible and everybody goes crazy noting that durrrr is very good at poker. Yes, he is. And he has leaks. And J2o is one of them. It's really not more complicated than that.
Blasphemy. Durrrr is God. All his plays are +EV...except if he's facing Isildur of course...then all of Isildur's plays are +EV and Durrrr is always wrong...yea
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
Nothing is more entertaining to me than watching people debate this. Clearly defending J2o is a huge mistake, if it weren't, one would basically be arguing that defending bottom 17th percentile hands is okay "from time to time just for deception purposes." Basically the only thing I've seen in this entire stream of hand histories that I've thought "whoa, that's clearly bad" is the J2o defense and then a winning poker player points out that this is clearly terrible and everybody goes crazy noting that durrrr is very good at poker. Yes, he is. And he has leaks. And J2o is one of them. It's really not more complicated than that.
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08-30-2010 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Seriously Lucid I have no idea why you're arguing with these guys, they will never change their mind no matter how clearly you present your logic (which I agree with). It really is just wasted energy
yea, i know. just been killing time on the internet waiting for something to come on TV i want to watch and for some reason this thread is like crack right now.

prob shouldnt bother even responding to gaurangpatel tho. he seems to just be a huge durrrr fanboy and to lack common sense at least in all things related to durrrr(sadly prob many others as well).
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Joker88
Pretty sure lack of adequate bankroll is one roadblock.
money goes up in poker, the ones who are the best have the most money
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
God this thread is so ****ing ******ed. Is there a thread where just the hands and resiults are posted? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised but it's really ****ing lame that this has turned into NVG talking about how good nosebleed players may/may not be
probably not exactly what you want but:
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
Nothing is more entertaining to me than watching people debate this. Clearly defending J2o is a huge mistake, if it weren't, one would basically be arguing that defending bottom 17th percentile hands is okay "from time to time just for deception purposes." Basically the only thing I've seen in this entire stream of hand histories that I've thought "whoa, that's clearly bad" is the J2o defense and then a winning poker player points out that this is clearly terrible and everybody goes crazy noting that durrrr is very good at poker. Yes, he is. And he has leaks. And J2o is one of them. It's really not more complicated than that.
If it was ok, it wouldn't be ok simply for "deception purposes". If you win with the hand you influence your opponent's perspective of your play, and potentially confuse, distract or tilt him. If you lose, you once again influence your opponent's perspective of your play, forcing him to consider re-adjusting, calling down lighter etc. Arguably leveling, confusing your opponent, and putting him out of his comfort zone is very +ev, especially when he is forced to play you for a great length of time, and thus susceptible to over-analysis of his own game.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by zoe.
If it was ok, it wouldn't be ok simply for "deception purposes". If you win with the hand you influence your opponent's perspective of your play, and potentially confuse, distract or tilt him. If you lose, you once again influence your opponent's perspective of your play, forcing him to consider re-adjusting, calling down lighter etc. Arguably leveling, confusing your opponent, and putting him out of his comfort zone is very +ev, especially when he is forced to play you for a great length of time, and thus susceptible to over-analysis of his own game.
I don't think FWF needs any coaching
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
Nothing is more entertaining to me than watching people debate this. Clearly defending J2o is a huge mistake, if it weren't, one would basically be arguing that defending bottom 17th percentile hands is okay "from time to time just for deception purposes." Basically the only thing I've seen in this entire stream of hand histories that I've thought "whoa, that's clearly bad" is the J2o defense and then a winning poker player points out that this is clearly terrible and everybody goes crazy noting that durrrr is very good at poker. Yes, he is. And he has leaks. And J2o is one of them. It's really not more complicated than that.
They should watch more Baluga videos imho ^^
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08-30-2010 , 11:37 PM
zoe, you just used 100 words to describe deception
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08-30-2010 , 11:39 PM
fwf itt
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by gaurangpatel
explain it to me im a ******, being serious
Heh, though you were trolling, but I guess this explains everything.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by zoe.
If it was ok, it wouldn't be ok simply for "deception purposes". If you win with the hand you influence your opponent's perspective of your play, and potentially confuse, distract or tilt him. If you lose, you once again influence your opponent's perspective of your play, forcing him to consider re-adjusting, calling down lighter etc. Arguably leveling, confusing your opponent, and putting him out of his comfort zone is very +ev, especially when he is forced to play you for a great length of time, and thus susceptible to over-analysis of his own game.
lol why argue with the one good high stakes player that has posted....
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:47 PM
re: the J2o hand, I really think that it was a misclick pre. I mean i've had several hands where I mistakenly limp T4o or call 37o in the BB or w/e. Once he calls pre, he plays it perfectly/fine after that. Dunno why no one has considered the possibility of it being a misclick pre, surely even durrrrr in his spewiest form would realize that J2o is unplayable oop.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by aditya
re: the J2o hand, I really think that it was a misclick pre. I mean i've had several hands where I mistakenly limp T4o or call 37o in the BB or w/e. Once he calls pre, he plays it perfectly/fine after that. Dunno why no one has considered the possibility of it being a misclick pre, surely even durrrrr in his spewiest form would realize that J2o is unplayable oop.
ya pretty much this.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
Nothing is more entertaining to me than watching people debate this. Clearly defending J2o is a huge mistake, if it weren't, one would basically be arguing that defending bottom 17th percentile hands is okay "from time to time just for deception purposes." Basically the only thing I've seen in this entire stream of hand histories that I've thought "whoa, that's clearly bad" is the J2o defense and then a winning poker player points out that this is clearly terrible and everybody goes crazy noting that durrrr is very good at poker. Yes, he is. And he has leaks. And J2o is one of them. It's really not more complicated than that.
I would lay steep odds that it was a misclick...
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