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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

05-02-2017 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You seem to care a whole lot. Like you're having one of your biweekly meltdowns over it right now, in this thread?
But I'm not. I truly really don't care what you call yourself. If men want to call themselves women I don't care. Not in least. Have a blast.
You can call people whatever you want, dog, but then we get to call YOU whatever we want. The breaks, as it were.
Of course I can, as it should be, and it should stay. You can ask me to call you a woman, but that that doesn't mean I will. You can't force me to respect you. Which is how it should be. Transexuals don't "deserve" anything, just as any other group doesn't.
05-02-2017 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Of course you aren't, which is making all of this hilarious.

How many children do you have, batair?
Every time i bring up family (which is rare) i cringe. For sure not talking about it with you. Assume im childless.

I have many friends married with kids. Their wife's bring their kids to the bathrooms without an escort. Maybe its different in small town USA where the public places you go you have gone many, sometimes many many many times. So no they dont keep an eye on their wifes and kids at all time in public places and guard bathrooms.
05-02-2017 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Every time i bring up family (which is rare) i cringe. For sure not talking about it with you. Assume im childless.
But you are childless. That's my point. You have no ****ing idea what you are talking about which is what makes this hilarious.

I would not insult your family, as we both well know. I'm asking you to prove my point that you are talking out your ass about a topic you have no experience in. I literally don't care about your opinion because you don't have children.

You think everyone following this painful exchange doesnt realize you don't have children ? Lol. What the **** is wrong with you?

Again, you bring this on yourself. I have no reason to embarrass you or make fun of you, you brought this on yourself. Do yourself a favor and stop talking about things you obviously have no clue about and avoid this type of embarrassment in the future.
05-02-2017 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
But you are childless. That's my point. You have no ****ing idea what you are talking about which is what makes this hilarious.

I would not insult your family, as we both well know.
Its not about insults its about getting to personal.

I'm asking you to prove my point that you are talking out your ass about a topic you have no experience in. I literally don't care about your opinion because you don't have children.

You think everyone following this painful exchange doesnt realize you don't have children ? Lol. What the **** is wrong with you?

Again, you bring this on yourself. I have no reason to embarrass you or make fun of you, you brought this on yourself. Do yourself a favor and stop talking about things you obviously have no clue about and avoid this type of embarrassment in the future.
I have a clue. Comment on my content of my post. You dont need kids to notice how your friends bring their kids to the bathroom in public. And its not with a male escort round here. The wifes mostly bring um.

Last edited by batair; 05-02-2017 at 01:12 AM.
05-02-2017 , 01:14 AM
Lol, it took you 20 posts to admit you don't have children, playing these stupid word games trying to get around a direct question, which we all knew the answer to already?

I, and every other parent, doesn't give a flying **** what your opinion is. I don't ask 15 year olds for marriage advice and I don't ask people who've never had cancer what they think about chemotherapy.

Thanks for the entertainment, Batair. Lol at you.
05-02-2017 , 01:19 AM
Never gave advice. Said people around here dont escort their wife's and kids to public bathrooms. It would be odd and abnormal. The wifes take the kids.

Do you let your wife go into public with your kid without you?
05-02-2017 , 01:22 AM
And I'm saying I don't give a flying **** what your worthless opinion is on what you think people around where you live think of keeping an eye on their family members, which you are most assuredly wrong about.

Lol, this is getting better and better. You know you sound idiotic right now, right?
05-02-2017 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
And I'm saying I don't give a flying **** what your worthless opinion is on what you think people around where you live think of keeping an eye on their family members, which you are most assuredly wrong about.
I dont think i know. But ok you dont give a fling ****.
Lol, this is getting better and better. You know you sound idiotic right now, right?
I dont care about looking idiotic. Gl in your guard duty.

Btw way in a big city i didn't know, id do the same. But not all situations are the same.

Well not the bigoted thing about transsexuals.
05-02-2017 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by batair
I dont think i know. But ok you dont give a fling ****.

I dont care about looking idiotic. Gl in your guard duty.

Btw way in a big city i didn't know, id do the same. But not all situations are the same.

Well not the bigoted thing about transsexuals.
Lol, this was fun but at this point you sound pretty pathetic. Sleep well.
05-02-2017 , 01:43 AM
You sound like an irrational bigot against transgender people. We all have our crosses.
05-02-2017 , 01:48 AM
Lol. Always the racist or bigot argument. Geez, no one saw that coming.

You people are all the same. Funny.
05-02-2017 , 01:51 AM
It came when you said you would not let a transgender person into the bathroom with your wife. That is the definition of bigotry.
05-02-2017 , 01:51 AM
Grunching a bit but it seems that in wil's frightened little mind, men get sex reassignment surgery so that they can prey on women and children in public toilets.

That's what he's apparently claiming is his creepy reason for being in a women's toilet, though suspicions remain about this.

Is this a fair summary?

Again, lolwil
05-02-2017 , 02:12 AM
Do you have kids? If not you cant understand why he would not let them in with his women and or kids.

Still trying to figure out if his wife uses public bathrooms without him or does she always have a male escort to protect her form all the transgender bathroom sexual assaulters.
05-02-2017 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Why do you think anyone cares what you "don't get"? Why do you get to impose YOUR "views" on me? Why do YOU get to tell ME how I should refer to you as?

Do what you wish, call yourself what you wish, live your life how you wish, I don't care at all. But you don't get to tell me what I must refer to you as. Sorry. Thems just the breaks, dog.
I dunno man. from your other posts, it sure seems that you care. a lot.
05-02-2017 , 02:40 AM
Trump should sign an executive order outlawing gendered bathrooms, carrying serious criminal charges for any business or public space violation. Everyone is a winner.

This should extend to any and all gendered aspects of any business or public space, not just restrooms. Embrace the future.
05-02-2017 , 02:46 AM
Roman Bathroom Habits

"In some ancient bathrooms there is space for one-hundred people at a time. The bathrooms are open to all genders and all ages, so imagine men, women, and children all standing or sitting, doing their business next to one another in an open space. People are discussing business or gossiping to one another while going to the bathroom."
05-02-2017 , 02:53 AM
Those old timey Romans had a lot of good ideas and a lot of bad ideas, so I prefer not to look to the past, but to look to the future, where every aspect of gendered separation is justly removed.

Ladies night at Buffalo Wild Wings? C'mon now let me get that free extra ranch like it is 2029.
05-02-2017 , 03:04 AM
Id guess somewhere they serve buffalo wings where there is just normal bathroom that all sexes use. They have one at my dentist.
05-02-2017 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by batair
It came when you said you would not let a transgender person into the bathroom with your wife. That is the definition of bigotry.
I absolutely would not, to the point of violence. I don't give a flying **** what you think. No human being with a penis, that I know about, is entering a bathroom with any of my female family members, period. It's possible I may not object if it was my wife, but my daughter isn't up for debate. In the reverse case involving my son, it would be totally fine.

One day when you grow up and have children maybe you'll get it. Probably not since you are a brainwashed sheep.

Originally Posted by batair
Do you have kids? If not you cant understand why he would not let them in with his women and or kids.

Still trying to figure out if his wife uses public bathrooms without him or does she always have a male escort to protect her form all the transgender bathroom sexual assaulters.
I don't escort my wife to the bathroom and I don't wait outside of her bathroom for her. You made this up and assumed I do. I've never once said this, you tried to make up some sort of silly point to cover up the fact that you were talking like you had experience in raising children, which was obviously a lie, which you freely admitted.

You sound like a complete fool.
05-02-2017 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Roman Bathroom Habits

"In some ancient bathrooms there is space for one-hundred people at a time. The bathrooms are open to all genders and all ages, so imagine men, women, and children all standing or sitting, doing their business next to one another in an open space. People are discussing business or gossiping to one another while going to the bathroom."
Lol at this.
05-02-2017 , 08:42 AM

I pride myself on being a top-notch wilstorian but is this The News? Is this the first emergence of going HAM over bathroom bills?

Originally Posted by wil318466
Doesn't really make me mad at all. I more feel sorry for people who suffer from an obvious issue. Their search for happiness will almost assuredly not be successful and in many cases will end in suicide, whether or not they get you to call them he or she. Everyone should feel bad for them.

But they don't get to walk into my wife or daughters bathroom, especially not with me standing there. Never.

And I don't think people should "legit be killed" for not conforming. Please quote.

My drinking has never been a problem. Unfortunately I don't have much time for it anymore. That's more of a problem.
05-02-2017 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
I dunno man. from your other posts, it sure seems that you care. a lot.
Why do I have to explain something that I've addressed already? I am totally clear about my position here. YOU call yourself whatever you wish. I do not deny anyone's humanity or pursuit of happiness, as long as it does not infringe on my life. Call yourself Julius Caesar for all the **** I care, I'm completely fine with it. Just don't ask me to call you that, because I'm not going to.
05-02-2017 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Why in Wil's hypothetical is Wil stood in the women's bathroom?
Lozl wil is Gandalf The Greying it telling those trannies They Shalt Not Pass.
05-02-2017 , 08:48 AM
Oh man this was so telegraphed, what with wil trying to pull his patented 'yo dog you don't have kids so shut your piehole'.

Originally Posted by wil318466
Really? How many children do you have?

grunched, nailed it

Originally Posted by wil318466
But you are childless. That's my point. You have no ****ing idea what you are talking about which is what makes this hilarious.

I would not insult your family, as we both well know. I'm asking you to prove my point that you are talking out your ass about a topic you have no experience in. I literally don't care about your opinion because you don't have children.

You think everyone following this painful exchange doesnt realize you don't have children ? Lol. What the **** is wrong with you?

Again, you bring this on yourself. I have no reason to embarrass you or make fun of you, you brought this on yourself. Do yourself a favor and stop talking about things you obviously have no clue about and avoid this type of embarrassment in the future.
