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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24

01-04-2016 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck
Any of ya'll have any idea what the average win rate is at 1/2 and 1/3? I'm considering a move to Tampa to play low stakes.
Ugggggh...hate to be that guy but the games generally don't play deep enough and the rake is too high to make a big profit.

IMO $2/5 is the way to go for a full-time grinder.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-05-2016 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by 85chickasaw
negative $10/hr according to my spreadsheet
I had to get my profit from someone....
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-05-2016 , 04:31 PM
Rake too high everyone solid
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-05-2016 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by lilwhaldo
Rake too high everyone solid
The game has gone full circle. Those who were once super crushers are now peasants in comparison. New meta.

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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-07-2016 , 09:17 AM
I played the 75/150 Stud and it was a full table for most of the day. We started at 10:45am on a Tues and played until ~6:30pm

Was gonna play the 50/100 OE game but fishies swam off to PLO before I could get there
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-07-2016 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by 85chickasaw
negative $10/hr according to my spreadsheet
You may not be making the appropriate advanced mathematical adjustments to your spreadsheet to determine the winrate that most accurately reflects the truly great poker player you know you are. Obviously you cannot allow bizarre mathematical aberrations to negatively affect your true winrate. Therefore, when creating and maintaining a database of poker results, it is both necessary and required, when faced with a data entry that has a large negative number based upon a river suckout of 4 outs or less, that you must immediately discard that data set and start your data tracking anew.

This will result in your true winrate, reflective of your true talents. In other words, whenever a bad session drags your winrate into negative territory, and the bad session wasn't your fault(is it ever?) then start over. I can say that I have personally found this to be an effective method for giving myself valid feedback.

It can be a bit time consuming though, setting up new databases. But I'm only on my fourth new database for 2016, so I can see that this year is going to be great!
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-08-2016 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Lord_Strife
I played the 75/150 Stud and it was a full table for most of the day. We started at 10:45am on a Tues and played until ~6:30pm

Was gonna play the 50/100 OE game but fishies swam off to PLO before I could get there
I'd have figured a game like this would have happened at Derby, not Hard Rock.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-11-2016 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by machi5
I'd have figured a game like this would have happened at Derby, not Hard Rock.
Hard Rock is certainly better for snow birds

We played 50/100 16-game mix at Derby last Monday... and while they treated us fine at Derby, we were just pretty confident nobody was going to sit and join in on the game
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-11-2016 , 12:28 PM
They didn't have the game listed on their board at Derby that Monday. I was there, saw the table, and just assumed it was a private PLO game. (I wouldn't play above 20/40 anyway, so I didn't miss out.) I agree that you wouldn't expect many randoms to just pop in, but I guess it couldn't have hurt to have it listed on the board/website.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-13-2016 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by fuluck
Any of ya'll have any idea what the average win rate is at 1/2 and 1/3? I'm considering a move to Tampa to play low stakes.
I dont have a large sample size, but the games are incredibly soft from my short time grinding live at the HR, up 12BI over the last few weeks and have run into exactly one player i didnt want to play a pot with, its been an aquarium elsewhere
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2016 , 09:30 AM
Whenever I go here I only play poker, and I know the casino doesn't like that at all. Does anyone know how much money you need to run through or how much play time you need to sit through at a blackjack table in order to get mailers for some food or free play comps? If they don't only send out comps based on the amount you've lost, is there some point where the offered comps will be more than the house edge (of 'perfect', non-counted BJ), or is it always a -EV idea? Would it be enough to run through, say $100 or so just to get on their list, or do you need to run through a few thousand to get anything?
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2016 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by K.Tanner
Whenever I go here I only play poker, and I know the casino doesn't like that at all. Does anyone know how much money you need to run through or how much play time you need to sit through at a blackjack table in order to get mailers for some food or free play comps? If they don't only send out comps based on the amount you've lost, is there some point where the offered comps will be more than the house edge (of 'perfect', non-counted BJ), or is it always a -EV idea? Would it be enough to run through, say $100 or so just to get on their list, or do you need to run through a few thousand to get anything?
It would be impossible for anybody in this forum to answer this... But let us know with a trip report
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-26-2016 , 02:03 PM
2-3 years ago they'd do a mailer with "free drink" coupon 1 per week as well as a match play blackjack or free bet depending on your rating.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-27-2016 , 06:39 AM
I can't speak to recent comps, but a few years ago I would get a few $100-200 match play coupons a month from BJ play, plus anytime I wanteda buffet or restaurant comp they would write it up for me. But I played $100-$300 a hand, but usually short sessions of an hour or two or so. The thing about comps is it's not based on what you lose, but a formula with your average bet times your hours of play. So win or lose you'd get the comps.

I've seen guys walk up to the BJ table, buy in for two or three thousand, lose it in 5 minutes and then ask the pit boss for a room. It was all he could do to keep from laughing. But my experience is old, so I can't say for sure what you would get now.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
01-31-2016 , 07:38 AM
I remember when they changed the comp system back in October that they said that the hourly comps would no longer be paid from the jackpot drop but rather by the casino, thus freeing up more money for promos. But I didn't notice any particular increase in the promos.

Looks like in Feb it may finally be taking effect with $400 high hands on weekdays and $800 hot seats on weekends. Plus $300 for 100 hours of play. I know for all the top notch EV masters who play at THR promos don't really affect you. But for people like me who rely on hitting promos for our winning sessions, it's a welcome increase in payouts!
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
02-11-2016 , 03:56 PM
Bravo app hasn't had games/lists for THR for the past 2 days. Weird.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
02-11-2016 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by machi5
Bravo app hasn't had games/lists for THR for the past 2 days. Weird.
Works fine for me, 13 $1/2 games, 5 $2/5 games, one $5/5 PLO going currently.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
02-22-2016 , 08:52 PM
How's the current plo economy ? Thriving or dying ? Planning a vaca would this casino be the best in Florida for 5-5 5-10 plo? And does plo8 ever run here ? If not does LO8 run and at what limits?
Thanks guys
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
02-25-2016 , 10:06 AM
Download Bravo app for current game conditions.

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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
02-25-2016 , 10:25 AM
I see the games on bravo just wondering how the money is. Drying up ? Short buyers? Mostly good regs ? Etc.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
02-25-2016 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by iTzLifestyle
I see the games on bravo just wondering how the money is. Drying up ? Short buyers? Mostly good regs ? Etc.
Full range of players. Lots of bad regs. Some notable fish have been missing in action though
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
02-26-2016 , 09:58 PM
action been great lately. I personally feel the hot seat promo is better than high hand promo, gives 2/5 and higher games better chances to actually hit some unexpected bonus money plus they put it right on the table in play.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
02-26-2016 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by PeopleMover
action been great lately. I personally feel the hot seat promo is better than high hand promo, gives 2/5 and higher games better chances to actually hit some unexpected bonus money plus they put it right on the table in play.
Where have you been? I haven't seen ya

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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
03-06-2016 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by iTzLifestyle
I see the games on bravo just wondering how the money is. Drying up ? Short buyers? Mostly good regs ? Etc.
Less than 10 good regs in all of Tampa. Tons of people playing for a living here would not even be able to breakeven on the west coast or online.

Originally Posted by PeopleMover
action been great lately. I personally feel the hot seat promo is better than high hand promo, gives 2/5 and higher games better chances to actually hit some unexpected bonus money plus they put it right on the table in play.
False. Just the other day some SSS nit who had been sitting with a <$50 stack on a 2/5 for over 2 hours won the hot seat for a grand and pockets every single black chip. Truly a cringeworthy sight.

Needless to say when he got stacked the whole table erupted in celebration. They need to force the chips to stay in play for the sake & longevity of the game.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
03-06-2016 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by ForJangus
Less than 10 good regs in all of Tampa. Tons of people playing for a living here would not even be able to breakeven on the west coast or online.

False. Just the other day some SSS nit who had been sitting with a <$50 stack on a 2/5 for over 2 hours won the hot seat for a grand and pockets every single black chip. Truly a cringeworthy sight.

Needless to say when he got stacked the whole table erupted in celebration. They need to force the chips to stay in play for the sake & longevity of the game.
He is going to leave even faster if you make him put the 1k on the table. He continued to play while he waited the 30 minutes to get the 1k.

Or he can go "eat" and come back in a half an hour and buy in short again. It's live poker. It happens everywhere.

We had a guy win and instantly get up and sit at an empty table and wait 30 minutes for his 1k yesterday.

They can stand up the minute they win it.

Shouldn't make a difference to you since there are "less than 10 good regs in all of Tampa".

Last edited by onesteptheface; 03-06-2016 at 07:26 PM.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino (Tampa, FL) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2019.11.24 Quote
