Originally Posted by lozen
In light of the pullback of a 5 billion $ battery plant in Ontario a great opinion piece on Justin's failed carbon tax
Some of the highlights
This article is pretty poorly framed. So first let's just be clear, in a vacuum the Canadian approach of a carbon tax is far far superior to the american approach which doesn't put a price on carbon but does a bunch of various incentive schemes like massive subsidies for EVs and the like. If you could choose one thing for both countries to do, you'd choose the Canadian approach every time.
There is then a secondary question of whether given that the American have not done a carbon tax, and instead are putting in place these subsidy programs, whether Canada should also compete for those or whether they should throw up their hands and say ya know what we've done enough on the carbon tax, may as well give up on everything else. Well, I say:
do both. You're somebody who always seems to argue the carbon tax isn't enough on its own, but now you seem mad that Canada is doing things above and beyond the carbon tax as well.