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Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean) Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean)

02-25-2013 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Rowniwn

Second of all, even though I have no idea what actually happened to that money, if he stole it, gambled it away or its just still in his account, I am 99% percent sure that he did not set up this scam in the first place. Meaning that the idea for that charity thing did not come out of the intention to steal the money.

I'm 100%, not only because I know he cares about the charity. He was talking about it months before when he was financially stable. Hope everything is ok Dean. The charity will get its money imo. Might take a while tho...
02-25-2013 , 07:26 PM
I always thought Dean gave the money already (i'm not saying this is the case) but and correct me if I am wrong, he did get in touch with the charity and posted a reply they made and what they would spend the money on? Or am I getting this mixed up with something?
02-25-2013 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by stanski
Dude is a former methamphetamine addict correct? I know the majority of you guys have no concept of how the real world or money works on this forum, but post this basically anywhere else, lower the figure to $50, and mention "former meth addict" and I don't think anyone would even bother asking if the money was actually with the charity. I do hope the charity actually received the money and he is not 'holding onto it' but its always hilarious to me how naive/trusting people in the poker community are with the number of scams/less than reputable **** that happens all the time. This shouldn't even be a case of "making right" at this point if the money is not with the charity after the amount of time that has passed, he already screwed up majorly (which he also has in my opinion by not instructing rowniwn where to send the money, the time value of the money lost already for the charity has to be factored in).

Have to agree with most of what TT_fold has written, though will say that i'm a bit biased as his forum personality was more than slightly off-putting and "poor me i have mental health issues/drug problems" attention whoring. I'm sure a bunch of breakeven $2.50 180 grinders will come tell me I'm an ******* but I'm just writing what a lot of other people are thinking but aren't writing publicly.
this + 1million, people will do anything for $$ and 6k is alot of $ in the real world and since no one really knows wtf is going on and 6k is missing its usually safe to assume its been taken

Originally Posted by MadeLiefje
what was the charity about?

well i have nothing to do with his poker stuff and i will also tell you he's not doing it for a miserable 6K or whatever the amount is.

if something bad happened (sadly must be since he disappeared like that), the money is not gonna be the first thing on his mind right now. he'll come back whenever he can. a little patience wont hurt anyone
do you know him irl/ talked to him recently?

a few months is alot of patience and nothing has happend
02-25-2013 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by MadeLiefje
what was the charity about?

well i have nothing to do with his poker stuff and i will also tell you he's not doing it for a miserable 6K or whatever the amount is.

if something bad happened (sadly must be since he disappeared like that), the money is not gonna be the first thing on his mind right now. he'll come back whenever he can. a little patience wont hurt anyone

Miserable 6k? What planet are you living on that its a "miserable" amount, especially to someone who is a former drug addict? I've seen addicts steal from the ****ing charity boxes at liquor stores, and you think its beyond impossible that this guy relapsed, was short on money, and potentially squandered it? Like you are so far off from reality and blindly defending someone just because you are friends with him.

And I'm sorry I just have to say, the longer it takes for this guy to post and the more people "know whats up" without posting it, the worse this looks on the guy. I know **** happens a lot faster on 2p2 than in the real world, and people do have real world obligations, but he's familiar enough with the community to know just how fast his rep will go down the drain if people don't know where the hell their money went.
02-25-2013 , 08:39 PM
I think it's implicit in any sort of negotiation like this one -- the charity -- that the person ultimately donating the money should do it in a timely, pronounced manner. The stress of having money in limbo for months, in combination with Bogan's clandestine past possibly relapsing on him, is probably a lot more to deal with than any of the investors wanted. I think they have reason to be upset because they donated money for what seemed a fun, altruistic event and now it's turned out to be a prolonged chaotic haze of uncertainty that is wasting time and energy.

It also sucks for people who are friends with Bogan, because they are uncomfortably pinned between the emotional side of caring for his well being and the rational side of acknowledging that something might be awry.

That being said, hopefully he is well and the charity soon gets its money!
02-25-2013 , 08:48 PM
Is there any sign he didnt give the money to the charity?
02-25-2013 , 08:58 PM
Given his medical condition and his past, I just hope the big man is ok.

Please get in touch Dean
02-25-2013 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by MadeLiefje
oh i see. can you pm me what happened please?
was in US when he was still around and by the time i got back, he was gone.
How about you atleased read the thread before you put in your 2 cents?
02-25-2013 , 09:08 PM
Didnt LO hear from him? So confused why there is another 20 posts of speculation without anyone asking LO for more info.
02-25-2013 , 09:08 PM
Speculation running wild! Lets argue about how much 6k means and how likely Bogan was to relapse. Its clearly the most important issue here (eye roll)

Last edited by jaimestaples; 02-25-2013 at 09:08 PM. Reason: slowpony
02-25-2013 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by ty71087
Didnt LO hear from him? So confused why there is another 20 posts of speculation without anyone asking LO for more info.
i'm sure LO has told us what he is able to, and if/when the time comes that he or someone else can share more, i'm sure they will. there's no need to pressure bogan's friends and accomplices for info. they're already in an awkward enough spot as is.
02-25-2013 , 09:28 PM
i consider myself a friend of dean, im willing to bet $100 he comes through in the next 2 weeks and announces he will give the money to charity

only accepting bets from tt dick

Last edited by set4vegas; 02-25-2013 at 09:29 PM. Reason: my first prop bet but i have faith in dean and LO as well JF3
02-25-2013 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
i'm sure LO has told us what he is able to, and if/when the time comes that he or someone else can share more, i'm sure they will. there's no need to pressure bogan's friends and accomplices for info. they're already in an awkward enough spot as is.
+100 to this lipo, im pleb micro stakes player 26sker if u dont know me, i met LO along time ago on ftp forums and i would trust him prob more then anyone on this forum even though we arnt in contact much, same goes for dean

have faith boys
02-25-2013 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by gangip
It also sucks for people who are friends with Bogan, because they are uncomfortably pinned between the emotional side of caring for his well being and the rational side of acknowledging that something might be awry.
yup, absolutely

Originally Posted by ty71087
Didnt LO hear from him? So confused why there is another 20 posts of speculation without anyone asking LO for more info.
I'm not being intentionally mysterious. My only contact from Dean since before Christmas has been in the form of occasional brief messages, one of which was received this morning. The gist of it was that he's alive, he's aware of this thread and he will address it at some point. I chose not to post his message verbatim because there was some stuff that simply wasn't in anyone's interest. Again, I realise that sounds potentially intriguing but it really isn't, I just made a judgement call as to what level of information is necessary/helpful at this point.
02-25-2013 , 10:00 PM
if he can breathe and text, he can post on 2p2. agree with pretty much everything stanski has posted because his arguments are by far the most logical.

bogan can take all the time he wants before posting. but it is absurdly unacceptable to be holding money that is not his when it can be easily transferred to where it belongs, the charity. it's not ****ing hard to transfer the $ to someone who can give it to the appropriate charity if he is unable to, unless he doesn't have the $.

it's amazing that 3 months has passed. i really can't think of any logical reason why the $ hasn't made it to the charity outside of death, incompetence, or a simple lack of caring about getting the funds to the charity.

i can't begin to imagine all the hate that would be spewed on someone holding 6K of charity funds that didn't have bogan's reputation prior to this thread.

Last edited by Aznpowr11; 02-25-2013 at 10:13 PM.
02-25-2013 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by stanski
Dude is a former methamphetamine addict correct? I know the majority of you guys have no concept of how the real world or money works on this forum, but post this basically anywhere else, lower the figure to $50, and mention "former meth addict" and I don't think anyone would even bother asking if the money was actually with the charity. I do hope the charity actually received the money and he is not 'holding onto it' but its always hilarious to me how naive/trusting people in the poker community are with the number of scams/less than reputable **** that happens all the time. This shouldn't even be a case of "making right" at this point if the money is not with the charity after the amount of time that has passed, he already screwed up majorly (which he also has in my opinion by not instructing rowniwn where to send the money, the time value of the money lost already for the charity has to be factored in).

Have to agree with most of what TT_fold has written, though will say that i'm a bit biased as his forum personality was more than slightly off-putting and "poor me i have mental health issues/drug problems" attention whoring. I'm sure a bunch of breakeven $2.50 180 grinders will come tell me I'm an ******* but I'm just writing what a lot of other people are thinking but aren't writing publicly.
I agree with this post. It's been a while since I've spoken with bogan (can't check exact date, on another computer), but he seemed to have been doing well. Hope this ends favorably.
02-25-2013 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by set4vegas
i consider myself a friend of dean, im willing to bet $100 he comes through in the next 2 weeks and announces he will give the money to charity

only accepting bets from tt dick
2 weeks! wow!
02-25-2013 , 10:18 PM
02-25-2013 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by plo ufo
02-25-2013 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
clever girl
02-25-2013 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
2 weeks! wow!
Yes and before those two weeks are up he will announce that at some point in the future he will pay the charity.
02-25-2013 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
2 weeks! wow!
It's not sending money it's announcing youre gonna send it so it's a little trickier.
02-26-2013 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
yup, absolutely

I'm not being intentionally mysterious. My only contact from Dean since before Christmas has been in the form of occasional brief messages, one of which was received this morning. The gist of it was that he's alive, he's aware of this thread and he will address it at some point. I chose not to post his message verbatim because there was some stuff that simply wasn't in anyone's interest. Again, I realise that sounds potentially intriguing but it really isn't, I just made a judgement call as to what level of information is necessary/helpful at this point.
Wasnt trying to say you were being shady or anything. I just thought that all the wild speculation was crazy after you said you had talked to him hours ago.
02-26-2013 , 01:34 AM
First of all sorry to everyone that has worried about me, I am fine I am just going through some personal family problems ATM that are getting back On that I needed to deal with without the stress of poker. I know this wasn't the smartest way to do it but it was either personal life or poker and I choose to sort out personal first.

I will contact Marc (regarding making sure that thencharity drive gets all of the donations) and Lo (staking affairs) plus those i have private arrangements with to get my poker affairs in order in the next 48 hours with this including sorting out the charity drive and I will sort out a personal playing make up I have then I will be leaving the poker community for a while if not long term. I'm going to (with the help of lo hopefully) go over all my poker related things and get them worked out, I have not been active with my horses for a few months other then the odd twitter inbox and I apologise for not being able to put in the long hours I had for the year before. I ask that you give me a little time to get on top of all the things I have let slide in the past few months while putting my poker on the back burner. I also ask those of you that I have had contact with to not all hit me up on Skype when I log in to get these things sorted as I can't currently handle explaining everything to all of you, those that I need to contact I will contact and that will include a mod of mttc to let him know the details.

Regards Dean
02-26-2013 , 01:59 AM
Thanks for popping in mate. Good to know your alright!
