Originally Posted by mrno1324
I find it funny how random forum microstakes grinders are way more tilted cause of the whole thing than the guy who actually got ripped off for 1.5M.
For my part, whenever I see this ongoing trainwreck of a challenge thread get bumped, I just can't look away. Even the very first sentence of this thread, from Kevmath of all people, now conveys — to all of us — a lesson about hubris:
Originally Posted by Kevmath
This one shouldn't take 18+ months to complete.
There are children, whose parents hadn't even met yet when this challenge began, beginning kindergarten next month.
The only thing that still tilts me in the slightest about this whole mess is that the 2+2 poll (at the top of the page) didn't include the traditional "bastard!" option. Because "bastard!" would be doing really well right now....