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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

04-03-2015 , 01:52 PM
I want to see a web video series of people describing this thread to strangers on the street.

"Wait, there's a guy who has been arguing for months about being called racist on a message board"

"No, the guy who got called racist isn't doing the arguing, it's a bunch of other guys who hardly know him"

"But why"

"Well he was nice about math homework (and also they're racist toolbags)".
04-03-2015 , 01:54 PM
That sounds a lot like "Manimal"
04-03-2015 , 01:57 PM
Simon McCorkindale itt
04-03-2015 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
so in your hyper simplified theoretical situation, stopping and searching one group of people 2x as often as another group of people is just business as usual and doesn't meet the duffee-threshold for prejudice.
That 2:1 ratio is going on everywhere and people are well aware of the correlation; it’s the causation we’re after. But to get there, I don’t think we should ignore the other side of the equation: while it’s true a cop will search 2 black motorists out of every 20 black motorist stops compared to 1/20 for whites, it’s also true that he’s not searching 18 of the 20 black motorists he stops. I’m not trying to mitigate the issue. I’m bringing that up because to understand why he’s searching that additional 1 black motorist, we also need to understand why he’s not searching most of the black motorists he stops. Is there some suspicion threshold that most blacks don’t trip but a few do more so than whites? Considering their “miss rate” on searches hovers around 75%, irrespective of race, the conclusion to me is that they’re mostly unconcerned about erroneously suspecting anyone, and just slightly less concerned when it comes to blacks.
04-03-2015 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
why is that? because black people typically can't afford elite legal counsel and/or get stiffed with the heaviest possible charges more often than not? you don't think that systemic racism is a significant factor in that?
Nonsense! There is absolutely no racism, racial discrimination or systemic racism in the U.S., period!
04-03-2015 , 02:21 PM
Again, why are we datamining for any possible explanation besides racism when there is plenty of evidence of a racist police department before we look at the traffic stop numbers.

Lol again at these 'well every black motorist wasnt searched/arrested/harassed, so lets dig deeper to find reasons outside of racism" musings.
04-03-2015 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
That 2:1 ratio is going on everywhere and people are well aware of the correlation; it’s the causation we’re after. But to get there, I don’t think we should ignore the other side of the equation: while it’s true a cop will search 2 black motorists out of every 20 black motorist stops compared to 1/20 for whites, it’s also true that he’s not searching 18 of the 20 black motorists he stops. I’m not trying to mitigate the issue. I’m bringing that up because to understand why he’s searching that additional 1 black motorist, we also need to understand why he’s not searching most of the black motorists he stops. Is there some suspicion threshold that most blacks don’t trip but a few do more so than whites? Considering their “miss rate” on searches hovers around 75%, irrespective of race, the conclusion to me is that they’re mostly unconcerned about erroneously suspecting anyone, and just slightly less concerned when it comes to blacks.
I think most of us have a good grasp on what the additional suspicious behaviour is that black people display.
04-03-2015 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I want to see a web video series of people describing this thread to strangers on the street.

"Wait, there's a guy who has been arguing for months about being called racist on a message board"

"No, the guy who got called racist isn't doing the arguing, it's a bunch of other guys who hardly know him"

"But why"

"Well he was nice about math homework (and also they're racist toolbags)".
It would be an interesting thought experiment to include the notation "Dids is a racist" whenever replying to his posts. We have a at least one thread that not only is clearly racist by the title, but also seems designed to encourage racists to post here ITF. So we have just cause to make a notation Dids is a racist. Which is odd because Dids has stated that he really hates racists. The real goal of the thought experiment would be to see how many posters defend Did's racist thread by justifying that it was just a joke or a just an "honeypot" type of thought experiment. That way we would find out who else is racist along with Dids through association.

It could very well be that Dids is just driven stupid by thinking he is gonna hate the racism away, but we should probably still make note that "Dids is a racist" just in case.
04-03-2015 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
Imagine you’re a cop patrolling a politically balanced community. Over the course of a year you stop 50 Democrats (1 per week) and 50 Republicans (1 per week) but you search 4 Republicans (1 every 13 weeks) compared to only 2 Democrats (1 every 26 weeks). So at the end of the year your political disparity index is 2.0. What’s your justification? I think if you we’re highly biased, you’d be searching a lot more motorists with elephant stickers on their cars. What I think is going on is below the conscious surface, and you're not even aware you're doing it.

That’s representative of a typical patrol cop in America. What’s going on in Ferguson (and other areas that are over-policed maybe not for revenue, but for crime reduction) is that they’re stopping motorists 4 times the above rate, which results in a great deal more searches.
Yeah, what is happening if we call Republicans "blacks" and Democrats "whites" is actually racism. Racism doesnt require each individual cop to be a certified cross burning bigot. Searching the cars of more blacks because of a "biased, beneath the service view that you arent aware of" is, in fact, racism.

Solving overpolicing while not addressing this disparity does not constitute solving the policing department in Ferguson.
04-03-2015 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
It would be an interesting thought experiment to include the notation "Dids is a racist" whenever replying to his posts. We have a at least one thread that not only is clearly racist by the title, but also seems designed to encourage racists to post here ITF. So we have just cause to make a notation Dids is a racist. Which is odd because Dids has stated that he really hates racists. The real goal of the thought experiment would be to see how many posters defend Did's racist thread by justifying that it was just a joke or a just an "honeypot" type of thought experiment. That way we would find out who else is racist along with Dids through association.

It could very well be that Dids is just driven stupid by thinking he is gonna hate the racism away, but we should probably still make note that "Dids is a racist" just in case.

That's exactly what I was going to say.

Last edited by metaname2; 04-03-2015 at 02:28 PM. Reason: Dammit LetsGambool
04-03-2015 , 02:28 PM
Dids is obviously not a racist, FYI, TIA.
04-03-2015 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by vajennasguy
I think most of us have a good grasp on what the additional suspicious behaviour is that black people display.
Yeah, the characteristic isnt very hard to guess.
04-03-2015 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Hey chez, remember that time you lied about BruceZ making an apology? Did you really think we were all dumb enough to fall for that?
I witnessed several Bruce apologies. Man, diminishing another person's apology with a dishonest accussation of dishonesty is a terrible look. Ugly. Why do you poop in your hand and hold up for everyone to see like this?
04-03-2015 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I witnessed several Bruce apologies. Man, diminishing another person's apology with a dishonest accussation of dishonesty is a terrible look. Ugly. Why do you poop in your hand and hold up for everyone to see like this?
Can you quote one for us, please?
04-03-2015 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Can you quote one for us, please?
Is your memory that bad? You can even see at least one apology posted on file that other users can't see. So you are a dishonest apology troll as well or do you really have such a diminished mental capacity in this instance? You are even behaving as if "apology-gate" is not a re-occurring theme of the topic. Now we just need rjoe to pop in asking cynically about apology and it is indeed a groundhogs day level fiasco.
04-03-2015 , 02:49 PM
quote one
04-03-2015 , 02:50 PM
Saying "sorry you guys are such a bunch of little bitches that can't handle a little racism", doesn't really count as an apology.
04-03-2015 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I witnessed several Bruce apologies. Man, diminishing another person's apology with a dishonest accussation of dishonesty is a terrible look. Ugly. Why do you poop in your hand and hold up for everyone to see like this?
Spanky, you're a babbling racist moron. And you're lying.
04-03-2015 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Is your memory that bad? You can even see at least one apology posted on file that other users can't see. So you are a dishonest apology troll as well or do you really have such a diminished mental capacity in this instance? You are even behaving as if "apology-gate" is not a re-occurring theme of the topic. Now we just need rjoe to pop in asking cynically about apology and it is indeed a groundhogs day level fiasco.
Yeah, my memory is pretty bad. There were a lot of posts made. Is it so hard to believe I may have forgotten one? One quote could clear the whole thing up.
04-03-2015 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Is your memory that bad? You can even see at least one apology posted on file that other users can't see. So you are a dishonest apology troll as well or do you really have such a diminished mental capacity in this instance?
wookie and I discussed the private apologies yesterday. Not that surprising that he didn't find them sincere or showing sufficient empathy/understanding. (I don't think they were sufficient either btw but I'm sure nothing like as much as wookie).
04-03-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by vajennasguy
Saying "sorry you guys are such a bunch of little bitches that can't handle a little racism", doesn't really count as an apology.
That was not the gist of any apology I witnessed, however one apology I witnessed I commented at the time that it seemed spontaneous. Which fits a genuine profile of Bruce as a person to validate it's sincerity. It addressed the Mexican cockroach analogy and is in the thread adios made in this sub-forum addressing that post.

I'm not sure if you noticed, but Bruce is a fairly passionate poster. The real cornerstone of his apology is it fits the facts of the setting. A causal philosophy forum with a presumed limited audience where taking care to use non-specific elements when crafting a description of how a person might develop an implicit bias because they don't like their neighbors music was overlooked.

He wasn't trying to target Mexicans or their music. That would be at odds of describing how simple minded people might come to that conclusion by developing a bias based on something rather superficial.

If he had picked metal-heads rather than Mexicans because he doesn't like power-chords this would not be a political controversy and he could have made the same point. Understanding how prejudice can form is the point he was making- that counts. It's a point that fits his apology, and one that is actually very smart towards countering racist thinking. That really counts.

If you understand the point he was really making it becomes easy to understand how he might have over-reacted being accused of the opposite.
04-03-2015 , 03:07 PM
Chez finding solidarity in the guy who has devolved into a completely disingenuous troll is pretty great. Those are your people man, dudes not making any effort to be taken seriously.
04-03-2015 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I want to see a web video series of people describing this thread to strangers on the street.

"Wait, there's a guy who has been arguing for months about being called racist on a message board"

"No, the guy who got called racist isn't doing the arguing, it's a bunch of other guys who hardly know him"

"But why"

"Well he was nice about math homework (and also they're racist toolbags)".
Option 1:

"Lol, these guys are getting trolled so hard. They're trying so hard to engage in this futile conversation with trolls, but they keep falling into the most obvious traps. Like the trolls keep bringing up this event from a long time ago that has nothing to do with the conversation and pretending like the other guys can't let that subject drop."

"Why do they bother?"

"I don't know man. Maybe they don't know they're being trolled? Or maybe they're also trolling just to keep the lols going?"

"No, not them. The trolls. Seems like they're shooting fish in a barrel. I can't imagine finding something with so little challenge to it entertaining."

Option 2 (skip to 3:32):

04-03-2015 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Yeah, what is happening if we call Republicans "blacks" and Democrats "whites" is actually racism. Racism doesnt require each individual cop to be a certified cross burning bigot. Searching the cars of more blacks because of a "biased, beneath the service view that you arent aware of" is, in fact, racism.

Solving overpolicing while not addressing this disparity does not constitute solving the policing department in Ferguson.
Okay, so let’s agree there’s some unconscious or subconscious racial bias. What do we do about it? Ferguson wasn’t the DOJ’s first rodeo. They come in and do their study, a few people get fired, the cops attend a few hours of racial sensitivity training… and nothing changes. So if the issue is along the lines of a Dem cop seeing a GOP sticker on a car…, how do you propose we deal with that?
04-03-2015 , 03:20 PM
What's the odds that Cheeselaw is a David Irving fan?
