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06-06-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Munga30
Yes, miserable people are miserable, but you're overreacting. Rabbit hunting doesn't happen at 20/40 either.
Rabbit hunting is a silly waste of time, and the dealers have all been instructed not to rabbit hunt, in every game. So if you request to see the river card in a normal loud conversational tone, most will not show it. However, if you very quietly ask to see it, many will "accidently" flash it to you, unless there's a floor standing within a few feet.

Last edited by MJ88; 06-06-2011 at 12:17 PM.
06-06-2011 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Munga30
Yes, miserable people are miserable, but you're overreacting. Rabbit hunting doesn't happen at 20/40 either.
It's not like rabbit hunting is common practice in casinos, stop slowing the game down and think about how they likely view you in the same regard that you view them.
06-06-2011 , 01:30 PM
haha I just came across this article... we all know changes are coming but it seems like this guy is serious -

"To get at this core customer base, Butera said Foxwoods is competing with everything people might spend money on: movies, restaurants, parents buying their children back-to-school clothes. That’s all money that could be spent at Foxwoods."
06-06-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
haha I just came across this article... we all know changes are coming but it seems like this guy is serious -

"To get at this core customer base, Butera said Foxwoods is competing with everything people might spend money on: movies, restaurants, parents buying their children back-to-school clothes. That’s all money that could be spent at Foxwoods."
I was reading the article, and was fine up until the statement you quoted. I'm thinking "really?" To me, the logic in his statement doesn't really make sense. That insomuch referring to back-to-school clothes, movies or other smaller expenditures. Not that there aren't serious degenerates out there, but honestly how many parents are thinking "I can either spend $200 on school clothes right now for Tommy, or hit that Let-it-Ride table and hope I get that Royal Flush....etc." To me, that's dealing with a whole different aspect of gambling, and focusing on the wrong group. You want people who have disposable income, even if it's only $100, $200, $300... and don't mind if they lose it. The cost between 1 or 2 people seeing a movie is far less than what's being spent at a casino (at least for now .

He's definitely right about the people within 90 minutes, though. Keep the incentives going for them, even ramp it up. How about tiered points (as in the free weekly points) based on how much you play in a given month. For instance 0-5 hours might 5 points per week for next months offer; 06-15hours might get 10pts/weekly offer; and 16-25 hours 15 points, etc. Then, to a certain point anything roughly "Full-time" say 37hours+ has something additional or completely different. Not ground-breaking, I know. But, with "changes that are coming" I hope they're not negatively impacting the poker aspect. We'll see...

P.S. As a side note, I got my weekly points offer for July already, assuming others did? But, no room offers. : ( Which sucks, considering I've been playing there more in the past few months than I have all last year. Blech. Naja.

Last edited by CaptObvious; 06-06-2011 at 02:15 PM. Reason: checked FW acct...
06-06-2011 , 02:40 PM
I got my July weekly points too, actually got a hand full of new junk offered to me as well including a desk fan and a outdoor serving set, still no free rooms though which is all I really want lol
06-06-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
I got my July weekly points too, actually got a hand full of new junk offered to me as well including a desk fan and a outdoor serving set, still no free rooms though which is all I really want lol
That's good to hear. Perhaps my source was wrong about the weekly points going away for small-time gamers... that or executives reversed course on the decision.
06-06-2011 , 03:07 PM
might be heading up in a little bit... see you guys there...
06-06-2011 , 03:24 PM
has anyone here ever ??subletted?? an apartment for a month near foxwoods? i've been down the past 2 weeks but the drive is getting annoying even though i've stayed over 2 nights each time. would only be for the month of july as i'm planning on moving to boston to get a real job in august. any advice/info would be great. thanks.
06-06-2011 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by mcleod014
has anyone here ever ??subletted?? an apartment for a month near foxwoods? i've been down the past 2 weeks but the drive is getting annoying even though i've stayed over 2 nights each time. would only be for the month of july as i'm planning on moving to boston to get a real job in august. any advice/info would be great. thanks.
I'm honestly not sure about sublets. It depends really on how far out you want to drive. Depending on how much you pay, you could possibly talk to one of the local smaller "B&B" type lodging and tell them you want to stay for a month and if you could work out a price. They might be able to work something out. Otherwise, I'd check craigslist or something, but obviously be careful...
06-06-2011 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
That's good to hear. Perhaps my source was wrong about the weekly points going away for small-time gamers... that or executives reversed course on the decision.
Got first gas card offer this month. Hopefully it is not replacing my free rooms.

Usually get my offers about 7-10 days into the month.

Anyways, Vegas for me in 2 days!! Brag brag brag! Also have $100 per diem for food. Time to get fat(ter), and hopefully grow the bankroll.
06-06-2011 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by jbellfeins
It's not like rabbit hunting is common practice in casinos, stop slowing the game down and think about how they likely view you in the same regard that you view them.
If does slow the game down a bit, and puts the dealers in a tough spot since if a regular the dealer may flip it but not for a non regular (which could get that player upset.

There are only two players i don't mind the dealer showing.

1) someone that is giving the table action, and if he sees he may have hit, will call the next 10 times he is woefully behind and

2) Elmer Fudd, it's silly he even asks because he never catches that silly wabbit. (he is a typical plo8 player though, old and miserable, and never seems to catch a break)
06-06-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
If does slow the game down a bit, and puts the dealers in a tough spot since if a regular the dealer may flip it but not for a non regular (which could get that player upset.

There are only two players i don't mind the dealer showing.

1) someone that is giving the table action, and if he sees he may have hit, will call the next 10 times he is woefully behind and

2) Elmer Fudd, it's silly he even asks because he never catches that silly wabbit. (he is a typical plo8 player though, old and miserable, and never seems to catch a break)

Ha! Very true. The only time I (or my friends) every rabbit hunt is during home games. It's usually much more lax group. A casino is obviously a different story. While not always the case, generally I find the more people request/rabbit, let's say it's indirectly proportional to their skill set. . I usually find it ends up being more tilting for others than anything (which is of course fine ).
06-06-2011 , 05:17 PM
Also got my points offered to me for July along with Tickets to Legends (big whoop i say to that). Still no rooms. No mailer yet, but when that comes then I'll know if I got rooms or not.
06-06-2011 , 05:35 PM
I received points, assorted household appliances and tons of concert tickets for July but no rooms.
I hate Foxwoods
06-06-2011 , 05:59 PM
received july points too, june still not listed but june monthly card says get them and I did get them last week. no july rooms yet. I have 4 comped rooms, total 6 nights booked for rest of june.
06-06-2011 , 06:11 PM
Hey a I have a question to all the regs. I Sun-Thur rooms through July. The question is if I book one for June and only play poker will they take away the rest of the rooms from my promos or once they are there will they stay there no matter now much I book?
06-06-2011 , 06:12 PM
They'll stay.
06-06-2011 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by RobbyD
Hey a I have a question to all the regs. I Sun-Thur rooms through July. The question is if I book one for June and only play poker will they take away the rest of the rooms from my promos or once they are there will they stay there no matter now much I book?
Not really unless they run out of comp rooms so just bookem as soon as you get them and should be ok.
They have been random in the past and now what we here some changes being made no one knows for sure so if you got them go book them asap
06-06-2011 , 06:18 PM
If anyone knows its Lattimer
06-06-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
They'll stay.
Thank you,

I don't know when I can go yet. But I may as well take advantage of them before they cut me off!

I played a lot of Blackjack with my card-counting friend. All I do on my own is poker. So once I go and only play poker I am so getting cut off!
06-06-2011 , 06:38 PM
If I recall correctly, didn't they cut rooms off last summer too? So this really should be a 2 month hiatus from free rooms.
06-06-2011 , 06:47 PM
rooms ended up showing up for me
06-06-2011 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
rooms ended up showing up for me
That is because you are the worst. Probably why they showed up for me, too.
06-06-2011 , 09:55 PM
I have been sweating the free rooms for days now. Haven't gotten the offer email, but I checked on my offers on the Foxwoods site and they were there for July along with 15 points a week.

Let the August sweat begin.

Even better they have rooms available.

Last edited by Pisan; 06-06-2011 at 09:57 PM. Reason: forgot the best part
06-07-2011 , 12:21 AM
I received the room and point offers I expected but according to the june and july room offer codes my rating has dropped, assuming A is best. Anyone else notice that too?
