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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

05-05-2020 , 07:36 PM
nine of these glove boxes around a table. players wear those suits with the respirator.

EZ game. shfl up and deal

05-05-2020 , 08:08 PM
I knew something had to be wrong if the Seminole Indians were not opening up yet.
The news source reposted the tweet to correct their drunken headline. That is why the tweet is messed up above.

Last edited by parisron; 05-05-2020 at 08:19 PM.
05-05-2020 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
They apparently aren't the only ones ramping up. I got this email today. Hard to imagine anyone would want to get on one of these floating coffins at any price.

The free kids bit seems a bit creepy.
05-05-2020 , 08:30 PM
Meanwhile Norwegian Cruise Line might file bankruptcy.
05-05-2020 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
I have seen emails from most of them saying that all comp expires are on pause right now until like September. I don't know tho if that means if you had 3 months left on it and September comes, then you still have 3 months.

But comps were set to expire this month or something, that won't happen. I have seen nothing from V tho.

Thanks parisron - I guess there is some hope yet
05-05-2020 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Here for the lol no
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
No c'mon

In two weeks nobody will be talking about cornavirus anymore
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
Good this Corona thing is so freaking annoying. And people e are so stupi d. And BTW to pp Sara was Much more lethal, not this new one. Lethal rate is like 3% Sara was 10-12%. Get your facts straight. In 3weeks no one will talk abt that stupid virus thingy
Originally Posted by Wildspoke
I asked a friend who is a doctor if I should be worried.
Her professional assessment: "Stop being a p****."
Originally Posted by guyfrommichigan
most of my extended family has died from ladder falls (which isn't unusual).
few gems from page 1
05-05-2020 , 08:50 PM
05-05-2020 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
few gems from page 1
05-05-2020 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Meanwhile Norwegian Cruise Line might file bankruptcy.
I honestly feel bad for the creditors who will have to take possession of those boats. They cost millions just to maintain and generate no revenue. What could you possibly do with them?
05-05-2020 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
losing players lose way more to other players than to rake, so you should root for them to not understand rake or know that it exists - games where every single person cares about rake are universally terrible
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
the reason most people dont? they dont understand the rake or know it exists.
What are you talking about? I don't know where you play poker but anyone that shows up regularly knows what rake is.

Losing players don't care about it so much because we're just going to lose the money. That's why the jackpot drop ain't no thing, at least I have a shot at a payout that way!

I perfectly happy spending your money on food, tips and rake while you hate the fact that I'm such a nit.
05-05-2020 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Semihat
I honestly feel bad for the creditors who will have to take possession of those boats. They cost millions just to maintain and generate no revenue. What could you possibly do with them?
The Knicks have cap space. They've taken on less valuable assets.
05-05-2020 , 09:22 PM
05-05-2020 , 09:23 PM
Im not a scientist but I think this is a big deal.

Scientists have identified an antibody in a lab that they say can prevent the novel coronavirus from infecting cells. The team hopes the antibody could be used to create treatments for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.
more importantly I scooped @Parison on the story. Pick up your game, brah, you are slacking off.

WSOP back on ?????
05-05-2020 , 09:30 PM

Yea, well what about this:

"The coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan, China, has mutated and the new, dominant strain spreading across the U.S. appears to be even more contagious, according to a new study.

The new strain began spreading in Europe in early February before migrating to other parts of the world, including the U.S., becoming the dominant form of the virus across the globe by the end of March, researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory wrote.

If the coronavirus doesn’t subside in the summer like the seasonal flu, it could mutate further and potentially limit the effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccines being developed by scientists, the researchers warned."
05-05-2020 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by parisron

Yea, well what about this:

"The coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan, China, has mutated and the new, dominant strain spreading across the U.S. appears to be even more contagious, according to a new study.

The new strain began spreading in Europe in early February before migrating to other parts of the world, including the U.S., becoming the dominant form of the virus across the globe by the end of March, researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory wrote.

If the coronavirus doesn’t subside in the summer like the seasonal flu, it could mutate further and potentially limit the effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccines being developed by scientists, the researchers warned."
Evidently this was debunked as being fear mongering fake news by Anthony Fauci tonight
05-05-2020 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Semihat
I honestly feel bad for the creditors who will have to take possession of those boats. They cost millions just to maintain and generate no revenue. What could you possibly do with them?
They probably do NOT have to take possession and, of all the people in the world low on the list of about whom one should feel bad, secured creditors for major ship financing deals certainly miss the top 1,000 categpries.

Last edited by Gzesh; 05-05-2020 at 10:36 PM.
05-05-2020 , 11:03 PM
LOL @ anyone going on a cruise anytime soon. Those things are death traps. I know the companies need to make money but they just gotta take the L for a while and go into bankruptcy if needed.
05-05-2020 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Ok, so go to your local bank and use the ATM and don't wash your hands and see if you get sick. Probably 50% chance you do, unless the bank now cleans the machine hourly or something.
Your 50% suggestion is absurd. And I am not wont to make such definitive statements. Read the link I posted about all the things that have to happen in order to become infected through surface contamination.

Originally Posted by parisron
Just because it spreads way more thru the air because someone coughing or sneezing can spread to 20+ people that are nearby easily, doesn't mean that you should not for sure take precautions on touching anything in public.
People should always be conscious of hygiene, especially during cold/flu season or special cases like covid-19. But again, the whole sanitization factor is minor compared to the social distancing. It just bugs me that it gets far more print and air space.

Originally Posted by PTLou
there is some truthiness in this but more surprised by the brevity.

Originally Posted by PeteBlow
I think his point was that washing your hands properly will get rid of any surface contamination that you pick up.
You can't stop airborne particles coming your way unless you have full facial protection.
It was part of my point. The main thrust is just that we are told that 4 people sitting around a poker table is safe, but 5 is not. And forget about even 4 at a blackjack table. Clearly covid doesn't look kindly upon card-counters. I find this level of parsing ridiculous.

And then we are told that they are going to scrub places down frequently to make sure the very small chance you have at contracting the virus from surfaces is even smaller. Again, they're waving their hands in the air and saying, come on in, you're safe. I believe in some manner of getting on with our lives with this situation. But it just bugs me that we must be lied to in order to make it palatable.
05-05-2020 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
Newsweek would make great toilet paper at times like these. Basically national enquirer but it has news in the name. Pretty sure you lose information after reading it.
05-05-2020 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
I would think the reopening prospects for downtown casinos might be a lot better than those on the strip, since my impression is downtown casinos get a lot more of their revenue from slots and VP, which are probably the easiest parts of a casino resort to adapt to social distancing requirments.
05-05-2020 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
Your 50% suggestion is absurd. And I am not wont to make such definitive statements. Read the link I posted about all the things that have to happen in order to become infected through surface contamination.

I looked over the article. First of all, American Bankers Association is now the foremost expert on Disease Control?

"An ATM touchpad could be considered a high-touch surface, and so appropriate precautions should be taken. Even though the likelihood of any level of significant contaminant being present on the buttons is low"

Yea, horseshit. My example was if no preventative measures were being taken. So if they didn't clean the machine ever like normal and you didn't wash or sanitize your hands. 100's of disgusting people a day touching that pad who most don't even wash their hands in the bathroom and they are saying it is low chance of significant contamination. Yea right.

I don't believe any of this down playing of spread by surfaces. If you want to not take precautions over these things and listen to the Bankers Association and others that is fine. But I have always been semi careful with washing hands and not touching my face when being around poker rooms, so I am extra careful now.
05-05-2020 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
LOL @ anyone going on a cruise anytime soon. Those things are death traps. I know the companies need to make money but they just gotta take the L for a while and go into bankruptcy if needed.

I used to work for a cruise line. One of the biggest.

They are a lot of cruise enthusiasts. Although I don’t see them coming back until there is a vaccine. Designed to be social and shared. Very international.

Just one person getting it is an unmitigated disaster. You are quarantining them in the exact area. What happens if a kid gets it? Are you going to put them in a room alone. No country will want them.

They should take whatever remaining money they have and put towards a vaccine. They are fooling themselves if they think they are coming back otherwise.

Also lol to thinking they can dump 2,000 passengers from 50 countries into a port city. Are they quarantining everyone on a ship.

They will all go bankrupt if they can’t survive to a vaccine. They have no political capital being foreign flag and not paying taxes. They handled this pandemic horribly and spread it across the globe. Way too much scrutiny.

All their stocks are going to zero. There is no phased return for them. There is no possibly way to make a cruise safe, and conversely the danger is super high.

Total waste of money and time trying to institute a safety manual and announce they are safe. Nobody is going to believe them.

Their business instantly turns around if there is a vaccine. You would think that since that is the savior of the entire industry, they would be furiously working on it. They aren’t.
05-06-2020 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by WateryBoil
the amount of people wearing masks makes me lol so hard. i personally wont ever wear a mask because i value intellect over idiocy.
Are you willing to go maskless in the Covid ward of a hospital, or on the NY Subway? Are health workers idiots for wearing masks? Use your intellect when thinking about these questions.
The wearing of protective masks was somewhat common in parts of Asia even before the pandemic. Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Singapore were among the countries with the earliest outbreaks of the disease. Many people in those countries started wearing masks in public the moment they heard rumours of a new disease in China.
The total Covid death toll in those four places is less than one thousand. I'm gonna stick my neck out and say that the widespread use of masks had something to do with the low number. (The US is currently on 72,000, and the UK - where masks are also rarely seen - is up to 30,000 deaths).
Wearing a mask in public might be uncomfortable, inconvenient, or annoying for you. It might make you feel like an idiot. It will also save lives.
05-06-2020 , 07:37 AM
Well said Mr McFly.
05-06-2020 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by akashenk
Your 50% suggestion is absurd. And I am not wont to make such definitive statements. Read the link I posted about all the things that have to happen in order to become infected through surface contamination.

People should always be conscious of hygiene, especially during cold/flu season or special cases like covid-19. But again, the whole sanitization factor is minor compared to the social distancing. It just bugs me that it gets far more print and air space.


It was part of my point. The main thrust is just that we are told that 4 people sitting around a poker table is safe, but 5 is not. And forget about even 4 at a blackjack table. Clearly covid doesn't look kindly upon card-counters. I find this level of parsing ridiculous.

And then we are told that they are going to scrub places down frequently to make sure the very small chance you have at contracting the virus from surfaces is even smaller. Again, they're waving their hands in the air and saying, come on in, you're safe. I believe in some manner of getting on with our lives with this situation. But it just bugs me that we must be lied to in order to make it palatable.
Actually it does.
Less players per table is way better for card counters.
So is being allowed to wear masks in casinos.

Last edited by borg23; 05-06-2020 at 08:19 AM.
