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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

05-02-2017 , 02:59 PM

3) My freedom of speech has already been violated on twoplustwo by being shut out of the Politics forum through extremely biased moderating. There's a prime example of the left shutting down free speech right here on this very site. LOL
You are such a old, dumb bigot you can't remember making this dumb post two days ago?

Again, for everyone with a brain...

Freedom of speech is the right to articulate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship, or societal sanction.
05-02-2017 , 03:07 PM
Where in my quote do I use the words "first amendment" dumbass?

Seriously, you aren't very bright are you? Go back to alpha where they put up with your pathetic nonsense.

Last edited by BroadwaySushy; 05-02-2017 at 03:13 PM.
05-02-2017 , 03:10 PM
He's right, aofrantic you just suck.
05-02-2017 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Proud of it, too. Your feelings don't mean anything to me. Sorry.
wait, why are you proud that you make life harder for trans ppl?

see, thats what I was saying in the first post. why do you hate those ppl so much?

I guess its just something I will never understand.
05-02-2017 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Awww, come on bro don't be like that. Come here, let's hug it out *****.
You seem unstable. No thank on the hug.
05-02-2017 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
wait, why are you proud that you make life harder for trans ppl?

see, thats what I was saying in the first post. why do you hate those ppl so much?

I guess its just something I will never understand.
I'm not proud of making other peoples lives harder. I do not hate trans people, not in the least. I've spelled that out specifically.

I simply don't believe their feelings override my concerns of the safety and security of my family. It's really that simple. You want to call yourself a she? Go right ahead. I'm all for it. You want to enter my daughter's bathroom? No.

I would actually be better with all bathrooms being a free for all, unisex. No more men's and women's bathrooms. I'd rather have that than what you propose.
05-02-2017 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by batair
You seem unstable. No thank on the hug.
Me? Lol, you're the one here making up phantom family members in your mind and I'm the unstable one?

Hahaha. Did you have a pretend dog in your hypothetical family, too? What kind?
05-02-2017 , 03:49 PM
And a cat too.
05-02-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm not proud of making other peoples lives harder. I do not hate trans people, not in the least. I've spelled that out specifically.

I simply don't believe their feelings override my concerns of the safety and security of my family. It's really that simple. You want to call yourself a she? Go right ahead. I'm all for it. You want to enter my daughter's bathroom? No.

I would actually be better with all bathrooms being a free for all, unisex. No more men's and women's bathrooms. I'd rather have that than what you propose.
Would you let Milo, an enthusiastic champion of paedo-child same-sex couplings, enter your hypothetical 13 year old son's bathroom?
05-02-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan


-Clearly states transgendered people should be free to use the bathroom they are comfortable with.

-Clearly states people arguing against the above view use terrible arguments and misconceptions such as a rise in sexual criminal activity.

-Clearly states that transgendered people have a rough time in US society and would much rather live in a world where people stay out of people's ****.
So far so good! Like if that is where we had ended, I wouldn't have been sarcastic about people being surprised. But you couldn't leave it there. Not while libtards were bullying wil. And what you kept writing made it clear you don't believe a goddamn word of those three bullet points.

But wait, I simply state that I can understand where someone instinctively is against the idea of an adult human with male genitals being in the bathroom with their young daughter? Oh uh, time to have a FlyFreakOut that I am "agreeing that his fears are well-justified", despite of course even saying this: "Sure I think boiling down the overall argument to that point is myopic and mischaracterizes the transgender community and can easily be bigoted and not just uninformed/unenlightened"!

I am simply saying that I can understand an instinctive response on this issue, as we are human beings.
This is, charitably, excusing bigotry as natural and human.

More practically, boy howdy you notice how you dodged my question about wil?

And then wil said he was PROUD of making life miserable for trans people? PROUD!

And despite wil saying that, in a thread you're reading, in response to a question directed at you...

we see which post got you all fired up. That dang intolerant left shoving their 57 gender PC bull**** down the throats of right thinking Americans and their natural instincts to think trans people are sexual predators.

If I am at the park at a picnic table and my youngest niece walks into the bathroom and I see what appears to be a large man come around the corner and enter behind her, am I supposed to not be on a more heightened alert than if it were a small 70 year old woman who was next in instead?
Bigots always try to explain their views like this, like

1) The issue was about the sincerity of the views, rather than the existence of the views

2) The rest of us just plum never thought of being bigoted.

This is the same rhetoric they use about Muslims on airplanes and black pedestrians at night, and what the ****. We understand, Dan. Fear of the unknown might be the single easiest concept to understand, you don't need to write out 2 ****ing paragraphs about it. The issue is that we disagree.

I get a laugh when you say Bayesian, as you are so statistically ignorant. Maybe take your own advice you love to chirp on so much, and read a book you ****ing uneducated lying homophobic clown.
OK and reading this statistically ignorant jibe in context, there's no way to read that as anything other than a claim that statistics support being afraid of trans people using the bathroom in public, right? And I'm too dang ignant to understand the facts. Facts don't care about my feelings, right, Dan?

And to make it clear again, the issue social conservatives like wil and Dan have is with them using any bathroom at all, since the natural instinctual fear occurs with both transitioning male->female(under the "use what you want system) and post-transition female->male(under the "use the bathroom that matches birth certificate" system).

P.S. Dan I know you literally cannot stop telling on yourself, and you read no ****ing left of center media, but we don't call transgender women
large men in wigs with penises
. We call them

Last edited by FlyWf; 05-02-2017 at 04:33 PM.
05-02-2017 , 04:35 PM

Rekt. We both know what you call them DoubleBarrelFly, the same thing you call homosexuals, you scumbag pos.
05-02-2017 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Where in my quote do I use the words "first amendment" dumbass?

Seriously, you aren't very bright are you? Go back to alpha where they put up with your pathetic nonsense.
How were your speech rights curtailed by 2p2? Be specific. You used "freedom of speech," which has a specific definition that is reliant on government censorship. I don't think Mason is the feds, but if you want to argue that I'd love to hear an explanation.

What "speech rights" do you believe you have on 2p2?
05-02-2017 , 04:38 PM
Dan- Is wil a
uneducated lying homophobic clown.
or a
scumbag pos.
or is that just me?
05-02-2017 , 04:40 PM

Are you a homophobe? Are you a racist? Is MrWookie a racist?
05-02-2017 , 04:42 PM
Literally unwilling to hurt the feelings of a fellow Trump voter to the very ****ing end. The dude said he was PROUD of making life miserable for trans people, Dan. PROUD.

And you're having like a sympathetic meltdown(MrWookie? What?) over the libtards hurting his feelings over his natural and normal hatred and fear of transsexuals.
05-02-2017 , 04:43 PM
Pretty deplorable language iyam!

05-02-2017 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
He's right, aofrantic you just suck.
Uh, no, he isn't right.

"My freedom of speech has already been violated on twoplustwo…." is stating that he thinks his 1A rights are being infringed upon (in reality, they aren't).

This is not hard to understand.
05-02-2017 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm not proud of making other peoples lives harder. I do not hate trans people, not in the least. I've spelled that out specifically.

I simply don't believe their feelings override my concerns of the safety and security of my family. It's really that simple. You want to call yourself a she? Go right ahead. I'm all for it. You want to enter my daughter's bathroom? No.

I would actually be better with all bathrooms being a free for all, unisex. No more men's and women's bathrooms. I'd rather have that than what you propose.
If you had a preteen son, he would be mathematically much more likely to be sexually assaulted while serving as an altar boy by a pedophile priest. Would you bar them from being one?
05-02-2017 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
How were your speech rights curtailed by 2p2? Be specific. You used "freedom of speech," which has a specific definition that is reliant on government censorship. I don't think Mason is the feds, but if you want to argue that I'd love to hear an explanation.

What "speech rights" do you believe you have on 2p2?
Unfortunately I can't answer your question specifically here, because Chez has said I am not allowed to criticize the moderation of another forum.

However , there is a thread in ATF specifically about this issue. So go and look at that if you want my thoughts on it. Your name is in the thread title, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.

P.S. When I refer to free speech or freedom of speech I mean in a more general sense of being able to express one's opinion, not as in the specific 1st amendment definition. That is why I purposely didn't mentioned the 1st amendment. Get it, dumbass?
05-02-2017 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
Uh, no, he isn't right.

"My freedom of speech has already been violated on twoplustwo…." is stating that he thinks his 1A rights are being infringed upon (in reality, they aren't).

This is not hard to understand.
Sheesh, another dumbass.
05-02-2017 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by batair
And a cat too.
Well, there you go. I'm pro-cat. You'll wind up lonely and with a lot of cats, so it's good you pretend to have one now. Get that practice in.

Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Would you let Milo, an enthusiastic champion of paedo-child same-sex couplings, enter your hypothetical 13 year old son's bathroom?
This is actually an interesting question. I would not allow a known paedophile in my young sons bathroom, no, that would just be silly. I don't consider Milo a paedophile, though.
05-02-2017 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
If you had a preteen son, he would be mathematically much more likely to be sexually assaulted while serving as an altar boy by a pedophile priest. Would you bar them from being one?
Of course I would. Your question is silly. If I had any suspicions of the particular priest, there could be an issue, which would be the same as any situation. Parents are, by nature, protective. If you saw any type of questionable behavior by absolutely anyone towards your children you'd take steps. That applies to teachers, priests, neighbors, or their friends. There is nothing strange about that.
05-02-2017 , 06:36 PM
Can you give me any regarded definition anywhere that shows the phrase "freedom of speech" to not involve government censorship sushy? You seem to really not understand what "freedom of speech" means at all.

I understand there is a difference between speech freedoms between Canada, USA and the UK for example. Can you give an example of how in any country that has these laws how your freedoms are infringed upon by 2p2 moderators rather than the government?
05-02-2017 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Literally unwilling to hurt the feelings of a fellow Trump voter to the very ****ing end. The dude said he was PROUD of making life miserable for trans people, Dan. PROUD.

And you're having like a sympathetic meltdown(MrWookie? What?) over the libtards hurting his feelings over his natural and normal hatred and fear of transsexuals.
Of course I'm proud to protect my family. There's​ not a chance I'm allowing someone's son who dresses as a female to enter my daughter's bathroom. Never. I'll pull them from the school and send them to one that doesn't allow it.

Never. Over my dead body. Your hurt feelings don't mean jack **** to me.

I'm not Reid Lockhart. You're not going to change my mind out of peer pressure (lol). My kid, my family, my rules. Everyone else can raise their children in whatever way they deem fit. I do not judge. You will not determine how I raise mine. Never.
05-02-2017 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Can you give me any regarded definition anywhere that shows the phrase "freedom of speech" to not involve government censorship sushy? You seem to really not understand what "freedom of speech" means at all.

I understand there is a difference between speech freedoms between Canada, USA and the UK for example. Can you give an example of how in any country that has these laws how your freedoms are infringed upon by 2p2 moderators rather than the government?
You are lolCanadian right? Nice prime minister you got. Nice hate speech laws. Lol.
