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Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean) Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean)

03-02-2013 , 05:36 PM

You know as much as me, my guess is Marc will ship the funds to the said charity once he finds out wtf has gone on with Dean.

Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Unfortunately I haven't heard any more from Dean since last Monday. I'm running out of ways to justify his lack of communication, and of course I agree that at some point (this point? idk) a decision will have to be made as to how to handle the $5k that Marc has been left holding on to.
Sigh, there is no justification.
03-02-2013 , 05:42 PM
Seems like this is the point where marc just needs to figure a way out to get the charity the money. If not to the one dean wanted (meh), to another one. money just sitting in marc's account is doing no one any good.
03-02-2013 , 06:00 PM
IIRC, Dean had already spoken to the charity and they were making plans on how to spend the money. If this wasn't a fabrication, my vote would be for it to still go to Orygen Youth Health.
03-02-2013 , 06:42 PM
donate to one drop imo from mttc
03-02-2013 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by fivetypes
Thats such a dumb thing to say.

How about I raise 10k for a burns charity by organising a sponsored hot coal walk?

Only a complete moron would think its appropriate despite the end result. Hot coal walking doesnt even create a lot of burns victims, but it shows a complete lack of thought about the charity the moneys intended for. Considering drug and alcohol abuse is probably one of the leading causes of youth mental health im not sure how anyone would think a drinking marathon is a swell idea.

Poker players have absolutely no concept of reality.
How about we get Charmin to sponsor MTTc so there will be fewer pieces left behind after you post?

The charity decides what is appropriate and what is not. You don't know anything about mental health, how can you offer any conjecture whatsoever?

Originally Posted by fivetypes

I would never pay money to watch a fat aussie sit around drinking beer all day under the guise of charity, and it says a lot about the mentality of some poker players that it received so much support imo.
He probably sits around drinking beer all day whether there's a charity fund on the line or not - everything I've seen leads me to believe Bogan is wont to get saucy on a regular basis - so, who gives a damn? He pooled money together for what was proposed as a noble cause, and again, the charity accepted the offer indicating the parties involved reached an agreement as to what is appropriate and what is not - sorry they didn't write in a fivetypes clause so you wouldn't get mad on the internet about it and impose your ill-informed opinions on the community.

Do you really think the families of children who need medical treatment care if Bogan volunteers to kill some brain cells and sht floaties for a week?

Talk about poker players having no concept of reality...

Last edited by CBorders; 03-02-2013 at 07:12 PM.
03-02-2013 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by random_chu
fivetypes may be the most ******ed poster on 2p2.
Been waiting for that a long time haven't you skipper.

Originally Posted by CBorders
How about we get Charmin to sponsor MTTc so there will be fewer pieces left behind after you post?

The charity decides what is appropriate and what is not. You don't know anything about mental health, how can you offer any conjecture whatsoever?

He probably sits around drinking beer all day whether there's a charity fund on the line or not - everything I've seen leads me to believe Bogan is wont to get saucy on a regular basis - so, who gives a damn? He pooled money together for what was proposed as a noble cause, and again, the charity accepted the offer indicating the parties involved reached an agreement as to what is appropriate and what is not - sorry they didn't write in a fivetypes clause so you wouldn't get mad on the internet about it and impose your ill-informed opinions on the community.

Do you really think the families of children who need medical treatment care if Bogan volunteers to kill some brain cells and sht floaties for a week?

Talk about poker players having no concept of reality...

How about I just say stfu you winging hippy?

You have absolutely no idea what I do or dont know so when I voice my opinion how about you just take it as an opinion.

Its staggering you dont see how the means of raising money matters. If you want to make a bet with me, up to 1k we can agree on a post/email and some youth mental health charities/websites/professionals and send it out, all agreed too by both parties and see who responds in favour of the idea of a guy sitting on a webcam for 24hrs banging a beer every hour and playing poker in order to raise money. A relatively younfg overweight ex-meth head, lets not forget.

The winner can agree to donate the cash.
03-02-2013 , 07:25 PM
would assume the charity had no idea about the drinking/poker part of it all. they might know bogan plays poker, but find it hard to believe in a official capacity they would condone stuff like this. sure, they would want the money it raises, but they wont really attach their name to it.

bogan...where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
03-02-2013 , 07:36 PM
Idk why the secondary donation is contingent on bogan showing up with the money.
03-02-2013 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by fivetypes
How about I just say stfu you winging hippy?
You can call me whatever you'd like, I don't know you.

You have absolutely no idea what I do or dont know so when I voice my opinion how about you just take it as an opinion.
My mistake; here's your opportunity to cite your credentials which would give clout to your opinions on behavioral health.

Its staggering you dont see how the means of raising money matters. If you want to make a bet with me, up to 1k we can agree on a post/email and some youth mental health charities/websites/professionals and send it out, all agreed too by both parties and see who responds in favour of the idea of a guy sitting on a webcam for 24hrs banging a beer every hour and playing poker in order to raise money. A relatively younfg overweight ex-meth head, lets not forget.
I was under the impression that the charity was privy to how the funds were being raised.

Your bet isn't even a real bet. There are no actual terms. You're throwing things out there like everyone else who gets mad on the internet. I'm not interested anyhow; much like you, I don't know anything about behavioral health, so me betting on the opinions of doctors in that industry would just be gambling.
03-02-2013 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
How about we get Charmin to sponsor MTTc so there will be fewer pieces left behind after you post?

The charity decides what is appropriate and what is not. You don't know anything about mental health, how can you offer any conjecture whatsoever?

He probably sits around drinking beer all day whether there's a charity fund on the line or not - everything I've seen leads me to believe Bogan is wont to get saucy on a regular basis - so, who gives a damn? He pooled money together for what was proposed as a noble cause, and again, the charity accepted the offer indicating the parties involved reached an agreement as to what is appropriate and what is not - sorry they didn't write in a fivetypes clause so you wouldn't get mad on the internet about it and impose your ill-informed opinions on the community.

Do you really think the families of children who need medical treatment care if Bogan volunteers to kill some brain cells and sht floaties for a week?

Talk about poker players having no concept of reality...
Um well you felt you knew enough to spill this verbal diarrhea im offering the opportunity to back up what you spout and raise some extra money for charity.

You are so certain I know nothing put some conviction behind your posts and lets agree to send an email/make a post on various websites and to charities, offering them a chance to earn donations by someone doing the same thing bogan did.

I am not mad, and not quite sure how you think I didnt state terms. You are just a washy bore with nothing but lame bull**** to say. If you think im wrong lets bet. I dont get the money a charity agreed upon will. And I will also instantly pay, as I will win because you are talking nonsense.

If for some reason all logic goes out the window and I lose the charity still wins. Stop being a b1tch borders.
03-02-2013 , 08:41 PM
You such a boring clone chu congrats. Like the worst of the worst. You exist to post pathetic one liners and endlessly nuthug.

cborders please pm me to set up the bet, I rescind any and all personal insults to anyone except the loathsome random_chu, I just added them for colour.

In before an unfunny one line reply from youchu.
03-03-2013 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by sirswish6

Guys i think you should all stop firing insults at each other and leave this thread to try and find out when / if the 5k is going to go to charity and what recourse you have if he does not pay.The other money should, of course, be donated to the original charity ASAP why wait ?
03-03-2013 , 02:42 AM
Still absolutely mind boggling the money wasn't in the charities possession months ago, pretty sweet my >1k donation is still somewhere other than the charity

Lets go Bogan, get your **** together
03-03-2013 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by parkert
god you're pathetic
Originally Posted by random_chu
Originally Posted by random_chu
go outside.
some very valid statments.

in all seriousness, this thread is addressing two issues

#1 (most important): is Dean ok? I think this has at least been resolved to the point where we are no longer immediately worried about him.

#2: the money situation. hopefully this is resolved sooner rather than later.
03-03-2013 , 06:16 AM
Hmmmm I'm not sure the order of importance is strictly true for everyone. As a complete neutral, one probably doesn't really care about Bogan personally, however the thought of the money raised not being where it was intended is annoying.

The point is, peoples perception on what they deem as important here is completely dependant on other factors. I think the people who appear more concerned about Bogan himself need to realise this.
03-03-2013 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by CrazyApproach
Hmmmm I'm not sure the order of importance is strictly true for everyone. As a complete neutral, one probably doesn't really care about Bogan personally, however the thought of the money raised not being where it was intended is annoying.

The point is, peoples perception on what they deem as important here is completely dependant on other factors. I think the people who appear more concerned about Bogan himself need to realise this.
Allthough I somewhat agree with you on this it is not relevant anymore as he posted that everything was ok. I dont really understand tho, he made the effort to come in here and post he would make steps towards resolving within 2 days and it has been 5 allready. I dont see a reason for this other then he really doesnt care that much, then again, Im not (directly) duped nor do I know bogan but this is starting to become quite a nasty situation.
03-03-2013 , 07:37 AM
I think the One Drop donation with the 5k Marc is holding is a great idea.
03-03-2013 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by TT_fold
Wanna eat your words now?
This is pretty unbelievable and show's how immature you are.

Originally Posted by fivetypes
haha, wipe your vag princess.
Have you always gotta have the last word? Let it lie ffs.

Originally Posted by jaimestaples
I think the One Drop donation with the 5k Marc is holding is a great idea.
Yeah agree, although if the MH charity was ever made aware that a donation was coming it would be pretty cruel to slowroll them.

Last edited by Syker12; 03-03-2013 at 07:49 AM. Reason: Not as cruel as not giving the money in the first place LDO, but we now have the means to give to money to the right people.
03-03-2013 , 08:58 AM
Depends how often the mttc circlejerk wave their handbags.

I hope 100% dean is physically ok, but he was obv ignoring this thread again after he posted promising a 48hr resolution. Bumping it after a week or so has continued the focus on it so I think its a good thing, and I enjoyed the lame brained attempts by few long time sheep to inject some drama.

I want a good resolution to this as im sure everyone does.

Not sure what random_chu wants, apart from his heros approval.
03-03-2013 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Syker12
This is pretty unbelievable and show's how immature you are.
No, what's unbelievable and immature is that someone managed to earn all this respect from the poker community and then grimmed 6.1k from 'friends' in that community, under the guise of charity, before announcing his permament retirement from the game.

I agree that if the charity was informed that they'd be receiving money then they should go ahead and give the remaining 5k. If the charity was never informed then maybe best to just give donators some of their money back and let them do what they want with it.
03-03-2013 , 11:50 AM
Maybe we could go back to topic? I have that 5k still and I'm fine sending it to whoever reputable or donating it myself to whatever charity. So please give me some feedback on that instead of dolting up this thread.
03-03-2013 , 11:56 AM
does anyone know if dean actually told the charity 10k was going to it? if the charity was made aware of the money being donated, than think it should def go to the one dean picked.
03-03-2013 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Rowniwn
Maybe we could go back to topic? I have that 5k still and I'm fine sending it to whoever reputable or donating it myself to whatever charity. So please give me some feedback on that instead of dolting up this thread.
Seems pretty clear to me that the money should go to the charity that people donated the money to, if that's not an option it should probably be returned to the people and they can donate it themselves. I don't think you can donate it to another charity given that people donated it for that specific purpose. But yeah I feel like you should just go ahead and donate it, doesn't seem like there are any good arguments for holding it up any longer.
03-03-2013 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
does anyone know if dean actually told the charity 10k was going to it? if the charity was made aware of the money being donated, than think it should def go to the one dean picked.
from charity thread:

Originally Posted by #TBO
Final Figure = $11,519

I contacted Orygen on Friday of last to let them know of the donation and it just happened to be answered by someone who was on staff when I was a inpatient. Having spent a little while explaining what had been raised and why it was done the worked on the phone couldn't believe that a bunch of poker players from all round the world would show support to the cause. The donation should hit them by the end of the week and receipts and confirmation will be posted in the thread.
Originally Posted by #TBO
Sending has been closed off and we are waiting for confirmating on how we are sending the money as well as a list of where the money will be spent which I hope to hear back from by the end of this week but you can donate directly via credit card at there website
03-03-2013 , 12:35 PM
marc, jsut donate what you have. and the other stuff will hopefully be donated soon.
