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Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean) Dean Bryden/bogan4life stole 6K+ in charity funds. (Charity money now rcvd from dean)

03-09-2013 , 09:50 PM
heard u poked him syker
03-10-2013 , 12:13 AM
03-10-2013 , 06:09 AM
The saddest thing of all is he is prob not ashamed of this thread but secretly master bating to all the attention he's getting. Some crave it. Positive or negative all same.
03-10-2013 , 07:31 AM
I guess it's upto you guys to set about smashing the notion that all publicity is good publicity then.
03-10-2013 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
Seems like a website is in order.

I will pay for it all (or other people can help pay), if someone does the "work". we should be able to get a nice site going for pretty cheap outlining all of this.
Originally Posted by parkert

something like this would be perfect. also willing to chip in for it if someone will make it.
Originally Posted by Spathic
in for the website also
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
think a site would be a good idea.
Will chip in as well. Let's proactively find someone who can make the site. Maybe General Marketplace?
03-10-2013 , 02:04 PM
I just bought - adding "background" will help index his name on search engines with background checks, scams, and ultimately, this thread.

Total was $10.17. It's registered on GoDaddy and I can transfer it to whomever is in charge of the site.

Regarding his TwoPlusTwo identities, etc. I don't have access to his records anymore but any mod can look through the notes on his old SN's to get an idea of why he was banned. 2p2 policy is usually to just let people make new names unless they did something particularly malicious and all he needs to make a new account is a fresh (free) email address. He's definitely not some computer wizard, just a guy who spent a lot of time cultivating an image which he sold quite well.

Last edited by CBorders; 03-10-2013 at 02:10 PM.
03-10-2013 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
Regarding his TwoPlusTwo identities, etc. I don't have access to his records anymore but any mod can look through the notes on his old SN's to get an idea of why he was banned. 2p2 policy is usually to just let people make new names unless they did something particularly malicious and all he needs to make a new account is a fresh (free) email address. He's definitely not some computer wizard, just a guy who spent a lot of time cultivating an image which he sold quite well.
I took a quick look at bogan4life usernotes and some of the direct IP matches and there were no real notes of substance besides being a general troll. There was one thread linked that was noted that he was ban on site, but when trying to access it, I received a note it had been deleted in a forum I dont mod, so I cant see it

Im happy to help as much as I can without crossing any lines.
03-10-2013 , 03:05 PM
Also since this is an official scam thread and has grown from just the charity business, ANY lc/nc posts will be deleted so as to lend credibility to this thread for any future searches.
03-10-2013 , 03:05 PM
Yarbles, I can put your mind to rest that the guy is almost assuredly not a 'computer genius' to be able to set up multiple accounts on twoplustwo. Its not that hard to change an IP address/run a VPN.

It seems fairly spot on now that the facts are out in the open that Dean Bryden is a ****ing idiot scammer and deserves to have his name dragged through the mud as much as possible. Zima was spot on with the guesswork to see that the dude really had no direct access to money, and was only trustworthy until he had access to funds.

This just shows what a lot of nut hugging will do in a community, and to be cautious of figures like this in the future. I wanted so badly to post **** in his "i killed 180's thread" calling him an idiot, asking for proof that he has killed the games in any way shape or form more than the 5 other 180 man stables i knew of that were actually successful, or his own results since I always thought he was ****ing horrible, but bit my tongue because I didn't want to get berated by a bunch of idiot breakeven 180 grinders. Seems a lot of people had the same 'biting their tongue' response purely due to the following/persona this guy had, and that's really a shame to see as this might have been preventable.
03-10-2013 , 03:08 PM
for clarities sake I'd recommend changing the topic title to something including scammed instead of missing persons. Especially since its showing up in google right now.

Last edited by Yakmelk; 03-10-2013 at 03:16 PM. Reason: looking good to me now fwiw
03-10-2013 , 03:13 PM
03-10-2013 , 04:20 PM
6k+ doesn't paint the right picture. A rough approximation of how much in total he's scammed otherwise should be included in thread title too imo.

Down with all scamming ****s.
03-10-2013 , 04:35 PM
I think until someone comes forward with an accurate dollar amount that isn't "20-50k or so i don't know", it should be good enough to list "other scams inside" as well as a link in the original post to the area where the scams are described that were committed by Dean Bryden.
03-10-2013 , 05:34 PM
This is long and I read most of it but I kinda wanted to echo that anyone giving Rowniwn **** over this is just simply out of line and imo owes him an apology.
03-11-2013 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Yarbles
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anybody wanna do something constructive for the community instead of bitch and moan about anything that comes up figure out this figure out who figure out where
Originally Posted by Yarbles
udp_port_scan 46

udp_rate_limiting 246

Mar 9 16:40:45 FIREWALL icmp check (1 of 16): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Echo Reply Code: 0

Mar 9 16:39:41 FIREWALL icmp check (1 of 16): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Echo Reply Code: 0

Mar 9 16:38:37 FIREWALL icmp check (1 of 16): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Echo Reply Code: 0

Mar 9 16:37:33 FIREWALL icmp check (1 of 1): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Echo Reply Code: 0

Mar 9 13:47:34 FIREWALL icmp check (1 of 1): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Time Exceeded Code: Time to Live exceeded in Transit

Mar 9 13:30:44 IDS scan parser : udp port scan: scanned at least 20 ports at (1 of 1) : 56 117 UDP 37873->65289

Mar 9 13:20:04 FIREWALL icmp check (1 of 1): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Echo Reply Code: 0

Mar 9 12:31:49 IDS scan parser : udp port scan: scanned at least 20 ports at (1 of 2) : 56 113 UDP 21426->51703

Mar 9 12:30:39 IDS scan parser : udp port scan: scanned at least 20 ports at (1 of 1) : 56 52 UDP 29235->52213

Mar 9 12:29:31 IDS scan parser : udp port scan: scanned at least 20 ports at (1 of 1) : 56 114 UDP 38300->58266

Mar 9 12:23:58 IDS scan parser : udp port scan: scanned at least 20 ports at (1 of 2) : 56 114 UDP 18760->62482

Mar 9 12:18:28 IDS scan parser : udp port scan: scanned at least 20 ports at (1 of 3) : 56 111 UDP 31696->55773

Mar 9 12:10:50 FIREWALL icmp check (1 of 1): Protocol: ICMP Src ip: Dst ip: Type: Destination Unreachable Code: Host Unreacheable

Mar 9 12:08:54 IDS scan parser : udp port scan: scanned at least 20 ports at (1 of 1) : 56 128 UDP 63785->53939
Originally Posted by Rowniwn
Well you could try posting something constructive first. Or at least tell us what this is.
Originally Posted by Yarbles
sorry was agitated didnt mean it like that about bitching and moaning just meant that im prettty sure i caused trouble for myself posting in this chat today.

andn othing goood will come from it at all its all ****ed up in every which way bogan could be some mastermind computer genius for all we know controlling multiple online personalities and we would have no clue....

my big mouth always gets me into trouble so i learn to just keep it shut as best as i could so i stay off the radar of spitefull people
Originally Posted by nham
You still didn't tell us what all those IPs are and where you got them and what you want us to do with them.

I can explain Yarbles odd posts itt. He is currently in a chemically imbalanced state of psychotic delusion(not joking). See the thread I made if you are interested.

Originally Posted by Aliquantum
Keeping your mouth shut is what created trouble for yourself in the first place. Not everyone has "20-50k" they can write-off and "pretend it didn't happen". My donation to this fundraiser represented a very sizeable portion of my disposable income at the time, given I was grinding micro-stakes under a backing arrangement. I'm sorry you feel like people are being spiteful, but part of making a mistake is owning up and wearing the heat that comes with that. Owning up does not absolve you from criticism, and it certainly doesn't make the people that criticize moaners or bitches, particularly when the mistake has influenced them directly.

Like I said, I like you Yarbles, and M1ghty, and I don't want beef. I didn't highlight this point to rub it in or out of spite. I highlighted it because I think it's important to learn something from this ****storm. It is not ok to withhold information about someones trustworthiness with large sums of money when they are actively promoting a charity fundraiser, or are still operating in any capacity with other peoples money for that matter.

I think I'm done with this thread. I'll pop in to let everyone know about updates with how the charity puts the funds that made it there to use - Lisa said she'd keep me updated.

I totally agree with your first sentence.

And Igor, from the 1 conversation I had with you on Skype you seem to be a straight up fellow. I wish you the best sir.

03-11-2013 , 04:28 AM
I guess I better give my opinion of Bogan from the 4L mod perspective of someone who had to deal with him.

He was a giant pain in the azz on purpose, seemed bi-polar, enjoyed making crappy gimmick accounts which were all obviously his because he was too self-involved to make it less than obvious that they were his, etc.

He considered himself a legendary troll, which I didn't quite understand because none of it was that good. Saying he was a garden variety 4L troll is misinformed, though. I'm honestly not sure why he was given so many chances. I guess he made some friends with clout.

But yeah, the user notes don't indicate scamming because that was never really our concern with him. However, if someone asked my opinion about whether I'd trust him with my money, the answer would definitely have been no.

He can certainly be a likable guy when he wants to be, but at other times? Dunno, I'll have to see if I have some PM's archived on my computer.

If anyone has any questions about my opinion of the trustworthiness of 4L posters, feel free to ask, but of course any opinion is just that, an opinion.
03-11-2013 , 09:23 AM
meth - not even once.

fast food - not too much.

or ull end up like that trolling moron.
03-11-2013 , 11:26 AM
how much did he actually steal? i see alot of posts saying he has stolen more from backing groups, but no actual dollar amount is listed
03-11-2013 , 11:32 AM
hard to put a figure on it, he refused to send audits and all his records are an absolute cluster****. The $30k total figure I mentioned a few days ago is an educated guess, but the scammed parties would have to release a ton of info and dig through mountains of figures to make it more specific.
03-11-2013 , 01:25 PM
I've bought and web hosting for a couple years so hopefully we'll get the website up soon.
03-11-2013 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
hard to put a figure on it, he refused to send audits and all his records are an absolute cluster****. The $30k total figure I mentioned a few days ago is an educated guess, but the scammed parties would have to release a ton of info and dig through mountains of figures to make it more specific.
With the background and insight of this thread the story Bogan started a couple of months ago seem completely unrealistic. No doubt there are people being fooled - he comes across as a really nice guy and being able to buy TWO houses from just 180s make people start dreaming. Two decent houses in Australia is what $200-300k the least?
03-11-2013 , 02:09 PM
^^^ 5 times that.
03-11-2013 , 03:17 PM

03-11-2013 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by JustJ46671
Inciting a mob is what this has become, and putting his name and fb out here is borderline criminal.

Bad form...any way you slice it.
and stealing 6k is cool.

Plus posting that fb is totally legal. The community should do anything they can to track this scumbag down. He stole 6kish from charity and ur worried about his privacy? Wtf is wrong with the world.
03-11-2013 , 05:58 PM
a bogan themed game for you to let out all your frustrations
