Weekly update!
Pretty good week, will be putting in more live volume over the next month as I go for the loyalty freeroll at the Vic, still getting in 30-45 mins of PLO online in the mornings.
Overall update - Last weeks figures in parentheses:
Live bankroll: £2245 (£2,219)
Online bankroll: $204.08 ($193.81)
Life roll savings: £0
Live Sessions:
29/9 - +£68 2hrs 59mins
30/9 - -£198 2hrs 33mins
3/10 - +£264 12hrs 6mins
5/10 - -£93 2hrs 48mins
Total: +£41 20hrs 26 mins
PLO Challenge graph:
Really wanting to have a better week all around this week. Had a couple really average live sessions when every pot I raised first in I missed or had 2+ callers and cbetting would just be punting money. Online I'm sure I'm playing badly, I need to study more and spew a lot less!