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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

04-01-2015 , 07:10 PM

I have seen a number of things that lead me to think that he thinks less of people of certain other races or sexual orientations. Some are quoted in this thread for you. Hope this helps.
04-01-2015 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Do you have a place he ever posted that he specifically says that a particular race or ethnic group is inferior as people to other groups? I would imagine racists do that all the time and are proud of it.

Do you even know the guy speaks Spanish and has lived for a while in Mexico? I have never seen him over the years say anything that would indicate he views certain color people or ethnic group as inferior humans in any way.
Once more with the 'it isn't racist unless you are literally dropping racial slurs or explicitly proclaiming that ethic group x is inferior'. We've been through this, most racists these days understand they can't get away with obvious racism so they mask it with things like complaining about music that only mexicans play, and making thinly veiled comparisons to cockroaches

Originally Posted by masque de Z
1) The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2) Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Where has 1 or 2 happened with Bruce? Where has he discriminated against a particular race in a manner that hurts them or affects them materially?
So now you're saying it isn't racist unless it affects someone materially? Even if it doesn't hurt a soul, racism is racism.
04-01-2015 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
If so all we have to do is ask Bruce what he would like to see be acknowledged from his side and what he can offer and then maybe we can bring all sides to an agreement that improves 2+2 that involves having back active a creative member.
No one here wants him back to offer his creative racist tantrums. No one wanted him to come in here and **** all over politardia in the first place. If you had all just stayed in SMP, none of this would have happened.
04-01-2015 , 07:21 PM
masque's idea of extending an olive branch appears to require the recipients to bend over.
04-01-2015 , 07:22 PM

Asserting that the black people of Ferguson are rioting only because they have been fooled by charlatans is an assertion that black people are inferior on it's face. An assertion that slavery is a bad gig for you and me but like winning the lottery for Africans is an assertion that black people are inferior on its face. If you can't even grant that, then you need to get a new dictionary.
04-01-2015 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
masque's idea of extending an olive branch appears to require the recipients to bend over.
The whole negotiation/olive branch tack is just so odd. We already shot the hostage. Actually, shooting the hostage was the goal in the first place.

Like, I have a proposal: you SMP guys shut the holy **** up and go back to your playpen and we'll stop talking about BruceZ.
04-01-2015 , 07:31 PM
Id probably like to see an explanation or contrition for his racism as a start.

Don't really care if he posts here or not, I certainly wont be going into SMP or probability to troll him. He should probably just pretend politics doesn't exist though, racist **** prolly getting commented on there.

Like what is masque even asking for, a sticky saying "Bruce Z is not a racist"?

Last edited by LetsGambool; 04-01-2015 at 07:36 PM.
04-01-2015 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
He certainly was sad he got caught up in this, but he insisted to the end that we should believe simultaneously that he was playing the role of a racist for argument and that nothing he said was actually racist, not recognizing that these were contradictory positions. He did try to reword things to try to find something we would believe, but he would never concede that his posts were racist, only that he could see how we would mistake his posts for being racist, and that our inability to see that the posts weren't racist was our own shortcoming.
No point in going back over that, we've long known our positions on the racism issue and the confusion caused by different uses of the word 'racist'

What about the subsequent issues though - the ones that led up to the demodding. Did you see any empathy or understanding in his posts about that? Or all still insincere?
04-01-2015 , 07:32 PM
masque, are you actually speaking for Bruce now? Is he really being such a petty douchebag that he's demanding to be regreened and apologized to as a condition for him to grace us with his presence? Because if you're not speaking for him that's the impression you're giving, so you should probably stop that.
04-01-2015 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Once more with the 'it isn't racist unless you are literally dropping racial slurs or explicitly proclaiming that ethic group x is inferior'. We've been through this, most racists these days understand they can't get away with obvious racism so they mask it with things like complaining about music that only mexicans play, and making thinly veiled comparisons to cockroaches

So now you're saying it isn't racist unless it affects someone materially? Even if it doesn't hurt a soul, racism is racism.
Remember, all of like 7 hours ago, masque stated that the real racism was saying mean things about a group of SMP posters, or at least that is was more racist than anything Bruce did.
04-01-2015 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
My bad I missed the 'should have been' in the below post
Cheers, fair enough.
04-01-2015 , 07:34 PM
He maintained that all his emotional outbursts were our fault.
04-01-2015 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
No point in going back over that, we've long known our positions on the racism issue and the confusion caused by different uses of the word 'racist'

What about the subsequent issues though - the ones that led up to the demodding. Did you see any empathy or understanding in his posts about that? Or all still insincere?
How many different times do you want Wookie to answer that before you finally shut the **** up or produce a point?
04-01-2015 , 07:42 PM
Did we ever get quotes of the posts where he totally felt bad and apologized?
04-01-2015 , 07:55 PM
lol. Good one.
04-01-2015 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Did we ever get quotes of the posts where he totally felt bad and apologized?
Those are acknowledged to not be public, and my account of the mod forum contents isn't in dispute.
04-01-2015 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
He maintained that all his emotional outbursts were our fault.
No empathy or understanding for anything at all iyo?
04-01-2015 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I don't think you should be banned. I think you hold some racist and vile viewpoints and some valid ones, but you aren't a Bahbah or rara like content less caricature. I just think whining about strict rule enforcement is sort of funny coming from you.
What are the racist and vile viewpoints you’re accusing me of holding?
04-01-2015 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
No empathy or understanding for anything at all iyo?
He didn't show enough that anyone really took his posts in the mod forum as anything but wild and disjoint attempts to find something that would make all the heat go away.
04-01-2015 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
He didn't show enough that anyone really took his posts in the mod forum as anything but wild and disjoint attempts to find something that would make all the heat go away.
Not enough is probably the most I could expect to hear.

The way the apologies were received isn't in much doubt they were clearly not welcomed let alone used to build on. We will never agree on how sincere they were and how much understanding/empathy was being shown.
04-01-2015 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
masque, are you actually speaking for Bruce now? Is he really being such a petty douchebag that he's demanding to be regreened and apologized to as a condition for him to grace us with his presence? Because if you're not speaking for him that's the impression you're giving, so you should probably stop that.
I dont know what might motivate Bruce to come back. I am not speaking for anyone other than myself. I speculate that at a minimum if it was me i would want the mods to accept their responsibility in escalating things instead of containing it and forcing the people in their forums to behave better and to declare together with management that they do not think i am racist because this is very important to me. That is a starting point.

Personally i wouldnt post in a site that doesnt want to do at least that. The mod thing is not material to me because i dont ever want to be a mod in this site. My friends would be a concern because i enjoy interacting with them. If however i was a mod as a sign the site respected my posting history and contribution to the site i would not return to post unless i was given back my prior status (after what happened the way it did and after having complied with the request of the management to remain civil after a certain point) because anything else as choice continues to "see" me as a failed member that will be tolerated back but not respected like it was before or considered good enough for it. I do not care for such bs. Either people are ready to listen to my description of why this happened and where i failed personally and the exact reasons i failed when under severe attack (if i were Bruce say) and what i learned from all this or they are not and they continue to hate me. Then i wish them a good life and they will hear from me later in some other venture because success is the best "revenge" .

For me Bruce needed to behave better back then but i understand why it happened so ugly the way it did. Because the compounded insults allowed to take place undefended by management is a very significant show of lack of trust and allegiance from the people i gave so much for over a decade and who should know already i am not a racist to defend me vigorously about it.
04-01-2015 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Not enough is probably the most I could expect to hear.

The way the apologies were received isn't in much doubt they were clearly not welcomed let alone used to build on. We will never agree on how sincere they were and how much understanding/empathy was being shown.
Well, if you want to talk in particulars about a given post, quote it and I will listen to your thoughts
04-01-2015 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Well, if you want to talk in particulars about a given post, quote it and I will listen to your thoughts
I just wanted to hear your thoughts on the dialogue that took place and at least acknowledge an effort was made even if you considered it not genuine and insufficient. My thoughts incorporate many many hours of conversations.

If you didn't see what I saw in the posts then that's the end of it.
04-01-2015 , 08:39 PM
OK, then why don't we switch to me and talk about my reprehensible posts and what should have been said instead.
04-01-2015 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
OK, then why don't we switch to me and talk about my reprehensible posts and what should have been said instead.
What in particular are you referring to? We dealt with you not responding to Bruce's apologies as you didn't find then sincere or to be enough.
