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*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** *** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD ***
View Poll Results: Who will win the Durrrr Challenge II?
Tom "Durrrr" Dwan
1,577 41.89%
Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates
2,188 58.11%

08-31-2010 , 03:47 AM
Not sure if posted before but wtf is this:

He has the stone nuts on the river, wtff
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08-31-2010 , 03:50 AM
wanted to see Durrrr's hand obv
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08-31-2010 , 03:51 AM
plus Durrrr is super polarized so no value really in 4bet shoving river... he either has nuts, or jack ****
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08-31-2010 , 03:59 AM
he also gets information by only calling from what i hear.
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08-31-2010 , 04:03 AM
I dont think the information he gains from seeing what durrrr's bluffing with is particularly valuable and I think clicking it back to induce further bluffing from durrrr would have been the smarter play. Also, who knows, durrrr might never put jungleman on the A (since jm checked back the turn) and overplay his Kx. Durrr is known for making spewy crazy plays, it wouldnt be past him.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 04:05 AM
clicking it back? next move was shove.. of course information to gain, not to mention the obvious exposure of durrrr's bluff to both players (metagame,blahblhablahahf..)
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by llGotPhshll
clicking it back? next move was shove.. of course information to gain, not to mention the obvious exposure of durrrr's bluff to both players (metagame,blahblhablahahf..)
theres an exposure of durrr's bluff whether or not he has to show it down or not lol

i mean i durrrr b3b's the river and then folds to a 4-bet.. gee what could he have.. a bluff per chance?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 04:13 AM
no **** bluff.. specific hand is much more helpful tho. ducy?

but i digress, ur are obv the NL master
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08-31-2010 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by luifer611
Not sure if posted before but wtf is this:

He has the stone nuts on the river, wtff
darvin moon is coaching jungleman12
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 05:18 AM
Interesting that the HS market + Gandalfs opinion in that link - state that its very hard for Tom to comeback from this big of a handicap.

Does that mean that the rate of losses - falls outside of 99% of scenarios that could be explained by variance?

Also do we have a stat on how often they are getting to showdown? And if that stat is any higher or lower than durrrr vs PA?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 05:27 AM
HSNL had jungleman @ -105 before anyway so him winning 18 BI is obviously going to make him a pretty significant favourite (in the market). What's interesting is that this pretty much means everyone thinks the bet is significantly +EV for jungleman
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Also do we have a stat on how often they are getting to showdown? And if that stat is any higher or lower than durrrr vs PA?
Two different games, not exactly a good comparison.
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08-31-2010 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by maximose
I see peoples point about Dwan being a more experienced net player, clicking tells, bet size reading etc., but Gordon and Ferguson prey on guys like this in the sky high cash games. I know its stupid to even talk about so dont flame too much cuz obviously Gordon wouldn't take the time too play for relatively small stakes, but still would be fun hypothetical.
phil gordon said on the NBC heads up tournament "Tom Dwan is a tremendously better player than i am..."
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08-31-2010 , 06:29 AM
really hope durrrr turns this round!
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08-31-2010 , 06:48 AM
most ******ed thread ever!!!!
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08-31-2010 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by Devilz
Two different games, not exactly a good comparison.
Yeah sorry.

I would like to see the WTSD stat though.
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08-31-2010 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by analoguesounds
probably not exactly what you want but:
Originally Posted by pokernutssss
thanks guys
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 08:18 AM
lol. Hsnl had durrr as fav before the challenge started? Thats redic. Durrrs hunl results arent even close to those of jungleman plus jm was crushing durrr already. That would mmake (i think) jungleman a huge fav. Im not sure what all the durrr betters was thinking?
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08-31-2010 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by cocktails
lol. Hsnl had durrr as fav before the challenge started? Thats redic. Durrrs hunl results arent even close to those of jungleman plus jm was crushing durrr already. That would mmake (i think) jungleman a huge fav. Im not sure what all the durrr betters was thinking?
I don't wanna speak for hsnl (lol) but from what I observed most of the hsnl players were betting on Jungleman. This could be completely wrong but most of the people I saw taking durrrr's side were the more 'old school' HSNL players or friends with durrrr. Not sure why being friends with durrrrr makes a difference but I'd imagine being friends with durrrr you'd probably hear him discuss poker and think 'well this kid is just the best ever' and you wouldn't care about the reputation of the other player.

Meh, I think ike was taking jungleman's side thats all i need to know

edit: I think maybe you're thinking about the NVG poll, not sure if there's a poll in HSNL I'm just talking about the bets I saw posted

edit 2: I read the thread and realised it's not nearly as bad as I thought. I just happened to read a really bad stretch of posts about people arguing over the J2o, some dude saying that there's no way 25/50 players can be better than durrrr because they don't play nosebleeds and best of all zoe. trying to explain poker to FWF. Guess I assumed the whole thread was the same.
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08-31-2010 , 08:51 AM
i was responding to this thread and made a wrong assumption about hsnl takin durrr over jm. Still wanna know what makes people think that durrr is a better choice 1:1 theb jm. Like i said. Getting 1:1 on jm is a very good price what made people bet on durrr?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by Fritzy
HSNL had jungleman @ -105 before anyway so him winning 18 BI is obviously going to make him a pretty significant favourite (in the market). What's interesting is that this pretty much means everyone thinks the bet is significantly +EV for jungleman
I think the only high stakes players who don't say this is a clearly +EV challenge for Jungle to take are the ones who are friends with Tom and don't want to imply that he's massively overestimating himself, even though they know that he is.
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08-31-2010 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by cocktails
i was responding to this thread and made a wrong assumption about hsnl takin durrr over jm. Still wanna know what makes people think that durrr is a better choice 1:1 theb jm. Like i said. Getting 1:1 on jm is a very good price what made people bet on durrr?
Obviously they bet on durrrr because they thought he had the edge. If they were right or not is debatable.
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08-31-2010 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by cocktails
i was responding to this thread and made a wrong assumption about hsnl takin durrr over jm. Still wanna know what makes people think that durrr is a better choice 1:1 theb jm. Like i said. Getting 1:1 on jm is a very good price what made people bet on durrr?
Well obviously because he's been regarded as the sickest player for a very long time, and people will have faith that he can just crush anyone over the long run. Comments like Galfond saying he didn't ever think he'd ever see a player who would have an edge over durrrr in hunl help.

I mean he's been at the highest limits playable for basically as long as they've been around and he's stayed at the top the whole time. There's not much more of a testament to someone's game than crushing since basically the beginning of online poker. It's not that ridiculous that people will just automatically assume he's a favourite over anyone, especially if they don't have experience playing both him and jungle.

I'm not really saying my opinion on whose better though, I just think that's why some people would bet on durrrr.
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08-31-2010 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Well obviously because he's been regarded as the sickest player for a very long time, and people will have faith that he can just crush anyone over the long run. Comments like Galfond saying he didn't ever think he'd ever see a player who would have an edge over durrrr in hunl help.

I mean he's been at the highest limits playable for basically as long as they've been around and he's stayed at the top the whole time. There's not much more of a testament to someone's game than crushing since basically the beginning of online poker. It's not that ridiculous that people will just automatically assume he's a favourite over anyone, especially if they don't have experience playing both him and jungle.

I'm not really saying my opinion on whose better though, I just think that's why some people would bet on durrrr.
Which when you think about it - makes sense. What other information does the majority of the community have to work by? You could argue CardRunners videos but given that we only have that content for one side of the matchup it's ultimately dead information.
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08-31-2010 , 09:23 AM
Did they play again?

Can we get some cliffs?
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