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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

03-29-2015 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
Nope, every.
okay you do just mean your cognitive bias then.

Fortunately it's all contained now as it should probably have been along time ago.
03-29-2015 , 08:55 PM
Hey, something we agree on.
03-29-2015 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
Hey, something we agree on.
You noticed one of my joke recently as well - who knows what's possible.

I've been saying the tarding up shouldn't be allowed for ages. It's extraordinary how you can forget to blame the person who determinedly made it happen even though he said he would do it while I argued against it because of consideration for others (like you). Bias is an amazing thing.
03-29-2015 , 09:36 PM
That middle part doesn't make sense.

No one is to blame for your own posting but you
03-29-2015 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
No one is to blame for your own posting but you
Of course. My preference was for others not to start it, my second preference was for it to be stopped, my 3rd preferences was to respond.

You should have spoken out against all as well if you didn't like it. You are responsible for your own actions just like everybody else.
03-29-2015 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah, and it looks like he even makes a fool out of them.
As has been mentioned using different phrasing, conservatism and racism/jingoism/xenophobia/intolerance are nearly synonymous.

Of course, nowadays only a select few conservatives make it sufficiently explicit instead of relying on dog whistles.
03-29-2015 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Can you be more cryptic and vague?
There were maybe three or four people who posted in SMP who believe that they are driven by reason and logic. To a great extent, I drove them away for being too ridiculous.

Also, chez can be more cryptic and vague.
03-29-2015 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
shorn isn't an SMPer, not sure duffee is particularly. I'll may get stuck in about FoldnDark if he cares to get involved but he doesn't seem to 'cover' for anything much does he? BTM and I are long time SMPers who are here a fair bit - the stereotype is just an invention that's magnified a divide on a very specific case into some general nonsense.

I appreciate your words about me, maybe one day you will reconsider your view a bit.
It's a stereotype driven by the few of you clowns whining about moderators and going massively over sensitive about racists being called racist because you have a sad that your friend turned out to be a nutjob whose version of open discussion involved musing wistfully about dirty minorities comment and criticism free.
03-30-2015 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Just because it's revealing doesn't mean people are seeing objectively. It's being filtered heavily by 'us vs them' and by the natural bias to believe people who oppose us on any aspect of a moral issue are 'bad' while we are 'good'.
To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil. -Charles Krauthammer
If that’s true, it wouldn’t be surprising to see character attacks coming from one side and arguments from the other.
03-30-2015 , 12:31 AM
Don't worry duffee all the LIBRULS here think you're pretty damn stupid
03-30-2015 , 01:03 AM
krouthammer is a moron too.

this is what it is. liberals think conservatives are stupid. conservatives think liberals are pussies.

and that's that.
03-30-2015 , 01:55 AM
lol @ citing Krauthammer
03-30-2015 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
It's a stereotype
Like most stereotypes it's a load of nonsense that as usual has far more to do with the people who believe it than the people it's believed about.
03-30-2015 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I've been saying the tarding up shouldn't be allowed for ages.
Chez, why are you even here?
03-30-2015 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Like most stereotypes it's a load of nonsense that as usual has far more to do with the people who believe it than the people it's believed about.
Well, no, you clowns actually have been doing that for six months now.
03-30-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Well, no
It's standard stereotyping. It's a cognitive mistake by the person doing the stereotyping. It's common as is then blaming those they stereotype.
03-30-2015 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It's standard stereotyping. It's a cognitive mistake by the person doing the stereotyping. It's common as is then blaming those they stereotype.
We are all subject to cognitive bias and I think it's a mistake to leverage these bias without acknowledging that they influence you as well.

How many posts from Foldn, Masque and you have been posted in politics or politics unchained over the last 6 months? How many in the 6 months prior, how many posts have been linked to racism, how many not.

These numbers are actually available and I'd be surprised if the majority of your posts weren't on a particular topic and more during the last 6 months than before that time. There's a grain of truth in the accusations leveled at posters from SMP, some of it is clearly bollocks but not all.
03-30-2015 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
We are all subject to cognitive bias and I think it's a mistake to leverage these bias without acknowledging that they influence you as well.
Of course they influence me as well. I try hard not to be influenced because I'm aware of it but biases are very tricky things and I'm aware that however hard we try we must fail to some extent.

How many posts from Foldn, Masque and you have been posted in politics or politics unchained over the last 6 months? How many in the 6 months prior, how many posts have been linked to racism, how many not.

These numbers are actually available and I'd be surprised if the majority of your posts weren't on a particular topic and more during the last 6 months than before that time. There's a grain of truth in the accusations leveled at posters from SMP, some of it is clearly bollocks but not all.
Just speaking for myself. Clearly I'm here massively more than before and that's as a consequence of the Bruce fiasco. As for posts made on topics - if you take out the posts responding to the nonsense of letsgambool and others who have determinedly made threads about me then you would be surprised I think (especially if you take into account I'm rarely posting on the very USA centric party/personality topics).

Did you see wookies claim I only posted in two threads? - how would you explain the staggering difference between the truth and perception?

Plus of course, as always, when i'm involve in the racism and other prejudice topics I'm arguing against the views of the people a few here are abusive to.
03-30-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It's standard stereotyping. It's a cognitive mistake by the person doing the stereotyping. It's common as is then blaming those they stereotype.
Well, no, since you, FoldN, and Jibs have actually been doing this. Ive tried to use "a few posters from SMP" and "A subset of SMP posters" in my posts precisely to avoid wrapping up innocent posters with you, BruceZ's incompetent counsel, FoldN, and Jibs.
03-30-2015 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Just speaking for myself. Clearly I'm here massively more than before and that's as a consequence of the Bruce fiasco.
Finally, after six months, Chez tells us why he was here. Thanks for finally admitting its the Bruce fiasco. Lol at "stereotype" analysis above.
03-30-2015 , 11:11 AM
dereds. In case you missed it. This is what he said to me.

Originally Posted by MrWookie
Since last August, you've posted in exactly two threads: the Scottish Independence thread, which ~no one here reads, and the Mike Brown thread, in which your only purpose is to whine about people calling things racist. Yeah, lots of stuff.
The reality:

Originally Posted by chezlaw
? making a list using the search facility

Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Here we go again
Entrepreneurial state
Drunk Sex and Rape
Beware Ikes
Mr Netanhayu
Will DNA
Another tragic death of Transgender
What makes a law racist
State of the Union
UK Politarding
Numerous Africans at Harvard
January LC
Famous politician, Royalty ..
Eric Garner
Legal to see bodies
Taliban slaughtering
CIA Torture
Non utilitarian principles
Questio re CIA torture
Chrisv's grand theory
Jelly Beans & politics
tepid yes votes
help for inner cities
October LC thread
When 5% is dangerous
UK constitutional change
Independence final figures
Scottish independence debate
Chance golf is ploy
Flaws in DN's Israel post
Truck missile
Two state solution Ukraine

I think that's all post August. That's just politics, there's PU as well:
Top 1% wealth
Chat about racism
Footballer penalised
sexism & feminism
animal rights
religious freedom
mandated reporting
peak oil
political correctness
rape victim support
+ all the silly/fun threads lie this one

and of course there wasn't just dealing with the usual usual in the Mike Brown thread.
03-30-2015 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Of course they influence me as well. I try hard not to be influenced because I'm aware of it but biases are very tricky things and I'm aware that however hard we try we must fail to some extent.

Just speaking for myself. Clearly I'm here massively more than before and that's as a consequence of the Bruce fiasco. As for posts made on topics - if you take out the posts responding to the nonsense of letsgambool and others who have determinedly made threads about me then you would be surprised I think (especially if you take into account I'm rarely posting on the very USA centric party/personality topics).

Did you see wookies claim I only posted in two threads? - how would you explain the staggering difference between the truth and perception?

Plus of course, as always, when i'm involve in the racism and other prejudice topics I'm arguing against the views of the people a few here are abusive to.
I'm not taking out any posts as they are all illustrative of the discussions you've been involved in. I am not talking of you specifically but the posters from SMP who have been loudest have been loudest in threads discussing racism with a couple of barely hidden attempts to discuss the whole Bruce thing.

It's not nonsense to point this out.
03-30-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
I'm not taking out any posts as they are all illustrative of the discussions you've been involved in. I am not talking of you specifically but the posters from SMP who have been loudest have been loudest in threads discussing racism with a couple of barely hidden attempts to discuss the whole Bruce thing.

It's not nonsense to point this out.
Masque is barely here so who forms this stereotype?

Not me, not btm, not ds I assume.

Maybe LetsGambool and fly fit the stereotype fairly well. They are loudest in those threads and it's often obviously about bruce. If you had a metric LetsGambool would be tough to beat.

Last edited by chezlaw; 03-30-2015 at 11:39 AM.
03-30-2015 , 11:40 AM
Yeah chez, you have been the biggest offender, and its not surprisingly given you were apparently giving BruceZ terrible advice and one of the biggest contributors to the "fiasco". You certainly played a much greater role in Bruce leaving the site than I did.
03-30-2015 , 11:44 AM
You have been loudest in threads discussing racism as has Jibninja's and FoldnDark. Yes my view on this is subject to bias but if took the time to count your posts across racism and non racism threads I'm happy to wager the numbers support this. Now this is my view and I've only been reading politics the last couple of months not since the Bruce fiasco started but that's the view of someone not as invested in the forum as the others you are accusing.
