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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

04-01-2015 , 01:37 PM
Do you think that in his functions as moderator of poker theory or probability BruceZ ever undermined 2+2?
Well, yeah, when he threatened bannings out of forum and tried to use his mod status to gain information to attack a poster. That's when he was demoded.

First: Team "we need to make sure we don't shout down the racists" seems to change tone right quick when it comes to what mods should have done to viewpoints opposed to the ideas contained in Bruce's posts. That **** should have been snap shut down yo.

Next: Is Bruce a god among men; full of bold ideas, independent of spirit, sharp on his feet, quick with the wit, sound of ideas, tirelessly dedicated to the betterment of twoplustwo and, indeed, mankind and the universe as a whole....or is he a ****ing child who doesn't have the will or brainpower to be responsible for what he posts on an internet message board . I get confused when he's described both ways by the same poster.

Finally: Lets not gloss over an exciting new definition for the word racism: mean internet posts about SMP posters.

Oh wow, two new definitions neither of which involve, you know, race (but never truly malicious at heart towards any specific individual trying to harm or undermine prospects of anyone which is what true racism is )

Last edited by LetsGambool; 04-01-2015 at 01:52 PM.
04-01-2015 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You really don't think any of his posts in the mod forum showed any understanding or empathy? Some olive twigs?

It takes both sides to extend hands and sometimes in stages but was there any effort from you or others on your side? maybe there was and I just haven't heard about it?

Are you even suggesting that you wanted such a thing?
chezlaw's endless faith in BruceZ's having made some very sincere secret apology is hilarious, considering that his public posts(incredibly racist and abusive) weren't what got him demodded.
04-01-2015 , 01:42 PM
We didn't force Bruce to be anything. Why do we have an ethical responsibility to Bruce, but Bruce does not have an ethical responsibility to us? Why does his heightened emotional reaction get deference when we, who are agitated by the presence of deplorable racism as well as threats from Bruce against our personal lives and ability to post here, get none? And why does Bruce have no ethical responsibility for empathy towards the citizenry of Ferguson, who he called a bunch of racists along with a bunch of other insults, lies, yellow journalism, etc.? Why can he call them names without regard for the numerous contributions they may have made for the betterment of humanity?

By the way, no one lied about Bruce. We quoted his posts. Our opinion of what they mean may differ from yours, but that isn't lying.
04-01-2015 , 01:43 PM
masque- Have you considered enrolling in like an English as a Second Language course or something?
04-01-2015 , 01:47 PM
I never got this olive branch stuff anyway. Raw olives are bitter and hard to swallow. I prefer mine aged in salt.
04-01-2015 , 01:51 PM
Holy crap this thread guys...

As the person who quoted the posts that started this situation I am hereby extending the olive branch of peace and harmony. Whatever Bruces current opinion of 2+2 what he should do is really really obvious.

1. If he still cares about the community and wants to do good and help out and be as awesome as he ever was just make a new screen name that no one will link to his old account, start posting in the maths help threads and retire a few of the more lets say controversial characters in his estimable repertoire. Tell the gang to stop defending the old him, have no one ever mention the BruceZ name again and in a few weeks FredY or whatever will be the new toast of the homework thread.

2. If he no longer cares about 2+2 because of how they treated him and wants nothing more to do with it, he should for the love of god stop people from trying to stick up for him because it makes him look really pathetic. If he's still in contact with chez and masque let them know that he's washed his hands of 2+2 and they should let everything drop. It comes across as "my friend says he's not talking to you anymore" which is not a good look.
04-01-2015 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
By the way, no one lied about Bruce. We quoted his posts. Our opinion of what they mean may differ from yours, but that isn't lying.
1. Attack the argument, not the arguer.
Not in particular to BruceZ, but what is your justification for not enforcing that rule on the main politics board?
04-01-2015 , 01:59 PM

1) isn't going to fly because the ultimate end game here isn't for Bruce to get back to solving algebra problems, its to get twoplustwo back to a safe place where wistfully musing about how slaves hit the lottery and dirty Mexicans are ruining the neighborhood brokers no dissenting commentary

2) Im assuming the SMP crew figured out hey could have the same exact conversations, just not on 2+2, but would be amusing if that was wrong.
04-01-2015 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
1. Attack the argument, not the arguer.
Not in particular to BruceZ, but what is your justification for not enforcing that rule on the main politics board?
Good point, he could save a lot of time by just strictly enforcing the no racism rule with snap bans as well as the no commenting on moderation rule and no linking to hate sites rule.
04-01-2015 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
1. Attack the argument, not the arguer.
Not in particular to BruceZ, but what is your justification for not enforcing that rule on the main politics board?
Addressing a post that's racist and calling it racist is attacking the argument.
04-01-2015 , 02:02 PM
I'm pretty sure Pocket Fives has a slavery discussion forum.
04-01-2015 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We didn't force Bruce to be anything. Why do we have an ethical responsibility to Bruce, but Bruce does not have an ethical responsibility to us?
I'm not sure ethical responsibility has anything to do with it.

Bruce did make some efforts, maybe you think they were inadequate but he was trying. Others could have made some efforts as well if they had wanted to.
04-01-2015 , 02:09 PM
Was threatening pvn part of that outreach effort?
04-01-2015 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by metaname2
I'm pretty sure Pocket Fives has a slavery discussion forum.
they're all slaves to their meaningless "earnings badges"

chez, please link one post where brucez "made an effort"
04-01-2015 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Holy crap this thread guys...

As the person who quoted the posts that started this situation I am hereby extending the olive branch of peace and harmony. Whatever Bruces current opinion of 2+2 what he should do is really really obvious ...
That wasn't very much of an olive branch was it

but if you think he could just return under a new name without anyone noticing then you don't realise what he contributed to 2+2.
04-01-2015 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm not sure ethical responsibility has anything to do with it.

Bruce did make some efforts, maybe you think they were inadequate but he was trying. Others could have made some efforts as well if they had wanted to.
You've been asked specific questions about what "others making efforts" means multiple times with no response, yet here you are, whining away about it again without an answer.
04-01-2015 , 02:14 PM
and lol masque, typical 1000+ word novel whilst completely missing the point and/or making a ton of incorrect assumptions.

all these attempts to shift the burden of "ethical responsibility" onto politics forum posters when hero bruce was called out for being a racist, threatening, power abusing, condescending bully
04-01-2015 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
That wasn't very much of an olive branch was it

but if you think he could just return under a new name without anyone noticing then you don't realise what he contributed to 2+2.
racism and threats

ok on 2+2 because math homework
04-01-2015 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Was threatening pvn part of that outreach effort?
You can keep on about all the bad stuff and remain silent about the efforts he made but it's not the whole picture.

As you say you have no responsibility to do otherwise. Why should you?
04-01-2015 , 02:18 PM
Specifically, which efforts? What efforts were not made by the other side?
04-01-2015 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You can keep on about all the bad stuff and remain silent about the efforts he made but it's not the whole picture.

As you say you have no responsibility to do otherwise. Why should you?
you've been asked repeatedly to show an example of bruce "making an effort"

you have failed to do so, yet you keep going on about these supposed "efforts".

you're a terrible poster and you should be banned
04-01-2015 , 02:23 PM
Far as I can tell the only effort Bruce made was to further clarify that he was a racist, but threw in some bullying and homophobia as well.
04-01-2015 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
1. Attack the argument, not the arguer.
Not in particular to BruceZ, but what is your justification for not enforcing that rule on the main politics board?
Are you also upset that he hasn't infracted you for your countless rants against liberals, Liberals, LIBERALS?

Cuz that's against the rules too
04-01-2015 , 02:26 PM
The pathology of a community becomes more evident when you propose people get together and offer friendship and then we go back to the blaming score keeping game again, the insults, the sarcastic tone on the arguments showing contempt beneath any statement.

Hero/toast of the homework thread? Really? Can it even be research type homework? Is that what i miss here? Did you even care to see how many times i disagreed with Bruce on many things over the years? None of these would ever be enough to conclude the man is a racist or that he is a bad person or that others must treat him so insultingly ugly as i have witnessed. Even in Homer's Iliad (Troy) eventually the major heroes/fighters respected each other and did the right thing after the hubris occurred. If we cant learn from our culture and be worthy of our own challenges then in what way are we better more evolved people?

Always when you attack/criticize others hold yourselves responsible and keep asking the question if those that you think you fight for still endorse the person that you have become in their name or the name of their causes...
04-01-2015 , 02:26 PM
"I hear you and empathize. Can we maybe just be called butt buddies instead of estrogen related butt buddies? No pressure, wouldnt want to offend you, but please give it consideration if it doesnt displease you"
