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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

05-05-2020 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Yes why wear a small protective covering to maybe prevent you from spreading the virus to someone more vulnerable from actually dying from it.
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Again I think getting the switch from 4 to 6 players at a poker table is a game changer and the poker "influencers" need to persuade the NV governor and officials to change that.
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
I don't know 6 max I think you could still argue that social distancing can be applied. 9 handed forget it, the optics are terrible. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like 6 max had that grey area.
So according to you we have to wear masks because we could kill the vulnerable but we need to persuade the governor to allow more people at the poker table to get into the grey area but not too many because the optics would be terrible.

Nothing like consistency when dictating your life saving directives...
05-05-2020 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Ignoritol

WRT 1, the early models predicting mass death among the previously healthy have been proven false. Most of the deaths have come from people who already had other serious issues. The "man run over by steamroller dies of COVID" memes were obviously hyperbole but its funny because there's truth in it. Dr. Birks has admitted as much that the stats are being juiced, for reasons unknown. If a heart attack kills you, but COVID was present, COVID gets the cause of death. Which is mind bogglingly dishonest.
As to young people there is some grounds to speculate that viral loads play out in this both as to infection rate and outcomes, and just being careful has improved outcomes for the healthy. The understanding is evolving.

The more chaotic a situation the less the confirmed body count tells the story.

When there are multiple causes we still count as 1, when these deaths are statistically .4 deaths or something like that. Those are kind of over counted.

On the other hand, there are people for whom COVIS is a partial or total cause of death that are not counted, not to mention indirect casualties in places where the healthcare system is slammed. Plus, people who lose significant life expectancy due to damage to the lungs. We don't really know the long term effects.

The only way we will get a good picture of the damage is after the fact statistical analysis of expected vs. actual deaths, which will be a developing and contentious thing.

I believe the unintended consequences, which will more clearly make themselves known in the coming weeks/months, will be far more devastating than anything COVID could have done. (Think food shortages, the poor eventually rioting, mass poverty/increased dependence on welfare, and a host of mental issues due to forced isolation from friends and family.) I hope I'm wrong about that. But time will tell.

If things were not shut down or reopened too quickly we will have all of that anyway, just in a worse way. The sickness rate would be significant enough to make most things grind to a halt government or no, and the medical system would have totally collapsed. So same result except with more misery and thus long term changes in behavior from such trauma.
05-05-2020 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Anyone feel there is/needs to be intense lobbying of the governor and state officials by the poker room director's, TD's, etc... to get the 4 max changed to 6 max? 6 max poker will drastically imo change the outlook for the forseeable future compared to 4 max. With 6 max, cash games I think will be much more likely to happen soon after reopening. And I could see some low to no guarantee initial 6 max tournaments as well, to test the waters.

Again I think getting the switch from 4 to 6 players at a poker table is a game changer and the poker "influencers" need to persuade the NV governor and officials to change that. Otherwise live poker will be non-existent pretty much for a long time.

I agree 6-handed is much more sustainable.

4-handed though is better than nothing. Got to start somewhere. There will be players.

Let’s hope a vaccine can be semi-successful and we get it soon.
05-05-2020 , 12:11 PM
It seems to me like they could spread 8-max by pushing two tables together and having the dealer sit in between them.
05-05-2020 , 12:15 PM
If this happens by August 1st, surely 9 handed poker will be back in full stride.

05-05-2020 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by WateryBoil
not to mention most people arnt even wearing them correctly, also they pretty much do nothing to help stop you getting ill, even if you ARE wearing them correctly.

if you are sick it MAY help you spread it less, but thats about it.

the amount of people wearing masks makes me lol so hard. i personally wont ever wear a mask because i value intellect over idiocy.

Don’t think you understand the meaning of “intellect” and “idiocy”.


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05-05-2020 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
It seems to me like they could spread 8-max by pushing two tables together and having the dealer sit in between them.
Doesn't look feasible

05-05-2020 , 12:29 PM
Where does the flop go?
05-05-2020 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Doesn't look feasible

I agree and to me the issue is less spacing (be it 4-handed or 6-handed, plexiglass dividers, etc.) and more the problem of chips constantly moving from one player to the next, said chips or cards theoretically with virus on them.

Use of masks and gloves, with access to hand sanitizer should reduce the risk, but if people are getting up and new people sitting down in the regular flow of things, it just seems inevitable that a single infected player could pass the virus on a dozen-plus in a single session of a few hours, not to mention the people they then come into contact with. And what's worse of course is that the initial infected person may have no idea they are creating that risk.
05-05-2020 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
I’ve played in several rooms where the policy was to reduce the rake in 4-handed games to $1 total.

If this case, it is a much better deal for the players to play 4-handed.

But casinos only do this as a temporary incentive to keep the game running until more players show up. If the tables were actually 4-max, this would definitely not be the policy.
i've played in rooms where you're raking way less short handed, rooms where you're raking similar and raking way more.
for example at commerce they didn't reduce rake in rake games (below 10/20 nl, might be different now) so when you got short you're getting absolutely ass ****ed with rake and the bbj drop.
in raked games that do reduced rake it's usually pretty close.
in time games you're way better off in short handed games rake wise.
05-05-2020 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Doesn't look feasible

Thats creative. But looks like a dizzying experience for the dealer. lolz on comment above about where does flop go. so true.

An operator is going to have to have really strong reason (some might, many won't) to jump back into poker to go to this sort of extreme.

A player is going to have to have a really strong desire to want to jump back into poker to go play short handed (some might, many won't).

FL race tracks are going to be interesting to watch as looks like they will be first out of the gate. Something goes wrong in one of those rooms with infections and poker will get set back even more nationwide. A bunch of seniors sitting a table in close proximity for hours on end each day, sharing Air, Cards and Chips..... what could possibly go wrong?

Last edited by PTLou; 05-05-2020 at 03:48 PM. Reason: Seniors Love 6 max too. They are always clamoring for seats to empty a bit when 9-handed
05-05-2020 , 03:52 PM
05-05-2020 , 03:56 PM
I would bet that when Derby opens with 6 max, there will be a large number of people playing in the 1st few days.

Especially if Hard Rock doesn't open yet, there are lots of people ready to get out and lot of the olds got plenty of money and ready to gamble.

Clearwater Beach opened yesterday and was packed.
05-05-2020 , 04:56 PM
I agree with the Ramblings of a Rec Player. Short handed cash games is not what I want, and I usually won't play in them. I certainly will not go to a poker room knowing that short handed is the only option available. Perhaps if I had a lot of extra money to burn, but I do not. Here are some ramblings of my own.

Aggressive pros and other short handed specialists can try to sell me the advantages of short handed play all day long, but I still would not be interested in that game. Not gonna do it. I only want to play if I think I can beat the game, and if I don't think I can, I will be humble enough to pass, rather than ego up and play over my head.

I am a tight player, playing with money I can afford to lose (not rent or food money), yet that money that is meaningful to me. Small bankroll. I'll play 1/2 - 1/3 NL and up to 8/16 limit.

When I play cash games, I am not looking to play more hands, and certainly do not want more blind hands. I want to wait for good hands, and hopefully get paid off by loose, bad players. I can do that often in a full game, rarely at short handed.

I do not want to play trouble hands like KT off suit aggressively, which I would have to do sometimes playing short handed. I don't mind getting bet off small pots or giving up other small mathematical edges in order to stay out of trouble hands and minimize my exposure to big losses. I'm an overall break even to small winner at low limit cash games.

In terms of risk, I'd like to minimize my cost of playing the game as much as possible. Short handed games cost me more to play, considering the blinds and rake. Reduced rake, if offered, gets balanced by more hands per hour. Then I am forced to play more hands in raised pots and gamble more than i would at a full table. No, I don't want to do that.

More players at the table = more bad players. In term of opportunity for me, there is a better chance of finding several fish at the table in a 9 handed game than a 4 or 6 handed game. In a short handed game with good, aggressive players, I'm probably the fish. I don't want to be the fish, so i won't play.

I like to play live poker, and will again some day, but I don't need to play live poker anytime soon. Until conditions become favorable for me, which means full tables, big tournaments, and extremely minimal chance of getting exposed to covid-19, I'll be fine playing low limit MTTs on Ignition.

Surely there are other players with a similar profile to mine, who will not be seen at a poker table for quite a while. Even if I am not any card room's bread and butter, they are going to miss the rake or drop they get from players like me. Live poker is going to be a slow crawl to get back to anywhere near pre-covid19 action. If I were a live cash game pro or a poker room employee, I would be seriously looking for alternative income sources for the next 6-18 months or longer.
05-05-2020 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by joansing
I agree and to me the issue is less spacing (be it 4-handed or 6-handed, plexiglass dividers, etc.) and more the problem of chips constantly moving from one player to the next, said chips or cards theoretically with virus on them.

Use of masks and gloves, with access to hand sanitizer should reduce the risk, but if people are getting up and new people sitting down in the regular flow of things, it just seems inevitable that a single infected player could pass the virus on a dozen-plus in a single session of a few hours, not to mention the people they then come into contact with. And what's worse of course is that the initial infected person may have no idea they are creating that risk.
You should be worried about person-to-person transmission far more than surface contamination transmission. If you can find a reputable source that explains how surface contamination is a significant risk, I'd be glad to take a look. But as it stands, that is far less of a problem. For a little more scientific look at it, have a gander at this:

Again, obviously surface contamination poses some risk. But not nearly the risk of airborne transmission. And the fact that so much of the guidance and "procedures" for re-opening revolve around disinfecting surfaces just goes to show how we glom onto the things which we can control even if controlling them is relatively irrelevant.
05-05-2020 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
You should be worried about person-to-person transmission far more than surface contamination transmission. If you can find a reputable source that explains how surface contamination is a significant risk, I'd be glad to take a look. But as it stands, that is far less of a problem. For a little more scientific look at it, have a gander at this:

Again, obviously surface contamination poses some risk. But not nearly the risk of airborne transmission. And the fact that so much of the guidance and "procedures" for re-opening revolve around disinfecting surfaces just goes to show how we glom onto the things which we can control even if controlling them is relatively irrelevant.
That's absolutely true.
05-05-2020 , 06:18 PM
Ok, so go to your local bank and use the ATM and don't wash your hands and see if you get sick. Probably 50% chance you do, unless the bank now cleans the machine hourly or something.

Just because it spreads way more thru the air because someone coughing or sneezing can spread to 20+ people that are nearby easily, doesn't mean that you should not for sure take precautions on touching anything in public.
05-05-2020 , 06:33 PM
[QUOTE=Shakedown Street;56096591

Surely there are other players with a similar profile to mine, who will not be seen at a poker table for quite a while. Even if I am not any card room's bread and butter, they are going to miss the rake or drop they get from players like me. [/QUOTE]

I think you summarize the feelings of a lot of rec players. I know I feel exactly like you. p.s. actually you are sort of the bread and butter of a room.

Originally Posted by akashenk
And the fact that so much of the guidance and "procedures" for re-opening revolve around disinfecting surfaces just goes to show how we glom onto the things which we can control even if controlling them is relatively irrelevant.
there is some truthiness in this but more surprised by the brevity.
05-05-2020 , 06:35 PM
Isn’t there a way to coat the chips in some sort of magical antimicrobial coating? Like they advertise antimicrobial gorilla glad for cell phones, and sealant tapes, etc. That, along with wearing masks and using hand sanitizer, should be good.
05-05-2020 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Lermontov
Isn’t there a way to coat the chips in some sort of magical antimicrobial coating? Like they advertise antimicrobial gorilla glad for cell phones, and sealant tapes, etc. That, along with wearing masks and using hand sanitizer, should be good.
Maybe we can inject it?
05-05-2020 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by RhodyGuy
Maybe we can inject it?
Can’t. Too many lights in there already.
05-05-2020 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Ok, so go to your local bank and use the ATM and don't wash your hands and see if you get sick. Probably 50% chance you do, unless the bank now cleans the machine hourly or something.

Just because it spreads way more thru the air because someone coughing or sneezing can spread to 20+ people that are nearby easily, doesn't mean that you should not for sure take precautions on touching anything in public.
I think his point was that washing your hands properly will get rid of any surface contamination that you pick up.
You can't stop airborne particles coming your way unless you have full facial protection.
05-05-2020 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
If this happens by August 1st, surely 9 handed poker will be back in full stride.

They apparently aren't the only ones ramping up. I got this email today. Hard to imagine anyone would want to get on one of these floating coffins at any price.

05-05-2020 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lermontov
Isn’t there a way to coat the chips in some sort of magical antimicrobial coating? Like they advertise antimicrobial gorilla glad for cell phones, and sealant tapes, etc. That, along with wearing masks and using hand sanitizer, should be good.
You mean Gorilla Moco ?
05-05-2020 , 07:36 PM
lol, someone is getting fired. They will not open on May 11th like previously stated.
