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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

05-03-2020 , 04:57 PM
In that case, you're too late to the market.
05-03-2020 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by zrap

Group A - Those that are scared and believe CNN

absolutely stopped reading right there. not because I am rep or dem, only because its stupid for you paint the world with that brush. thus chances are the rest of your post was just as stupid.

media gonna media, but it aint the enemy , brah.
05-03-2020 , 05:11 PM
Does anyone reading this post know whether the poker rooms in Vegas will extend the date that poker room comps expiry? I make a trip once a year and have a few hundred bucks in comps across Venetian and MGM rooms that will expire in the next month or so, by the time things settle down, should I assume those comp dollars will have vanished?

Thanks and stay safe folks!
05-03-2020 , 05:20 PM
I have seen emails from most of them saying that all comp expires are on pause right now until like September. I don't know tho if that means if you had 3 months left on it and September comes, then you still have 3 months.

But comps were set to expire this month or something, that won't happen. I have seen nothing from V tho.
05-03-2020 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
You point out the similarities, but miss the key differences:

1. Some of those things should have been handled only by people who were taking precautions themselves, like at the grocery store. Yes, that will be far from perfect, but I'd trust it more than a bunch of gamblers who aren't required to follow any protocols as part of their jobs.
2. Some of those things will not have been handled for hours, if not days.
3. My contact with those items will be brief, and then I'll wash my hands. I won't be at the grocery store or gas station for hours before I wash my hands again.

At many stores, I bag my own groceries, at the others the people who bag them have cleaning protocols, and I don't have to worry who else has touched the cart before me, as they've been cleaned since.

When you say:

Your argument seems to be that there is no way to have everything be virus-free (and that's true), so stop worrying. But everyone knows it can't be perfect; they're just striving for the best they can get.

All that said, I'd be more concerned about the spacing than I would the handling of objects. If I'm playing a table game, I'm in complete control of whether anything I touch can affect me, by washing my hands before touching anything else. What I can't control is whether someone else who is sick near me starts coughing in my direction, so that's what I'd be more concerned about mitigating.

Personally, I wouldn't be looking to rush into any casinos in places where the virus is still on the rise or just started to plateau. Being able to see friends and family in person without being concerned about getting them sick, even if that risk is low, is more important to me than going to large gathering places like casinos.

Got a chuckle out of this. I agree that there is a point where the first part is true - we all accept a level of risk already, and it will increase at some point. But the latter part is rather silly, and a false dichotomy.
Your point about similarities/differences is certainly valid in and of itself but comparing degrees of risk was not my intention as much as saying there is risk in all kinds of seen and unforeseen places.

As for mitigation practices, other than strict quarantine many of the steps we are taking to avoid the virus appear to me to provide a false sense of security more than actual protection. Six foot spacing, 50% occupancy, masks, gloves, etc. The same people that are telling us to do these things have already told us the virus travels much farther than 6 ft, last 3+ hours in the air, can be contracted (and spread) while wearing a mask, and admitted gloves are useless unless you change into a new pair every time you touch something. Even if these steps are proven to somewhat reduce the risk of infection I do not have the endless diligence to micromanage every breath I take and every touch I make (apologies to Sting). With my luck I would do most everything right just to catch it in a way I hadn't prepared for. Truth be told if I was that concerned about contracting CV I would just quarantine.

Having said this my larger point in the post was really back to the same premise I've said previously regarding those at-risk vs non at-risk (or maybe better said very concerned vs not really concerned). I have two immediate family members who are extremely at risk. The steps they are taking are draconian but I would do the same if contacting the virus would more likely than not be deadly. The key is they are taking those steps. It is their responsibility and they take it seriously. They have allowed no one to come into contact with them since they began the self quarantine together. My guess is they will continue this until a vaccine or some other cocktail is available. That seems like a very clear and logical choice for does getting on with life as close to normal as possible for myself and others that do not share a great fear of contracting the virus.
05-03-2020 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
For an average person, it's going to be very easy to avoid sitting at a table with a bunch of random people they've never met before, while they pass objects to each other. They will just choose not to do it.
Until the virus is truly "under control", most people that aren't immune will limit their interaction with anyone outside of their immediate family and closest friends and will take appropriate measures when "forced" to undertake essential business (like opening the mail box or buying groceries). It's why working from home, teleconferencing, and online shopping are here to stay. Activities like going to the casino, the cinema/concert/nightclub, or the shopping mall will be in low demand for a considerable time. This will cause terrible problems for the Las Vegas economy in particular, since it's a location where people go for "mass entertainment", but there's no way around it as far as I can tell.
In times of health crises and economic downturns, risk aversion presumably goes up. The corollary is that gambling goes down.
If playing live poker is a great concern to them than by all means they should avoid it.

It will be interesting to see if low attendance at these events is the case. It seems to be the overwhelming opinion of many posters here but we will have to wait & see.
05-03-2020 , 06:04 PM
4-handed poker is tough. You got to seriously amp
up aggressiveness and playing ranges. Increase bluffs.

And when a player takes any break, it will be 3-handed which is even crazier in terms of aggression.

This will be interesting to see how many players will do this when you also add in masks. I think you’re looking at a very small % returning.
05-03-2020 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by zrap
There seems to be two sides to the whole epidemic at this point.

Group A - Those that are scared and believe CNN and all the fear mongering.

Group B - those that think it is all overblown and want to be free'd

The two groups seem to be pissed at one another. Just because people hate when anyone has an opposite view. Thats just the way it is in America, maybe the world, I'm not to worldly so I can't speak to that. Just like politics, it seems people pick a side and stick with it and hate the others who think opposite. It seems to have gotten much worse in recent years. Very few in betweens, I was always "in between" but even feel myself being pulled towards one side more strongly now, probably the media at play since there is no "real news" anymore. Fox is ridiculously slanted right, CNN equally as ridiculous slanted left.

Back to poker and the virus. Vegas will be hurting, mainly from fear of traveling. Local casinos will be as busy as the local governments will allow them to be. I'm in the Philly area. Parx, Rivers etc will be plenty busy if they all reopened tommorrow. If they reopened poker they would have 20+ tables going within a week.

Fear of the virus is not going to kill the casinos. Only govt regulations will do that. Sure there are plenty of people who won't go because they are overly fearful. But there are tons of people who aren't afraid.

Whatever businesses are allowed to open will have customers. Thats my OPINION. It will be proven true or false really soon, as in the next month. When beaches open, people flock to them. Same with parks. Concerts, etc etc.

With some states reopening now well see if

A) it's not to bad after all with the virus , numbers increase which is inevitable but nothing catastrophic forcing another shut down. Other states will feel the pressure to reopen.

B) it's catastrophic and were forced to shut down and things are worse then before. Then we are really screwed

Now CNN, MSNBC are going to really push any negative effects of the states that reopened. Fox we downplay them. Thats all we know for sure at this point.
I don’t know why one’s beliefs about the response to the virus should necessarily line up with a person’s partisan politics.

FWIW, I am a socialist (and I watch MSNBC), but I don’t think either group that you describe is right. I’m not personally scared of the virus because I’m not in a vulnerable group and have frequent close contact with anyone vulnerable.

But I also don’t think this has been overblown. It is a tragedy of a scale our country has not seen since WWII. Our response hasn’t been too strong, it’s just been the wrong type of response.
05-03-2020 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Just saw on twitter from a Stations casino poker dealer that they got rid of all poker employees at all properties(including Red Rock) including poker managers and the director.

Could you post that tweet?
05-03-2020 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by BMOL33
The cleaning of cards and chips is pointless. The virus can’t penetrate your skin. It should be up to the person to be smart enough not to rub their eyes or nose
If everyone are wearing a mask it will prevent you from touching your face. So no need to clean the cards and chips.
05-03-2020 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
Could you post that tweet?
It wasn't DM but a reply between people I follow. Here is the quote. You can search twitter and find him if you want.

"I was expecting it. Poker was hit hard. They let go every poker employee at all properties including all the managers & the director. Guessing when it’s safe to play 9 handed they will rehire & start fresh with everyone"
05-03-2020 , 09:07 PM
If the Bellagio opens and has four-handed poker tables, there will be a temporary boom in Chinese poker.
05-03-2020 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
If the Bellagio opens and has four-handed poker tables, there will be a temporary boom in Chinese poker.
... better name than Wuhan Poker, I guess.
05-03-2020 , 11:32 PM

They will play 6 max.
Players required to wear masks.

Last edited by parisron; 05-03-2020 at 11:39 PM.
05-04-2020 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
absolutely stopped reading right there. not because I am rep or dem, only because its stupid for you paint the world with that brush. thus chances are the rest of your post was just as stupid.
zrap's post used a binary opposition to set out the extremes of the arguments (which isn't ideal as there are obviously nuances in the debate), but it was reasonably well-balanced and not "stupid" as such.
05-04-2020 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
4-handed poker is tough. You got to seriously amp
up aggressiveness and playing ranges. Increase bluffs.

And when a player takes any break, it will be 3-handed which is even crazier in terms of aggression.

This will be interesting to see how many players will do this when you also add in masks. I think you’re looking at a very small % returning.
How many rec players are going to willingly go to a room and sit in a game that they would never sit in before while being the first to call for a game to break once it became 5-handed?

For all intent and purposes, it’s all over until a vaccine is available hopefully by the first of the year when social distancing is allowed to cease. If the Derby Lane room has an outbreak than it’s completely over until that time.
05-04-2020 , 01:23 AM
Also, if not familiar with Derby Lane, its in Pinellas County which has a very high average age and that poker room has lots of olds playing.
05-04-2020 , 01:50 AM
Would it be possible for a room to bar players over a specific age?
05-04-2020 , 10:37 AM
This is live streaming now. U.S. Supreme Court broadcasts oral arguments for first time.

05-04-2020 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by dhubermex
This is live streaming now. U.S. Supreme Court broadcasts oral arguments for first time.

What does this have to do with anything in this thread?
05-04-2020 , 10:50 AM
My mistake. Just multi-tasking and thinking about too many things at once. Feel free to delete.
05-04-2020 , 03:17 PM
Opinion on 4 handed poker from a 15 year Las Vegas strip dealer at one of the smaller rooms, mainly 1/2nl. Skip to 3:10

05-04-2020 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Opinion on 4 handed poker from a 15 year Las Vegas strip dealer at one of the smaller rooms, mainly 1/2nl. Skip to 3:10
I'll save people 1:25 and suggest skipping to 4:35 where he actually starts talking about poker.
05-04-2020 , 04:58 PM
if people truly understood how the rake works, (and how at least until this) the rake was less when less than 6 people in most rooms, (it might not be anymore) they would insist on playing with 4-6 people at all times instead of 9

the reason most people dont? they dont understand the rake or know it exists.
05-04-2020 , 05:04 PM
losing players lose way more to other players than to rake, so you should root for them to not understand rake or know that it exists - games where every single person cares about rake are universally terrible
