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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

04-07-2015 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by ctyri
How many times have we heard that provocative posts should be allowed. Let racists post so their views can be challenged.

Yet whenever potentially racist views are challenged, here comes the same F troop wailing away against meanies challenging such views.

Wait, you are taking the fallacious conflating of Bruce lashing out and equating it to him being a racist. This is stupid.
04-07-2015 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by metaname2
My plan was to wait for Bruce to apologize, then I was going to immediately hit him in the face with a lemon meringue pie.
Never stop posting, please

Originally Posted by MrWookie
When you say liberals cry racism to discredit almost everything without ever providing examples to back your claim, you are making the same mistake you are accusing us of making.
This has been #teamSMPcheerleaders tactic for a while. Complain about a thing while simultaneously doing the same thing.

Spank is the biggest offender ldo
04-07-2015 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Wait, you are taking the fallacious conflating of Bruce lashing out and equating it to him being a racist. This is stupid.
Read better. Write less.
04-07-2015 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
so having an imagination means you can't be a narcissist?

because narcissists don't imagine that they're better than everybody else 24 fkn 7?

solid reasoning

Well yes, empathy involves imagining what it is like for other people.

Seriously, narcissism is just another in a long line of false accusations. We shall add that to y'all's wheel of accusation.

Are you glad we are making a wheel of false accusation for you. You all have so many different accusations I imagine it will help you keep them straight.
04-07-2015 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Man, you are stale.
You do realize this whole thread is, right? Well, I know you don't, but you should.
04-07-2015 , 05:33 PM
So, best case, the cock roach metaphor was...what, the rumblings of a (racist) old man? That's best case?
04-07-2015 , 05:34 PM
As always, anyone is welcome to quote the context that clearly shows how Bruce's prejudice that the black people of Ferguson would be based unlike the white cops is not actually racist.
04-07-2015 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
Never stop posting, please

This has been #teamSMPcheerleaders tactic for a while. Complain about a thing while simultaneously doing the same thing.

Spank is the biggest offender ldo

Again you make accusation, but do not describe what you are making accusations about. You can't because all you have gathered is accusation and derision to back your opinions. Weak and weaker with each repetition.
04-07-2015 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
So, best case, the cock roach metaphor was...what, the rumblings of a (racist) old man? That's best case?

An analogy which describes how unaware people can form superficial implicit biases. The kind of thing we study with science and imagination.
04-07-2015 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Your moral judgment of Bruce behaving adversarial is rejected as weak, self-serving, and inhumane. Plus you are an adversarial hypocrite who has targeted a poster's kids. Also, Bruce lashing out at his false accusers is not an indicator whether or not he is a racist. Your just desperate looking for cheap shots.
So he didn't lash out but he was totally justified for lashing out? Which is it?
04-07-2015 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Well yes, empathy involves imagining what it is like for other people.

Seriously, narcissism is just another in a long line of false accusations. We shall add that to y'all's wheel of accusation.

Are you glad we are making a wheel of false accusation for you. You all have so many different accusations I imagine it will help you keep them straight.
blah blah derisive wheel of false accusation something something fallacious emotional adversarial mockery...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
04-07-2015 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
So he didn't lash out but he was totally justified for lashing out? Which is it?

Are you saying actual humans don't lash out sometimes when they feel hurt?
04-07-2015 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Are you saying actual humans don't lash out sometimes when they feel hurt?
No, I'm laughing at you for saying he didn't lash out and then saying he was justified for lashing out in the same post.
04-07-2015 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
No, I'm laughing at you for saying he didn't lash out and then saying he was justified for lashing out in the same post.

No you are piling on derision to compensate for weakness and you are either mistaken or mischaracterizing what I posted as I did not post those words you have written. So just another stupid false accusation. Would you say you have a false accusation habit?
04-07-2015 , 05:44 PM
04-07-2015 , 05:57 PM
Bruce is such a kind person that when apparently some politards, burdened as they are with "formal education" and "exposure to the outside world", didn't understand that he was calling Mexicans cockroaches in a "kind" way(IN A POST THAT LITERALLY WAS A JUSTIFICATION TREATING PEOPLE DIFFERENTLY BECAUSE OF RACIAL STEREOTYPES, FFS)....

he immediately flipped out, threatened out of forum bans, threatening doxxing, and gathered up a posse of you morons to harass your ****ing betters.
04-07-2015 , 06:02 PM
Also, I get that Brian flipped out at this word being used(lol Brian has very poor language skills), but it really is just pure arrogance here. Each and every SMPer post just drips with it. Like FoldN laboriously trying to explain "no no no, it's just that conservatives DON'T LIKE food stamps, you must not know this, it has nothing to do with race"....

Dude, we know. Everything you know, we know. Work with that framework in mind the next time you start posting, that if one of us is confused or missing context, it's you.
04-07-2015 , 06:06 PM
So could these "unaware" people be better described as ignorant, and these "implicit biases" be better described as racial prejudice, aka racism? If not, why?
04-07-2015 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
I don't know Bruce nor the whole posts/fiasco as it has has been called. But given my limited experience in the Mike Brown thread I certainly can't blame him for not wanting to subject himself to the mob here as it seems obvious that no matter what kind of apology he made, they either (1) wouldn't buy it, (2) would use it against him to ridicule him further, or (3) would say they buy it and then wait in the weeds looking for any comment that they could potentially link back to the other thread and then pounce.

So for Bruce it seems it would be a Lose/Lose more/Lose later prop at best.
That's all clearly true and any reasonable person would see that may be sufficient in itself. In the end it was more than that.
04-07-2015 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Also, I get that Brian flipped out at this word being used(lol Brian has very poor language skills), but it really is just pure arrogance here. Each and every SMPer post just drips with it. Like FoldN laboriously trying to explain "no no no, it's just that conservatives DON'T LIKE food stamps, you must not know this, it has nothing to do with race"....

Dude, we know. Everything you know, we know. Work with that framework in mind the next time you start posting, that if one of us is confused or missing context, it's you.
04-07-2015 , 06:15 PM
Fly power-whining and piling on the derision.

Here is some actual human talk for you...We all know mistakes were made and now we know you all are just piling on with one-sided criticism to diminish all the other information available about Bruce in his posts. You got some weak opinions backed with weak behavior.

Or you could be trolling, this isn't serious to you, right? You have admitted this whole forum thing is not serious to you as I recall. If this isn't serious to you, how can racism here be serious to you? How can Bruce's behavior be serious to you?

How can you criticize Bruce's behavior with any credibility when you are the guy who used to proudly target the developmentally disabled and known to be an adversarial scornful dick?

Fly- tell us how you feel about human emotions, please.
04-07-2015 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
When you say liberals cry racism to discredit almost everything without ever providing examples to back your claim, you are making the same mistake you are accusing us of making.
Well I didn't say all or even most liberals do this, it's just political gamesmanship that is usually done by politicians to herd their base. It works well. It should be taken as an insult that you and so many people here both cannot see that and actually use it frequently in what you call discourse, because it is such a dishonest method of argument.

If you want examples, I'll let you do the work. Just look up every time you have accused me of using a code word or dog whistle. Since I know exactly what I meant, and it was never what you claimed I meant, there's your example.

And lol at this crowd acting like we're rewriting history. The main players in the witch hunt have been distorting everything from the second this mess began.
04-07-2015 , 06:20 PM
This began by Tom quoting Bruce's posts.
04-07-2015 , 06:23 PM
FoldN- Can you provide an example of a politician doing this "gamesmanship"? I don't need proof of "most" or "all" liberals doing it, of course, because I can read English. But you are claiming at least one liberal does it. Name names, because honestly, cards on the table, I don't think you have the slightest ****ing idea what politicians talk about. You learn about this **** from forums and it's not like we have a wealth of elected officials posting here.


If you want examples, I'll let you do the work. Just look up every time you have accused me of using a code word or dog whistle. Since I know exactly what I meant, and it was never what you claimed I meant, there's your example.
lol small group of intellectuals. It's your ****ing claim, dude. Not Wookie's.
04-07-2015 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Fly power-whining and piling on the derision.

Here is some actual human talk for you...We all know mistakes were made and now we know you all are just piling on with one-sided criticism to diminish all the other information available about Bruce in his posts. You got some weak opinions backed with weak behavior.

Or you could be trolling, this isn't serious to you, right? You have admitted this whole forum thing is not serious to you as I recall. If this isn't serious to you, how can racism here be serious to you? How can Bruce's behavior be serious to you?

How can you criticize Bruce's behavior with any credibility when you are the guy who used to proudly target the developmentally disabled and known to be an adversarial scornful dick?

Fly- tell us how you feel about human emotions, please.
LOL, this forum has been in Fly's top three things he values for the better part of a decade. Denying it is just his discomfort admitting as much.

Nobody - and The DIB means NOBODY - spends multiple hours per day cruising the forum, writing literally thousands upon thousands of pages of strongly worded opinions about contentious social issues, and DOESN'T CARE ABOUT IT. Any claim to the contrary is the product of embarrassingly deep denial.
