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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24

01-25-2011 , 08:18 PM
Confirmed everything with the dealers last night... I guess the first couple promos like this that they ran never even filled up... lol So there is really not a hurry on this one though I think it has gained a little steam. They don't advertise this at all...
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-25-2011 , 09:43 PM
Anyone know if the WPT it sattys into will be 18+ or 21+?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2011 , 12:06 AM
What time is the tournament tomorrow?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2011 , 12:07 AM
I think this lady Lisa Yap won her seat into the biloxi wpt in that hardo rock freeroll and is still in with 28 people to go. lol donkaments
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2011 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by j9neverlose
I think this lady Lisa Yap won her seat into the biloxi wpt in that hardo rock freeroll and is still in with 28 people to go. lol donkaments
Yea she was chip leader for awhile. I heard she got super lucky on the bubble of the HR freeroll. needed runner runner and got it or would have bubbled.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2011 , 07:37 AM
Hilbert Shirey is still in he is/was a 5/10+ reg out there. Not sure if he came out of the freeroll though.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2011 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by RUFFNECK
Hilbert Shirey is still in he is/was a 5/10+ reg out there. Not sure if he came out of the freeroll though.
I don't think he did. He is a regular tourney pro.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by crazynip
If it's the *** I am thinking of (*****'s wife), yea, she is a complete bitch, but at least a competent dealer.
Don't mean to play forum cop, but calling out specific employees by name isn't kosher. Anyone's capable of a bad day or an impolitic moment, no reason to forever brand them on the interwebz as incompetent boobies.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Don't mean to play forum cop, but calling out specific employees by name isn't kosher. Anyone's capable of a bad day or an impolitic moment, no reason to forever brand them on the interwebz as incompetent boobies.
If I were one of the employees in question and read a forum thread where I was called out by name for extremely poor behavior, that behavior was described in detail, then mentioned again by OTHER posters (so it's not just one guy's experience or the person having a "bad day") I would question my behavior at the very least. And though not likely, it's always possible the person could see that they've indeed wronged others and realize that if they want respect then they'd better start behaving in a way that warrants respect.

In short, holding people accountable for their actions is a fine thing to do. All the posters who complained about her by name also did so face to face with her in front of many other people, don't forget. And the employee in question was unforgiving and vindictive. This isn't back stabbing.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by HauntingTheHoly
In short, holding people accountable for their actions is a fine thing to do. All the posters who complained about her by name also did so face to face with her in front of many other people, don't forget. And the employee in question was unforgiving and vindictive. This isn't back stabbing.
It's not about that. Or even a novel idea:
B&M Forum Guidelines

(7) Privacy of non-famous players and card room employees. Respect other players' and card room employees' privacy; do not use their names on the forum unless they have given permission to do so either explicitly on the forums or implicitly by becoming an authorized representative.
You can cry and stamp your feet all you want about whoever you want, that's what the forum is about, but giving real names of private citizens on internet forums is uncool.

I don't know anyone that works at THR, btw, I live 70mi away, I'm not defending anyone specific at all.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
It's not about that. Or even a novel idea:
You can cry and stamp your feet all you want about whoever you want, that's what the forum is about, but giving real names of private citizens on internet forums is uncool.

I don't know anyone that works at THR, btw, I live 70mi away, I'm not defending anyone specific at all.
Yeah, you might have noticed I constantly used the term "the employee" in my last response to you, b/c I intuitively understand the principle of the rule you copied. Someone else had already posted a first name, so I went along and continued to mention it, since the info was available to everyone at that point. Maybe that wasn't a great idea and I should have ignored the mentioned first name and just referred to the person as "The Idiot" (which I'll do from here on out). I think that's a good idea as newcomers aren't as likely to go back several pages to find The Idiot's first name, whereas if we were to keep mentioning The Idiot by The Idiot's first name, that name would indeed become well known by many posters over time and that wouldn't be fair to The Idiot regardless of how Idiotic The Idiot is. The Idiot ought to have an opportunity to make a case for itself, I think, regardless of the fact that it would be pathetic and I doubt The Idiot would care to do so. *shrug*

Finally, the offended group that used The Idiot's first name did so out of indignation *caused* by The Idiot. So it's hard to feel sorry for the Idiot and The Idiot can blame itself. It's understandable that people may defend themselves quickly in a situation such as this without regard to technicalities like forum rules. And while this may not excuse the group from mentioning a first name, there are worse crimes out there, no? But you are correct, and I will refer to the person from now on as......."The Idiot." *bows*

Thanks for your help.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 09:09 AM
i dunno. i appreciated getting a name and description. with so many accounts i believe it's a pattern, not a "bad day". when i play there and get that dealer, i'm taking a break. i don't want to have my own bad experience.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by 85chickasaw
i dunno. i appreciated getting a name and description. with so many accounts i believe it's a pattern, not a "bad day". when i play there and get that dealer, i'm taking a break. i don't want to have my own bad experience.

I'm with you.

I realize the rule in the forum, but sometimes you gotta call people out. The jobs out there are service based jobs, if you can't complain about the service, and who is rendering it poorly how do you get the word out. Its sad there are some good employees out there who get lumped in with the piss poor ones if you don't call them out.

I'm in healthcare, sometimes a patient says I suck publicly, its the risk of rendering service for money.

Same goes for players, I wouldn't even call myself a reg. out there at all, but it seems every time I go its mostly the same people being ********s to other players/employees. In the future I am going to ask people for their names too just to embarrass them.

On a positive note I was stuck so bad Saturday I went to eat at Council Oak since I figured whats another hundo, it was outstanding. I've been to many of the top steakhouses in the US, the food was on par with these places. Check it out if you haven't already.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by RUFFNECK

On a positive note I was stuck so bad Saturday I went to eat at Council Oak since I figured whats another hundo, it was outstanding. I've been to many of the top steakhouses in the US, the food was on par with these places. Check it out if you haven't already.
Mmmmm, lobster Mac-n-cheese ftw
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by RUFFNECK

On a positive note I was stuck so bad Saturday I went to eat at Council Oak since I figured whats another hundo, it was outstanding. I've been to many of the top steakhouses in the US, the food was on par with these places. Check it out if you haven't already.


As to the discussion of staff and boobies, I am partial to some of the cocktail servers there, so don't go knockin' my hobbies.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 11:16 AM
Council Oak is by far top notch. I've eaten at Bern's, Charley's, Flemming's Council Oak, Ruth's and Capital Grille and Council Oak is right there. Best bang for the buck is really Bern's (especially with the dessert room) but Council definitely holds its own among the top in Tampa.

FWIW not that the HR Cafe isn't good, but Floyd's I thought was a real diamond in the rough. My wife and I went there almost every time we played (unless the session went real downhill fast, and we wanted to bolt) but if we weren't feeling Fresh Harvest, Floyd's was awesome. I know it was the least popular of the restaurants, but I never had a bad experience there.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 11:58 AM
Please remember to keep posts on-topic and to review the B&M Forum guidelines before posting again in this thread. A lot of people recently posted off-topic, no-content, or naming cardroom staff or non-famous players. All of that is against the guidelines and will result in infractions if it continues. If you have any questions re the guidelines, please send me a PM or post in the low-content thread of this forum. Thanks!
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by andymalman
Council Oak is by far top notch. I've eaten at Bern's, Charley's, Flemming's Council Oak, Ruth's and Capital Grille and Council Oak is right there. Best bang for the buck is really Bern's (especially with the dessert room) but Council definitely holds its own among the top in Tampa.

FWIW not that the HR Cafe isn't good, but Floyd's I thought was a real diamond in the rough. My wife and I went there almost every time we played (unless the session went real downhill fast, and we wanted to bolt) but if we weren't feeling Fresh Harvest, Floyd's was awesome. I know it was the least popular of the restaurants, but I never had a bad experience there.

Floyd's (which was a restaurant at the Hard Rock - Tampa) I thought was God-awful.

For awhile, they had a promotion going with my Player's Card points off of slot play (my truly degen side) that was basically two for one on points. Had a great meal there with a friend for maybe a third of my comp dollars, which wasn't much.

Have you eaten at the Harvest Buffet deal there? Every time I go its packed and not a seafood fan so I end up skipping it.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by joansing

Have you eaten at the Harvest Buffet deal there? Every time I go its packed and not a seafood fan so I end up skipping it.
Very meh for the money you pay. If you pay with comps, it's one thing. But for $22, I wasn't impressed at all. Luckily my poker comps paid for my one trip there.

I usually go to the Rock 'N' Roll sushi bar just outside the buffet. Very little traffic, and the sushi is very fresh.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by joansing
Floyd's (which was a restaurant at the Hard Rock - Tampa) I thought was God-awful.

For awhile, they had a promotion going with my Player's Card points off of slot play (my truly degen side) that was basically two for one on points. Had a great meal there with a friend for maybe a third of my comp dollars, which wasn't much.

Have you eaten at the Harvest Buffet deal there? Every time I go its packed and not a seafood fan so I end up skipping it.
Who the hell went to Floyd's for the food? Booze and insanely hot women ftw. I hope Hard Rock Cafe keeps the party going. It was pretty sweet opening night.

Originally Posted by DeeKay
Very meh for the money you pay. If you pay with comps, it's one thing. But for $22, I wasn't impressed at all. Luckily my poker comps paid for my one trip there.

I usually go to the Rock 'N' Roll sushi bar just outside the buffet. Very little traffic, and the sushi is very fresh.
FTW!!!!!!!!! SO GOOD!

I think I am headed up there tonight if anyone would like to meet up and eat before hand or something. PM me.

p.s. Keep your posts on topic now boys.... I lost 9 posts somehow, the forum police have us marked now....

Last edited by Rapini; 01-27-2011 at 02:43 PM. Reason: merge
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Webernaut
FTW!!!!!!!!! SO GOOD!

I think I am headed up there tonight if anyone would like to meet up and eat before hand or something. PM me.

I'll be there either tomorrow night or Saturday. Maybe we can get together a 2+2 6 handed tourney, like $100 + 20? They might run it.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2011 , 10:32 PM
Web, you sure the posts you lost weren't the ones about you heading up there? :-) and I'm not saying Floyds didnt have hot women etc.... Just I had three or four excellent meals there.

Harvest is good, if you go lunchtime (sat at 3-4 when the room is switching over into nightside drunk fest) we go around then and pay the lower price... Def value there. Loved it when we got food coupons in the mail for harvest, worth the price of admission.

But back to poker.... How juicy do you all think the games will get with the 50 HR promo? I never really got out there for the WPT Beau promo because of school/work, but thinking of making a run perhaps 1/2 or 1/3 grinding. Games any better or worse than normal?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-28-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by joansing
Have you eaten at the Harvest Buffet deal there? Every time I go its packed and not a seafood fan so I end up skipping it.
The Fresh Harvest Buffet is only $15 for lunch with Players Club Card, but has less seafood (I believe) than the $22 dinner (with card), so maybe that might be worth it for you. The one time I had lunch there, it was OK, but I don't plan on going back.

I have eaten at the Green Room a couple of times and thought it was decent for a 24/7 cafe. Much better than the food court.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-28-2011 , 12:54 AM
How exactly do the poker comps work? I've got my card, of course, and give it to the dealer to log me in when I sit, but how much do you get? I play 1/2 if that matters. I'm sure I still haven't played enough there to generate much, but I'm just wondering. By the time I get there (70mi drive) I'm ready to sit and play, and once I'm done I head straight for the door to get back on the road, so I don't fool around enough to find this stuff out.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-28-2011 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
How exactly do the poker comps work? I've got my card, of course, and give it to the dealer to log me in when I sit, but how much do you get? I play 1/2 if that matters. I'm sure I still haven't played enough there to generate much, but I'm just wondering. By the time I get there (70mi drive) I'm ready to sit and play, and once I'm done I head straight for the door to get back on the road, so I don't fool around enough to find this stuff out.
Below 2/5nl you get .60/hour. 2/5nl and above you get $1/hour.
just swipe your card next to the atm in the poker room and hit promo status and it will tell you how much comp dollars you have and how many hours for any current promos going on.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
