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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

10-02-2014 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Its pretty ****ing simple. If person A and B are talking and you think B isn't taking A seriously or is belittling their point - just reply to A and ignore B.

Some people are doing a lot of talking to B about how mean they're being to A and how they ruin the conversation.
So, the people who behave mean and belittling don't ruin the discussion, it's the people who think mean behavior should be confronted. That doesn't add up. Sounds like a convenient rationalization to excuse mean behavior.
10-02-2014 , 11:32 AM
10-02-2014 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
So, the people who behave mean and belittling don't ruin the discussion
Of course they don't. This is an internet message board, so there's no difficulty like in real life when people talk over each other. There's even a handy ignore function so you don't even have to scroll past big long annoying posts.

There is literally no reason two (or more) people can't have a mutual conversation with almost no distractions from people they consider trolls.
10-02-2014 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Its pretty ****ing simple. If person A and B are talking and you think B isn't taking A seriously or is belittling their point - just reply to A and ignore B.
That's not correct. Its just seems simple to you because you like over-simplifying things.

Not only does A not know how serious B is but usually some of the C,D... that A thinks are taking it seriously seem to be taking B seriously.
10-02-2014 , 11:37 AM
Lol, if both A and B think they're taking it seriously - let them talk. Interjecting yourself adds nothing of value.

Edit: In fact it just seems condescending that you think you know more than A about how serious B is being.
10-02-2014 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Another thing I'd advise new posters arriving here is to lurk for a good long time (is that in the sticky?) to get used to the regs personalities. Then don't post anything controversial for a good while until you've been accepted.
I wouldn't do that but there may be a case for telling unsuspecting posters who get FLYed that its 'normal' for fly to behave like that.
10-02-2014 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't feel as if I look down on people.

Originally Posted by wil318466
Firstly, I have to admit I'm writing this coming from the "liberal" mindset. I've always scoffed at the idea of there being social programs that help the poor could very well be hurting them much more than helping them. To me, that idea was nonsense. People have problems, and I feel that we have a moral obligation to help provide basic services to people in need. I still feel that way.

My real issue is that for the first time, I think I've realized that the mentality of the poor is so foreign to me that I can't understand it. I'm completely baffled by the decisions some of these people make. Drugs and crime I can actually understand. I've seen it, hell, I've done it, and I can see how things like that can spiral out of control.

I recently had a child. I'm surprised how deeply this affected my way of thinking. It permeates into every thought I have. It also has made me realize one thing that is absolutely true : from the moment you are born, you are in a category. That category does not guarantee success or failure, but it sure makes a huge impact on your chances in life. I know that unless something catastrophic happens to me or my wife, my child will always have anything she wants. She will have designer clothes, go to the better/best schools (man that **** is expensive but we're going to try) and grow up in a stable, loving environment. This isn't a pat on the back, it's mostly due to her mother being the woman she is (hey, I married well, what can I say?)

We'll never get anything for free, so we'll simply have to pay through the nose. That's ok because I think we'll be able to swing it.

Here, though, lies the problem. When you aren't given anything, you realize that the decisions you make have a cost associated with it. The very decision to even have a child, in our minds, had HUGE costs associated with that decision. We knew this would be expensive, but we did it anyway because we, at 35 years old, felt we could afford to give her a good life and to pay for the things she would need. Only when we felt that we could provide that life, did we try. We never even thought of having a baby a few years before that, we simply didn't feel financially secure enough to pull that trigger. In fact, even when I was in my teens, the mentality between me and all my male friends were "always wear a condom, and always pull out, NEVER get a girl pregnant or your life is over".

To me, this is blatantly obvious. A good friend of mine has a niece who is 17, and she got pregnant. She had a baby boy a few months ago, the father is 19, already has another child with another girl, and offers no financial or parental support. When I heard this, I thought at first it was an accident. Over time I found out through him that she just didn't care. She knew she could get pregnant but it didn't matter, she was ok with it. When I asked my friend "how could she think that way?" He responded that she said "well, I knew you would help me if I needed it, plus I could get WIC and other public assistance".

So, my question is, when people know they have an "out", that someone somewhere will help them, are we actually hurting them by providing that "out"? There is no question what she did was incredibly stupid, but would she have not made that decision if she didn't believe someone would take care of her? What is the right way to look at this? For me, this situation actually makes me angry. This child is screwed. No father figure, borderline poverty level, and a ghetto mentality by the mother. For her to bring a baby into that situation is almost guaranteeing failure.

I'm just at a loss with this, or how to feel about it.

10-02-2014 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Lol, if both A and B think they're taking it seriously - let them talk. Interjecting yourself adds nothing of value.

Edit: In fact it just seems condescending that you think you know more than A about how serious B is being.
Try reading it again. Its from the perspective of person A. A can't interject between A and B.

Last edited by chezlaw; 10-02-2014 at 11:48 AM.
10-02-2014 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Of course they don't. This is an internet message board, so there's no difficulty like in real life when people talk over each other. There's even a handy ignore function so you don't even have to scroll past big long annoying posts.

There is literally no reason two (or more) people can't have a mutual conversation with almost no distractions from people they consider trolls.
From your perspective, which I recall from your previous post you take delight in people being mean towards other people in certain circumstances

From a variety of other perspectives, such as new users, your perspective maybe too narrowly suited and self-serving.
10-02-2014 , 11:52 AM
Chez, man you are not good at the reading or the logic.

We were talking about a person C interjecting themselves into A and B. Like Foldn did above - talking about he really wanted to have this interesting conversation but someone else was ruining.

It's pretty simple. Stop bitching about the person you think is ruining it and engage with the person you want to engage with.

If the person you want to engage with still wants to talk to the person you think is trolling - then thats their business and you should STFU.
10-02-2014 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I don't see what you're getting at, I couldn't understand the mindset. I still have issues with it. Teenage pregnancy is a detrimental thing in my eyes. I don't see what's so controversial about that position.

I didn't call her a bad person over it.
10-02-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
No, because its stupid. I'm not going to advise anyone to not participate. If their participation causes them to get butthurt - it would probably happen anyway even if they waited a couple of weeks.

That's not to say people shouldn't cut new people some slack. But that's a different argument.

Meh, it's kind of stupid that it's good advice here. Then again, it's probably good advice IRL too, not to bring up sensitive/controversial/personal issues with strangers. People are always so concerned with intentions. "Hey, random black guys smoking menthols. I've literally never seen a black guy smoke any other type of cigarette. Why is that?" ...could be taken wrong in a lot of crowds
10-02-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
From your perspective, which I recall from your previous post you take delight in people being mean towards other people in certain circumstances

From a variety of other perspectives, such as new users, your perspective maybe too narrowly suited and self-serving.
In so far as I think people with stupid/ignorant/disingenuous positions deserve to be mocked. Sure. That has nothing to do with your point though that people like this ruin your conversation. Ignore those people you think are being mean and move on.
10-02-2014 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Chez, man you are not good at the reading or the logic.

We were talking about a person C interjecting themselves into A and B. Like Foldn did above - talking about he really wanted to have this interesting conversation but someone else was ruining.

It's pretty simple. Stop bitching about the person you think is ruining it and engage with the person you want to engage with.

If the person you want to engage with still wants to talk to the person you think is trolling - then thats their business and you should STFU.
The best part of this post here is JJ playing the role of party C calling people stupid and telling people to STFU. Talk about bad logic and sensibility.
10-02-2014 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
The best part of this post here is JJ playing the role of party C calling people stupid and telling people to STFU. Talk about bad logic and sensibility.
Oh and we can't ignore JJ's posts. Stick a fork in it.
10-02-2014 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
The best part of this post here is JJ playing the role of party C calling people stupid and telling people to STFU. Talk about bad logic and sensibility.
No I'm not. I'm engaging in the discussion I want to have. Notice how I ignore vast amounts of your gibberish, because I couldn't care less what you think about most things.
10-02-2014 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Oh and we can't ignore JJ's posts. Stick a fork in it.
10-02-2014 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I didn't call her a bad person over it.
No, you merely called her "stupid," in possession of a "ghetto mentality," and a bad mother. That whole thread is about you looking down on people.
10-02-2014 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Chez, man you are not good at the reading or the logic.

We were talking about a person C interjecting themselves into A and B.
You responded to my post and you just misread it. Its also not a simple matter of C interjecting between A and B

It's pretty simple. Stop bitching about the person you think is ruining it and engage with the person you want to engage with.
This is a multi-way conversation. Stop oversimplifying it.

If the person you want to engage with still wants to talk to the person you think is trolling - then thats their business and you should STFU.
As well as the irony, I don't have your genius, I don't even know if your last few posts have been a genuine attempt to communicate or trolling. Sometimes in non-simple worlds it can be both and even a few more things.
10-02-2014 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
No I'm not. I'm engaging in the discussion I want to have. Notice how I ignore vast amounts of your gibberish, because I couldn't care less what you think about most things.
So you are proud to lack curiosity and to demean other people's ideas as gibberish? Fits the profile of someone who delights in being mean towards other people.

It is unlikely you ignored that I have posted several times that I am working on improving my language use capability due to having some unexpected difficulty beyond my control. I say only a true dickhead would demean a person's effort in this regard. If the shoe fits...
10-02-2014 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I get that. It's why it doesn't tick me off too much when typically decent posters like zikzak start piling on with the trolls. I'm gathering many here simply don't think any meaningful conversation can possibly come out of this. I disagree quite a bit and wish they didn't derive such pleasure poking at people they look down on.
I don't know what you're smoking, but zikzak is one of the trolls. Hes just not a douche about it.
10-02-2014 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
So, the people who behave mean and belittling don't ruin the discussion, it's the people who think mean behavior should be confronted. That doesn't add up. Sounds like a convenient rationalization to excuse mean behavior.
Some mean people on the internet are trollish attention whores. Your preferred tactics may not be the best way to engage those sorts of people.
10-02-2014 , 12:30 PM
Spanky/jj feud is an exciting new development.
10-02-2014 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Its pretty ****ing simple. If person A and B are talking and you think B isn't taking A seriously or is belittling their point - just reply to A and ignore B.

Some people are doing a lot of talking to B about how mean they're being to A and how they ruin the conversation.
Yeah, but that's total BS. Might work in an AMA thread, but normal threads are a group effort, and the dialogue of the thread will follow the group. One person ignoring the troll doesn't help a damned thing when five other people (possibly trolls themselves) respond. The conversation will move in that direction no matter what you do. There are basically two solutions. One is for moderators to do something about it. The other is to jump ship and start a new thread about what you actually want to talk about and hope the trolls don't follow. Of course, in some forums, the moderators not only won't help but they'll even merge the new on topic thread with the old detailed thread and troll themselves. No point even trying to engage in a real discussion in such a forum.
10-02-2014 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Spank's best counter-strategy would be to

Shake it off
