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Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets

10-30-2014 , 01:14 PM
Does Amaya really think that Regs don't know any fish at all?
I mean some do have a real life ( at least i've heard that ) and do know fishes personally.

I've sent this link to all fishes that actively play on stars from time to time I know, explaining them why they have to avoid stars at the moment.
So thats 10 fish for 1 reg not playing anymore.
If those Amaya-dickheads ever decide to back off and stop this bull****, i can still tell my fishbuddies to come back.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by NoMeansYes_
I'd guess that if HU hypers stopped running today they'd lose somewhere between 30 - 60 million/year in rake.
And what, the regs are all going to leave poker all together? Or are they going to all shift to the smaller sites and battle eachother for the few remaining fish? The truth it, most will just have to learn a different format or game and keep playing on stars, especially if you already have a good vip tier.

Heads up is the past. Pokersites HATE them. The predatory nature of heads-up is bad for the site. They have proven with the recent changes that they are trying to make heads up poker as least attractive of all your options.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:21 PM
By my calculations breaking even playing $100 Hyper Satellites while earning SNE will be worth about $11,000 next year compared to the $125,000 it's currently worth. So effectively, Stars has killed the hyper sats and the SNE program for all of those players. Sick.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:22 PM
It's not about HU it's about all the negative changes they are making against poker ecosystem
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:22 PM
I see hope in BTC Poker? A 19+1 is a fine small rake.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
This has nothing to do with the government and has been covered by another poster

People should be aware that the "extra" UK tax is 15% of Stars revenues post VIP. There is no real justification at all for adding a charge for a rebuy or add on for UK players, the tax is on their revenues, not a tax on the prize pool.

With one rebuy and one add on the charge to UK players is effectively 300% more and the effective tax is 15%-VIP each extra charge they make increases their tax bill but they are taking far far more from us.

This is absolutely disgusting, a complete lie - it is not to make up the tax loss, one rebuy charge extra wipes out their effective tax bill by about 10x

Businesses should pay some tax! What they should not do is screw their customers for 10x that tax on every rebuy or add on, whilst also incurring a bit more tax because they are charging more so the player pays that too!
if this is how it works than wow. Why didnt they just do a blanket rebuy/add on charge for all players? Why just 'taxed' players? They trying to use the tax excuse I guess or just going to slowly ease it in site wide eventually...
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:25 PM
I see this new action as an act of treason to all who helped PS to be what it is (was), I mean, regs.

I think that the best PS advertising, which brings more deposits to the site are the EPT videos, at least in my country. Who plays this MTT? Mostly On-line regs, isn’t? And, where they build their bankrolls? Mostly in PS. So, I think regs are indirectly bringing new players to PS.

Following this logic, if you kill the regs, you kill the EPT and consequently your best advertising becomes a s***t, air.

I ignore who create the “regs are the devil” concept, but sure that is not accurate, much less in PS context.

R.I.P. on-line poker in 3,2,...
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:28 PM
Steve: I'm ok with those changes but, please make it so that you can change your screenname or play only a limited number of tables.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
By my calculations breaking even playing $100 Hyper Satellites while earning SNE will be worth about $11,000 next year compared to the $125,000 it's currently worth. So effectively, Stars has killed the hyper sats and the SNE program for all of those players. Sick.

Do you know the numbers for those playing Fifty/50s at $60, $100 and earning SNE there? Or the 18 mans of $30 and $60 and $100?
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:39 PM
should we not be more mad at our Governments than Amaya? They are the ones imposing high taxes on online poker.. Amaya is just adjusting to compensate for those taxes.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:40 PM
now that I have ingested this new biggest change with all the 'smaller' ones with obviously more to come. I am so interested to see how this plays out now that I accepted the fact that the old PS is long gone in the wind.

I still predict most grinders will stay by adapting, changing games, playing less games or w/e and accept making less money for effort put in. Very curious what difference PS will be like in lets say 2 years time.

reading all the threads about revolts, sit outs, non play days etc; Most grinders wont even fathom stop playing for short times due to vip level requirements, profits etc. With that said; Im guessing PS will be a-ok. They will prob have slightly less traffic but pulling in so much more.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:43 PM
Can't wait for them to rape us with the new VPP program in the new year. The sky feels like it's falling...again
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Lockhurt
Can't wait for them to rape us with the new VPP program in the new year. The sky feels like it's falling...again
they already announced it
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:48 PM
seems everything is getting worse
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by njpokerplayer24
they already announced it
link? i cant find it
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by njpokerplayer24
should we not be more mad at our Governments than Amaya? They are the ones imposing high taxes on online poker.. Amaya is just adjusting to compensate for those taxes.

Interesting argument but a little flawed. Amaya and Stars arent companys at the edge of starvation. Ps made how much? 500 mio a year? I dont wanna know how much crap lot of money amaya makes. So jeah they get taxed and still make a ton TON of money.

This announcement is really a punch in the face.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:52 PM
"El étimo del topónimo -Amaya- es dudoso, aunque los filólogos vascos lo interpretan como " aquello que se acaba", "final de la tierra fructífera".

The etymon of the place name -Amaya- means, according to some Basque philologists, "thing that is ending" or "fruitful land end".
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Lotje
Steve: I'm ok with those changes but, please make it so that you can change your screenname or play only a limited number of tables.
Yeah, that would make up for it. Maybe make the avatars a little bigger too, thanks.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 01:59 PM
LOL @ those that are mentionning the idea of a massive synchronized cash out in order to protest. How stupid you have to be to propose this, seriously??
Stupid and obviously broke on stars...
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 02:00 PM
RIP stars, fu amaya
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 02:01 PM
888 can be the new number one in the online poker business in less than 2 years if this incompetent group that knows nothing about online poker keep doing this changes. So this is the way amaya came out to have the money they spent faster... Well, congrats on ****ing your business!
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Malte suckt
Does Amaya really think that Regs don't know any fish at all?
I mean some do have a real life ( at least i've heard that ) and do know fishes personally.

I've sent this link to all fishes that actively play on stars from time to time I know, explaining them why they have to avoid stars at the moment.
So thats 10 fish for 1 reg not playing anymore.
If those Amaya-dickheads ever decide to back off and stop this bull****, i can still tell my fishbuddies to come back.
IMHO The best ideas around... All of us have many friends. Amaya can count with numbers very well but if anything underestimated it is a social advertising... Using facebook Arabs could run uprising in their countries

Please take time to explain the situation to them why they should play an MTT or if play some of the affected format why they should consider changing the playroom

Sit out bull**** dosnt work and regs withdraw not at all BUT SMART USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA can do a lot of dirty work

If you consider that you leave be sure to take your friends with you because they think they have a monopoly and it is up to us whether this is really so

Last edited by meda98; 10-30-2014 at 02:10 PM.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by frenchfish
Some people ITT does not seem to realize that the guys who took those measures are pretty smart in their field, and have spend a ton of time studying, brainstorming and crushing numbers to calculate the risk/rewards of such changes (they have a ton of data and expertise that we dont).

Soo, maybe the one liners who thought about the issue for a couple of minutes only, without knowing any numbers or any of the industry intricacy should stop stating so confidently "pokerstars is digging their graves" or "rip pokerstars" . Better spend your time figuring out why those smart people who know best think this is the most profitable approach and then get ahead by finding the best way to adapt to the all situation.

And i understand the screaming is just a way to defend our own interest. But it s like crying after a badbeat, in other words useless . Especially if the company interest is to see the regs go. It would be more productive if everyone in this thread vouch to tell all the recreational they know playing on stars how bad it has become there , and even make strong over statement about how it s about to be the new full tilt or something ...

Btw i don t advocate this at all, but just saying that crying time should be over asap since it s not gonna change anything, and we should focus our efforts to find out why they are doing this and then what we can do about it and therefore adapt.

CLIFFS notes:
_crying time over
_Find out why they think this is the most profitable line
_Take measure/adapt

Clifs notes of clifs notes:
_respond to the situation like a true professional poker player would

i like that post.


why is the change so drastic? A week ago they announced proudly that the VIP rewards stay the same for 2015 but there will be change in 2016 and we all agree that those changes will be a huge blow for regs again. It feels like after getting some candy there is a huge dong up my a** now!

Significantly highering the rake in all formats, all stakes and announce this five days before it comes into effect?
Very nice gesture for the ones u always say u value the most!

I honestly dont know how things are calculated and how long it takes for such a successful company to make a move like this.
I cant imagine this just came up, of course the Scheinbergs knew changes are comming soon and made the smartest move by selling to Amaya.
But Amayas big Investment of approx. 5Billion USD plays, for sure, a big role when calculating how the changes in rake have to look like!
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
new conversion fee
SNE lowered by 5k + incoming changes
Hyper MTT: rake increase 300%
Hyper HU: rake increase
Hyper 6m Sat: rake increase 300%
SNG regs: RB cut
PL/NL 50$: rake increase for table starters and setting a new record in highest rake per hand on an online platform (former hold by 888 with 4$)
Spin & Go: rake increase and less normal payouts to make money for the ultra 3000x
Plus raked rebuys/add-ons for a large portion of the player pool, and increased rake on KO tournaments.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-30-2014 , 02:11 PM
How can poker still be profitable at low stakes with those frustrating changes???
Have a feeling that the real owner of Amaya is an old ****** Adelson and that's just a plan to destroy online poker from the inside...
The only hope is that with that attidude, after 1-2-3 years PS will no longer remain as a poker monopoly #1 poker site...
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
