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05-07-2017 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Let it be recorded that wil has officially welched on a bet.
I've never welched on a bet ever. It goes to show what type of people you all are. Both of us, including everyone who reads this, knows what the spirit of the bet was. You trying to angle-shoot to win the bet is hilarious.
05-07-2017 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Man, I wish I'd thought of that. nh, jalfreizi.
Well maybe one day you can be just as scummy has jalfrezi and come up with the same ideas! That's a good thing for you to aspire to, Trolly.
05-07-2017 , 04:35 PM

He was pretty obviously toying with you. And you but. Lol
05-07-2017 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I've never welched on a bet ever. It goes to show what type of people you all are. Both of us, including everyone who reads this, knows what the spirit of the bet was. You trying to angle-shoot to win the bet is hilarious.
The terms of the bet were clearly laid out and repeated several times, and still you didn't suss what should have been obvious to any sentient adult.

You have only your own terrible literacy to blame.

You're a bet welcher wil. Maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones any more?
05-07-2017 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by samsonh

He was pretty obviously toying with you. And you but. Lol
samsonh, what's really funny your response to it. You really support his approach to this bet?

I know you're just a lying scumbag loser who's bitter at life, but you supporting him here doesn't reflect well on you at all. You do realize that, correct? If you are this gleeful over what he just tried to pull, what kind of person do you think that makes you look like?

I know your life is pretty crappy, along with Trolly's, but lol @ you.
05-07-2017 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The terms of the bet were clearly laid out and repeated several times, and still you didn't suss what should have been obvious to any sentient adult.

You have only your own terrible literacy to blame.

You're a bet welcher wil. Maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones any more?
Ohhh, no my friend. There is actual legal precedent siding with ME in this case.

The doctrine of a "scrivener's error" is the legal principle that a map-drafting or typographical error in a written contract may be corrected by oral evidence if the evidence is clear, convincing, and precise.

This bet isn't being swept under the rug. YOU owe ME 200 dollars. Everyone was well aware of what the bet was, this was NOT a spelling contest. A typo doesn't mean you won the bet, and any reasonable person could see exactly what was being bet.

You lost the bet, that's abundantly clear.
05-07-2017 , 04:49 PM

Pay up and eat humble pie you sad little f*cker.

Why do you think I was so careful to make sure the world "literally" was included?
05-07-2017 , 04:58 PM
You have a real issue on your hands here, jalfrezi. You need to prove that this bet was under the pretense of spelling, not what I, and everyone else who read the bet actually thought it meant.

Literally doesn't mean spelling. It means "actually". You entered a bet and we both know what the bet meant, yet you are trying to get out of it by use of a spelling error.

One of us is correct, and it's not you.
05-07-2017 , 04:59 PM
Send $200 not to me but to the Transgender Law Centre, an Oakland-based civil rights organization advocating for transgender communities, as a way of atoning for your appalling threats of physical violence against transgender people in this very thread.

05-07-2017 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Offer to wil:

Send $200 not to me but to the Transgender Law Centre, an Oakland-based civil rights organization advocating for transgender communities
I don't think you understand, do you? We can take this to arbitration and argue both sides. I'm fine with that. One of us is paying up this bet, or one of us is getting banned if they don't pay. We can go to ATF and have a panel of people judge, if you wish.

One of us is losing and one of us is winning this bet, I guarantee you that.
05-07-2017 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
samsonh, what's really funny your response to it. You really support his approach to this bet?

I know you're just a lying scumbag loser who's bitter at life, but you supporting him here doesn't reflect well on you at all. You do realize that, correct? If you are this gleeful over what he just tried to pull, what kind of person do you think that makes you look like?

I know your life is pretty crappy, along with Trolly's, but lol @ you.
Wil the fact you couldn't tell you were being played is hilarious.
05-07-2017 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't think you understand, do you? We can take this to arbitration and argue both sides. I'm fine with that. One of us is paying up this bet, or one of us is getting banned if they don't pay. We can go to ATF and have a panel of people judge, if you wish.

One of us is losing and one of us is winning this bet, I guarantee you that.
I don't want or need your money wil. I want you to pay it to that charity.
05-07-2017 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I don't want or need your money wil. I want you to pay it to that charity.
This doesn't mean anything to me.

This is far from over. You owe me 200 dollars and if I win it I'm going to collect it.
05-07-2017 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
yet you are trying to get out of it by use of a spelling error.
Trying to get out of it, as in, this wasn't his original intention? Hmm, let's examine!

It's worth noting that the spelling error was yours to begin with:

Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm literally called a propogandist
jalfrezi, who is clearly more intelligent than you and knows the correct spelling of the word, repeats your error in his post, clearly toying with you:

Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Do you want to bet on whether anyone on this forum has ever literally called you a propogandist?
And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
05-07-2017 , 05:08 PM

Big talk from the child-punching wil.

Don't you realise that everyone reading this sequence of posts APART FROM YOU could see what was happening? Why are you so ****ing stupid?
05-07-2017 , 05:09 PM

Two scumbag welchers in the forum now.

AoFrantic and Jalfrezi.
05-07-2017 , 05:11 PM
Lol at welching. Call it in poor taste but this was always the play.
05-07-2017 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi

Big talk from the child-punching wil.

Don't you realise that everyone reading this sequence of posts APART FROM YOU could see what was happening? Why are you so ****ing stupid?
This means nothing. Again, this issue is not going to be dropped and as far as I'm concerned you owe me 200 dollars. This has degenerated into idiocy because of idiot scumbags like you and we can take it to ATF and have mods weigh in on it, but one of us is paying this money.

And I think you should go look up what the definition of "literally" means. By no means did you win this bet.
05-07-2017 , 05:15 PM
I want to see a receipt of donation to that transgender charity posted by you in this thread.

Thanks wil. No hard feelings etc.
05-07-2017 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I want to see a receipt of donation to that transgender charity posted by you in this thread.

Thanks wil. No hard feelings etc.
If I'm ruled against, I'll pay the bet. But one of us is paying.
05-07-2017 , 05:21 PM
That's the nature of a bet without a null and void condition wil - one party always pays, and in this case that party is you.

We could have avoided all this nonsense if you'd just said "Oh, nice catch, I earn a good salary and $200 is nothing to me, here it is".
05-07-2017 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
That's the nature of a bet without a null and void condition wil - one party always pays, and in this case that party is you.

We could have avoided all this nonsense if you'd just said "Oh, nice catch, I earn a good salary and $200 is nothing to me, here it is".
It's fine, whatever. Dealing with scum is normal on 2+2, I should have known better. I pm'ed a few mods, we will have some sort of way to get to the bottom of this bet, and if I'm ruled against I will honor my end of the bet. If I lose it'll be paid by the end of the week. I expect the same on your end.
05-07-2017 , 05:28 PM
Unlike you I don't mind giving to a good cause.

Your attempts to welch out of a bet again have been noted.
05-07-2017 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Unlike you I don't mind giving to a good cause.
Keeping in mind your behavior in this thread, I would doubt this highly.

Your attempts to welch out of a bet again have been noted.
No normal person can make this claim. I've already stated I'll pay up if I'm ruled against.

Whatever happens, it's abundantly clear what type of person you are and how much you should be trusted. Your true colors are exposed, I'm happy you outed yourself as a dirtbag.
05-07-2017 , 05:38 PM
Child face-punching wil takes time out from sexually assaulting strangers in bars to launch bid for moral high ground.
