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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-21-2017 , 07:03 PM
This continues to be a really fun thread.
02-21-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Yeah I mean as I said the anecdotes and assertions from Wil I find absurd regarding incredibly large numbers and whatnot. I was just struggling to find good data the other day when this discussion was taking place as I was genuinely curious what some studies would reveal.

I was wondering if any of the 6 other links you are referencing I maybe missed were worth reading.
There were two or three that had good data and sample size and focused on the LGBT community. One was from 05, 09 and last from 2011.

I think that the links that show that sexual activity among young people, especially with grindr, tinder and other "dating" sites is down is pretty useful though. Young people are obviously the most sexually active in terms of number of partners, and this number is declining.

Steven, would you agree that people are more likely to lie about themselves to put themselves in a good light online? (taller etc)
Thus, wouldn't the fact people claim to be much less promiscuous online than Wil claims, shouldn't this say something?
02-21-2017 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Wil, what are you right about? Be specific. Post data. You are a poker fish, and I'm calling your bluff.
You've claimed that the radical christian site that cited a study of a couple hundred gay men from 1970s San Fransisco who were incredibly promiscuous is a worldwide trend, even after AIDS and HIV ravaged the homosexual community and led to increased sexual awareness and health in that community. You have asserted that it is common that gay men have thousands of different partners lifetime. The problem is that this is obviously wrong for anyone who even thinks about the numbers for half a second.
Chez asked me to stop talking about it, so I'm trying to do so. I've given you explicit instructions. Do not believe me, go read what people think themselves, who are actually part of the community.

Nothing I say will change your mind. That's fine. I invite you to go and look it up yourself.

Every single method you are using to discredit me is laughably wrong. OKCUPID is not a good data source, dude. Your links are horribly, awfully stupid. You don't even have any real-world experience in this topic, you know, by actually KNOWING some of the people are part of a community you are making claims about?

You are dumb, I am not. You don't know what you are talking about, I do. Face the facts, I'm right.
02-21-2017 , 07:11 PM
I guess I need to go back and read through this thread. I don't think I can honestly judge whether or not having 1000 sexual partners is morally wrong. I have known a few gay guys. I have know two guys that have been together for like 30+ yrs. One of my friends since childhood had a brother who died from AIDS and that was tough. I guess it just depends basically FWIW.
02-21-2017 , 07:12 PM
If Chez told you to stop posting proof, I'd love a citation on that.

If you cannot post proof, you can certainly pm me. If you want "nothing to do with me" you can pm Mayo, Dan or anyone else less "dumb" with your proof.

Again, I asked you to use actual arguments to show the data OKCupid used was wrong. You just basically laughed at it being an online dating site.
If you dislike that source, you could have tried debunking the other 5 I posted yesterday that reached similar conclusions. Of course you never tried this.

You have nothing but ad hominem attacks and Chezlaw to defend you.

Adios, how are you so bad at reading? No one has said having 1000 partners is morally wrong. It's just really, really difficult for most LGBT people. The LGBT community is roughly 4% of the North American population. To find 1,000 people willing to **** you when you're largely going after ~2% of the population is pretty damn difficult in most places, before you account for age disparities.

If you can post a recent study that shows that a large (around what you claimed) percentage of gay men have over 1,000 lifetime partners not only will I apologize to you Wil, I will donate $100 to an LGBT charity tomorrow. Your move.

Last edited by aoFrantic; 02-21-2017 at 07:17 PM.
02-21-2017 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Other deplorables have primarily been discussing what they call "free speech" ITT. If you think they are using their words wrong... well, that's a dispute between you deplorables. Regardless, that's what the thread has been about.

Nobody has disputed this ITT. Nor has anyone claimed the police haven't properly done their jobs.
I can't be held responsible for definitions other people may have about free speech. I have no doubt some people are starting off with a misunderstanding of what free speech is but this is the first I have seen of anyone coming even close to trying to define it.

Point me to where there was a misunderstanding and I will see what I can do to correct it. Otherwise, we should just use the one that I just laid out.
02-21-2017 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by kypreanus
The Milo Yiannopoulos scandal is a coordinated hit job (CPAC 2017)

In every case like this, you should wait atleast 72 hours before making any hard judgements.

Lena Dunham abused her little sister, but she gets a free pass.
I think you'll find that there are far fewer leftists than you think that idolize Lena Dunham.
02-21-2017 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
If Chez told you to stop posting proof, I'd love a citation on that.

If you cannot post proof, you can certainly pm me. If you want "nothing to do with me" you can pm Mayo, Dan or anyone else less "dumb" with your proof.

Again, I asked you to use actual arguments to show the data OKCupid used was wrong. You just basically laughed at it being an online dating site.
If you dislike that source, you could have tried debunking the other 5 I posted yesterday that reached similar conclusions. Of course you never tried this.

You have nothing but ad hominem attacks and Chezlaw to defend you.
So, your tone has changed now and you probably did do exactly what I told you to do, right? You started reading yourself and you realize that I'm correct. It's laughably easy to find.

There's no shame in admitting you are wrong, dude. I've been destroying people like you here for years. You'll get over it.
02-21-2017 , 07:18 PM
If you can post a recent study that shows that a large (around what you claimed) percentage of gay men have over 1,000 lifetime partners not only will I apologize to you Wil, I will donate $100 to an LGBT charity tomorrow. Your move.
02-21-2017 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
It's just really, really difficult for most LGBT people. The LGBT community is roughly 4% of the North American population. To find 1,000 people willing to **** you when you're largely going after ~2% of the population is pretty damn difficult in most places, before you account for age disparities.

This is the one of the dumbest things I've ever read on 2+2. LOOOOLLLLLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Look at how DUMB aoFrantic is! Look at the way he comes to his conclusion here. I take my last statement back. You didn't read anything, did you?

Hahahahaha. Oh my God this is just too funny.
02-21-2017 , 07:19 PM

The vast majority of Americans don't even have 1000 total gay males living within reasonable distance of where they are. Think about it for a second.
02-21-2017 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
If you can post a recent study that shows that a large (around what you claimed) percentage of gay men have over 1,000 lifetime partners not only will I apologize to you Wil, I will donate $100 to an LGBT charity tomorrow. Your move.
I care little about what or who you donate to. Pound it up your ass for all I care.

And, give a real donation you cheapskate. A hundred bucks wouldn't pick up the bar tab. Pleb.
02-21-2017 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
If Chez told you to stop posting proof, I'd love a citation on that.

If you cannot post proof, you can certainly pm me. If you want "nothing to do with me" you can pm Mayo, Dan or anyone else less "dumb" with your proof.

Again, I asked you to use actual arguments to show the data OKCupid used was wrong. You just basically laughed at it being an online dating site.
If you dislike that source, you could have tried debunking the other 5 I posted yesterday that reached similar conclusions. Of course you never tried this.

You have nothing but ad hominem attacks and Chezlaw to defend you.

Adios, how are you so bad at reading? No one has said having 1000 partners is morally wrong. It's just really, really difficult for most LGBT people. The LGBT community is roughly 4% of the North American population. To find 1,000 people willing to **** you when you're largely going after ~2% of the population is pretty damn difficult in most places, before you account for age disparities.

If you can post a recent study that shows that a large (around what you claimed) percentage of gay mehave over 1,000 lifetime partners not only will I apologize to you Wil, I will donate $100 to an LGBT charity tomorrow. Your move.
Perhaps you skipped over the part where I need to read through this thread. tbh I am really not very concerned about the sexual habits of consenting adults. I couldn't care less.
02-21-2017 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb

The vast majority of Americans don't even have 1000 total gay males living within reasonable distance of where they are. Think about it for a second.
I think you don't realize how strong and supportive their communities are. In rural areas there may indeed be issues, but in the cities it's not anywhere remotely close to what you describe. Half of the American population now lives in urban areas.
02-21-2017 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb

The vast majority of Americans don't even have 1000 total gay males living within reasonable distance of where they are. Think about it for a second.
He can't think about it, it's common sense.
02-21-2017 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
... Point me to where there was a misunderstanding and I will see what I can do to correct it...
Uh, the whole thread.

It's all been about "deplatforming", and "shouting down", and those ever pesky SJWers, blah, blah, blah. Check it out !!!1!
02-21-2017 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
If you can post a recent study that shows that a large (around what you claimed) percentage of gay men have over 1,000 lifetime partners not only will I apologize to you Wil, I will donate $100 to an LGBT charity tomorrow. Your move.
Originally Posted by wil318466
I care little about what or who you donate to. Pound it up your ass for all I care.

And, give a real donation you cheapskate. A hundred bucks wouldn't pick up the bar tab. Pleb.
I'll double it then. Where's the proof?
02-21-2017 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
He can't think about it, it's common sense.
I've talked about this exact thing myself. Your argument is invalid. You do not know what you are talking about, once again.
02-21-2017 , 07:26 PM
Hey Wil, I could watch this entire video and I won't have an inch of proof from you at the end of it because you're a coward.

02-21-2017 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I think you don't realize how strong and supportive their communities are. In rural areas there may indeed be issues, but in the cities it's not anywhere remotely close to what you describe. Half of the American population now lives in urban areas.
I didn't say anything about the supportiveness or strength of the gay community. I put it in sheer mathematical terms.

The almost-all-red areas in the middle, northwest, and Alaska, as well as some of the Northeast (blue or red, in Maine, upstate NY, Vermont, and NH), are comprised of counties with 10K or fewer TOTAL people in them. An LGBTQ community member living in one of these places would be lucky to know 10 other out gays, period, let alone somehow find 1,000+ of them to have sex with.
02-21-2017 , 07:29 PM
Wil, you are arguing like an 8 year old Trump. All of your longass posts are 100% hot air with zero arguments in them. It's legit cringe.
02-21-2017 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Hey Wil, I could watch this entire video and I won't have an inch of proof from you at the end of it because you're a coward.
I'll ask you specifically, one more time, and then we can just end this pissing match - did you actually do what I told you to do and Google some forums and read about this topic yourself? Like, not my opinion, or your stupid data, but opinions from the actual group we are talking about?

If you didn't do that, why not?

If you did, can you honestly say you still think I'm lying or I am incorrect?
02-21-2017 , 07:32 PM
In-depth on a number of subjects, but has the number of average "lifetime" partners for gay males @ 30:
02-21-2017 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
I didn't say anything about the supportiveness or strength of the gay community. I put it in sheer mathematical terms.

The almost-all-red areas in the middle, northwest, and Alaska, as well as some of the Northeast (blue or red, in Maine, upstate NY, Vermont, and NH), are comprised of counties with 10K or fewer TOTAL people in them. An LGBTQ community member living in one of these places would be lucky to know 10 other out gays, period, let alone somehow find 1,000+ of them to have sex with.
And I'm saying I think you are mistaken on how communication and coordination helps alleviate those issues.

Yes, you are correct, in rural or remote areas things get much tougher. It's not impossible.
02-21-2017 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466

I'm currently searching through gay websites and reading forums on the topic. I am pleasantly surprised to find out that I am, as usual, correct. You are welcome to do the same. I will not provide links but you can do your Google searches and start sifting through the forums and people's actual own words and stories. Go do it, come back here and then apologize.
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
If you can post a recent study that shows that a large (around what you claimed) percentage of gay men have over 1,000 lifetime partners not only will I apologize to you Wil, I will donate $100 to an LGBT charity tomorrow. Your move.
Originally Posted by wil318466

If you didn't do that, why not?
I didn't do it, because you've already done it, and since you've already done your work for me, we can band together and with your proof can get me to donate $200 to charity. It seems like a slam dunk. You just have to post the proof you alluded to an hour ago.
