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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

05-02-2017 , 08:48 AM
wil totally uses cracker slang like 'piehole'
05-02-2017 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Don't make this about other poster's kids.
that's the wrong green dog
05-02-2017 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive

I pride myself on being a top-notch wilstorian but is this The News? Is this the first emergence of going HAM over bathroom bills?
Wil's been enraged over gay people many times before. Transgender stuff is obv going to set him off.
05-02-2017 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I absolutely would not, to the point of violence. I don't give a flying **** what you think.
What i think is not the problem. What the police do is. Sounds like a hate crime.

No human being with a penis, that I know about, is entering a bathroom with any of my female family members, period. It's possible I may not object if it was my wife, but my daughter isn't up for debate. In the reverse case involving my son, it would be totally fine.
Ah so now the wife is ok. Maybe...

One day when you grow up and have children maybe you'll get it. Probably not since you are a brainwashed sheep.
Ive said before your post come across as a young child throwing a tantrum. Id rather not grow up to be like you.

I don't escort my wife to the bathroom and I don't wait outside of her bathroom for her. You made this up and assumed I do. I've never once said this, you tried to make up some sort of silly point to cover up the fact that you were talking like you had experience in raising children, which was obviously a lie, which you freely admitted.

You sound like a complete fool.
The point was your wife does not need your escort and i figured you didn't give her one in all public bathrooms she uses.

Last edited by batair; 05-02-2017 at 10:24 AM.
05-02-2017 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I, and every other parent, doesn't give a flying **** what your opinion is. I don't ask 15 year olds for marriage advice and I don't ask people who've never had cancer what they think about chemotherapy.
This is golden. Wil thinks every oncologist had to personally have cancer in order to qualify?

Here's a reminder that Wil doesn't have consistent opinions, he has incoherent collections of thoughts contained at any moment.

Remember, in the spanking thread, Wil's example of when it's okay* to beat a child was when a mother left her gun lying around and the kid got hold of it. And now Wil's position is that a parent should never take their eyes off their kid if there could be so much as a hint of danger.

And let's also note that this is Wil's spiral away from his point that trans people shouldn't use the same bathroom as his kid, even though Wil is prowling the bathroom to make sure nothing goes wrong anyway. What does it ****ing matter who the person in the next stall is if you're there with them?

*should have said "the best possible course of action"
05-02-2017 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by batair
What i think is not the problem. What the police do is. Sounds like a hate crime.
You can call it what you wish, I'm simply telling you what would happen. I would not be making it easy for anyone, whether verbal or physical. Not happening.

Ive said before your post come across as a young child throwing a tantrum. Id rather not grow up to be like you.
Compared to you trying to wiggle your way out of being honest about having children or not? lol @ you. You made yourself look like a fool. You think we are stupid people? It was obvious you were just making things up. Watching you not answering my direct question was hilarious. You think I didn't KNOW the answer already? I was just seeing how long you'd go along with your bull****. Go back and read the posts, they are amusing.

The point was your wife does not need your escort and i figured you didn't give her one in all public bathrooms she uses.
I don't escort my wife to the bathroom. I still don't know where you got this from. If my wife walks away from me to go to the bathroom, especially with my child, I'll wait where I am and usually keep an eye on them as they walk away. I don't follow them to the door and stand guard.

All of you leftist goofballs do this, you make up these scenarios which were never mentioned. I've never been in a woman's bathroom and I don't ever plan on it, yet you imply I have been or I stand guard. It's a really stupid, stupid way of arguing. I guess since your arguments are so vacuous it's the only option you have, to change the subject and make things up to avoid the heart of the issue.

I'm surprised at you, to be honest. I guess I was wrong and you're just another leftist idiot, like jalfrezi and aofrantic and fly. You seemed like a more normal person but you obviously are as dishonest and misleading as they are.

Shrug. All of you people are the same.
05-02-2017 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You can call it what you wish, I'm simply telling you what would happen. I would not be making it easy for anyone, whether verbal or physical. Not happening.

Compared to you trying to wiggle your way out of being honest about having children or not? lol @ you. You made yourself look like a fool. You think we are stupid people? It was obvious you were just making things up. Watching you not answering my direct question was hilarious. You think I didn't KNOW the answer already? Go back and read the posts, lol.

I don't escort my wife to the bathroom. I still don't know where you got this from. If my wife walks away from me to go to the bathroom with my child I'll wait where I am and usually keep an eye on them as they walk away. I don't follow them to the door and stand guard.

All of you leftist goofballs do this, you make up these scenarios which were never mentioned. I've never been in a woman's bathroom and I don't ever plan on it, yet you imply I have been or I stand guard. It's a really stupid, stupid way of arguing. I guess since your arguments are so vacuous it's the only option you have, to change the subject and make things up to avoid the heart of the issue.

I'm surprised at you, to be honest. I guess you're just another leftist idiot, like jalfrezi and aofrantic. You seemed like a more normal person but you obviously are as dishonest and misleading as they are.

Your post said you would not let a transgender women in with your wife. That has changed now. Shrug.
05-02-2017 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You can answer your own question. Why do you think it's even necessary to try to do so?

I hope he nukes all of the left. I hope he defunds and attacks everything the left cares about until you people are gone or beaten into submission. I hope he finds a way to dismantle the stranglehold of liberalism​ in universities, as I think that is the root source of the problem. We are currently pumping out an entire generation of idiots who can't think properly.

And I'll help them do it by voting accordingly. You people need to go. There is no reasoning with you people. The time for talking nicely to each other is over, we are in a war of ideas and it would be absolutely horrifying if your side wins.

Good luck. You guys are going to need it. Lol.
05-02-2017 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Lol, it took you 20 posts to admit you don't have children, playing these stupid word games trying to get around a direct question, which we all knew the answer to already?

I, and every other parent, doesn't give a flying **** what your opinion is. I don't ask 15 year olds for marriage advice and I don't ask people who've never had cancer what they think about chemotherapy.

Thanks for the entertainment, Batair. Lol at you.
I have two daughters and it is utterly bizarre to feel the need to guard them when they go to the bathroom with my wife. Batair is right. lol at you.
05-02-2017 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by batair
There were no variables in the original post.

They were not going in with your wife ever. Glad to help you out of that stance.

Not addressing me calling you out as a typical lying leftist weirdo?

Lol. Truly funny.
05-02-2017 , 12:11 PM
There are plenty of arguments to be made on the topic that do not stem from just lying about someone's views and attacking them.
05-02-2017 , 12:13 PM
It's the typical leftist playbook, though. It seems they all follow the same patterns of arguing. It's all emotion-based and lies. It's downright weird, and they ALL do it.
05-02-2017 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Not addressing me calling you out as a typical lying leftist weirdo?

Lol. Truly funny.
I just let people go with their assumptions sometimes. Especially when they use them as distractions.
05-02-2017 , 12:39 PM
Everyone, Wil in particular. Take more care when discussing anything related to Transgender please.

Re family: The line on family is to not bring up other posters family as a way to insult, attack, troll or annoy them. Otherwise they can be discussed in the normal way.
05-02-2017 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Re family: The line on family is to not bring up other posters family as a way to insult, attack, troll or annoy them. Otherwise they can be discussed in the normal way.
My post was deleted and I don't think it was insulting, attacking, trolling, or annoying. I would also like to point out that it was Wil himself who brought family into the discussion.
05-02-2017 , 12:45 PM
I had one to. But the one telling me i lied got to stay up. Sweet.
05-02-2017 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
My post was deleted and I don't think it was insulting, attacking, trolling, or annoying. I would also like to point out that it was Wil himself who brought family into the discussion.
It was just deleted as part of the series of posts that got deleted.

The bit on family was a clarification of the rule because trolly and maybe others seemed to think it wasn't acceptable to mention peoples family at all. No posts were deleted because of the 'family rule'

'insulting, attacking, trolling, or annoying' people is generally fine in !!! threads
05-02-2017 , 12:48 PM
Wait what in the **** did you just delete my post for Chezlaw?
05-02-2017 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I had one to. But the one telling me i lied got to stay up. Sweet.
Deleted now.

Originally Posted by HastenDan
Wait what in the **** did you just delete my post for Chezlaw?
Response to a deleted post. You can repose it without reference to the other deleted posts if you like.
05-02-2017 , 12:54 PM
Hey genuine thanks for quoting though haha.
05-02-2017 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Deleted now.

Nope they are still there. Guess i dont get to defend myself. Oh well.
05-02-2017 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Everyone, Wil in particular. Take more care when discussing anything related to Transgender please.

Re family: The line on family is to not bring up other posters family as a way to insult, attack, troll or annoy them. Otherwise they can be discussed in the normal way.
To be clear, no one was insulting anyone when it came to family. We were simply speaking about behavior surrounding relationships. Completely different.

Secondly, I have no idea what you mean by things related to Transgender people. If you are implying I need to support them using bathrooms whatever bathroom they wish, that's not my position.
05-02-2017 , 01:03 PM
Look personally on this topic I think transgender people should just whatever bathroom they are more comfortable with. There are plenty of misconceptions and weak arguments on the penis/vagina bathroom signs side, i.e. that there will be a rise in sexual criminals etc that has been invalidated by studies done in states that have allowed bathroom choice.

Transgendered people have a rough go in present day society in the US and other countries. It sucks and I feel for them and a more open and accepting world that gives less ****s about what people are up to if they aren't hurting anyone is the world I would rather live in across the board.

But am I really DETESTED at Wil's stance here? Not really. I don't have kids, though I have nieces from ages 6-17, and best friend's with young girls. If my 10 year old niece walks into a bathroom at the park and what appears to be large man follows her in there, am I out of line to say 'Hey?' at them? And if it is just someone that appears to be some dude and he goes "I am a TG woman buddy" and follows them right in, there should be 0.0 concern registering in my brain?

I don't think I can judge someone for having the instinctive response of "I do not want large men in wigs with penises in the bathrooms with my young daughters.". Sure I think boiling down the overall argument to that point is myopic and mischaracterizes the transgender community and can easily be bigoted and not just uninformed/unenlightened, but I also recognize that sort of response can be pretty natural.
05-02-2017 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by batair
I just let people go with their assumptions sometimes. Especially when they use them as distractions.
Which is what YOU did. YOU are the one who made assumptions and seemed to think I guard a bathroom door or creep into a woman's restroom. YOU said it and implied it, not me.

Originally Posted by batair
I had one to. But the one telling me i lied got to stay up. Sweet.
But you are a liar, that's obvious. You went on and on implying you had children and offered your opinions on what it's like to have them, when you clearly do not.

It's typical leftist lying bull****. Lol @ you telling a parent how they "should" feel about their child's safety. Good luck with that approach in life.
05-02-2017 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Look personally on this topic I think transgender people should just whatever bathroom they are more comfortable with. There are plenty of misconceptions and weak arguments on the penis/vagina bathroom signs side, i.e. that there will be a rise in sexual criminals etc that has been invalidated by studies done in states that have allowed bathroom choice.

Transgendered people have a rough go in present day society in the US and other countries. It sucks and I feel for them and a more open and accepting world that gives less ****s about what people are up to if they aren't hurting anyone is the world I would rather live in across the board.

But am I really DETESTED at Wil's stance here? Not really. I don't have kids, though I have nieces from ages 6-17, and best friend's with young girls. If my 10 year old niece walks into a bathroom at the park and what appears to be large man follows her in there, am I out of line to say 'Hey?' at them? And if it is just someone that appears to be some dude and he goes "I am a TG woman buddy" and follows them right in, there should be 0.0 concern registering in my brain?

I don't think I can judge someone for having the instinctive response of "I do not want large men in wigs with penises in the bathrooms with my young daughters.". Sure I think boiling down the overall argument to that point is myopic and mischaracterizes the transgender community and can easily be bigoted and not just uninformed/unenlightened, but I also recognize that sort of response can be pretty natural.
And on not letting transgender women in the bathroom with his wife ever? Which was my main issue.
