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Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread)

11-16-2021 , 10:45 AM
National Guard not necessary. The Mostly Peaceful Protestors(TM) will make sure nothing bad happens.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
As one example, media coverage was that they repeatedly said "Rittenhouse was in illegal possession of a firearm." Not "charged with." Not "alleged," but stated as positive, unequivocal fact. But the statute in question only applies to short-barreled rifles, which an AR is not. I'll see if I can find specific examples later in the day.
You have any examples of people winning cases against the media for leaving out phrases like “charged with” etc? Seems like to actually win a case like this defendant has to go to Rudy G Dominion level nonsense were you’re just obviously making stuff up so far away from reality. Not just leaving out the fact that a guy who is not disputing the fact that he walked down the street with a gun and shot people may or may not have broken laws. And Rittenhouse after this incident became a public figure so it’s pretty hard to win a claim like this and you can’t pretend like he wouldn’t have been a public figure if not for some specific outlet when it was a top story everywhere.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think this issue demonstrates how the US approaches this issue compared to most (maybe all) of the rest of this world.

I can post instances of two guys having what, in most Countries, would seem like a normal tense argument over something stupid, and one of the guys shows he has a gun, often legally (almost always the weaker looking of the two. The weaker looking guy steps up the provocations and once punched or pushed shoots and kills the guy claiming self defense.

I don't think the weaker guy necessarily wanted to kill the person but they wanted to see him back down so they can feel powerful while knowing they can always kill them if they don't.

Outside the US that is just nothing approaching normal. Two guys **** talking end it by walking away or maybe some pushing or shoving, and yes the odd tragic outcome can come from that.

But what men don't do (typically) is kill each other for our idiotic, in the moment transgressions.

However in the US, I think there is a segment of males (mostly white southern males) who often felt intimidated when faced with conflicts with black males (whom they often regarded as subhuman) and this was their way to level up and retake their feeling of power.

So ya inside the US this may seem normal to many but outside the US it does look pussy'ish and bat **** crazy.
Good post cuepee, it does not only look, it is batshit crazy. One idiot shooting another one over any argument where he levels the other guy should end up in jail no matter what.

Also a 17 y old carrying a rifle in the streets is considered a threat to the public in most civilized countries and the police is called IMMEDIATELY, if not the police then the military or special forces. We don't f around with crap like that. Try walking with a machete outside here and people will think your insane and you get arrested immediately. In the us an idiot with a gun is a normal sight. That is the problem. You americans and your gun culture just sux and is no longer relevant. It is straight up barbaric and outdated.

Last edited by washoe; 11-16-2021 at 10:52 AM.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 10:47 AM
So the prosecutor says “Everybody takes a beating sometimes.” "He was too cowardly to use his own fists to fight his way out." in closing remarks.

These prosecutors are awful.

Last edited by Tien; 11-16-2021 at 10:52 AM.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
So the prosecutor says “Everybody takes a beating sometimes.” in closing remarks.

These prosecutors are awful.
Agree that Binger is terrible for a lot of reasons, but I'm puzzled as to yours. Why is that a bad thing to say?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
So the prosecutor says “Everybody takes a beating sometimes.” in closing remarks.

These prosecutors are awful.
I know this prosecuter from another case I think. Proscecuters are always awful or they wouldn't be proscecuters. They could make 10-1000x as much as a private lawyer.

Last edited by washoe; 11-16-2021 at 11:00 AM.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 10:57 AM
Is Binger worse than Marcia Clark?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think this issue demonstrates how the US approaches this issue compared to most (maybe all) of the rest of this world.

I can post instances of two guys having what, in most Countries, would seem like a normal tense argument over something stupid, and one of the guys shows he has a gun, often legally (almost always the weaker looking of the two. The weaker looking guy steps up the provocations and once punched or pushed shoots and kills the guy claiming self defense.

I don't think the weaker guy necessarily wanted to kill the person but they wanted to see him back down so they can feel powerful while knowing they can always kill them if they don't.

Outside the US that is just nothing approaching normal. Two guys **** talking end it by walking away or maybe some pushing or shoving, and yes the odd tragic outcome can come from that.

But what men don't do (typically) is kill each other for our idiotic, in the moment transgressions.

However in the US, I think there is a segment of males (mostly white southern males) who often felt intimidated when faced with conflicts with black males (whom they often regarded as subhuman) and this was their way to level up and retake their feeling of power.

So ya inside the US this may seem normal to many but outside the US it does look pussy'ish and bat **** crazy.
This isn't exactly right imo, but is true that a lot of Rittenhouse types feel weak and afraid, not strong and confident.

The attitude you describe is by no means limited to the South. At this point, the divide in this country is more urban/rural than North/South. Rural New Hampshire has much more in common with rural Alabama than it does with Boston. If you drive in rural areas of the Northeast, you will see no shortage of Trump stickers, pickup trucks with gun racks and screen prints of an American flag in the back window, etc.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
In the us an idiot with a gun is a normal sight. That is the problem.
The U.S. has way too many guns, but it is exceeding unusual to see a civilian walking around with the sort of gun Rittenhouse had, and it's pretty unusual to notice anyone carrying any sort of gun. If you walked around a hotel lobby or grocery store in Texas, I doubt that you would observe someone carrying a gun.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Query which way this cuts when deciding whether to bring a firearm to a volatile situation.
Absolutely. This is why he's an idiot, but 17-year-old kids are idiots and when you combine that with being into firearms/police, it's pretty easy to see how he'd go there. I just don't understand which drugs his mother takes to give him her blessings to go.

Originally Posted by d2_e4
Well, we're moving the goalposts here a little bit, aren't we, LOL? In fact, you seem to have decided to uproot the goalposts and throw them clean off the pitch. You know perfectly well that we were discussing a hypothetical attacker with fists vs. a hypothetical attacker with a knife, not the actual Rittenhouse case. Some might call that posting in bad faith.
Dude, my original question to you was what would you have done in his situation, and you came up with a poker analogy about being check-raised on the river.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think this issue demonstrates how the US approaches this issue compared to most (maybe all) of the rest of this world.

I can post instances of two guys having what, in most Countries, would seem like a normal tense argument over something stupid, and one of the guys shows he has a gun, often legally (almost always the weaker looking of the two. The weaker looking guy steps up the provocations and once punched or pushed shoots and kills the guy claiming self defense.
Well, it's not legal to brandish a weapon. Showing a gun on your hip is brandishing. Aside from that, anyone that punches or pushes a guy in an argument that you know is armed, particularly after he has brandished, is a bigger idiot.

What is stepping up the provocations? It sounds like you're saying that punching is an appropriate response to someone saying words you do not like, and I know you don't think that.

Originally Posted by Cuepee

However in the US, I think there is a segment of males (mostly white southern males) who often felt intimidated when faced with conflicts with black males (whom they often regarded as subhuman) and this was their way to level up and retake their feeling of power.

So ya inside the US this may seem normal to many but outside the US it does look pussy'ish and bat **** crazy.
Sounds like you're saying Rittenhouse is a white supremacist. I have no idea if he is or not, but just because those types praise him and he enjoys the adulation doesn't mean he is one.

I don't think anyone is claiming it's normal to go to a riot with an AR15, but yes, there are states in the USA where no one flinches when they see a Glock on someone's hip at the grocery store.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Agree that Binger is terrible for a lot of reasons, but I'm puzzled as to yours. Why is that a bad thing to say?

“Everybody takes a beating sometimes.”

While true, why even say this in front of a jury? It undermines one of their major points that Kyle wasn't under any threat of bodily harm against Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum never touched Kyle with his hands, they should have left it at that. Not say: Kyle was going into a fistfight with Rosenbaum and should have fought his way out with his fists.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I know this prosecuter from another case I think. Proscecuters are always awful or they wouldn't be proscecuters. They could make 10-1000x as much as a private lawyer.
Binger had a convincing closing statement where he hammered the point that Kyle came there and help create the incident and therefore can't claim self defence.

It was Kraus that said “Everybody takes a beating sometimes" which just sounds awful.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This isn't exactly right imo, but is true that a lot of Rittenhouse types feel weak and afraid, not strong and confident.

The attitude you describe is by no means limited to the South. At this point, the divide in this country is more urban/rural than North/South. Rural New Hampshire has much more in common with rural Alabama than it does with Boston. If you drive in rural areas of the Northeast, you will see no shortage of Trump stickers, pickup trucks with gun racks and screen prints of an American flag in the back window, etc.
Even here in Germany. I've just met a buddy that I hung out with when I was a teenager. Guess what, he was sporting a q t-shirt and told me that the earth is flat (flat earther) also about whole lot of other nonesense. That freaked me out a lot. He is not a Nazi by far, he is actually the opposite friendly to all nations. He took a lot of drugs though so he apparently lost it.

Trump has a lot of following and it's not only Nazis and idiots. My other good friend from the us says something interesting. He was always voting dems for 20 plus years. Now he says everything was good under trump. The economy was good. Now with Biden everything is bad, it sux. Gas prices, economy everything... He said the dems lost it.

And finally a story about my other friend from the south of Germany. He married into a doctor family there, well guess what half the family are hippies, the other half doctors. Half the family is fan of trump.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Well, it's not legal to brandish a weapon. Showing a gun on your hip is brandishing.
Showing is menacing. Brandish is to take out of holster and brought to a ready state. (In Colorado).
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
“Everybody takes a beating sometimes.”

While true, why even say this in front of a jury? It undermines one of their major points that Kyle wasn't under any threat of bodily harm against Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum never touched Kyle with his hands, they should have left it at that. Not say Kyle was going into a fistfight with Rosenbaum and should have fought his way out with his fists.
Fair point.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Good post cuepee, it does not only look, it is batshit crazy. One idiot shooting another one over any argument where he levels the other guy should end up in jail no matter what.

Also a 17 y old carrying a rifle in the streets is considered a threat to the public in most civilized countries and the police is called IMMEDIATELY, if not the police then the military or special forces. We don't f around with crap like that. Try walking with a machete outside here and people will think your insane and you get arrested immediately. In the us an idiot with a gun is a normal sight. That is the problem. You americans and your gun culture just sux and is no longer relevant. It is straight up barbaric and outdated.
Well that is not entirely true as we many incidents like this

Where if "certain" people are seen with any thing resembling a gun they are summarily executed based on the imagined threat they could pose.

Sometimes "they" are executed over cell phones and other times legal allowed guns carried properly secured within their vehicles that they are not in any way threatening with.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Sounds like you're saying Rittenhouse is a white supremacist. I have no idea if he is or not, but just because those types praise him and he enjoys the adulation doesn't mean he is one.
He went out drinking with Proud Boys after the killings, my dude.

Like, why this need to defend the guy on a personal level? You can defend his right to self defense and to parade around town with a rifle without papering over the fact that he’s a white supremacist dipshit.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Agree that Binger is terrible for a lot of reasons, but I'm puzzled as to yours. Why is that a bad thing to say?
Because it is an idiotic thing to say. I can assure you that the position that you share with Binger, that you should just let crazed maniacs beat the **** out of you without defending yourself, is not shared by most. We can count our lucky stars that you are not making the laws in this country.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Well that is not entirely true as we many incidents like this

Where if "certain" people are seen with any thing resembling a gun they are summarily executed based on the imagined threat they could pose.

Sometimes "they" are executed over cell phones and other times legal allowed guns carried properly secured within their vehicles that they are not in any way threatening with.
Yep. But that just adds to the problem of gun culture. People are more frightened.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Showing is menacing. Brandish is to take out of holster and brought to a ready state. (In Colorado).
Seems like an extremely thin distinction in the case of an assault rifle. Walking around with one in your hands is not technically in a “ready state” but you can still blast a dude in a snap second.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
The U.S. has way too many guns, but it is exceeding unusual to see a civilian walking around with the sort of gun Rittenhouse had, and it's pretty unusual to notice anyone carrying any sort of gun. If you walked around a hotel lobby or grocery store in Texas, I doubt that you would observe someone carrying a gun.
Good thing I reread your post. I got initially that texan have more gun nuts and it's a normal sight in some states. Remember the case where some trumpers pulled semi automatic guns on a child's birthday party? That I mean. Guns should never be in the hands of idiots like that.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
You have any examples of people winning cases against the media for leaving out phrases like “charged with” etc? Seems like to actually win a case like this defendant has to go to Rudy G Dominion level nonsense were you’re just obviously making stuff up so far away from reality. Not just leaving out the fact that a guy who is not disputing the fact that he walked down the street with a gun and shot people may or may not have broken laws. And Rittenhouse after this incident became a public figure so it’s pretty hard to win a claim like this and you can’t pretend like he wouldn’t have been a public figure if not for some specific outlet when it was a top story everywhere.

I would have agreed with you before the Nick Sandmann case. I also wasn't able to find a video that I recall from the time that the NYT (I think) put out that showed Rittenhouse shooting Huber but omitting Huber hitting Rittenhouse with a skateboard. That sort of deceptive editing can be the basis of a libel claim.

The public figure issue you raise is an interesting one, and I don't know the precise contours of that rule in terms of precisely when Rittenhouse becomes a public figure.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Is Binger worse than Marcia Clark?

Yes, and by quite a bit.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Because it is an idiotic thing to say. I can assure you that the position that you share with Binger, that you should just let crazed maniacs beat the **** out of you without defending yourself, is not shared by most. We can count our lucky stars that you are not making the laws in this country.
Seems like a bit of a false dichotomy (that is a logical fallacy) there, counsel. So, you are suggesting that when you are attacked your only options are to a). let someone beat the **** out of you without defending yourself or b). shoot them. Have I understood you correctly?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-16-2021 , 11:31 AM
I'm with ya, Trolleycar. There are a ton of options for charges as it relates to "showing"..... and it depends on the actual State it occurs. Could be misdemeanor or felony. Plus in the case of a long gun, I assume we are talking Open Carry. But one can still be charged with menacing or brandish with all legal charging options still available.

To sling a rifle/shotgun over your shoulder in an Open Carry state is not either. Holding in a ready position (in front with hand near/on the trigger guard) is probably a bad idea.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
