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***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** ***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread***

05-31-2013 , 06:04 PM
If a poker PC is steadily getting slower over time, the first things to do are a database maintenance, purging old hands and defrag your HDD if necessary, maybe even reinstalling a fresh OS. Idk but I'd think the same goes for MACs. Hardware doesn't die slowly.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
05-31-2013 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
what are some of the sicker pc laptops out right now?? havent been paying a ton of attention to whats out there but seems theres not too many non mac laptops available now with anything better than 1920 x 1080, resolution is a big factor for me and retina mac seems like my frontrunner, anything that can contend? 15" seems so small and wouldnt mind not paying 2700 or w/e but the retinabooks seems so ****ing cool with that res and personally never used a trackpad or keyboard that felt was even close to the macbooks. All that in mind, what are my best nonmac options right now? Are the retinabooks as cool as they seem? gonna be used for poker primarily so ssd required, resolution slightly under in importance, size somewhat important in that dont want an old school brick but res trumps that in options. Thanks for any help!
one word:


check out their Thin and Light Ultrabooks...built to compete with macbook pros but at less than half the price and obv run Windows.....the screen on my CT15-A1 is just stunning(and has anti glare!)

i will warn you that the trackpad/keyboard is not on the same level of the Macbooks but I'm not sure how anyone who multitables gets by without a good mouse anyways....

the quality of my Vizio is really amazing..everyone who sees it is impressed with how high-end it feels and looks...its just slick
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-03-2013 , 08:16 PM
Are these what I'm looking for to set up a triple display with a dell 30?

Is it fine to buy refurbished monitors? Thanks.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-03-2013 , 08:30 PM
guys, please help me with this.

I'm in the market for a higher end laptop for poker/travel. And no, I don't want to fire $2k+ for mbp.

I'm looking for 17inch, full HD resolution, quad core processor, 8gb or 12 or 16gb of ram, light in weight, USB 3.0, preferably runs SSD (256gb), good audio playback. I been looking hard online but haven't had luck finding the right model for it.

Any recommendations?
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 04:16 AM
Specific to grinding, could someone comment on why Macs are no good? I'm by no means a "grinder". I have a job which occupies way too much of my time. However I play most weekends and some evenings and run the normal programs ie. Tilt, PS, PT3, and some smaller software like stove, whilst playing music/movies etc.

I've always been a windows guy previously but I currently have windows 8 and hate it with a passion. For portability, I have a macbook air and I love it. Not just the OS, but the way it looks, feels and specifically the responsiveness of it when I'm browsing.

The retina Mac Pros just look visually sick and I'm tired of the **** resolution I'm getting from my current PC in comparison. So my question is, what is it specifally about Macs that make them so bad for poker? Or is it more that they are just not cost effective in comparison to their nearest windows competitors?
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:09 AM
In your situation it's ok. The main things is that's there is no client for some program's but when you have stars, FTP, party and on game it's no problem really.

Also no table ninja or other programs. Also no scripts available.

Tbh it's much more worth it now than it was over a year ago when party wasn't available and FTP wasn't back.

I'd recommend it to anyone now. I just haven't customised mine to be a poker computer so it doesn't run as smooth as it could be yet. I have way too many program's installed on it and when pt4 is running at the same time it gets slow.

Visually it's amazing. Even when tables are the smallest size the poker clients allow they are still very clear to see.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 07:18 AM
Some stupid person I barely know stuffed around with my computer and now I have this toolbar called "mixidj" installed which is malware, having alot of trouble getting rid of it,

has anyone had this problem, I really want to get rid of it asap, don't want it to get any passwords etc (was even worried about logging into 2p2)


also ty CA for posting my graph
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by set4vegas
Some stupid person I barely know stuffed around with my computer and now I have this toolbar called "mixidj" installed which is malware, having alot of trouble getting rid of it,

has anyone had this problem, I really want to get rid of it asap, don't want it to get any passwords etc (was even worried about logging into 2p2)


also ty CA for posting my graph
What browser do you use? If you're using Internet Explorer, please don't. Just download Firefox or Google Chrome and it should fix it .
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 07:55 AM
I was using google chrome before this happened, and can still use chrome, it's just the toolbar won't dissapear, google "mixidj" and you will see it's a problem, I'm offering $20 on stars to anyone who can help me fix it

Problem is what i've read is that it can lead to worse problems this toolbar which I don't wont to happen

If your on skype and can help would be greatly appreciated

on a side note im in your boat now working full time too

Last edited by set4vegas; 06-05-2013 at 07:56 AM. Reason: no idea how to use a mac let alone whether its better for grinding mate fwiw
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by set4vegas
I was using google chrome before this happened, and can still use chrome, it's just the toolbar won't dissapear, google "mixidj" and you will see it's a problem, I'm offering $20 on stars to anyone who can help me fix it

Problem is what i've read is that it can lead to worse problems this toolbar which I don't wont to happen

If your on skype and can help would be greatly appreciated

on a side note im in your boat now working full time too

That should do the trick (I guess).
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Zimonia

That should do the trick (I guess).
do i click the link that says "remove the malware for free" or follow the 13 steps they have
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by set4vegas
do i click the link that says "remove the malware for free" or follow the 13 steps they have
Follow the steps. In the end (step 4 and 5) they recommend you to install some programs again, these steps are optional afaik. Altough especcialy ccleaner is a nice program to run once in a while and it's free.

Dunno if step 3 is optional, prolly not.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by CrazyApproach
Specific to grinding, could someone comment on why Macs are no good? I'm by no means a "grinder". I have a job which occupies way too much of my time. However I play most weekends and some evenings and run the normal programs ie. Tilt, PS, PT3, and some smaller software like stove, whilst playing music/movies etc.

I've always been a windows guy previously but I currently have windows 8 and hate it with a passion. For portability, I have a macbook air and I love it. Not just the OS, but the way it looks, feels and specifically the responsiveness of it when I'm browsing.

The retina Mac Pros just look visually sick and I'm tired of the **** resolution I'm getting from my current PC in comparison. So my question is, what is it specifally about Macs that make them so bad for poker? Or is it more that they are just not cost effective in comparison to their nearest windows competitors?
Basically there are a bunch of poker specific software that doesn't run on OSX. If you study hands and do a lot of math it becomes rather annoying the limitations you have and the hoops you have to jump through. You can always run a VM etc but it's just another hoop. It's been getting better overtime for native software, though, and the mbp resolution is pretty sick for poker.

I guess the second biggest problem is you can play poker on a $500 laptop and I doubt you are going to buy a MBP for that much.

Also, if you hate Windows 8, just get Win7 ldo.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 12:24 PM
how much would you spend on an opera ticket

a)$35 with **** seats
b)$75 with semi **** seats
c)$105 with ok seats
d)$140 with good seats

per person that is

"you study hands and do a lot of math" (quoting "Dogzz")

Last edited by set4vegas; 06-05-2013 at 12:27 PM. Reason: fml
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 12:35 PM
I'm pretty good with analogies but I admit this one is lost on me.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:17 PM
Can someone with a 22', 23, 24' monitor with 1920x1080 resolution post a picture of how it would looking with 4 tables tiled? I know 1600x1200 and 1920x1200 resolution there would be no overlap when 4 tabling but i want to see how it would look with 4 tables tiled.

I saw this picture from someone who posted this is how it looks with 6 tables tiled on 1920x1080 resolution.

Can someone do one with 4 tables? Also in that above picture would you say the tables are still good size and not too small? I always done tiling with 4 tables and never done 6 tables ever.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:46 PM
I'm a bit to lazy to upload the picture for you but:

The size of the monitor doesn't matter for the picture, all 1920x1080 pictures will look the same.

Using Stars autotile hotkeys, the size of the cards are the same size with 4 table tile as they are with 6 table tile, there is just less extra table space.

With some AHK placement and overlap of window boarders you can get the next biggest sized cards 4 tables - this is what I do if I have 4 tables up and it's plenty large for a less intense session or end of session.

If you have a monitor big enough to display 1920x1080 you can do these tests yourself.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-06-2013 , 01:13 AM
Tbh I'd just skip the opera and head to a theater instead and actually enjoy the show.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-06-2013 , 05:52 AM
Can someone help me to choose between the new Dell U3014 and two 27'' 2560x1440 monitors? How much is the difference between 1600p and 1440p on multitabling?

Also any recommendation for 27'' monitor would be helpful since i heard dell 2713hm has serious backlight bleeding issues

thx in advance
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-06-2013 , 06:31 AM
Gonna throw a wild guess and say the difference between 1600p and 1440p is 160p
Ie maybe some vertical overlapping on sites that didn't design their tables with 16:9 in mind.

30" has a bigger pixel pitch ie things appear bigger but two 27-inchers provide more pixels ie allow more tables.
With two 27-inchers you'll need to turn your head left and right (more), which may result in neck tension/pain.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-06-2013 , 11:37 AM
two 27s seem like too much screen space to me as pummi noted.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-15-2013 , 06:50 PM
Quick questions please respond someone

1. Best 30" monitors available? (Links would be awesome if possible)
2. Any place you can by these monitors refurbished? With Warranty?
3. Does dell still make the portrait monitor? Does any other company offer this?
4. Can a laptop run 2 monitors?
5. Recommendations on a good budget laptop $400-$600 range?

All my stuff is old so I am out of the loop. Last I checked Dell had the best monitor, but I know things change.

I see post like this go unanswered in here allot and I hope some of you will help me out as I am looking to purchase these items in the next couple days.

GL at the tables!

Last edited by bustuw72; 06-15-2013 at 06:59 PM.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-15-2013 , 07:00 PM
I`d personally never use a Laptop and 2 30" monitors. Especially a laptop that is in the 400-600$ Range. It`s like doomed to overheat.
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-15-2013 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
I`d personally never use a Laptop and 2 30" monitors. Especially a laptop that is in the 400-600$ Range. It`s like doomed to overheat.
Just going to run 1 4 now anyway. That being said when I go to the aditional one I will just purchase a desktop.

Any answers to the other questions?

anyone? anyone? Buehler? Buehler?
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
06-15-2013 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by bustuw72
Quick questions please respond someone

1. Best 30" monitors available? (Links would be awesome if possible)
2. Any place you can by these monitors refurbished? With Warranty?
3. Does dell still make the portrait monitor? Does any other company offer this?
4. Can a laptop run 2 monitors?
5. Recommendations on a good budget laptop $400-$600 range?

All my stuff is old so I am out of the loop. Last I checked Dell had the best monitor, but I know things change.

I see post like this go unanswered in here allot and I hope some of you will help me out as I am looking to purchase these items in the next couple days.

GL at the tables!
can someone help a playa out here please?
***Official Laptop/Monitor/Computer/Grinding Equipment Discussion Thread*** Quote
