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Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean) Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean)

03-13-2013 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
new thread for the plan to re-raise the charity money (and associated annoying arguments) seems a great idea!
In light of what happened with the last charity thread, I think we're gonna need to get the sign-off from the admins before we run any more charity fundraisers in here. Sorry guys -- once again a case of a few bad apples spoiling it for everyone else, and I think 2p2's lawyers have instructed them to cover their ass pretty heavily in terms of charity stuff. Hopefully we'll be fine making some thread with a lengthy disclaimer though. If not, you guys can obviously make an effort to do the fundraising off-site, maybe through one of the Skype chat groups, although I know it's not ideal.
03-13-2013 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by mlagoo
In light of what happened with the last charity thread, I think we're gonna need to get the sign-off from the admins before we run any more charity fundraisers in here. Sorry guys -- once again a case of a few bad apples spoiling it for everyone else, and I think 2p2's lawyers have instructed them to cover their ass pretty heavily in terms of charity stuff. Hopefully we'll be fine making some thread with a lengthy disclaimer though. If not, you guys can obviously make an effort to do the fundraising off-site, maybe through one of the Skype chat groups, although I know it's not ideal.
What does this mean in concrete terms ? Find a trustable escrow and setup some disclaimer -> PM Matt and thats it ? What should the disclaimer cover specifically ? Would be a real shame if it wouldnt be able to run on-site imho.
03-13-2013 , 09:15 AM
MoViN.tArGeT and set4vegas are bogan4lifes gimmicks.
03-13-2013 , 09:29 AM
If you guys do go ahead with a tourney to reraise the money, I have a little something that I'd be willing to ship to the winner. It's not much but I've been looking for a good cause to give it away for.
03-13-2013 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
What does this mean in concrete terms ? Find a trustable escrow and setup some disclaimer -> PM Matt and thats it ? What should the disclaimer cover specifically ? Would be a real shame if it wouldnt be able to run on-site imho.
Yeah more than anything it just means messaging Mat and seeing what he says we can do. I'll do that now.
03-13-2013 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by biceps
MoViN.tArGeT and set4vegas are bogan4lifes gimmicks.
good one...

on a serious note, I don't think I understood the ramifications of the post I made, when i said split it between 2 charities I was only trying to add helpful input not stir **** up, I didnt' donate in the first one.

I supported movin targets suggestion of possiblitly splitting it into 2 different charities and yeah as ppl suggested i guess there can be too seperate things, the consensus seems to be donate to the said charity so fine,

if certain ppl wanna tell me to shut up and keep quiet about this thread, fine,
but im simply trying to help, (i offered to ring other mental youth institutions around australia tomorrow to help the cause)
03-13-2013 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by biceps
MoViN.tArGeT and set4vegas are bogan4lifes gimmicks.
MoViN.tArGeT is a 180 reg, not bogan. Be careful of what you accuse people of in threads like this.
03-13-2013 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by mlagoo
Yeah more than anything it just means messaging Mat and seeing what he says we can do. I'll do that now.
Unfortunately it's a no. Sorry guys. Again, you're obviously welcome to organize whatever you can off the site, but we can't have a thread in MTTC =(
03-13-2013 , 01:01 PM
Is it too obvious of a solution to use the opinion of those who donated to decide which charity it is donated to?

And using the idea that because Dean suggested the charity, then the charity is in a way "tainted" (for lack of a better word) is a horrible way to look at it. They aren't responsible for a drunken scammer's actions. They're cause isn't lessened because of him either.

As a completely objective party, i'm glad people are seeing it this way because punishing the charity the money was going to because of someone else's actions is the complete opposite of what the money was intended to do - help less fortunate people and give the poker community a good name.

So many people in here will gain a lot of respect for the way the handled a very sensitive situation. And some have lost all respect they had.
03-13-2013 , 02:20 PM
All this fuss and not one person thought to post in the negative feedback thread? wp.
03-13-2013 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by tomsom87
All this fuss and not one person thought to post in the negative feedback thread? wp.

Last edited by set4vegas; 03-13-2013 at 02:33 PM. Reason: Im obv not a bogan gimmick either whoever said that take it back
03-13-2013 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by nham
GL in your endeavors saving Africa.
Sorry guys, I already saved Africa, I bought a coffee at Starbucks during their (red) campaign:

We can now move on to helping mentally ill bogans.
03-13-2013 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by robhimself
Sorry guys, I already saved Africa, I bought a coffee at Starbucks during their (red) campaign.
So what did they do with the money from the two project red iPods I bought? I got hit and run imo.
03-13-2013 , 03:52 PM
Agreed it should already be there. But anyone who searches Dean Bryden or bogan4life will insta be directed to this thread.
03-13-2013 , 06:08 PM
So he really did it? And not just the charity thing but other stuff too? Never had contact with him just heard some good things in the past.
Cliffs anywhere?
03-13-2013 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Aliquantum
Ok, I'm done. Did I just read that MT is suggesting I make another thread to raise 6.5k for the charity Dean scammed, while in here we start a fund raiser for a different charity? Listen to yourself...
How is that unreasonable, this thread is not about RAISING FOR ANY CHARITY directly so I can talk about other options even the mods agree with that you decided that on your own, your the only one on 2+2 with passion for this charity so I was acualy incouraging you to start something, and your the only one who should be running it imo.

Rofl I dont know **** about africa I used alot of examples . Ali you took this way to seriously all I was trying to do was have a healthy debate that are options were open. You somehow thought that everyone was obligated to pick this one but thats incorrect.

Anyway I hope your not the kind of person to hold grudges over someone who disagrees with you im sure not, its just a discussion and I felt alot of angry vibes from you.
03-13-2013 , 07:08 PM
Just read through most of this post, it's unreal how many people were blindly defending him at the beginning, and I can't believe people believed some of his outlandish claims. I think anyone who's ever dealt with him should be checking back the financials to make sure he didn't steal from them.

Originally Posted by MadeLiefje
well this is pointless. lets just see what dean does next.

tho im starting to understand why someone would scam this community
That is one of the most scumbag things I've ever read on here, I hope everyone took note of your comment.

I love how you refused to believe he stole 6k because it wasn't much to him, all because you were stupid enough to believe his false bravado.
Originally Posted by nham
[25/10/2011 11:04:03 PM]
[22/12/2011 2:22:44 AM] Bogan: the other fund still pays me for the right to use the #teambogan name
If anyone actually paid him for the "rights" to a name that he had no legal ownership of, that's pretty dumb.

Originally Posted by Spathic
I've bought and web hosting for a couple years so hopefully we'll get the website up soon.
You need more content, much more content, to make sure it's always ranking highly, put some more references to the town/city/country he's from, also I don't see why passport photos and more pictures aren't on there.

Also links to his twitter, facebook etc. (even if they're blocked).

Originally Posted by mlagoo
In light of what happened with the last charity thread, I think we're gonna need to get the sign-off from the admins before we run any more charity fundraisers in here. Sorry guys -- once again a case of a few bad apples spoiling it for everyone else, and I think 2p2's lawyers have instructed them to cover their ass pretty heavily in terms of charity stuff. Hopefully we'll be fine making some thread with a lengthy disclaimer though. If not, you guys can obviously make an effort to do the fundraising off-site, maybe through one of the Skype chat groups, although I know it's not ideal.
I've always found this bizarre, why not just allow fundraising but ONLY through a site like Then it ensures it ALWAYS goes to the charity, to rely on the trustworthiness of people you barely know has always seemed strange to me.

Last edited by eh777; 03-13-2013 at 07:21 PM.
03-13-2013 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
How is that unreasonable, this thread is not about RAISING FOR ANY CHARITY directly so I can talk about other options even the mods agree with that you decided that on your own, your the only one on 2+2 with passion for this charity so I was acualy incouraging you to start something, and your the only one who should be running it imo.

Rofl I dont know **** about africa I used alot of examples . Ali you took this way to seriously all I was trying to do was have a healthy debate that are options were open. You somehow thought that everyone was obligated to pick this one but thats incorrect.

Anyway I hope your not the kind of person to hold grudges over someone who disagrees with you im sure not, its just a discussion and I felt alot of angry vibes from you.
I have stayed calm throughout all my responses. You're the one using colorful language and capslock.

You continually miss the point, a point that has been echoed several times not only by me, but by several other posters. The whole idea about the 2nd fundraiser drive was to come good on a pledge to a charity that had already made plans for the money we promised. The idea was not generated to raise money for who you or anyone else thinks is the most "worthy" charity. How is that so hard to understand? I think the fact that several reputable posters see this through my lens and virtually no one thinks your arguments make any sense is testament enough that I'm not being unreasonable.

It doesn't look like the 2nd drive will go ahead anyway so I'm happy to leave it at that. I'm not going to hold a grudge, and I'm not angry.
03-13-2013 , 09:04 PM
I dont think they were expecting the money as much as you think, there a charity they acept everything but I dont think they had high hopes from a former pateint with mental and drug abuse problems raising money from "gamblers" by drinking himself silly. And even then the target was like 5x then what anyone expected, I dont think anyone expected bogan to have a 5 or 6k day

Be proud of what you guys did and just see the stolen money as what bogan pledged but didnt come through with because thats basicly the truth. You dont owe them anything so let your mind be at peace but if you wanted to do more thats nice too.
03-13-2013 , 09:22 PM
Anyone have cliffs on all the suspect claims he's made?

>I've heard about Zima offering him a 4k a month job and paying him upfront for a years worth.

>Being paid for the rights to the name #bogan4life (lol'd at this one)

>Something about having multiple houses?

Would like to look at the pathological liars claims over the years, could do with a laugh.
03-13-2013 , 09:52 PM
Just search #TBO and pick a post
03-14-2013 , 06:17 AM
i am online now trying to sort through things with people now on skype
03-14-2013 , 06:20 AM
Post Cliffs here imo.
03-14-2013 , 06:22 AM
Hey guys, I'm one the guys who ran a stable with Dean. Like many of yourselves I didn't here from him in months. just to let you know he has contacted me today and I will update you if anything comes of it.
03-14-2013 , 06:55 AM
Talking to Dean now...
