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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

04-01-2015 , 08:50 PM
I was accused of posting stuff worse than racism in response to Bruce. Hopefully you or masque will have the decency to back up such a serious accusation with an example and an explanation of what was so awful.
04-01-2015 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Personally i wouldnt post in a site that doesnt want to do at least that.
Then why are you here? Door's that way, bye. Toodles.
04-01-2015 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I was accused of posting stuff worse than racism in response to Bruce. Hopefully you or masque will have the decency to back up such a serious accusation with an example and an explanation of what was so awful.
Not my me you weren't.

I've no idea why you want me to back up something I never said.
04-01-2015 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Then why are you here? Door's that way, bye. Toodles.
Reading comprehension very poor apparently. I wasnt speaking about myself literally only if i were Bruce.

Nice to see that you come and ask questions in SMP, get responses in detail and your gratitude is 0. That shows a lot about your character too.
04-01-2015 , 09:03 PM
So why are you here, Masque?
04-01-2015 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
OK, then why don't we switch to me and talk about my reprehensible posts and what should have been said instead.
Okay, then...
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Duffee is already on Team "Black People are More Criminal."
What you should have said instead of an unsupported allegation is nothing.
04-01-2015 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So why are you here, Masque?
Define here? This thread, PU, 2+2?

You come to SMP and you are welcomed as a friend and i am not apparently here, right? As if either place is our property home court or something lol.

All i wanted from you guys is to have some heart, some brave spirit and some capacity to forgive yourselves and others (because both sides need forgiving actually in order to prove we learned something).
04-01-2015 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
Okay, then...

What you should have said instead of an unsupported allegation is nothing.
Oh, so when your racist ass posts hateful white supremacy like this:

Originally Posted by duffee
One issue with that is that everyone arrested is searched. From the DOJ report:
Race Stops Searches Contraband Arrests
Black 9875 1086 261 891
White 1735 87 26 63
With black motorists, 82% (891/1086) of the searches are (loosely) justified by arrests, in that either the arrest led to the search or vice-versa. Even if every contraband hit led to an arrest, that still leaves 76%, (891-261)/(1086-261), of the remainder of searches attributable to arrests. Whether those arrests are due to the reason for the stop, behavior during stop or outstanding warrants, we don’t know from the DOJ report. But what we can extrapolate from their data is that the primary driver for blacks being searched at a rate 2.07 that of whites is that they’re being arrested at a rate 2.48 that of whites. So for example, if black motorists are twice as likely to have outstanding warrants as white motorists, then they’ll be arresting blacks at twice the rate of whites; and if they’re arresting blacks at twice the rate of whites, they’ll be searching blacks at twice the rate of whites. Alternatively, considering some of the trivial reasons for arrest noted in the report, if blacks are twice as likely to become “non-compliant,” for example, they’ll get arrested twice as often and consequently searched twice as often.
You expect everyone to, what, nod in agreement? Revere your transcendent observations about the nature of the negro? What?
04-01-2015 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Define here? This thread, PU, 2+2?
Why are you here in PU? You don't seem to like it here. If you have a grievance about the way this subforum is moderated, why not go to atf? More to the point, what do you care about the way politics is run when you never participate in it?

Originally Posted by masque de Z
You come to SMP and you are welcomed as a friend and i am not apparently here, right? As if either place is our property home court or something lol.
I threw out some fun science posers to SMP and people seemed to enjoy puzzling them out as much as I did. Of course you are free to post here and it's not my property, but I'm just curious: why are you here?
04-01-2015 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
I dont know what might motivate Bruce to come back. I am not speaking for anyone other than myself. I speculate that at a minimum if it was me i would want the mods to accept their responsibility in escalating things instead of containing it and forcing the people in their forums to behave better and to declare together with management that they do not think i am racist because this is very important to me. That is a starting point.
So you believe the site owners should actively prohibit legitimate criticism of site moderators?

Personally i wouldnt post in a site that doesnt want to do at least that. The mod thing is not material to me because i dont ever want to be a mod in this site. My friends would be a concern because i enjoy interacting with them. If however i was a mod as a sign the site respected my posting history and contribution to the site i would not return to post unless i was given back my prior status (after what happened the way it did and after having complied with the request of the management to remain civil after a certain point) because anything else as choice continues to "see" me as a failed member that will be tolerated back but not respected like it was before or considered good enough for it. I do not care for such bs. Either people are ready to listen to my description of why this happened and where i failed personally and the exact reasons i failed when under severe attack (if i were Bruce say) and what i learned from all this or they are not and they continue to hate me. Then i wish them a good life and they will hear from me later in some other venture because success is the best "revenge" .
I have seen many, many moderators take far more abuse then Bruce ever did. They are mature enough to realize they are not hated. David Sklanksy gets beaten like a rented mule on a pretty regular basis in the Politics forum. I have never seen him refer to an entire forum as a bunch of estrogen laden liberal butt buddies. Wookie has personally taken plenty of grief in this thread. He continues to post. He has not thrown a tantrum. He has not demanded apologies or physically threatened a forum member.

For me Bruce needed to behave better back then but i understand why it happened so ugly the way it did. Because the compounded insults allowed to take place undefended by management is a very significant show of lack of trust and allegiance from the people i gave so much for over a decade and who should know already i am not a racist to defend me vigorously about it.
The management, DS in particular, took a look at some of Bruce's posts and concluded they were racist. They also judged his behavior and concluded he was unfit to be a moderator. I agree with them, you do not. Perhaps you should take this to ATF. That is the proper venue for complaints about how the site is run.
04-01-2015 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
If i were Bruce number one condition i would set is for the management and the mods of politics forum that this started from to admit that they think i am not a racist. Can we have at least that? If we cant then prove your case with any proper definition of racism;

1) The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2) Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Where has 1 or 2 happened with Bruce? Where has he discriminated against a particular race in a manner that hurts them or affects them materially?
I'm prepared to argue that Bruce exhibited attitudes consistent with the definition of modern symbolic racism.
04-01-2015 , 10:57 PM
Can we get a quote of all relevant Bruce posts in the OP of this thread so cheeselawl can stop talking about them as though they were unknowable things?
04-01-2015 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
I dont know what might motivate Bruce to come back. I am not speaking for anyone other than myself. I speculate that at a minimum if it was me i would want the mods to accept their responsibility in escalating things instead of containing it and forcing the people in their forums to behave better and to declare together with management that they do not think i am racist because this is very important to me. That is a starting point.
how, exactly, did the mods "escalate things"? and how would they have gone about "containing it"? are you suggesting that they should have deleted his vile, racist posts and forbid the rest of the forum from discussing them?

Personally i wouldnt post in a site that doesnt want to do at least that. The mod thing is not material to me because i dont ever want to be a mod in this site. My friends would be a concern because i enjoy interacting with them. If however i was a mod as a sign the site respected my posting history and contribution to the site i would not return to post unless i was given back my prior status (after what happened the way it did and after having complied with the request of the management to remain civil after a certain point) because anything else as choice continues to "see" me as a failed member that will be tolerated back but not respected like it was before or considered good enough for it. I do not care for such bs. Either people are ready to listen to my description of why this happened and where i failed personally and the exact reasons i failed when under severe attack (if i were Bruce say) and what i learned from all this or they are not and they continue to hate me. Then i wish them a good life and they will hear from me later in some other venture because success is the best "revenge" .
ok unfortunately nobody is forcing you to continue posting here, and characterizing bruce as "under attack" is EXTREMELY lol. also, bruce's "description of why this happened" was basically that everybody else was a bunch of idiots.

lol because i'm drunk and i knew it was gonna be fun, i decided to go back and read through some of it just to reminisce on how cringeworthy bruce's performance was, here are some gems that aren't often quoted:

Originally Posted by BruceZ
You made a couple nonsensical posts, and when I called you out on their stupidity, you ran off like a little bitch with your tail between your legs to bad mouth me behind my back with losers closer to your intellectual abilities. But I saw your laughable posts, and to answer your dumbass question, having an open discussion is perfectly consistent with banning people who call people racists or engage in other personal attacks. In fact, personal attacks detract from open discussion. The key is to always attack ideas and not the person making them. If you have any more questions about this, pm me. I've been doing this since you were wearing pimple cream and spanking it in your parents bathroom. I will tell you what to do.

The notion that this thread is no better than what passes for discussion in Politics is asinine. In this forum, we do not reject arguments out of hand because we know they are wrong. We debate them to determine why they have any force at all, so that when we reject them, we gain a more complete understanding of the issue. We don't hide from positions just because they might make some people uncomfortable.

This forum is for thinkers. People like David Sklansky. Not for eggheads that couldn't think their way out of a blackjack deck with no tens, and do little but throw out the occasional cryptic comment just to make themselves feel better about themselves. If you can't understand this, then go back to your estrogen laden liberal butt buddies that think with their vaginas and suck at the teet of political correctness you pathetic douchebag.
Originally Posted by BruceZ
I have been explaining this all week in the mod forum and elsewhere. Posting as if no one outside SMP would read it was reckless, and I apologize for that. It won't happen again.

There is a faction of people who will accept no explanation or apology it would seem. This has led to hard feelings when vicious personal attacks were allowed to continue day and night. The harm caused by that was, IMO, grossly disproportionate to the error made and any harm that likely resulted. I didn't respond to that well, and you saw some of the result. It wasn't proper to respond as I did. I will address this further in the mod forum.
Originally Posted by BruceZ
Being offended is part of life. I was offended all week. Certainly far more than anyone was offended. If someone were truly offended by something I said, they should ask themselves why. Even if the statements I made were my own, so what? They weren't hate speech. I wasn't advocating for any harm to another race. I expressed ideas. Ideas should never be suppressed by an angry mob in a free society. Suppression of ideas is the hallmark of fascism. Why do you want to suppress ideas? Are you the thought police? Do you assume that an idea must eventually result in some action? If you do, then you are making assumptions about people without the relevant facts. That's prejudice. And it makes you no better than a racist.
Originally Posted by BruceZ
What's the difference between not giving me the benefit of the doubt that I'm not going to act on my idea, and my not giving some black guy the benefit of the doubt that he's not going to rob me?
Originally Posted by BruceZ
I find this offensive. I think I'll start threads on 5 forums to whine about it, including one here to call for his demodding. I'll spend 10 days on this day and night because I'm a pathetic loser with no life.
Originally Posted by BruceZ
In the words of my friend John Rambo: I didn't want this war. But if you want war, I'll give you a war you won't believe.
Originally Posted by BruceZ

"Daaaaaaad!!!!! He's picking on me. Spank him daddy!"

I was a whinny baby like that once. My dad came out and boxed my ears.
so diplomatic, so intellectual!

so here's his final adieu, something loosely resembling an apology and taking responsibility for his actions...oh wait, no, just more deflecting and blaming everybody else for not being on his intellectual level, also learned nothing from the whole ordeal-

Originally Posted by BruceZ
There are different reasons for my various posts that you have observed and labeled racist. I have explained some of these elsewhere, but never all the reasons in one place, so I'll do that here.

When I take these contrarian positions, I only present a vigorous 1-sided argument. I let the other side provide the counterarguments. So my arguments can become extreme, almost like a parody as you saw in some of those slavery posts. I'm stating historical facts, and then presenting arguments which sound reasonable as long as you don't consider anything else. In this same fashion, when I said that it's obvious why you would want to stop and frisk minorities more often if they do a high percentage of the crime, I am only talking about it as a statistics problem. Someone like chezlaw would then inform me that this type of racial profiling often doesn't work, and it can make the problem worse instead of better for a number of reasons.

Some of the posts I wrote are simply idiotic. That's because I was just trying to have a bit of fun on a Friday night, exchanging rapid fire posts with chezlaw and masque for hours while sipping Scotch. I wasn't careful about what I was typing, and I used some very bad wording. For example, I dashed off "the witnesses are likely to be racist" when something like "it's not unlikely that some of the witnesses are racist" would have been better. I typed "criteria for killing Brown" when I meant "factors that led to Brown being killed". With that tux thing I wrote "not about race", when I intended "not only about race", and I explained what this meant in a later post. These were not written for public consumption, though of course anyone can read them.

Some of the short quips are simply throwing out right-wing talking points for consideration with no justification given. This is also done on P and PU. On SMP, the possibility exists for frank and open discussion which can evaluate these if someone wanted to do so.

The Mexican rant illustrated my idea that people are more stressed by problems that they perceive to be ongoing. The things that I said Mexicans do more than whites were intended to be observations from my neighborhood rather than generalizations to the whole culture, but I never stated this. I did say that all those things that cause noise seem to be endemic to their culture as part of the unabashed Gran Torino style humor. In reality, at least one of those things certainly is endemic, the type of music, while the others may or may not be endemic.

As for the question of whether I'm a racist. I believe tom said that everyone has contributed to institutional racism in some way. If that were true, it would seem everyone would be a racist, so what's the point of calling them that? Some can be bigger racists than others though. I stand by my statement that I cannot recall any time in my life when my beliefs affected another race, so clearly I can't be a big racist by Brian's definition of "someone who makes decisions based on race". I never yelled at the Mexican guy or not yelled at the white guy for noise on the basis of race. That was hypothetical. We all stereotype things all the time as human nature. We even act on stereotypes, like when we don't get in line behind the old person because they are more likely to be slow. That thought process doesn't shut off just because the subject is race. I just haven't acted on this with respect to race that I can recall. Except that now, because of what I wrote, it's possible that I have contributed to the general feeling of animosity toward Mexicans in some tiny way. It would be an interesting discussion for SMP or P or PU: Under what circumstances if any is crushing the expression of an idea justified if there is no evidence that it has led to an action? For example, when should we gang up on people just for shooting off their mouth?
so seriously, don't ****ing come in here acting all pious and pointing fingers from your high horse, because ain't nobody tryin' to hear that ****
04-01-2015 , 11:55 PM
Chezlaw's weird obsession with "empathy/understanding"...

Empathy for whom? Understanding of what? Even taken on his own terms, this entire thing where he upbraids people for not respecting the "efforts" that nobody can see fails as pure gibberish.

Like, this whole thing started around here:

You can keep on about all the bad stuff and remain silent about the efforts he made but it's not the whole picture.
But when pressed for details, chez never provided the whole picture and instead just badgered Wookie about olive twiglets.
04-02-2015 , 12:12 AM
wookie introduced understanding and empathy into the conversation not me. If you have some huge problem with those terms for some strange reason then take it up with him.
04-02-2015 , 12:17 AM
Much of this episode stinks of "I don't understand the big words you're using so I'm going to take that as a sign of disrespect". But swap in "racist" instead.

Free Bruce
04-02-2015 , 12:32 AM
I guess cockroach is a pretty big word
04-02-2015 , 12:34 AM
Bruce has been free this whole time.
04-02-2015 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Bruce has been free this whole time.
And many here fully enslaved by their grudge.
04-02-2015 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I have seen many, many moderators take far more abuse then Bruce ever did. They are mature enough to realize they are not hated. David Sklanksy gets beaten like a rented mule on a pretty regular basis in the Politics forum.
DS handles it differently but he is also paid to be here - that's still no excuse for abuse. Bruce was one of the sites major contributors from the beginning and he did it for nothing except his very positive attitude towards 2+2 - that has now gone.

Last edited by chezlaw; 04-02-2015 at 06:04 AM.
04-02-2015 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by King_of_NYC
Much of this episode stinks of "I don't understand the big words you're using so I'm going to take that as a sign of disrespect". But swap in "racist" instead.

Free Bruce
LOL you gotta be ****ing kidding me.
04-02-2015 , 07:27 AM
Another day of chez whining and ignoring questions I see. The usual-usual
04-02-2015 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
What in particular are you referring to? We dealt with you not responding to Bruce's apologies as you didn't find then sincere or to be enough.
Wookie explicitly said they weren't apologies ffs.

Take a literacy class for me one time chezlol.
04-02-2015 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
And many here fully enslaved by their grudge.
Maybe that's not a good life for you, but I feel like I hit the lottery.
04-02-2015 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
DS handles it differently but he is also paid to be here - that's still no excuse for abuse. Bruce was one of the sites major contributors from the beginning and he did it for nothing except his very positive attitude towards 2+2 - that has now gone.
Chez, why are you here?
