I've just played a session that has put me in a great mood about where my poker (and mental) game is at the moment. I headed home after work and got changed and went up to the casino. I got into my usual £1/1 game and proceeded to run awfully, missing every flop, unable to get a cbet through and being generally on the negative side of variance.
At one point I was in for £400, sitting on £150 and called an all in against a player on a 3 spade board with top pair, top kicker, knowing he was on a draw (he has a stone cold read, not something I've picked up on many regular players). He ended up getting there (not by hitting a spade funnily enough) and I was down £350 and pretty demoralised.
So often in this spot I've decided to take the easy way out and call it an evening, I'd been playing for 7 hours or so and had been awake for nearing 24 hours. However, I really felt that I was one of the stronger players in the game; I could see people getting tired quicker around me and there was a lot of money on the table. I resolved to stick it out and keep playing my A-game and ended up cashing out for £665 (in for £400) after a 12 hour session.
I know this isn't the most epic busto to robusto story but I felt so validated in my ability to stick out tough variance and beat a +ev game when I'm stuck reasonably deep. I know this won't happen every time I'm down but I was really pleased with my attitude and approach to the second half of the session, firstly the slow grind back to even the the small rush of cards that got me ahead.