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Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean) Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean)

03-15-2013 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Langerdang
I don't see why the website should ever be taken down. If (huge if) he pays back every cent, it still doesn't change the fact that he cheated and stole from both "friends" and charity.

Make a note on the site that he made good and repaid, sure.

Anybody who may be considering future dealings with him would ideally have all relevant info. If they see that he stole/cheated and are willing to work with/invest in/hire him because he repaid then that's their choice. If they're unwilling then that's the bed he made.

The damage is done, you can't go back in time and undo it. Repairing the damage is a different matter altogether.

I mean a criminal doesn't have their record wiped one they've done their time.
Haha this is exactly what i was trying to say and even used the criminal jail time metahaphor then deleted it because i couldn't phrase it as well.
Completely agree with you and wish I could express myself as clearly as that lol.
03-15-2013 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Great logic bro, are you ****ing serious?

He should pay back because its the right thing to do, and accept he's always going to be labeled as a degen/scammer/scumbag and thats fair. Not be grovelling to have the site deleted. You cant just undo the **** stuff you've done, got to face up and accept it.
I think you are taking my post the wrong way. In no way, shape or form was it my intention with that post to say the website should be down or we should let him slide without repayment. I was just saying that the thought for it to be reported to the aussie govt is a little outlandish because there is already a website...
03-15-2013 , 04:48 PM
Why is it outlandish?

The guy just scammed a charity, and now he's sponging off working peoples tax money instead of getting a job... It's disgusting.
03-15-2013 , 04:58 PM
eh, you're an idiot

if he:

- repays all debts
- is completely transparent in this thread, not like one post every month
- doesn't try to reinstate himself into a position of trust in the poker community

then the website should be taken down and his name removed from this thread.


Scammers have no incentive to recompense their wrongs. We'd like all scammers to pay back cause it's the right thing to do but we need to be practical.

We'd be railroading the guy's life. He's obviously deserved everything he's gotten so far, but if he works his ass off to do the right thing, then he's just a former druggie and acknowledged degenerate who somehow got entrusted with money, did a terrible thing and made amends. Nothing to be proud of and enough to ensure he never gets a good rep in the community, but not deserving of destroying his life.

Again, realistically there needs to be a measure of punishment fitting the crime. At the moment, the website/railroading is correct, but doing so when he can legitimately claim it's not deserved is terrible policy. It is a form of character assassination, and in the poker world where it is so easy to make new accounts and people are so trusting, we have a pretty wide door that can be exploited. Better to have a policy that the scammers themselves can acknowledge as fair, i.e. once they make full amends they get their life back but not their rep.

People here who are arguing to completely destroy his life even if he does pay back piss me off. It's malicious and pathetic. I'd trust those people about as much as a known scammer.

Bogan is a degenerate. He is not evil.

Probably won't make another post here since I don't want to be defending bogan itt when most of the rancour towards him is deserved.
03-15-2013 , 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by eh777
Why is it outlandish?

The guy just scammed a charity, and now he's sponging off working peoples tax money instead of getting a job... It's disgusting.
03-15-2013 , 05:21 PM
The site should be taken down if two criterias are met

1. bogan admits to and makes even with all his stealing.
2. Bogan pays 1k to charity call it interest
03-15-2013 , 05:28 PM
Ibavly I think that's the dumbest thing I've read in this thread yet, like painfully stupid. The fact he took so long to admit what he did shows the only reason he's doing something about it now is because he knows how much **** he's in.

If he manages to get the website taken down, we've set a precedent where you can scam somebody (or a charity) and get away with it without any future repercussions as long as you pay it back, removing his name from this thread and the website will remove any trace of the fact he's a piece of ****. If you steal a car then realise you'll face jail time so you return the car... You still deserve the jail time.

If that website gets taken down I'm reuploading it.
03-15-2013 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by ibavly
eh, you're an idiot

if he:

- repays all debts
- is completely transparent in this thread, not like one post every month
- doesn't try to reinstate himself into a position of trust in the poker community

then the website should be taken down and his name removed from this thread.
is the fact he never came forward until after the website was put up - and he therefore gains from now doing the right thing - not a consideration?

also if the situation was 'more real life' and he stole from a charity he would probably end up with a criminal record. something future employers (whoever) would, understandably, be made aware of.

Last edited by SaulGoodman; 03-15-2013 at 05:39 PM. Reason: basically what langerdang said
03-15-2013 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by eh777
Not exactly going to make the national newspapers is it? Nobody would ever know.

He made his own choices, he just scammed a charity and he's now living off taxpayers money, he doesn't deserve it.

He'll still be able to get a menial job, but he'd prefer to be on benefits.

I said it for purely selfish reasons. It doesn't even relate to the actual thread really it was just in direct response to what was originally said.

No, it won't make national news. But the less negative undertones presented to our government or the less attention full stop, the better. Sure, it might (although I would guess probably not) affect bogans case to some capacity. But by doing this there is an equal chance that it negatively effects every single other Aussie online poker player.

I don't know why you think it's ok for one persons mistakes to lead to the potential of a lot of people suffering from it. It's just a dumb thought imo.

Again, yeah this is all probs a bit far fetched/paranoid. But thinking that reporting him to the government for this would actually effect anything (they can't do **** about it), is equally far fetched. It would present another case to them however, that maybe they need to do something about this "shady" online poker business...
03-15-2013 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
The site should be taken down if two criterias are met

1. bogan admits to and makes even with all his stealing.
2. Bogan pays 1k to charity call it interest

his accuser is busy writing manifestos and copy skype logs

all we know of is the charity and some rumors about past stables
03-15-2013 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by ibavly
eh, you're an idiot

if he:

- repays all debts
- is completely transparent in this thread, not like one post every month
- doesn't try to reinstate himself into a position of trust in the poker community

then the website should be taken down and his name removed from this thread.


Scammers have no incentive to recompense their wrongs. We'd like all scammers to pay back cause it's the right thing to do but we need to be practical.

We'd be railroading the guy's life. He's obviously deserved everything he's gotten so far, but if he works his ass off to do the right thing, then he's just a former druggie and acknowledged degenerate who somehow got entrusted with money, did a terrible thing and made amends. Nothing to be proud of and enough to ensure he never gets a good rep in the community, but not deserving of destroying his life.

Again, realistically there needs to be a measure of punishment fitting the crime. At the moment, the website/railroading is correct, but doing so when he can legitimately claim it's not deserved is terrible policy. It is a form of character assassination, and in the poker world where it is so easy to make new accounts and people are so trusting, we have a pretty wide door that can be exploited. Better to have a policy that the scammers themselves can acknowledge as fair, i.e. once they make full amends they get their life back but not their rep.

People here who are arguing to completely destroy his life even if he does pay back piss me off. It's malicious and pathetic. I'd trust those people about as much as a known scammer.

Bogan is a degenerate. He is not evil.

Probably won't make another post here since I don't want to be defending bogan itt when most of the rancour towards him is deserved.
Well said, sir.
03-15-2013 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by ibavly
eh, you're an idiot

if he:

- repays all debts
- is completely transparent in this thread, not like one post every month
- doesn't try to reinstate himself into a position of trust in the poker community

then the website should be taken down and his name removed from this thread.


Scammers have no incentive to recompense their wrongs. We'd like all scammers to pay back cause it's the right thing to do but we need to be practical.

We'd be railroading the guy's life. He's obviously deserved everything he's gotten so far, but if he works his ass off to do the right thing, then he's just a former druggie and acknowledged degenerate who somehow got entrusted with money, did a terrible thing and made amends. Nothing to be proud of and enough to ensure he never gets a good rep in the community, but not deserving of destroying his life.

Again, realistically there needs to be a measure of punishment fitting the crime. At the moment, the website/railroading is correct, but doing so when he can legitimately claim it's not deserved is terrible policy. It is a form of character assassination, and in the poker world where it is so easy to make new accounts and people are so trusting, we have a pretty wide door that can be exploited. Better to have a policy that the scammers themselves can acknowledge as fair, i.e. once they make full amends they get their life back but not their rep.

People here who are arguing to completely destroy his life even if he does pay back piss me off. It's malicious and pathetic. I'd trust those people about as much as a known scammer.

Bogan is a degenerate. He is not evil.

Probably won't make another post here since I don't want to be defending bogan itt when most of the rancour towards him is deserved.
Yeah agree with this completely.

Scammers obviously have a moral compass that is completely off or someway misguided. We should not follow suit in return. Just because its the Internet doesn't mean we should be unreasonable. He has clearly done the wrong thing and deserves some stuff that is coming for him. However, once he pays his dues or begins to work towards those we should also accept that for what it is and act accordingly.

No, it doesn't mean we have to trust him again or whatever. It just means we should act like human beings and follow our own moral standards and treat people with the amount of respect they deserve.
03-15-2013 , 06:03 PM
It's clear that the creation of the site and the potential impact on his personal life was what prompted Dean to get in touch. Whether he'd have eventually done so anyway, who knows. So the site served its initial purpose, and brought him out of hiding. Hopefully now he'll see it through and resolve everything, and if he doesn't then I doubt anyone will be arguing for leniency or restraint in any form.

I can't help feeling more than a little uncomfortable with the lynch mob mentality vibes I'm getting from some of the posts itt though, and I get the feeling some are motivated more by malicious intent than a desire to do the right thing, no matter how they word it. I think the possibility of having the site either taken down or amended should remain open as a powerful motivator to Dean to get this mess sorted and have an opportunity to move on with his life.
03-15-2013 , 06:10 PM
^ this so much

Leave it up - Stop discussing it and when/if everything is paid back the people involved/scammed decide what they want to do.
03-15-2013 , 06:16 PM
Agree with MJCace, site being taken down now is a disservice to potential employers. Do we really want to put him in a situation where he could be handling cash? Im sure there are enough menial labor jobs he could get that arent gonna do extensive internet background checks. And taking down the site to make it easier for him to get jobs will also make it easier for him to scam other people.

But more than anything the site needs to stay up because it's the only reason he's back and posting now. Couple weeks ago or whenever he was still pretending it was an accounting/attention issue and would be easy to settle. I think people need to face the reality that this debt is most likely not going to be paid back by OP getting a 9-5 and grinding it off that way. That happens so rarely and usually only in cases with genuinely honest people who made a 1 time mistake. Its pretty clear Bogan is a deceptive scumbag and this was just hitting rock bottom rather than an oneoff thing.

I think the promise of the site being taken down needs to be there to motivate. Maybe he should be motivated to pay back what he owes because its the right thing to do, but lets be realistic that's not what's gonna be the driving factor with someone like this guy.

I know a lot of OP's friends are gonna consider these words harsh but i think you need to come to the realization that the person Bogan was presenting himself to be doesnt exist and that people who didnt know him personally are going to have a better perspective on the situation than you do.

BOL to everyone he scammed getting money back and i really feel for the charity that is having to cancel plans they made for this money.
03-15-2013 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by mjw006
and treat people with the amount of respect they deserve.
What? Really? He doesn't deserve respect... None.

If he had confessed straight away, or maybe even in his first response in this thread, my reaction might be different.

But he only confessed because he felt the heat from the website, if people can't see that, and think he's doing this because he feels bad - they're pretty damn gullible.. Probably the same gullible people who believed his 'rich guy' successful bravado.
03-15-2013 , 06:24 PM
eh777, I'm picturing you as one of those people who stands outside court and bangs on the side of prison vans on the day of big murder trials
03-15-2013 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
I can't help feeling more than a little uncomfortable with the lynch mob mentality vibes I'm getting from some of the posts itt though, and I get the feeling some are motivated more by malicious intent than a desire to do the right thing, no matter how they word it. I think the possibility of having the site either taken down or amended should remain open as a powerful motivator to Dean to get this mess sorted and have an opportunity to move on with his life.
certainly no malicious intent from me. without doubt the site should be updated if he sorts his indiscretion out, and it would be a very positive reflection on Dean. However (in the UK anyway) if you commit a crime on this scale it stays on your record and people are entitled to know of your past history. Genuinely not sure of any logical argument against this.
03-15-2013 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
eh777, I'm picturing you as one of those people who stands outside court and bangs on the side of prison vans on the day of big murder trials
That's a very specific image.

I'm just annoyed at how gullible people are being, falling for the same bull**** they've believed over the years.
03-15-2013 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by ibavly
if he:

- repays all debts
- is completely transparent in this thread, not like one post every month
- doesn't try to reinstate himself into a position of trust in the poker community

then the website should be taken down and his name removed from this thread.
Disagree with the above, for the reasons mjcace and others have mentioned earlier.

Updating the site with how he's responded moving forward is more than fine. Removing the information of how it arrived to this point can potentially be a huge disservice to people in this community and/or potential employers.
03-15-2013 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Agree with MJCace, site being taken down now is a disservice to potential employers. Do we really want to put him in a situation where he could be handling cash? Im sure there are enough menial labor jobs he could get that arent gonna do extensive internet background checks. And taking down the site to make it easier for him to get jobs will also make it easier for him to scam other people.

But more than anything the site needs to stay up because it's the only reason he's back and posting now. Couple weeks ago or whenever he was still pretending it was an accounting/attention issue and would be easy to settle. I think people need to face the reality that this debt is most likely not going to be paid back by OP getting a 9-5 and grinding it off that way. That happens so rarely and usually only in cases with genuinely honest people who made a 1 time mistake. Its pretty clear Bogan is a deceptive scumbag and this was just hitting rock bottom rather than an oneoff thing.

I think the promise of the site being taken down needs to be there to motivate. Maybe he should be motivated to pay back what he owes because its the right thing to do, but lets be realistic that's not what's gonna be the driving factor with someone like this guy.

I know a lot of OP's friends are gonna consider these words harsh but i think you need to come to the realization that the person Bogan was presenting himself to be doesnt exist and that people who didnt know him personally are going to have a better perspective on the situation than you do.

BOL to everyone he scammed getting money back and i really feel for the charity that is having to cancel plans they made for this money.
+1 to everything of this but esp to the bolded part
03-15-2013 , 06:52 PM
eh777 - you're clearly getting far too much enjoyment out of this. For someone who wasn't even involved in the scam, you repeatedly saying that you want to know all his transgressions for a "good laugh", that you'll re-upload the website should we decide to take it down, and calling for informing the Australian government (lol), is really pathetic.

The aim here is to get Dean to sort his **** out with the people he has wronged, not so blood-thirsty onlookers can get their kicks by railroading someone's life.
03-15-2013 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Aliquantum
eh777 - you're clearly getting far too much enjoyment out of this. For someone who wasn't even involved in the scam, you repeatedly saying that you want to know all his transgressions for a "good laugh", that you'll re-upload the website should we decide to take it down, and calling for informing the Australian government (lol), is really pathetic.

The aim here is to get Dean to sort his **** out with the people he has wronged, not so blood-thirsty onlookers can get their kicks by railroading someone's life.
I'm perfectly entitled to express my opinion on the matter, I couldn't care less if you think I shouldn't be. You all seem to be really really naive of the law, what Dean did was a crime, what exactly is 'lol worthy' about reporting it?

Yeah good luck with him sorting this all out As an outsider this is honestly unreal how gullible you all are.

Again with the 'railroading his life' he deserves absolutely everything he gets and more.
03-15-2013 , 07:06 PM
And douche of the thread award goes to..... eh777

Now please stop posting!
03-15-2013 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by BEERM4N
And douche of the thread award goes to..... eh777
really? itt?
