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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

05-02-2017 , 10:23 PM
You mad though?

I do not wish to make trans people mad. I wish them the best, as long as they don't impose their views on me. I will call you what I want to call you, not what you wish to be called. And they aren't entering my child's bathroom.

Nothing is unreasonable here. I don't wish misery on anyone.
05-02-2017 , 10:33 PM
05-02-2017 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Please stop talking in street slang. You're a middle class white guy and wasting my time making me Google urban dictionary is annoying. You're not Rachel Dolezal. At least she made some money from it.

I do not hate liberals. I consider myself a liberal. I hate leftists. And you are one. I despise you people, hence why I'm rooting for Trump to nuke you.
This qualifies as a head-scratcher.
05-02-2017 , 10:35 PM
Does ANYONE know what the golf clubs thing is? Or is there a person named Reid Lockhart that I'm unaware of who did something? Google is giving me nothing.
05-02-2017 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
This is getting really boring and I'm sure I'll regret carrying on this nitpicking, pointless conversation. But please explain your definition of "societal sanction".

It has nothing to do with government censorship, by the way.
Sigh. Your 1st Amendment rights are not being violated when a privately owned Internet message board disallows what they consider to be objectionable or defamatory content.

This is not hard to understand.

I realize admitting you're wrong is difficult, but take the first step and simply acknowledge that your claim of violation of free speech was stupid.
05-02-2017 , 10:41 PM
"tfw" is considered urban street slang now?
05-02-2017 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Dude wtf is wrong with you? Reid is a poster who had his mind changed in real time about transgenders in the bathroom.

Go masturbate or something​ and calm the **** down. I don't need to explain **** to you.

Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
This qualifies as a head-scratcher.
What, exactly, is confusing? I'm a classic liberal. There's a reason why classic liberals call themselves "classic liberals" now instead of simply "liberals". We hate you people too.
05-02-2017 , 10:44 PM
Wil, remember when I offered you a bet for exile in unchained over which one of us can find more lies in each other posting history? That bet will always be open, no matter how many posts of yours chez deletes. (You cowardly wouldn't accept this and never will)

Sushy, Wookie does not have societal sanction authority. An online moderator for a forum cannot infringe upon your freedom of speech. If this was true, that would mean that the random person not acknowledging your Wikipedia edits to the page "definitely not neo nazis" and just not allowing you to put Gorka there would infringe on your rights. What societal sanctions do you believe have been imposed on you?

Wil, what "liberal" positions do you believe in? Be specific.
05-02-2017 , 10:58 PM
I wouldn't bet anything with you that involves any subjective views. Everything about you is dishonest. You are easily one of the worst posters in this forum, if not the worst. Everything about you is a lie, and you want me to bet with you?

I offered you multiple, safe bets that would need no opinion, like when you cut and pasted from a website and left out the examples that proved you wrong. I offered you 1000 dollars to take the bet. You refused. I wonder why?

You are untrustworthy and blatantly dishonest. I am honest and have honored every bet I ever made on 2+2, and I can prove it.

Lol at you. Everything about you is a joke. Piss off.
05-02-2017 , 11:14 PM
We can have multiple (respected) people fact checking the claims of us both. I will go to any step to get this bet off the ground, but you're too much of a lying coward.

Wil, your bet was much, much more subjective than mine. You know this.

Wil, I've honored every bet I've made on here and didn't try to welch like you did. You lie literally more than anyone to ever post on this forum. Fly showed you contradicting yourself in the same post an hour ago.

If I am untrustworthy, how much would you like to bet I can get more HS regs to vouch for me than you on 2p2?

Last edited by aoFrantic; 05-02-2017 at 11:20 PM.
05-02-2017 , 11:26 PM

You are a proven liar and a despicable piece of human scum.

**** off.
05-02-2017 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
We can have multiple (respected) people fact checking the claims of us both. I will go to any step to get this bet off the ground, but you're too much of a lying coward.
Again, I would never do this with you. You are a lying piece of **** in everything you post. Why would I trust you here at all? You think I would trust you to be honest about anything, especially after your copy and paste bet which you refused? It was literally a copy and paste from a website and I offered you a 1000 bucks that I could prove you were lying. You refused. Lol.
Wil, your bet was much, much more subjective than mine. You know this.
How was it subjective at all? I said we could use any judge that was respected. You literally said you copy and pasted the first 20 responses. I said let's bet. You refused. Why? That's the easiest 1000 dollars you'll ever make but you didn't take the bet. Lololololol. You didn't take the bet because you knew you would lose. I even posted the responses you PURPOSELY LEFT OUT afterwards!

Wil, I've honored every bet I've made on here and didn't try to welch like you did. You lie literally more than anyone to ever post on this forum. Fly showed you contradicting yourself in the same post an hour ago.
Maybe you have. I made no claims that you've ever not paid anyone. Please quote me.

If I am untrustworthy, how much would you like to bet I can get more HS regs to vouch for me than you on 2p2?
You are untrustworthy because you are a dishonest human being. You constantly lie or distort the truth. You paying your bets you lose or having people vouch for you means nothing. I personally do not trust you, or a single word that comes out of your mouth. You very well may pay a bet (and I'd hope you don't so you get banned) but I simply don't trust you to be honest on who won the bet. That's why I would never, ever, enter a bet that had any sort of subjectivity in it with you. If we make a bet it must be cut and dried with a clear winner, and even then I don't trust you because, honestly, you are scum.

When I say you are maybe the worst poster in this forum, do you think I'm just saying that to insult you? You are an awful, terrible, lying, stupid person. More so than the other deplorables here.

Lol @ you. Get some self-awareness, dude. Do you think it's just a coincidence that so many people have called you dishonest?

I may be a lot of things but I'm an honest, forthright person. You are not. Grow up and realize you have some serious character flaws that need to be addressed.

Last edited by wil318466; 05-02-2017 at 11:46 PM.
05-03-2017 , 12:00 AM
Lol, I offered you 20-1 on our bet! I didn't remember it correctly, aoFrantic. Below is our exchange, the people of this forum can come to their own conclusions on how pathetic of a lying piece of **** you really are. Hilarious. You can't even lie about your lies correctly. You are a joke.

Originally Posted by wil318466
Dude, you literally edited out the responses you didn't like from their thread and put them together in some mash-up to make yourself look like you were right!

You posted THIS nonsense:

We both know that the responses you cherry picked were just a handful out of 246 responses in that thread, LOLOLOL.

This is why it's so easy to call you a dishonest liar, because that's EXACTLY what you are. YOU ARE A ****ING LIAR.
Originally Posted by wil318466
YOU are the one who QUOTED from THEIR thread already! Go ahead! Post the link you dishonest piece of ****.
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
He's mad I "edited' stuff like that out (I literally just sent out the first 10 replies that passed judgment and weren't OP)
Originally Posted by wil318466
Let's place a wager on this. You put up 50 bucks, I put up 1,000 dollars that the above statement isn't accurate.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil, are you just mad I omitted the one post that said that drag queens that were 45 and over and lived in major cities could have 2,000+ partners? You know I conceded that pre HIV being discovered there was a ton of activity like three days ago? We aren't talking about 1973.
Originally Posted by wil318466
lol @ the cowardice and the lies. I'm offering you a thousand bucks your broke ass could really use, and you don't want to defend YOUR statement that you didn't edit the replies you quoted?

Again, your 50 bucks to my 1,000 dollars that you are a liar? You want to bet, or no?
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I already told you I omitted the one reply that you think proves your point, but is totally superfluous to the conversation because we aren't discussing 45+ year old queens as I accepted three days ago (despite this being the 11th reply), the escapades of the LGBT community before HIV was discovered. How do you keep not understanding the damage the discovery of HIV did to the LGBT community? How do you keep thinking this changed nothing in terms of lifestyle, perception and stereotypes?
Originally Posted by wil318466
You purposefully skipped the replies that wouldn't support your argument.

I have the thread up right in front of me, I'm reading it. You skipped reply 9 and 11 (you would never put reply 11 in there, never), skipped post 13, which congratulated him, and that's just out of the first 10 replies that weren't the OP! Your last quote from that thread was reply 27, by the way, so you weren't even close on the "first ten replies" lie, either.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Notice the furious speed that aoFrantic is replying in the thread to try to cover up being caught straight up cherry picking his information. Totally laughable.
05-03-2017 , 12:06 AM
Do the people who get pissy about free speech on forums get mad at other businesses who have speaking norms that if you cross you get fan conduct rules at sporting events.
05-03-2017 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Look personally on this topic I think transgender people should just whatever bathroom they are more comfortable with. There are plenty of misconceptions and weak arguments on the penis/vagina bathroom signs side, i.e. that there will be a rise in sexual criminals etc that has been invalidated by studies done in states that have allowed bathroom choice.

Transgendered people have a rough go in present day society in the US and other countries. It sucks and I feel for them and a more open and accepting world that gives less ****s about what people are up to if they aren't hurting anyone is the world I would rather live in across the board.

But am I really DETESTED at Wil's stance here? Not really. I don't have kids, though I have nieces from ages 6-17, and best friend's with young girls. If my 10 year old niece walks into a bathroom at the park and what appears to be large man follows her in there, am I out of line to say 'Hey?' at them? And if it is just someone that appears to be some dude and he goes "I am a TG woman buddy" and follows them right in, there should be 0.0 concern registering in my brain?

I don't think I can judge someone for having the instinctive response of "I do not want large men in wigs with penises in the bathrooms with my young daughters.". Sure I think boiling down the overall argument to that point is myopic and mischaracterizes the transgender community and can easily be bigoted and not just uninformed/unenlightened, but I also recognize that sort of response can be pretty natural.
****ing christ danny
05-03-2017 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Do the people who get pissy about free speech on forums get mad at other businesses who have speaking norms that if you cross you get fan conduct rules at sporting events.
No, not if they apply equally to everyone. It is only when they don't that we get pissy.
05-03-2017 , 12:40 AM
Wil, the fact you think our exchange when you repeatedly asserted that the average gay man has 1000 lifetime partners, and used an anonymous message board post from 10 years ago as your citation makes you look good speaks so many volumes about you. You lied so, so many times in those exchanges that I will always bet on my honesty vs yours. It would be like betting on LBJ vs you in a pickup game. In that exchange you literally lied about your gay friends, eventually saying you haven't spoken to them in over a decade. You lied about where you got your sources. You lied about how they PROVED you were right and wouldn't share where you got them with the rest of the forum for this reason. I eventually tracked down your decade old anonymous message board post and sent it to everybody. Notice anyone else around your posts calling me out for being wrong? Or is it just your delusional, drunken self? The biggest lie you think you can find is that when I said I just posted the first 10 anonymous posts on a decade old forum that you found I omitted the 9th post (because it was garbage, there were people who said they had 30, 000 partners I skipped those too!). Just think how mundane my lies must be if that is genuinely the biggest example you can find.

Sushy or Wil. Find a lie in my posting history. For every lie you can verify as 100% not true I will donate $10 to my local animal shelter Friday. Go for it, since you're too cowardly to bet me.

Sushy, when you say you have received societal sanctions is 2p2 the society you are referring to or can 2p2 moderators dish out sanctions on society as a whole?

Last edited by aoFrantic; 05-03-2017 at 12:56 AM.
05-03-2017 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil, the fact you think our exchange when you repeatedly asserted that the average gay man has 1000 lifetime partners, and used an anonymous message board post from 10 years ago as your citation makes you look good speaks so many volumes about you. You lied so, so many times in those exchanges that I will always bet on my honesty vs yours. It would be like betting on LBJ vs you in a pickup game. In that exchange you literally lied about your gay friends, eventually saying you haven't spoken to them in over a decade. You lied about where you got your sources. You lied about how they PROVED you were right and wouldn't share where you got them with the rest of the forum for this reason. I eventually tracked down your decade old anonymous message board post and sent it to everybody. Notice anyone else around your posts calling me out for being wrong? Or is it just your delusional, drunken self?
What does any of this have to do with the bet I proposed? You disagree with my views, that's one thing, but what does this actually have to do with you lying about it?

Like, I just posted our entire exchange and offered you a 20-1 bet that I could prove you were lying, and this is your response to that?

Again, this is why I say you are an inherently dishonest person. NOTHING you just wrote has ANYTHING to do with you not taking my bet.

You lie so much that you have to cover up the lies with more lies. Everything about you is just loltastic.
05-03-2017 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Sushy or Wil. Find a lie in my posting history. For every lie you can verify as 100% not true I will donate $10 to my local animal shelter Friday. Go for it, since you're too cowardly to bet me.
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
He's mad I "edited' stuff like that out (I literally just sent out the first 10 replies that passed judgment and weren't OP)
There. I proved it. I expect a receipt on your end for the animal shelter.

I expect the mods to uphold this bet, or permanent exile of your account. Let me know if you need a 3rd party to verify, I will provide the link to the website.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I already told you I omitted the one reply that you think proves your point, but is totally superfluous to the conversation because we aren't discussing 45+ year old queens as I accepted three days ago (despite this being the 11th reply), the escapades of the LGBT community before HIV was discovered. How do you keep not understanding the damage the discovery of HIV did to the LGBT community? How do you keep thinking this changed nothing in terms of lifestyle, perception and stereotypes?
Originally Posted by wil318466
You purposefully skipped the replies that wouldn't support your argument.

I have the thread up right in front of me, I'm reading it. You skipped reply 9 and 11 (you would never put reply 11 in there, never), skipped post 13, which congratulated him, and that's just out of the first 10 replies that weren't the OP! Your last quote from that thread was reply 27, by the way, so you weren't even close on the "first ten replies" lie, either.

Last edited by wil318466; 05-03-2017 at 01:10 AM.
05-03-2017 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
No, not if they apply equally to everyone. It is only when they don't that we get pissy.
Fair enough i guess. Not that i know if your banning was applied equally.
05-03-2017 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I eventually tracked down your decade old anonymous message board post and sent it to everybody
I am also pretty sure this is a lie, but I need Victor to prove it. I'm sure after I sent him the link he sent it to you.
05-03-2017 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I mean, the dude has said on like a dozen occasions he's leaving and not coming back but there is some massive conspiracy against him to get him to do...exactly what he keeps threatening to do himself.
Originally Posted by wil318466
I've never once said this.

If I said it "a dozen times", why don't you quote it just once?
The bolded above is also a lie. You made a claim, I'm requiring that you prove where I said that. If not, I consider this the 2nd donation to the animal shelter. By Friday.
05-03-2017 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Sushy or Wil. Find a lie in my posting history. For every lie you can verify as 100% not true I will donate $10 to my local animal shelter Friday. Go for it, since you're too cowardly to bet me.
I've paged Victor to come and verify if he sent you my link. If he confirms, that's a 3rd bet I consider you having to pay.
05-03-2017 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Do you actually think being banned from an Internet message board for racism is a social sanction that has infringed upon your freedom of speech?
I have never ever been banned for racism. I will provide proof if required.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Sushy or Wil. Find a lie in my posting history. For every lie you can verify as 100% not true I will donate $10 to my local animal shelter Friday. Go for it, since you're too cowardly to bet me.
05-03-2017 , 01:40 AM
We're up to 3 bets aoFrantic has to pay, with a 4th if Victor corroborates. This is going to be hilarious. I was going to go to bed but I think I'll do some more searching.
