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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-16-2020 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
How am I going to survive without sport on telly in the evening?
peak boomerposting
03-16-2020 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by rainbow57
No, AI isn't going to matter at all. A model isnt worth anything if no one cares about it. Social aspects of this crisis are far more impactful - I believe countries in Asia fared better so far than Europe or the US because they actually take disease seriously as part of their culture. I lived in Asia for two years and saw that first hand. Restaurants in China are careless about cleaning dishes etc but as soon as they feel sick they put a mask on. Or they just wear masks to protect themselves while on the train. HK, Japan, Singapore... those are very clean places (good luck finding one piece of trash on the ground in Japan). In the western world, people just want to be cool and say 'this is no big deal who cares'. Many people at work with me have vocalized this over and over. Even if you have mild conditions, by catching it you risk multiplying it and spreading it to the elderly that are at great risk. And there is no certainty that young people wont get serious conditions, i.e. the permanent lung damage that occurs when it reaches the lower respiratory tract. The nonchalance here in the west is seriously irresponsible, and its why we need the government to step in.
Well, the drastic measures taken by governments and private industry at all levels are the direct result of the task force recommendations. And those recommendations appear to be evolving. And at least according to Dr. Birx, they seem to be evolving as a result of data analysis, which undoubtedly includes some aspect of AI.

We are pretty much past the point of public apathy playing a huge role in the US. The public can remain apathetic. They still can't go out to a restaurant, or to a ball game, or to a casino, etc. Of course the vast majority of these restrictions have been implemented by private business and the government, at least at the federal level, has been reticent to do anything official in whatever capacity it can. But they seem to be meeting with private industry representatives on a daily basis. Its just my opinion, but I am certain the heads of sports leagues, etc have been given guidance from the federal government, in this has probably lead them to take the steps they have without actual government edict.

As for the distinction between sentiments towards communicable disease in the US (or the West) vs Asia, you are likely right. And perhaps in the modern age we live in, this sort of thing is going to play a larger role in people's lives in the West. I'm certain this single event is going to leave an impression in any case. But I think the concept of "responsibility" goes a bit far. Without getting into what the final effects of COVID-19 are going to be, since that would be pure conjecture at this point, I would say people live with risk every day of their lives. Risk of illness, risk of death by any number of other ways. Risk of financial ruin, etc, etc. I mean, this is a poker forum. I would say most of the people posting here live and breath risk on a daily basis and understand it intellectually, if not innately... and with risk comes the calculation people make as to what behavior is worth the risk.

Up till this event, and really outside of the AIDS epidemic, communicable disease hasn't had a significant impact on the vast majority of Americans lives in a hundred years. There have been bad flu outbreaks and other similar type viruses that have raised their ugly heads from time to time. But nothing has had the economic impact of this event. We'll see what the human impact from a health standpoint is when all is said and done. If its major (in other words, we're talking about 6-figure+ deaths in the US), then I think people's behaviors and/or outlook may change, depending on the severity. But if not (hopefully), this event will be remembered not for the virus, but for the reaction to it and its effect on economies. Hopefully there will be lessons to learn for dealing with these types of outbreaks better in the future. And hopefully, an out-sized reaction to this event doesn't cause even more apathy going forward.
03-16-2020 , 07:09 PM
Casinos in Vancouver Canada and elsewhere in British Columbia are hereby closed.

Gatherings of 50 or more people are more or less forbidden.

Travel restrictions are in place throughout Canada.

Hoarding of non-perishable food and of paper products has been prevented by civic-minded citizens who have kindly removed the temptation to hoard by buying up all available supplies.

I scored a 36-pack of TP somehow, and I just put a box of 9 cans of pinto beans, 4 cans of creamed corn and 5 lbs of brown rice in the downstairs closet, so I am all set.
03-16-2020 , 07:13 PM
I was at the Bellagio just a short time ago to cash out some casino chips.

The room had five games running. Each game was running nine-handed. The Bellagio wasn't even bothering to spread the tables out. All five games were running side-by-side (in the shape of a + sign).

The casino was moderately busy for an early Monday afternoon. One craps table had five players and three dealers. A craps table immediately next to it had two players.

Nearly all the high-end shops in the mall which leads from the casino to the Strip was open and there was a fair amount of foot traffic.

Outside, I'd estimate there were 75-100 standing in front of the Fountains of Bellagio, possibly waiting for the next show. I didn't see a show running so I don't know if that's still going on.

Across the street in the open-air mall in front of Bally's, nearly everything was open including restaurants like Giordano's.

The Strip had a fair amount of foot traffic, including many families with children.

You wouldn't know there was a pandemic by walking on the Las Vegas Strip.
03-16-2020 , 07:18 PM
03-16-2020 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I have seen a lot of people wearing these masks.
The thing is I don't want it to be like it.

What you don't understand is I think the sight of surgical masks in the public came after the first cironavirus outbreak.
That had 10% and i don't understand why the worse cousin of the virus should be 2%
This is the 2. Corona virus outbreak ever in the history.
Although I really hope you are right and I am wrong.
Well, no one likes it. Its just something we probably need to get used to ... like extra security at airports.

In any case, I certainly hope I am right and you are wrong. I have no way to know for sure, so my only reason for contradicting people who are claiming such high mortality rates is the data we have (which is fairly extensive at this point) does not support their claims. Every virus is different in how it affects people. There's little reason to believe this one will behave exactly as others have. In fact, one of the most challenging aspects of this particular virus is the fact that its effects appear to be mild on the vast majority of people. This is probably the main reason it spreads so easily. I can think of few other reasons why we have seen the sorts of precautionary measures being taken by public and private concerns as a result of this pandemic.
03-16-2020 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
03-16-2020 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jay Why
I guess the answer you have already been given to when you raised exactly the same point the other day was too complicated for you to understand?
yeah uh 7 or 8% of the resolved cases of the cases that have been tested have resolved in deaths i think. That's why people say the rate is 7%. I wouldn't say 7% but that's why they do.
03-16-2020 , 07:48 PM
Pennsylvania land-based casinos instructed to close as of 6am local time tomorrow.

"The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board today instructed the six Pennsylvania casinos that are open as of today to begin closing procedures so that all gaming activities and entry to patrons is concluded by 6:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 17. The order to close follows the rapid expansion of reported COVID-19 cases and is aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus."
03-16-2020 , 07:52 PM
100% sarcasm.
03-16-2020 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by TreadLightly

This is so degen lmfao , checkout the replies if you want a good laugh
Regarding comments....My personal favourite:

all I've ever wanted is shorthanded live cash games, if I knew all it took was a pandemic I'd have eaten a bat ages ago
03-16-2020 , 07:56 PM

Last edited by dhubermex; 03-16-2020 at 08:01 PM.
03-16-2020 , 08:18 PM
Daniel Negreanu and another guy from the gambling world I don't know were just on a news segment on CTV News Channel, which is one of our 24hr news channels in Canada. The other guy said he wasn't expecting a return to normal in LV until late summer but I don't know what kind of authority he is.

Negreanu slammed the Venetian, accusing them of nickle-and-diming until the last possible minute. I thought it was funny.
03-16-2020 , 08:21 PM
03-16-2020 , 08:25 PM
03-16-2020 , 08:29 PM
03-16-2020 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
yeah uh 7 or 8% of the resolved cases of the cases that have been tested have resolved in deaths i think. That's why people say the rate is 7%. I wouldn't say 7% but that's why they do.

182403 cases worldwide 7144 deaths that is just under 4% that's current as of today
03-16-2020 , 08:33 PM
Some of those people could still die, and in fact they likely will! You monster!
03-16-2020 , 08:41 PM
^^ woops. plz ignore my previous WYNN and LVS buy recommendation.

Shorting all Casino Stocks at Open.
03-16-2020 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by 2pairsof2s
Casinos in Vancouver Canada and elsewhere in British Columbia are hereby closed.

Gatherings of 50 or more people are more or less forbidden.

Travel restrictions are in place throughout Canada.

Hoarding of non-perishable food and of paper products has been prevented by civic-minded citizens who have kindly removed the temptation to hoard by buying up all available supplies.

I scored a 36-pack of TP somehow, and I just put a box of 9 cans of pinto beans, 4 cans of creamed corn and 5 lbs of brown rice in the downstairs closet, so I am all set.
Sounds like you will need all of that 36 pack of TP in short order.
03-16-2020 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex

LOL, terrific.
03-16-2020 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex
Is Steve Wynn in any way still an owner at his namesake ? He likely was the referenced Trump donor, but is he the one asking for a handout ?

Do you think Sheldon Adelson, a far bigger donor of course is also seeking a bailout ?
03-16-2020 , 08:51 PM
While I'm not a fan of throwing around 7-8% as if it was a solid death rate, I can certainly see the argument for using closed cases only, which is where the 8% comes from. The problem is, as others have mentioned, how many unknown closed cases are out there? I wouldn't be surprised if it was multiples of the known cases, which would dramatically drop that number. 8% is the rate at which known closed cases have died, but it's a near-certainty the "real" rate is going to come in lower - the only question is how much lower.
03-16-2020 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
While I'm not a fan of throwing around 7-8% as if it was a solid death rate, I can certainly see the argument for using closed cases only, which is where the 8% comes from. The problem is, as others have mentioned, how many unknown closed cases are out there? I wouldn't be surprised if it was multiples of the known cases, which would dramatically drop that number. 8% is the rate at which known closed cases have died, but it's a near-certainty the "real" rate is going to come in lower - the only question is how much lower.
If we look at how the S. Korean numbers have been they've gone from around 0.6% to currently 0.9%. Given their aggressive testing strategy I think we have to use them as the best live model we have for estimates. Of course not perfect, but I would say it's safe to say that w/ proper access to medical treatment the true cfr is much closer to 1% than it is to 7 or 8%.
03-16-2020 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by ProRailbird
peak boomerposting
I'm in my 30s and feel similarly.
