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Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean) Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean)

03-14-2013 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dak9885
I mean, what else do you want him to say. He confessed and apologized and told the whole story.
Are you for real?

You think he should just be forgiven because he apologised? He was basically forced to apologise, if he said something sooner instead of that bull**** he came to the thread with, maybe things would be different, but probably not.
03-14-2013 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by eh777
Are you for real?

You think he should just be forgiven because he apologised? He was basically forced to apologise, if he said something sooner instead of that bull**** he came to the thread with, maybe things would be different, but probably not.
Dak didn't say forgiven anywhere in his post. I understand what he is trying to say.
Scumbag scammer: always.

Is there anything more that he can say to save what face he has left: not much (pending other scam info.)
03-14-2013 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Dak9885
gl bogan do the right thing
Originally Posted by Dak9885
I mean, what else do you want him to say. He confessed and apologized and told the whole story.
U and bogan enjoying a nice lil candle lit dinner right now? High fiving each other cause bogan's done the ""right thing"" and all's well that ends well and all that **** right...birds chirping and music playing and stuff...

What else we want him to say? lol, for one, do read the entire thread. And then look at what some of us are saying. And maybe then think of if what u say is more apt or not. I mean what do ya expect? Scammer who doesn't give a **** makes a half assed post and we rush to welcome him back?

Last edited by Donkab0mber; 03-14-2013 at 02:37 PM.
03-14-2013 , 02:41 PM
I remember Bogan asking for people to abuse other scammers on Stars i.e. Stragerpoker for taking 4k or so from him. Now he has surpassed that level and scammed charity money... disappointing.
03-14-2013 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Donkab0mber
U and bogan enjoying a nice lil candle lit dinner right now? High fiving each other cause bogan's done the ""right thing"" and all's well that ends well and all that **** right...birds chirping and music playing and stuff...

What else we want him to say? lol, for one, do read the entire thread. And then look at what some of us are saying. And maybe then think of if what u say is more apt or not. I mean what do ya expect? Scammer who doesn't give a **** makes a half assed post and we rush to welcome him back?
Dak was the first one to ask about the money, dont think he has wrong intensions.
03-14-2013 , 02:50 PM
While the bloodlust is kind of understandable, posts from people who had absolutely no involvement about how much of a scumbag Dean has been are hardly helpful at this point. He has at least come forward and shown some desire to resolve this, so a little restraint while the details are ironed out seems reasonable. Updates regarding the charity money will be posted as soon as anything concrete is arranged, and if progress isn't made quickly I'm sure there will be an opportunity for further insults!

Obviously the charity issue is a public matter, as it was run in this very forum. But the other staking-related stuff is ultimately private between the individuals involved, so I can't promise to share info about that.
03-14-2013 , 02:53 PM
No doubt he doesn't have wrong intentions and that's not what I meant but community as a whole should not go soft and easy on scammers. Esp on guys like bogan who blow a perfectly good rep away. Community's been getting worse and worse rep over the last couple of years. Ever since BF, some scam or shady deal or other has been uncovered almost every other day. And half the reason **** keeps happening is cause we're too soft most of the time and let things pass once a little time passes. Ours is a unique community where we have to back each other up to do the right thing and try and ensure that such things dont repeat.

I know he had many friends before he got a bad rep. I dont know him well enough but those of u who were, pls dont fall for his sweet talk right away. Cause that's all it is, esp so far. Actions speak louder than words. And even for an apology, that was pure bull. He still hasn't explained so many things..

Just read LO's post. I'm done talking in this thread for now and obv hope everything will be sorted. Doesn't mean the bitter taste will leave though.
03-14-2013 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by eh777
Are you for real?

You think he should just be forgiven because he apologised? He was basically forced to apologise, if he said something sooner instead of that bull**** he came to the thread with, maybe things would be different, but probably not.
chill bub, people arn't going to forgive him ,but being malicious towards him while he's atleast trying to make it right is by far the worst option.
03-14-2013 , 03:41 PM
I'm just trying to get him to pay. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone. Lifes not that serious.
03-14-2013 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
The site should not come down. More info should be added to it to show how malicious bogan was with all of this.
Based on the number of potential scams and the admitted scamming of funds owed to charity, I am in full support of not taking the site down. How much information released on the website can be debated, but the charity scam should always be made public as the funds were raised publicly.
03-14-2013 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Dak9885
I mean, what else do you want him to say. He confessed and apologized and told the whole story.
Disagree. Here are some questions left unanswered.
Originally Posted by Zima421

What about all the other money you have stolen? You need to clear things up with yarbles/igor. from what i sounds like, you owe a lot more than just this 6k. What about all the other lies you have stated while all this was going on.

The site should not come down. More info should be added to it to show how malicious bogan was with all of this.

I thought you owned 2 houses? just sell 1 and pay this off (along with all your other debt).
03-14-2013 , 05:01 PM
Ya agree whatver
03-14-2013 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by theguru
chill bub, people arn't going to forgive him ,but being malicious towards him while he's atleast trying to make it right is by far the worst option.
He has a long-standing history of being deceptive and there's no reason to believe this time is any different. In fact, he was deceptive in this very thread a couple of weeks ago, posting something similar to what was posted today:

Originally Posted by #TBO
First of all sorry to everyone that has worried about me, I am fine I am just going through some personal family problems ATM that are getting back On that I needed to deal with without the stress of poker. I know this wasn't the smartest way to do it but it was either personal life or poker and I choose to sort out personal first.

I will contact Marc (regarding making sure that thencharity drive gets all of the donations) and Lo (staking affairs) plus those i have private arrangements with to get my poker affairs in order in the next 48 hours with this including sorting out the charity drive and I will sort out a personal playing make up I have then I will be leaving the poker community for a while if not long term. I'm going to (with the help of lo hopefully) go over all my poker related things and get them worked out, I have not been active with my horses for a few months other then the odd twitter inbox and I apologise for not being able to put in the long hours I had for the year before. I ask that you give me a little time to get on top of all the things I have let slide in the past few months while putting my poker on the back burner. I also ask those of you that I have had contact with to not all hit me up on Skype when I log in to get these things sorted as I can't currently handle explaining everything to all of you, those that I need to contact I will contact and that will include a mod of mttc to let him know the details.

Regards Dean
I think the worst option is to assume anything has changed.
03-14-2013 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by robhimself
Sorry guys, I already saved Africa, I bought a coffee at Starbucks during their (red) campaign:

We can now move on to helping mentally ill bogans.
i heard from a reliable source that africa has been confirmed saved now
03-14-2013 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
He has a long-standing history of being deceptive and there's no reason to believe this time is any different. In fact, he was deceptive in this very thread a couple of weeks ago, posting something similar to what was posted today:

I think the worst option is to assume anything has changed.
So we get the torches line up the pitch forks and go after him? Obviously not, He's clearly ****ed up and i am by no means defending anything he's done or trying to rebuild his rep(which isnt going to happen). Im stating that berating someone who is trying to possibly help can only cause harm to the situation, being civel is the better approach.
03-14-2013 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by theguru
being civel is the better approach.
I agree
03-14-2013 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by felixvdp
I agree
03-14-2013 , 09:12 PM
Dean's committed to repaying the charity money as quickly and efficiently as possible. He's unclear as to what is a realistic payment plan at this stage, but assures me this is his main focus after a period of denial/avoidance which he regrets deeply. Having spoken to Dean for a few hours this evening, I believe he'll stay in touch now and am hopeful that he'll do what's necessary to fix this as best he can. Obviously a more specific update will follow asap.

As for the private staking issues: Dean accepts that he's done wrong by some of his friends and is in private contact with those people to resolve it. If they choose to make it public, that's their decision.
03-14-2013 , 09:33 PM
it seems a pretty obvious solution to the website is to document whats happened and if resolved, state that after the website was created Dean made contact and made this apology and eventually paid it off

I dont see why the website should be taken down, the whole story should be explained from start to finish

Also in regards to how Dean got in this situation in the first place, how did he not know he would need the FPP turn over to withdrawl? Its withdrawl knowledge 101, I always turn down online transfers for the single reason that I know I dont have the FPP turnover to get the money out

Amazingly irresponsible to not have a plan in place for this that didnt put the funds at risk
03-14-2013 , 09:39 PM
i don't know anyone involved here but IF bogan is going to attempt to get a job and pay back it probably would be beneficial for everyone to take the site down temporarily. i think the threat of it being up for the rest of forever should be effective enough?
03-14-2013 , 09:49 PM
nah no way bro
03-14-2013 , 10:50 PM
I really hope the staking issues get made public, I imagine he's trying to talk people out of releasing the information, but people need to know how much he's stole. The website says something about 20k being stolen? If that's true, you don't have a hope in hell of getting that back, so you may as well release the information.

Originally Posted by theguru
So we get the torches line up the pitch forks and go after him? Obviously not, He's clearly ****ed up and i am by no means defending anything he's done or trying to rebuild his rep(which isnt going to happen). Im stating that berating someone who is trying to possibly help can only cause harm to the situation, being civel is the better approach.
Well you did quite clearly defend him:

Originally Posted by theguru
This is almost undoubtedly false, Ppl who know bogan are way more concerned about his health than him stealing 5k. He runs a stable, has many friends in the community and has a perfect reputation from what I know. He's not robbing 5k from charity, he's not that guy. Maybe ill eat my words later on down the road ,but i highly doubt it.

Time to eat your words. If he actually had a chance of paying the money back, I'd agree that going after him wouldn't be helpful... But he doesn't, there is no way an unemployed guy who won't be able to find work, will be able to raise $5k in spare money, from getting $100 a week in benefits.
03-14-2013 , 11:47 PM
looking forward to a resolution
03-14-2013 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by BetzPH
i don't know anyone involved here but IF bogan is going to attempt to get a job and pay back it probably would be beneficial for everyone to take the site down temporarily. i think the threat of it being up for the rest of forever should be effective enough?
Hate hate hate hate to agree with this, but I kind of do.

I love the idea of these sites to out scammers, but at the end of the day if you are interested in recouping money they hurt a lot.

Not sure about Australia, but in the US having that site attached to your real name would make getting a job, any job, next to impossible. Everyone knows how to google and that's often the first screen they'll do on prospective employers. Even minimum wage service or cashier jobs have screening that would eventually lead to the website. You can't hire a guy to run a fast food cashier who has stolen money in the past.

The guy is pretty much limited to starting his own business (not happening) or having a friend or family member massively hook him up with a gig if he's ever going to establish an income.

So, if the objective is to ruin lives (which I'm 100% okay with if you aren't trying to get repaid anymore) then go for it. Website all day.

If the objective is to actually get some money back - you might want to not close every door to a job (any job).

Not to even bring up all the guys he's worked with in the past who he stole from who are owed and hoping he can pay them back. The site is giving them zero chance, and I'd hope they are cool with it being up or it even becomes more questionable.
03-15-2013 , 12:22 AM
Taking down the site won't prevent his history being shown since everything has been indexed by search engines already. Plus this thread is cached and will likely rank better than the site would anyhow.
