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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

05-04-2017 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You'd think that since we're all homophobic centrist liberal fake progressive corporate shills and Dan is the True Progressive with the Dance Parties and the Real Ideals that wil would maybe have more animus for him than he does for us, given how he's violently transphobic and all.

You keep trying to make this assertion about this "We" thing when it comes to me calling you out. YOU are the homophobe. YOU are the racist. YOU are the liar. YOU are a scumbag. YOU are a ****ing creep.

And man you sureee do love your hilarious BLM Dance Party line! Your fat pasty head would probably explode if you saw the attendee lists for this weekends festivities. Probably more homosexuals and minorities than you have ever interacted with in your pathetic miserable life. But hey, I'll make sure I don't wear my MAGA hat for you!!
05-04-2017 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Listen to these weasels talking about will when he can't defend himself. What a bunch of cowards.
I'll help:

"You guys don't know anything about anything. It's not my job to teach you about how the world works. I'm just speaking truth. It's your people's fault things are the way they are."
05-04-2017 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Listen to these weasels talking about will when he can't defend himself. What a bunch of cowards.

wil has me on ignore for clowning him too hard.
05-04-2017 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Listen to these weasels talking about will when he can't defend himself. What a bunch of cowards.
Another tiny-dicked bigot weighs in.
05-04-2017 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan

You keep trying to make this assertion about this "We" thing when it comes to me calling you out. YOU are the homophobe. YOU are the racist. YOU are the liar. YOU are a scumbag. YOU are a ****ing creep.

And man you sureee do love your hilarious BLM Dance Party line! Your fat pasty head would probably explode if you saw the attendee lists for this weekends festivities. Probably more homosexuals and minorities than you have ever interacted with in your pathetic miserable life. But hey, I'll make sure I don't wear my MAGA hat for you!!
Bro, you're kinda blowing your cover by referencing the DBJ incident, which happened years before you allegedly first joined.
05-04-2017 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Another tiny-dicked bigot weighs in.
Well, its tiny when I think of liberal women but when I think of Ivanka or Melania you don't want that sucker to weigh
05-04-2017 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive

wil has me on ignore for clowning him too hard.
will speaks the truth. You guys come off as angry all of the time. I'm wondering if a little god in your life might help you to see reality and help you to rise out of your self constructed gutters.
05-04-2017 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan

You keep trying to make this assertion about this "We" thing when it comes to me calling you out. YOU are the homophobe. YOU are the racist. YOU are the liar. YOU are a scumbag. YOU are a ****ing creep.
Yeah, but you're not shy about applying those labels to Paul D or 5ive or anyone else who ends up on your impressively lengthy enemies list.

But you're a lot more sanguine about, you know, confronting homophobia in the wild from a Trump voting poster. And even more interesting that you get positive responses FROM those Trump voters, consistently. You see how much wil and mondi hate us. Why don't they hate you?

And man you sureee do love your hilarious BLM Dance Party line! Your fat pasty head would probably explode if you saw the attendee lists for this weekends festivities. Probably more homosexuals and minorities than you have ever interacted with in your pathetic miserable life. But hey, I'll make sure I don't wear my MAGA hat for you!!
It's legitimately funny that you keep making these appeals to how pinkie swear you're totes cool with minorities IRL, while at the same time you can't even ****ing offer up a single post in response to a transphobic meltdown about physically assaulting "men in wigs" trying to use the bathroom.
05-04-2017 , 01:03 PM
Rekt again, racist creep. I probably wouldn't be honest if I were you either DoubleBarrelFly, the dissonance might get nasty.

Signal one, signal dos, signal trois.
05-04-2017 , 01:17 PM
Seems like the DETESTABILITY INDEX for, uh, defending Hillary's email server as not a crime or whatever the **** I did is a mite higher than bragging about how you'll personally defend the sanctity of public bathroom from the LGBT menace.
05-04-2017 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Well, its tiny when I think of liberal women but when I think of Ivanka or Melania you don't want that sucker to weigh
mongi voted Trump because he wants to cuck him - a fascinating journey into the mentally disturbed minds of the far right.
05-04-2017 , 02:19 PM
pretty standard outrage from the gods of morality

i wouldn't want leave my hypothetical daughter alone with stranger(s)

i wouldn't just let a man follow my hypothetical daughter in to a bathroom

i wouldn't just let a man so poorly disguised as a women that its not questionable that they have a penis follow my hypothetical daughter in to a bathroom

my hypothetical empathy would be with my hypothetical daughter and not the person with a penis that wants to follow her in to the bathroom. sorry for the inconvenience but thats how empathy works. most people empathize with their children over the feelings of people with penises following little girls in to bathrooms

cute to see where the empathy is. some people empathize with little girls and their parents while others empathize with people with penises that want to share a washroom with strangers daughters
05-04-2017 , 02:42 PM
Yeah, wil's big crime is he is protective of his children. And all the lunatic morality guardians from the loony left jump up in horror to accuse him of all sorts of crimes against humanity.

What a bunch of losers. The more I hear from these unhinged liberal mouth-breathers the more they disgust me.
05-04-2017 , 02:54 PM
Maybe you, juan, mongi and wil could form a children's defence army and patrol public toilets, checking out suspicious genital bulges to ensure that no trans people are using them at the same time as kids.

There's nothing quite like neo-fascists when it comes to paranoia and repressed sexuality.

05-04-2017 , 03:05 PM
My sexuality's not repressed at all, thanks very much.
05-04-2017 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Maybe you, juan, mongi and wil could form a children's defence army and patrol public toilets, checking out suspicious genital bulges to ensure that no trans people are using them at the same time as kids.

There's nothing quite like neo-fascists when it comes to paranoia and repressed sexuality.
i thought this was about gender, not sexual proclivity? oh right, no wonder parents get nervous
05-04-2017 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Yeah, wil's big crime is he is protective of his children. And all the lunatic morality guardians from the loony left jump up in horror to accuse him of all sorts of crimes against humanity.

What a bunch of losers. The more I hear from these unhinged liberal mouth-breathers the more they disgust me.
Um...if Wil wants to escort his young child to the bathroom that comes under what I'd consider absolutely normal and responsible behaviour. I don't know where American culture is on this, but here you'd take a young kid into the bathroom of your gender and wait outside the stall no one would find it unusual.

People would find it really ****ing weird if the parent instead attempted to physically block those who didn't consent to a genital inspection.
05-04-2017 , 09:19 PM
The fascination with wil is because we know he's real. I'm truly not convinced these other deplorables are.
05-05-2017 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
There. I proved it. I expect a receipt on your end for the animal shelter.
Aofrantic owes multiple bets here. Where are the donations to the animal shelter? Right now it looks like he owes 40 dollars.

Aofrantic? You paying up or what?
05-05-2017 , 03:33 PM
Never mind some stupid prop bet. What about all the posts laughing at you over the stupid angry irrational man positions you took re. checking out people's genitalia?
05-05-2017 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Never mind some stupid prop bet. What about all the posts laughing at you over the stupid angry irrational man positions you took re. checking out people's genitalia?
I care about the prop bets. What I don't care about is your opinion when you think a human with a penis and facial hair is a female.

Lol @ you. You sound idiotic. Literally children can tell the difference between men and women, meanwhile you're having a tough time of it?
05-05-2017 , 03:56 PM
Hells yeah, wil is back swinging from the knees!
05-05-2017 , 03:56 PM
@ wil: How do you know if they have a penis?
05-05-2017 , 04:01 PM
Lol at jalfrezi acting like a child. Don't look now buddy, but the vast, vast, majority of humans side with me, not you. I know you are really frustrated about that and want to scream and cry, but your stupid opinion just doesn't matter to me.

Lol @ 20 questions with jalfrezi. You going to cry now? Fly, give him some of your tissues.
05-05-2017 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Never mind some stupid prop bet. What about all the posts laughing at you over the stupid angry irrational man positions you took re. checking out people's genitalia?
It wasn't just a prop bet. It was about aoFrantic being called out for blatant lying multiple times.

And now he's hiding.
