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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

05-14-2020 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Adjusted
I think a lot of people are placing too much hope in a vaccine, probably because they trust the government and the government is pushing the idea that a vaccine will help us return to normal, but I've heard there are statistics that show that people with a flu vaccine are more likely to get the flu than those without. The thing about a corona type virus is it is very difficult to develop an effective vaccine because the virus is constantly mutating. But Bill Gates stands to make many billion dollars on a new vaccine so as long as he is funding the WHO and the CDC and all the virologists that are working on the vaccine then I'm sure they will go along with whatever he wants.
The bolded parts are batshit crazy, QAnon-level conspiracy theories. There are 0 reputable sources that back these outlandish claims.
05-14-2020 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by onedollars
The bolded parts are batshit crazy, QAnon-level conspiracy theories. There are 0 reputable sources that back these outlandish claims.
I can back up everything I'm saying but I am not going to go down that rabbit hole and take this thread off topic. Suffice to say that anyone who is truly looking for the truth can find it if they look.
05-14-2020 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by Adjusted
I can back up everything I'm saying but I am not going to go down that rabbit hole and take this thread off topic. Suffice to say that anyone who is truly looking for the truth can find it if they look.
Stop. Just stop. You know you are peddling conspiracy theories.
05-14-2020 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by Adjusted
I think a lot of people are placing too much hope in a vaccine, probably because they trust the government and the government is pushing the idea that a vaccine will help us return to normal, but I've heard there are statistics that show that people with a flu vaccine are more likely to get the flu than those without. The thing about a corona type virus is it is very difficult to develop an effective vaccine because the virus is constantly mutating. But Bill Gates stands to make many billion dollars on a new vaccine so as long as he is funding the WHO and the CDC and all the virologists that are working on the vaccine then I'm sure they will go along with whatever he wants.

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
We don't really have to go down that road in this thread, do we? I see enough of this conspiracy theory stuff elsewhere.

Originally Posted by Adjusted
Isn't it a fact though? Is he not funding all of the organizations I mentioned?

Originally Posted by Adjusted
I can back up everything I'm saying but I am not going to go down that rabbit hole and take this thread off topic. Suffice to say that anyone who is truly looking for the truth can find it if they look.
Stop man, we're just crazy conspiratards.

Carry on.....
05-14-2020 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi



Stop man, we're just crazy conspiratards.

Carry on.....
OK, I'm going back over to the flat earth page then...
05-14-2020 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Adjusted
But Bill Gates stands to make many billion dollars on a new vaccine so as long as he is funding the WHO and the CDC and all the virologists that are working on the vaccine then I'm sure they will go along with whatever he wants.
*Doesn't understand the difference between philanthropy and investing*
05-14-2020 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
*Doesn't understand the difference between philanthropy and investing*
How much digging have you done into BGs 'philanthropy'?
05-14-2020 , 09:33 AM
"Philanthropy" LOL
"Foundation" LOL X 1 million
05-14-2020 , 10:19 AM
JFC. Find another place for these posts.

Further posts along these lines will be deleted and the poster will receive a temp-ban.

Thank you for your cooperation.
05-14-2020 , 10:36 AM
05-14-2020 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Maybe after a few years with herd immunity and medications that treat it very well and obv a vaccine.

Look I think poker will still survive but it will be nothing like it was. And that's not for a month or 2 or 3. This most likely will be going on for years. But ask yourself, why would any casino risk mass infections and cases and even deaths to hold live poker tournaments? They aren't making money anyways in normal times with tournaments or at least not very much. I'm not trying to act like a debbie downer but just being realistic. Poker as we know it for live cash games will be completely different and tournaments will disappear for a long time. I could be wrong but just my opinion.
For the same reason they have held tournaments till now. There is nothing about holding a poker tournament that is any more dangerous to public health than any mass gathering of people. Casinos have all sorts of gaming tournament events, and concert events, and convention events and a myriad of other things that bring lots of people to their premises. Clearly these things will not be the same for some period of time. I do not believe it will be years, but that is just speculation on something which has very little reliable information surrounding it. Regardless, eventually, all these things will be back.
05-14-2020 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
How much digging have you done into BGs 'philanthropy'?
Originally Posted by Adjusted
"Philanthropy" LOL
"Foundation" LOL X 1 million
Peer-reviewed and edited websites like Wikipedia tend to be slightly more balanced and accurate reporters of facts than whatever conspiracy theory websites you visit.
05-14-2020 , 11:07 AM
If by "balanced and accurate" you mean "edited by fact checkers" no one can argue with your statement as written.
05-14-2020 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Peer-reviewed and edited websites like Wikipedia tend to be slightly more balanced and accurate reporters of facts than whatever conspiracy theory websites you visit.
That's the problem, most people believe this. /derail

If anyone would care to discuss this elsewhere, I'd be interested.
05-14-2020 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I feel like you're somewhat contradicting yourself here, or it could be that there's more nuance to your position than you've posted. I agree with you that the chance of breathing the same air as others with the virus has a risk, but is somewhat low. A much greater risk is posed by someone with the virus being within a few feet of you. So while distancing is far from complete protection, I think it's a lot more than pacifying the public and is almost certainly helpful in slowing down the spread.
Well, certainly, if someone is symptomatic, then distancing of any kind will be beneficial. If someone sneezes/coughs then the droplets are going to be larger and have a harder time being suspended in air, so the further you are the better. Masks also help with symptomatic people to prevent them from spreading the virus because more of the virus will be trapped in the mask. But symptomatic spread is not a huge problem in the short term given how careful individuals and public concerns are being about people with symptoms.

On the other hand, there appears to be a lot of anecdotal evidence and some preliminary scientific evidence, that this virus spreads a great deal through asymptomatic people. If someone is asymptomatic, unless they are spending lots of time going around licking surfaces or French kissing each other, then how on earth does the virus spread so much and so quickly unless it is through breathing in air?

So, the data/research is not clear (for some reason). But if this virus is as widespread as it looks like it might be, then social distancing of the sort being put forth in the re-opening measures simply cannot limit its spread to any significant degree. And even things like typical cloth masks will be largely ineffective since they can't trap air. Add that to largely useless disinfecting procedures and you have a big 'ol soup of... look at all all the stuff being "done" to keep people safe... when in reality, none of it will make a big difference. The only thing that will keep people safe is absolute isolation, which, for obvious reasons, is a non-starter for the vast majority of the population.

So we are back to... what is the real risk of contracting the virus if you are in a room with someone and what is the real health risk should a person contract the virus. These are the only two questions that really matter and I wonder why we don't appear to be getting closer to answering them.

Originally Posted by Adjusted
I completely agree. The lockdown was made to flatten the curve so as to not overwhelm the hospitals. It is time now for some normalcy; there will be a new surge in cases but perhaps the healthcare system can manage it now. Of course, the elderly should continue to be isolated as much as possible.
I'm not going to say I know what the lockdowns were for, definitively, because I'm sure they were for different things depending on the timeframe and who you ask. This is what makes it so easy for people opposed to re-opening to make the argument "Hey, you said we were locking down to save lives, and now you are re-opening when the risk is still there... do you not care about lives anymore?" It appears to be hypocritical, or at least a sort of flip-flop.

But if we are fair in judging those in positions of power and responsibility, I think the only good way to look at what has gone on the last two months is... for some period of time, in the face of a scary and uncertain viral threat, we didn't have a better plan so we locked down. And now, in the face of a scary and uncertain economic threat, we don't have a better plan so we are re-opening. That way, at least there's constancy about the "reasons".
05-14-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
And even things like typical cloth masks will be largely ineffective since they can't trap air.
If by trapping air you mean the gases that make up air (nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, etc.), then you're right, they don't trap it. No masks trap air. They would need a big storage tank if they did. But that's not what their goal is.

Cloth masks do reduce the transmission of particles and water droplets in the air, which is what the goal is. You might argue they're not super effective at doing so, but not being able to trap air is not the reason they're not.
05-14-2020 , 12:23 PM
The last page or two of this thread is funny to me with all the doomsday, things will never be the same people posting.

-live poker tourneys will be back this year

-full ring poker will be back this year.

-in both cases people will be sitting right next to each other

The numbers won't be as high since some people will be too afraid. To start you might need a mask, maybe even gloves, but that won't last long because people will complain too much. All this safety glass in staff in just temperory to appease scared customers , health officials, etc and will be gone within a year.

It will be play at your own risk. Casino not liable.

Same it will be for bars, which will be packed. Bars not liable.

Same for beaches, which will be packed.

If people are to afraid to go out, they don't have to do this.

The only things to prevent this. Would be the fear of hospitals being over run , which so far who's proven to not be much of a worry like everyone said it would have been.

The other sticky point is employee rights etc. Customers are going to make it some some business can't survive with the safety measures in place, masks, gloves, social distancing etc. So maybe the have to pay higher wages at hazard pay in the places.

If any of you have any doubts just look at the places that have reopened. Extreme cases of ignoring social distancing recommendations. Lack of masks, people crowded in as much as the places will allow.

Those that are afraid, stay home. Those not afraid live your lives knowing the risks.

Don't give me any of the bullshit about killing others. The others don't need to come near me or anyone else not afraid. I'm not going to jump into there personal space and put them at risk.

Businesses will set the rules of their safety levels. People will patron them according to their desire. Some will go the the bar with more safety measures because thats what they want. Others will go to the bar with not distance rules, masks etc because thats what they want,
05-14-2020 , 12:49 PM
Airports, hospitals, the DMV. Places where people don't have a choice will have high safety requirements.

Non-essential places will set the safety requirements according to what the customers want.

Covid-19 isn't going anywhere. Gonna have to learn to live with it. Keeping things shutdown another month is just stupid. How much do they think the numbers are going to drop in a month? They keep increasing testing capacity. The more tests they do they more positives they are going to find. The more antibody tests they do the more the mortality rate is going to get lower and lower.
05-14-2020 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by zrap
The last page or two of this thread is funny to me with all the doomsday, things will never be the same people posting.

-live poker tourneys will be back this year

-full ring poker will be back this year.

-in both cases people will be sitting right next to each other

The numbers won't be as high since some people will be too afraid. To start you might need a mask, maybe even gloves, but that won't last long because people will complain too much. All this safety glass in staff in just temperory to appease scared customers , health officials, etc and will be gone within a year.

It will be play at your own risk. Casino not liable.

Same it will be for bars, which will be packed. Bars not liable.

Same for beaches, which will be packed.

If people are to afraid to go out, they don't have to do this.

The only things to prevent this. Would be the fear of hospitals being over run , which so far who's proven to not be much of a worry like everyone said it would have been.

The other sticky point is employee rights etc. Customers are going to make it some some business can't survive with the safety measures in place, masks, gloves, social distancing etc. So maybe the have to pay higher wages at hazard pay in the places.

If any of you have any doubts just look at the places that have reopened. Extreme cases of ignoring social distancing recommendations. Lack of masks, people crowded in as much as the places will allow.

Those that are afraid, stay home. Those not afraid live your lives knowing the risks.

Don't give me any of the bullshit about killing others. The others don't need to come near me or anyone else not afraid. I'm not going to jump into there personal space and put them at risk.

Businesses will set the rules of their safety levels. People will patron them according to their desire. Some will go the the bar with more safety measures because thats what they want. Others will go to the bar with not distance rules, masks etc because thats what they want,
Your comment: "play at your own risk, casino not liable" is naive and ridiculous. Any casino does not want bad publicity that their particular poker tournament led to a massive outbreak amongst its participants. And they certainly aren't immune from any lawsuit that could be filed for their negligence in holding one.
05-14-2020 , 01:15 PM
They likely will be immune from lawsuits
05-14-2020 , 01:46 PM
it's funny to see posters take offense to the idea of normal people doing normal things

jfc it's as if some of you are personally offended if people don't live in fear....
05-14-2020 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by cantrunworse
it's funny to see posters take offense to the idea of normal people doing normal things

jfc it's as if some of you are personally offended if people don't live in fear....
Not sure where you get this from. Most people believe in science and realize that the old normal won't be happening anytime soon if ever. Nobody's offended as you put it. But coming on here and claiming that there will be full ring games soon and big poker tournaments this year imo is ridiculous and not based on reality. I mean there are going to be some casinos that are not slated to be reopened until next year at the earliest. According to news reports last week from MGM for example. But yet we are supposed to believe that there will be full ring games and large poker tournaments in a few months? Give me a break.
05-14-2020 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Not sure where you get this from. Most people believe in science and realize that the old normal won't be happening anytime soon if ever. Nobody's offended as you put it. But coming on here and claiming that there will be full ring games soon and big poker tournaments this year imo is ridiculous and not based on reality. I mean there are going to be some casinos that are not slated to be reopened until next year at the earliest. According to news reports last week from MGM for example. But yet we are supposed to believe that there will be full ring games and large poker tournaments in a few months? Give me a break.

you must struggle in daily life, right? panicking about literally anything and everything? afraid to cross the street too?
05-14-2020 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by zrap
The last page or two of this thread is funny to me with all the doomsday, things will never be the same people posting....

If any of you have any doubts just look at the places that have reopened. Extreme cases of ignoring social distancing recommendations. Lack of masks, people crowded in as much as the places will allow.

Those that are afraid, stay home. Those not afraid live your lives knowing the risks.
Don't give me any of the bullshit about killing others. The others don't need to come near me or anyone else not afraid. I'm not going to jump into there personal space and put them at risk.

Businesses will set the rules of their safety levels. People will patron them according to their desire. Some will go the the bar with more safety measures because thats what they want. Others will go to the bar with not distance rules, masks etc because thats what they want,
Sorry, but "that's what they want to do" is an insufficient reason to put themselves and others in an increased danger of death from a virus, an automobile accident or negligent homicide.

No one wants to have to take protective measures, like social distancing, masks, etc. which are inconvenient, but they may be needed from everyone for a public good ..... or do you deny there is such a thing as a "public good" ?

Even if you do deny that a public good may require social distancing, six feet happens to be my personal space. You can stay away from me because "that's what I want".

Last edited by Gzesh; 05-14-2020 at 02:39 PM.
05-14-2020 , 03:05 PM
Not 6 feet, lol
